HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00084781I D D
Via Federal Exp
ress and Email
Secretary Michael S. Regan
Department of Environmental Quality
217 West Jones Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Re: GenX in the Cape Fear River
Chemours NPDES Permit NCO003573
Dear Secretary Regan:
T 336.373.8850
F 336.378.1001
As you are aware, we are environmental counsel for the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
("CFPUA"). Pursuit to a Public Records Request, we have been reviewing the agency files related
to the above NPDES Permit. We have identified the attached two documents from those files
which specifically relate to the Agency's questions and knowledge about the use of the GenX at
the facilities covered by the NPDES Permit N0003573.
CFPUA finds these documents to be of great concern, especially the hand-written notes
that appear to have been taken during meetings with DuPont/Chemours representatives. We want
to make sure that we have not missed any related documents regarding these discussions between
the Permittee and DEQ (DENR). We request that you undertake a careful review to determine
what other documents in the Agency's files bear on the use of GenX at the facilities covered by
this NPDES Permit, and the representations of DuPont/Chemours regarding the same.
eorge W/House
cc: William Lane, General Counsel
Via Email
Writer's Direct Dial: Phone; 336-271-3114 Fax: 336-232-9114 ahoLise@brookspierce.com
Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
�w� Th��:��,�
BeInick, Tom
From: Michael E Johnson [Michael. E.Johnson@USA.dupont.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:30 AM
To: Beinick, Tom
Cc: Henson, Belinda; Brower, Connie; Poupart, Jeff, Moore, Sandra; Chernikov, Sergei
Subject, RE: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times
DWM-has reserved the large DOT conference room on the second floor of their building at 401
Oberlin Road for Thursday, AugusF 26th, at --:-- p.m.
If you park in the parking lot at that building,
to get a parking pass and then place it on your
the ron �\r�JLWIDLS _enter, then you si
you need to go into the DWM reception area
lashboard. 11jou park across the street in
ve that step but onger
r w171 ask DWM to have a conference pnmz
Thank you for agreeing to meet with DuEgptn'
Michael E. Johnson
Environmental Manag
DuPont Company
Fayetteville Works
(910) 678-1155 1
set up for you to call.
( V
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tveAA1 M ti
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DEQ-CFW 00084783
'!Brower, Connie"
<connie.brower@ncdenr.gov>, "Moore,
Sandra" <sandra.moore@ncdenr.gov>,
"Henson, Belinda"
RE: Meeting with DuPont -
ovailable D9tx_-_&—T4,aes
Mike- it has been a long time! Looks like Aug 26 or Aug 30 would be preferable, with Aug 18
a possibility. DWQ staff would include Jeff Poupart (Point Source Branch), Sergei Chernikov
and myself (NPDES), Connie Brower and Sandra Moore (Standards), and Belinda Henson
(Fayetteville Regional office). Belinda would prefer to be voiced in. Let me know if thi's
works out.
Tom Belnick
Supervisor, Complex NPDES Permitting Unit NC DENR/Division of Water Quality
1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
(919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-6495
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Publ
Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. i
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael E Johnson [mailto:Michael.E.Johnson@USA.dupont.com]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 2:23 PM
To: Belnick, Tom
Subject: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times
Hello. It has been a long time since we have talked. I see you are the supervisor of the
NPDES Permitting Unit, so congratulations on that new position.
The DuPont Company would like to have a meeting with NCDENR to discuss how the company is
progressing on its goal to cease manufacturing PFOA at the Fayetteville Works site by 2015,
and to discpss the PFOA replacement compound that is being produced at the Fayetteville Works
The two divisions with the greatest interest in these topics would be DWQ because of (1) the
current activity of the NC Science Advisory Board to propose a permanent 2L standard for
PFOA, (2) the DuPont - Fayetteville Works' current monitoring requirement for PFOA on our
NPDES Permit, and (3) general interest in the toxicology of the replacement compound; and
the Division of Waste Management ("DWM") because of (1) the current groundwater monitoring
program for PFOA and (2) general interest in the toxicology of the replacement compound.
. '.
Therefore/ I am attempting to schedule a joint m 6tinA1x1th DuPont, DW0, and DWM at a
mutually convenient dade, time/ and location in Raleigh.
From the DWQ standpoint, I would think personnel from the NPDES unit would be appropriate
because of the potential permitting subject matter, and personnel dealing with toxicology
(Connie Brower and/or Sandra Moore) would be appropriate because of the 2L rule. obviously
this meeting would be open to anyone in DWQ that would have interest in these topics, such as
Coleen Sullins.
August 13
August 18
August 20
August 26
August 27
August 30
Please let me know which of the above dates (and times) that would be convenient for [W0, and
I will.work with DWM to pin down a date/ time, and location. Also give me an idea of the
number of DWQ personnel to expect to help with the meeting room. -
Thanks for your assistance.
Michael E. Johnson
Environmental Manager
DuPont Company
Fayetteville Works
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Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Pnrtugues Japanese Chinese Korean
BeInick, Tom
Meeting with DuPont
DWM Oberlin Rd
Thu 8/26120101:OOPM
Thu 812612010 3:00 PM
Meeting Status:
Meeting organizer
BeInick, Tom
Required Attendees: Chernikov, Sergei; Brower, Connie; Moore, Sandra; Poupart, Jeff, Henson, Belinda
Meeting with DuPont Fayetteville Works (Mike Johnson) at DWM to discuss PFOA phase -out and replacement.
Belinda- we will voice you in from DWM,
0 A
k!Wck, Tom
Fronoz 8onick.Tom
Sent: .2O1O7:23AM
To: 'Michael,E Johnson'
Co: Henson, Belinda; Brower, Connie; Pou ed Jeff; Moore, Sandra; Qhmrnihov.Sarge|
Subject: RE: Meeting with DuPont ' Available Dates &Times
Mike- this should work mk. If DWM cannot get a confierence room` let me know so Z can look at
what might be available in the Archdale Building.
Tom BeInick,
Supervisor, Complex NPDBPermitting Unit NC DENR/Division of Water Quality.
1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N[ 27699-1617
(919) 807-6390; fax (919) 887-6495 '
E-mail correspondence to and from thi` address may be subject to the North Carolina Public
Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties.
Message ----
From: Michael E]ohnson [maiIto:MichoeI.E,]ohnson@U5A.dupont.com]_
Sent: Tuesday/ July 20, 2818 1;56 PM
To: BeInick^ Tom
Cc: Henson, Belinda; Brower' Connie; Poupaft, Jeff; Moore, Sandra; [hernikov/ SerQei
Subject: RE: Meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Time§
Tom, et al:
Thank you for the very quick response.
Would the afternoon of August 26th be okay with everyone, say starting at 1:00 p.m
Assuming there is an available conference room there, would you all be agreeable to meet A
the DWM Bldg at 401 Oberlin Road (across the street from the Cameron Village Shopping
Michael E. Johnson
Environmental Manager
DuPont Company
Fayetteville Works
Belnick, Tom"
Michael E Johnson/[L/ Pont
"Pnupart^ Jeff" .
"Chernihov, Sergei"
2- too S 73
d44 A 3
Beinick, Tom V1 Ar
Subject: Meeting with DuPont Fayetteville
Location: 9fcr
Stark: Wed 6/24/2015 1:30 PM
End: Wed 6/24/2016 kOo PM
Show Time As: Tentative
Recurrence., (none)
Meeting Status". Not yet responded
Organizer: Be , Inick, Tom --il'i'Mew
Required Attendees: Brower, Connie; Risgaard, Jon; Ventaloro, Christopher; Henson, Belinda
W Ne Jok-tsox w0j DuP*1xt F?yetteeville re�ueste
compound in Cape Fear River. 'Mike will also fly in a DuPont toxicologist, so meeting might be most relevant to
Standards staff (Connie/Chris) at this stage.
This is a tentative date/time. Please save.for now. I'll forward separate email I recelvedfrom EPA (Mark Strynar) on
their study.
&06 01
6*t,04 �4010 19 P-7Ared
A 0 V-.eLeWej —ep, v. tv ii-ew eosytr( C� Am--i4collf,611
fid Aomon ivm —1Zw )(I C o /7-) r,,i 4
Belnick, Tom
From: Johnson, Michael E <MICHAEL. E,JOHNSON@chemours,co
Sent- Monday, June 08, 2015 10:06 AM
To: BeInick, Tom
Subject: June 24th Meeting Attendance
Uor your information, the Chemours' personnel who will be attending the June 24th meeting are:
Shawn Gannon Research Toxicologist, Wilmington, DE
John Maisch Technology Manager, Fayetteville, NC. V
Kevin Garon Remediation Project Manager, Charlotte, NC
Michael Johnson Environmental Manager, Fayetteville, NC
Jon Msgaard
Connie Brower
Susan Massengale_�=,,
Tom Beluick
Michael E. Johnson, PE
Environmental Manager
The Chemours Company FC, LLC
CI`n-tum-ci� [&-�t *A;V
(910) 678-1155
This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be Privileged,
confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby'
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sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties.
BeInIck, Tom
Strynar, Mark <Strynar.Mark@epa.gov>
Thursday, June 04, 2015 4:16 PM
BeInick, Tom —
strynar contact
Nice to chat with you. Hereis the info I said I would send you.
3. My presentation from the AWWA meeting in April in Wilmington,
NC http://c.vmcdn.comLsites/www.ncsafewater.org/resource/collection/F6F34F34-COBC-479A-9F40-
Dr. Mark J. Strynar
Physical Scientist