Sent: 8/9/20I79:20:17PM
To: K8orh*McLawhom,8hdXetteR[/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV:Assistance with Treatment Technology
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
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From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, August O9,ZU175:Z0PIVI
To: 'Speth,Thomas' xSpethJhomas@epa.8ov>;AUenbach,Becky «AUenbach.8ecky@epa.8ov>;Gilliland, Alice
Subject: RE: Assistance with Treatment Technology
Thank you for your support. I'll have a meeting invitation sent out for a conf. call with Carolyn Moser, Pender County
Health Director,
and Jim F|echtner, Executive Dir. with the Cape Fear Public Water Utility, to start the conversation.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department uJEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
kmx�Qvm8 o;��m�000v�ia*m�malbo-��okse` «1len
From: 5peth,Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, August D9,2U174:44PM
To: AUenbach,Becky lie ; Gilliland, Alice
Cc: Culpepper, Linda <
Subject: RE: Assistance with Treatment Technology
We can, and I know Dr. Knappe very well, and have been talking to him about a joint project anyway.This may work out
Thomas F.5peth,Ph.D,Pl
Division Director
Water Systems Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
26VVest Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH45J68
From: /U|enbach,Becky
Sent: Wednesday, August U9,2Ol74:12PK8
To: Speth, Thomas Gilliland,
Cc: Culpepper, Linda
Subject: RE: Assistance with Treatment Technology
Yes and we know that Dr. Knappe with NC State is also a resource. DO we do such things as pilot studies?
From: Speth, Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, August 9,Z0174:OZPK4
To: AUenbach,Becky ; Gilliland, Alice
Cc: Culpepper, Linda
Subject: RE: Assistance with Treatment Technology
Sure, we would be glad to talk to them. As you are aware, their options are very limited. We will do our best to help.
Thomas F.Speth,PhD,P�.
Division Director
Water Systems Division
UI.Environmental Protection Agency
26West Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH45Z6O
From: /U|enbach,Becky
Sent: Wednesday, August O9 20173:59PM
Cc: Culpepper, Linda <
Subject: Assistance with Treatment Technology
We had a call today with representatives from local governments in North Carolina regarding Gen X.
They have asked for assistance with determining appropriate treatment technology at their facilities. Can you assist
with this or help direct them to the best place?