HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00023715S1.313JECT- FROW THRU- TQ Per yo �Csultsfilr tile for the tour h and 2!" for ez� receiving and daily samples reported se. -rim concensw0r; WN'770 !-37ATFS ENVMR':0,,-iN!EN7AL RR.'i-07EC 7 .1, 0 N, A G E ,.0 Y % Jul�26. 2017 Rcsults lir (RmA Osk:�eks 4 & 5) NC W."Q Cap Nw F'Car Walens"d a m: p n ga 0 Unnothy J. F ucklev. F' us Division Aposwe Nleffiod, a", e-S"o, Jennitler Orm,�--/ava !eta. Linda Culpen-per, [Nrw; lair cm'k-'111 Division of 'Watcr P'-'sr�Uvcc North Carolina Depamment ol'F'nviroarnemal Quafiiy ir reques! of June 9. 2017, 1 as Pjead toy rovide you with the laboratory analysis �,onc�ntration oi'(l ii,X in crate sam.ples, collected b� NC DEQ� Fhz,,�,c results is md fifth wceks k�-'-rc receivoki h� cn.u- latxvatnr'.,on Jul� 14"" :h ofthese two nha3nd:�" of mvekl� szmplingIt is our understanding that we %%ill he malyAng swni-Ass trom one more week ol':mmnpling as well as,,.A')mc additional �'Tom be Clemours OutRall, Rcmults frmn thesc additional sampling rounds will be itel) as thcyl cones available. k%"e vvill also Tepon Scmi-quaraiwive ()faddifior,,l PFS analytes in a later repon. Each round of samplQ,,� cmmisted ol'a number ofsitcs selected Iq NC DF( Q that included as Way of "aterlypen cflllwnz, drinking, and w5l, umwN- Saftnpllme rounds 4 and 5 also included iid Hanks and pikes Wt were p0ded by our lal. 4mwry fi r quality o,-m;' ; l (QCj purposes, It is ou, understanding that duplicate sarnpics wre collmlA at evch site. One of Me duplicates was providod to our laboratory wilh the gecand sample being providcd, to 11 comract labmaory.Tem Amrica ,Denver. ColoradoL kv WX analyX In nnmds 4 and 5. Test Armerica £e:as a,,4prmidcd m,-ith field blanks and sj-.ikxs that %%en-pl-repanod by laboratory. Asults from thes,.: QC' sar"uples -'Ol paw,:ide the has,,> i'm t3mrpa�ing our wAls,%ilh lem America, Our laboratory to for this analysis are d scribcd in Sun of aT, 2016" an'd Sirytar etat. 20 1 V Fleemme (A'an flaflUre ofoUr - -ure Liquid , 'k U"ftra I In. h Press : sun'O' €- 1. M, B, Px�kcu.V Sonth C' Kn='1% OR€ mx-"-�n� xu' � g Wmawky skww="V4� nm %AV Ammmmy 5 WAK ka R=3 <4 Cxolma Fm uonsrmsm� N. Me,1&wn 4 LWY 4 1 W&MMI A. Awk";n F'M;�'kN€x1, ima 4 so 0 WWWWWA Qws!� F$ H", %4i P and SWUmAnd; WFESAM to Nownd " am 401 AnoM kho I MvM hdU TW* DEQ-CFW_00023715 j a 1:': 26 , "! 0 17 Chr'gym ato rarphy Mass. sp metry AM- 's sp'�Ctrormctr% (L'PLC-%4SA4S�_%%-c.ek 5:�mn-q)lcs 21 R run on a I I igh, Resolution Mass Srwctn,.�nkncler, 71'he change in instru,.rn rl*E hatc! no impact pact on our ability to qua .Atli (...w:n.X iinthe mmnles analzed. 71-be provides a brict'suminary ofresuhs, rie.L �.DW R tO I -Chemours Out.fid 1002 * T h �, c number 1he li:anutati i ed f mn, I to 5; ni! ofqt on increas * 11cak conccntr':-I ions ohseTv d, at the( I hemours ouda I I dccrse d nk,Irly ] 0-fold from 21,760 to 2.430 ng?'L (and by week 5a 304old decrease to 77 13 11g:1j, * 'I'he mcdfian -value decr-ased more than tvw-fold from 1 '6 to 04A no L, ni- ""Ic, excec&d our cali�ra6o� curve (n -9,�ese samples 'were diltacd and the di I w amil auncertainty in anal%,,,.�'s %kas; r reatcd� I -h -,v4m jwoccdure imm hices �ondditi our quanfificaiion, We have lIagg:cd,,vsfflts I sainp ,�� Ics that raquired dilution * Qualitycon Lrol State ples indicated mv�surcm. is rvere %�.;Ihiri our quality control "-pecifications %kith one exceplionnoted Wo%k. c OerA was not c1ciected in cithe ofthe twos rwid h1anks- o Spiked fieldslari,ples, (n­-3) in-casiuedwillijin 13 V, Tcent of'thc cx'p-ecled ,,alue. One low-level spike sample 00 rigIL) was rneam.ircd at 219,10 ng/L �,vhich k%as outside of'our:i 20 percent rang c, 0 Dupfiic��'w 1.�; cision onone s.,."'nple (Chernom mal'all 5x dilution) was _5.41.�, c Standard de% ialiom FX, -level a �h conf oil ent at ( 11 . spiketheonclow spike devkllion. vvc have hig idence in the c c r i) resulls Terxirwd here. Thank. vou for inviting us to hca Part of this 0yon a very important pttNic health concern in North Camlina. Thcs,., results represent of mul..'�y within our lab but I would especial1% like toacknowledge Drs. Mark Strynar. Andy James McCord and Seth Ne"lon in conductirg the hvhoratory amd-yses. Dr% M�,riair Nledima-N.'era v4ho ni"Ovidcd invaluable sul.Vorz and cosmdinatian_ and N,4s. Sania'l ong Argao who supprwd �M,,d o%vrF,,M qwOity assurwwc, [I'Vou have errey que-, 6ons,'.S'�'concertl ,. do.not hesitate to contact ine at 019") 541-2454 o: crnaii 1 look fi.mvand to our continued work mgtlthcr, Attach.mc,nt CC: Ickv B, Afl,,nba h. ActuU-, Det UIN Direclor Water Pla'otcctiorl Di- vision' il Region 4 - Atlanta DEQ-CFW-00023716 Concentration of GenX Measured in Cape Fear Watershed Samples. Corn-C. Flag Week Location I Sample identifier' 4 DW : r Chemo rs Outfall 002 2,43 ': 1 4 DWR 92 - 8faden Bluffs Raw dater intake 6, 4 DWR #3pO Hofferf{q�$$$$���'T P Raw Water <LOQ qy $$': 4 D.2 Swefmy Finished 80,5 4 rD Q3 ASR WO 3:7 4 NCDEQ 4 Wrightsville Beach Well #11 <LOQ 2 4 NCDFQ 5 international Paper Raw 59,7 4 NCDEQ I LCFWSA DUPLICATE 88,5 4 NCDEQ 6 International Pa eg-.w nkhed 17,D 4 D[Q 7 NW run-,vick WTP Finished 5Q.7 4 CT Q 8 Pender CO421 WTP Finished 75;D 5 DWR R1 PO Hoffer Paw <LOQ- 2 5 DWP #2 Chemours Ou f ll_ 02 713 1 5 DWR #3 Bladen Bluffs Raw water 54, t 5 DWR #4 Sladen Bluffs Finished Water 5&9 5 DgWj" , 5&.i..Smithfield Foods well field <LOQ 2 . 5 g CDEQI . v"WA rz3 57.7 5 NCDEQ 2 Sweeney WTP finished 95.0 5 NCDEQ 3 AS R well 94,1 5 NCDEQ 4 W`8 Well #11 371 5 NCDQ 5 IP _ Raw 74.2 CD:E-Q6IPFinished 34,1 5 € C"f°Q 7 NW Brunswick WTP - Finished 69.2 5 NCDEQ 8 Pen;der 421 %qTP - F€n€s§red, 99. 5 NCDEQ 9 WB Well <LOQ Flag I Sw-nple diluted 2 2 Below limit of quanCtavod (L Q) of 10 rg L *As provided by C Di` DEQ-CFW 00023717