HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00024169From: Culpepper, Linda [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=73D475CBAE324A29B87E171IDC9A79C5-UNCULPEPPER] Sent: 8/8/20I7I2:04:23AM To: Zimmerman, Jay [/h=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=56]d8I453bd54ebf8587IIa7b]1d6cdf-sjzimmerman] Subject: FVV:Contact list 6enX Linda Culpepper Deputy Director Division of Water Resources North Carolina DepartmentofEnvimnmenta|Quality 1611Mail Service Center �o�/�umx w�xu�R0000�ca�u,�maybo��v�n���No�»w��n From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Wednesday, August OJ,ZU179:OlAM To: Mackey Chris <Chris.K4ackey@dhhs.ncBov>; Munger, Bridget <bridget.munger@ncdenr.Bov>;Young, Sarah <uarah.youn0@ncdenr.8ov>;Kritzer, Jamie ^jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.8ov>;Culpepper, Linda ^1indazu|pepper@nodenr.gov> Subject: Contact list GenX Here's the DEQ contact list for local officials (public health, elected, non -elected officials, and utilities). This way everyone has kfor future use. Please forward to folks in your shops as you see fit. Pender[ounty Rande||Woodruff, County Manager Carolyn Moser, DHHSDirectur, Tammy Proctor, P0, Melissa Long, Clerk for the PenderCounty Commissioner Board Chris [oudriet,NH[Manager New Hanover County Ruth Smith ]essicaLoeper UndseyHaUock PhiUipTarte Michael Cramer' Tim Owens Nancy Avery Woody White, B|aden[ounty Le �vjard�s('@blla�denco,�org OEQ-CFVV_00024169 Brunswick County County Manager Ann Hardy: ann.har yi .................. gasp Health and Human Services Executive Director David Stanley: air :*stanle .(i',bruriswickcount�,n ..�aov Health Director Cris Harrelson: Public Information Officer Amanda Hutcheson: Arilanda.h€etcheson@brL€nswickc,ountync.�xov Mike Trainor communications: ............................................................................................................ Wilmington City Manager Sterling Cheatham:.crlr.€F:€yilr Deputy City Manager Tony Caudle. ton.ca€dle$ vsilrintonnc. o Deputy City Manager Richard King: Pi.herd.€n��zrilrnin#�tonnc.o Communications Manager Malissa Talbert: ahssaAalbe 1:l i g r r c.g .............. .............................. "beth.eckE-,,rt@)g" ya.--" <hc-th.eckert@ € fPua.or€s>, II�)wFjlke€-@h2 d:€gL€ !ine,corr'11° <bwalkery�_CL`��`32 �'i3 i31`3line,f;d:€€'i>, Ili"�i`�€�[? 1cfwFj s,-),or.. 11 <(Jon{( lcf�r`sFr s .€. r >, Il.�:i`��;1€: n s�'�$:€."3�,p+11::€.o€'g" .........................................................................................................................x�.........................................................................................g........................................................................................................... <to�wens�@to��>, John Nichols <John.Nichols@brunswickco-rat roc. u >,"donajd.dixor�lo)hrL�ns�rjickcount mc.f--soy" <donal . ixon,ra) E. r s ....................... t trJr a cy> IIt I Et I EG .k rc E. r t ' c.: z y'° <Mmacl<ccz ;ctr .yy...... i .. y.... .1 2 yy y. i ...t....3...................... .................. x.Y y 113, �tfft..€I4r,fY.til �'fluSt(s' JK. r.t.3tf fll <15,Ftff+..€I .fY.til �'fluSt dt".t JS..r.�i.m>, II i.E(s'f �.ft id€F �i.V'4 •tfiF S.F L..€.I.SJri t11 <'C..it.�€��. �l3F rfX%%�'fluSt dt".t JS..f �i.m>, IIimichael,cra€-ner @caroli€ abeacf -�,or " <michael.cram erz ctaroli€ abeach om> lincoln,lmarr���ea,��,� rrarra€.�n.,da....�r�a.r Smith.Ern il ,.fie a. ov Jamie Kritzer Communications Director Department of Environmental Quality a19-707-8602 DEQ-CFW 00024170