HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00024375From: Culpepper, Linda [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=73D475CBAE324A29B87E171IDC9A79C5-UNCULPEPPER] Sent: 8/10/I0I72:55:I8PW1 To: Risen, Amy ][/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=f72O96b57ee847cOa13f73dIO6edfe86-ajrisen];Sodreau,Jessica [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=754d9%66f4]445529e889%4%Oaa44e1-jcgodreau] Subject: RE: SenXRoundup for 8/9/17 Thank you. Jessica has been researching what NJ is doing. UndaCu|pepper Deputy Director Division wWater Resources North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality 1611Mail Service. CenLer pnnne�919'7079011 From: Risen, Amy J Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 8:23 AM Hi Linda, I have some information that might help DEQ with items mentioned below (and highlighted). During the E0Smeeting, Gloria Post of NJmentioned NJ isworking ondrinking water levels for emerging PFASs. NJ had an interim drinking water level for perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA). There was a recent announcement to the NJ register for public comments on a permanent IVICL for PFNA. Gloria sent me some links to documentation (below). NUDEP August 7 Proposed Regulation b0adopt and revise the MU Private Well Testing Act etc' Notice: Proposal: The Basis and Background for the proposed K4[Ls are the NU Drinking Water Quality Institute recommendation document at NOTE: The Drinking Water Quality Institute PFOAK4[Lrecommendation documents are also copied below, but N]DEPhas not yet proposed anK4[Lfor PFOA. Recommendations for Maximum Contaminant Levels PerflUorooctanoic Acid, March3817 o ------------------------------------------------ o Appendix C - Addendum to Appendix C: Recommendation on Perfluorinated o Appendix D :�__R�sppnses bo Com-m-e-n-tso-n D_W_Q1 Health Effects Sub -committee Report;__ . OcCoberZO16 o 8ppe]dix 8-Addendum tn Health -based Maximum Contaminant Level Support Document for 1,3,3-Trich|oropropane(DVVQ{,388y) o Appendix - Report on the Development of Practical Duantitation Limit (POL) 1,2,3 Trich|oropropane n 8ppeDd|lLC-Supp|ementtotheTreatmantSubcommitteaMCLSupportDocumentfor 1,2,3-Trich|oropropane Perfluorononanoic ,Ju|y2U1S o Appendix 8-Hea|Ch 8asedMaximumContaminantLave|SupportDocument: PerOuorononanoicAcid (PFNA) o Appendix - Report on the development of Practical Duantitation Level for PerOuorononanoicAcid (PFN/\) o Appendix LC- Recommendation on PerUuorinatad Compound Treatment Options for Drinking Water MUDEP April 3 Proposed Regulation to adopt Ground Water Quality Standards for PFNA and other contaminants that currently have interim ground water standards NOTICE: Proposal and Basis and Background: (last row oftable atthis link) From: Shehee, Mina To: Risen, Amy ] Dittman, Elizabeth Holt, Kennedy Pritchett, RU From: Culpepper, Linda Sent: Wednesday, August U9,2Ol71l:41AM To: [u|ton,[obey Cc: Benton, Mark Cohen, Mandy Coleman, Scott Holman, Sheila ; Jones, Jim Kritzer, Jamie K4ackey, Chris Moore, Zack ;Popkin,8enRegan, Michael S ; Shehee Mina ; Staley, Danny Talley, Noe||eS �Tar�]eremy�� Weiner, >; Young, Christen Linke< Subject: RE: GenXRoundup for D/9/17 Edhsbe|mw-mainitemisthatwehavenotreceivedEPAtest for the sampling from week 6. Thank you. Linda Culpepper Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department ofEmimnmenta�Oua|by 1611Mad Service CenLer Phone: 919-707-9014 a""�om�&o���/��mp�� From: [ukon,[obey Sent: Wednesday, August U9,2Ol711:32AM Cc: Benton, Mark ; Cohen ,Mandy Coleman, Scott <Scott [u|peppe�Unda [u|ton,[obey �Ho|man,�hei|a ;]one�Jim � Kritzer, Jamie K4ackey, Chris Moore, Zack �Popkin,Ben� �Regan,��ichae|5 � Shehee Mina Staley, Danny TaUe�NoeUeS ; Tarr, Jeremy K8 Weiner, Sadie ; Young, Christen Unke< Subject: GenXRoundup for O/9/17 Activity: Conference Call xJ 9:30 a.m. call: DEQ, DHHS, Local Health Departments x4 New/Emerging Issues from 8:30 a.m. Call: * DE[\has received full Week 6test results from the 4EPA and TestAmerica.All finished water samples remain below the health goal of 140 ppt. DE[\ plans to proceed with a brief DEO-only release today about the results — see attached. This is the last week of results for testing during Chemours' vinyl ether production run (it stopped July 28). Secretary Regan is doing an interview today with Jonathan Rodriguez, CBS North Carolina, on the legislative budget request from DEQ/DHHS. DE(lis also working responses to some permit- and compliance -related questions for the Wilmington Business Journal. The Environmental Management Commission (EMC) will be having a meeting the second Wednesday of September about GenX. Initially, it looked like they wanted someone from the health side, but now all indications are that someone from the EPA lab in RTP will present at the meeting and talk about methods, technology, etc. for GenX testing. Dr. Knappe will be at the meeting and will be asked for input. Update — 0 Staff in DE(Xs Division of Water Resources received a flyer this week from the Cape Fear River Assembly, Sustainable Sandhills and UNC-Wilmington. Those three entities are coordinating three meetings in September atdifferent universities todiscuss water quality concerns, climate resilience, flooding, storm water and more. Meetings are set for Sept 26 (Bon), Sept. 27 (Fayetteville State) and Sept. 28 (UNC'VVi|minBton). Input from 9:30 a.m. Call: w LHDswere OKwith apress release today onthe Week Gresults. have a conversation with DEQ this afternoon. Discussion about some raw samples that are lower than finished samples. Possible reasons for the difference include the time ktakes for the raw water toget tothe treatment facility. There was a question about the effectiveness of reverse osmosis in removing GenX from water. The Division of PubUcHea|thisnotreadytotakeanypositionsonfi|tradonmethodsintheabsenceofpeer'review/ed,pub|ished data. Activities for the Day & Week: ° DE[\tosend press release onWeek 6results w DED/DHHStofinalize external [i&Am/ith internal reviews in each department Federal Update: w The EPA has been asked to participate in a conference call with the congressional delegation from NC (federal level) between 12-1 p.m. today. They will be asking what the EPA is doing for the state, and the focus will be big - picture. w DHHS has been in contact with the CDC, mainly about questions DHHS will be submitting to CD about GenX and other compounds. * The Department ofDefense will be visiting Marine Corps Outlying Field Atlantic (Marine Corps facility in Carteret County) to have an open house about contamination inwater sources, specifically as it relates tofirefighting foam and PFOA/PFOS. ATSDR has been requested by the DoD to attend the open house. Division of Public Health was given aheads uponthis event. Nodate has been set. Cobey Cultoo Press Assistant Office of Communications North Carolina Department nfHealth and Human Services 9198564848 office 101Blair Drive, AdmmsBuilding 2081 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC270G9-20Q1 BneJc���a ��oe�asdi�m��a��ao�a�����s �aun8na�ub�n/�eco/�oLam/aa�snaybad��ooed6o�r�dpsubsa, Twitter�YouTube Ernaii correspondence to and frorn this, address is subject to the North Carolina pUNic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disdosure ofjuvenfle' health, legally pnvileged' or otherme mnfidentia| inmrmabon, including confidential information relating to an ongoing