HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00024251From: Zimmerman, Jay [juy.zimmennanAyncdencgov
Sent: 8/8/20179:16:I8PyW
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Subject: Fw: DEQ, DHHS share budget request to protect water, ensure long-term monitoring, analysis and enforceme
Attachments: ATT00001.txt;ATT00002.txt
Just wanted to share the latest with all ofyou concerning the Department's efforts to shore upour program and
tnhelp uadoobetter job protectingour water resources. Keep upthe good work and feel free tolet noe know if
you have any concerns orquestions.
From: Jamie Kritzer <jamie.kritzer@ncdenc8ov>
Sent: Tuesday, August O,ZU172]Z:S4PM
To: Zimmerman, Jay
Subject: DEQ, DHHS share budget request to protect water, ensure long-term monitoring, analysis and enforceme
Roy Cooper, Governor
Date: Aug. 8, 2017
Contact: Jamie Kritzer; Chris Mackey
Michael S. Regan, Secretary
D0Q, DHHS sharc budgct rcqucst tnprotect water, uonunolong-term monitoring, analysis and cnYoruunmcnt
,�inmJ0/IDE)has seen approximately 70 positions eliminated that once the permitting, compliance and
RAJLEDG|0—lnresponse totheongoing investigation into the (�en}�and water inthe Cape Fear
(�xvon�orCooper announced Ub�the Dopudneuio[ and Department ofHealth and Human Services
would request critical to support additional scientists, engineers and health professionals to ensure water testing and
protection statewide.
D80and DHHShave been intouch with the legislators from the affected counties and they received uletter from Secretary
Mandy Cohen and Secretary Michael Regan earlier today outlining the details ofthe request. That letter can bcread here.
"North Carolina families deserve tohave confidence in their drinking water. We have deployed our experts to address the
immediate concerns in the Lower Cape Fear region, but because of cuts over the last few years, long-term solutions will take
more resources than our department currently has. 8iocritical that nohave the engineers and environmental specialists
necessary ioput science first ioprotect our vvaier," said DB(}Secretary Michael Regan.
Since Z0|3,DB0has seenapproximately ?Opositions eliminated that once supported the permitting, compliance and
enforcement programs. DEQ is responsible for monitoring 38,000 miles of waterways.
"This legislation would allow DHBSWcreate oWater Health and Safety Unit Wenhance our understanding of unregulated
compounds and protect DonUiea` drinking notor" said DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen.
The legislation contains appropriations to the state agencies as follows:
Wutcrand public hcubh; DuyurtnocntofHcubhand Human 8crviccn,S53#,839
Resources tostand upuWater Health and Safety unit inthe Division ofPublic Health that would include additional
specifically on water quality.
* Medical risk assessor, uphysician -who hasexperience with poisoningand environmental
* PhD horesearch and rov�n�oruJubbabud�uand 1brnmJ�ostrategies io ' �ehmnd�|hodd/oO�c�;
w Informatics/ boorganize data and (oarrive uicausation o{harm;
Health educator, to establish adequate public notifications and provide educational materials and briefings to the public.
Water quality monitoring, permitting; Dcpudmcntof Environmcntal QuuNvS2,049,569
Funding for water sampling for the presence of GcnX byDEQ atucost of $|4,000per week for afull year
(currently the cost iobeing funded hvthe corporation and performed bvthe Environmental Protection Agency and
private labs onotime-limited bmdo).
Staff for the Division o[Water Resources: Already ubacklog ofwastewater pormdooxiNs,and the rovmwt�uocan
take uuknuzostwo yeum.Th�`siooknuz|orUbnnub�omndindustry. Adding experts would Rive us more thorough and
timely review.
o Four Engineers, threeEnvironmental Specialists, two Environmental Senior Specialists, two Hydrogeologists.
two Program Consultants, oBusiness Technology Analyst and two Chemist III (n strengthen the Division o[
Water Resources so it can address unregulated compounds in the water discharge permitting program and
allow more frequent sampling and faster evaluation.
o These water quality scientists and experts like hydrogeologists and chemists would work with local
governments to idcntilv where contaminants occur and where they come from.
n Move the perm its from paper copies to an electronic database to integrate wastewater, drinking water and
groundwater information and allow for easy searches.
The legislation would also direct theEnvironmental Review Commission tostudy whether there should boonexemption to the
so-called "Hardison mnendo/ou[`that prevents the state from enacting stricter standards than the federal government.
Inthe letter, Regan and Cohen ask legislators to authorize the request during the General Assembly's September session.
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