Sent: 7/27/I0I71:52:04PW1
To: Jones, Nick [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Satterwhite, Dana [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
Nick pointed out that I gave my kudos to Trent, and not him. A result of too much multi -tasking! Thank you, Nick, for
following up on the TestAmerica question. Everyone, have a great day.
Sheila Holman
Assistant Secretary for the Environment
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N[J7699'16Ol
From: Holman, Sheila
Sent: Thursday, July I7 20179x41AK4
To: Jones, Nick <nick.jones@ncdenr.gov>; Munger, Bridget <bridget.munger@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana <dana.sattemvhite@ncdenr.gou';Johnson, Chris <chrisjohnson@ncdenr.gov>;Culpepper, Linda
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
Thank you, Trent.
Sheila Holman
Assistant Secretary for the Environment
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NCZ7699-16Ol
Phone/Fax: 919-707-8619
From: Jones, Nick
Sent: Thursday, July 27,2D17O:12AK4
To: Holman, Sheila ; Munger, Bridget
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana <daria.satte�-w�iit�:-,(i�',ncdenr,�xpy>; Johnson, Chris <c r
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
FYI, got confirmation from TestAmerica last night that they stand bytheir data.
Z f M�USTI =-
Quality Assurance Officer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
16J3Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N[27699-1G23
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From: Holman, Sheila
Sent: Wednesday, July 26 201712:37PK8
To: Jones, Nick ; Munger, Bridget
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana <�Johnson,[hris Culpepper, Linda
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
Thank you for the explanation, Nick. | agree with you that m/emove forward since w/enow know that EPA and
TestAmerica results are in the same ballpark for July 12 1h . Thank you for your work.
Sheila Holman
Assistant Secretary for the Environment
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27699'l6O1
Phone/Fax: 919-707-8619
From: Jones, Nick
Sent: Wednesday, July J6,Z0171O:39AM
To: Munger, Bridget � Holman,
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana Johnson, Culpepper, LindaSubject: FW: EPA Trip Spikes
| intend to respond back to Michelle with a more pressure. At the same time, | think we might re-evaluate whether a
response from them is necessary before we move forward.
The reason | think this is, if there had been no miscommunication between Chris and I yesterday morning, then we never
would have sent an email to TestAmerica requesting that they take a second look at their data report.
Yesterday morning I left the conversation with Chris thinking that the verbal result received from EPA for their week 4
result was an order of magnitude off from the result on the TestAmerica report. Chris left the conversation concerned
because the week 4 result from the TestAmerica report was an order of magnitude lower than the previous weeks. Since
the rest of the QA/QC in the data report looked fine, we both thought there may have been a dilution error with
TestAmerica'sweek 4result for the [hemouruUUIOutfaU. Adilution error could have explained either scenario.
Had we waited until the call yesterday afternoon with EPA, when they confirmed their result was in the ballpark with the
TestAmerica result, we never would have contacted TestAmerica at all.
Nick Jones
Quality Assurance Officer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
16J3Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27699'l623
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed
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operations? |fnot, send ablank email tothe following address:
From: Johnston, Michelle [riiailto:MichelIE-,,.Johnston@t(star�c�ricainc.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 26 201710:14AK8
To: Jones, Nick
Cc: Johnson, Chris >; Satterwhite, Dana
Hi Nick,
It may be today or tomorrow.
Thank you,
Project Manager
Tel 3O3.73G.D11O1Fax 3O3.43J.8A2S
Fromm:]OneS Nick
Sent: W� ]u�2���178:05AM
T0:JOhnS[0n, Michelle
Cc: ]OhnB3n,Chris; Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Donot open attachments or click nnlinks from
unknown senders or unexpected emails.
Hi Michelle,
What isyour best guess at when your Operations Manager will be able to confirm the Chemours Outfall 002
result? ... this morning maybe?
Quality Assurance Officer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
(919)733-39O8ext. 232office
Water Sciences Section
16J3Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27699'l623
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to third parties.
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operations? |fnot, send ablank email tothe following address:
From: Jones, Nick
Sent: Tuesday, July J5,Z0l7]:S4PM
To: 1ohnston,Michelle'
Cc: Johnson, Chris Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
8orry, there was alittle miscommunication onour end. kwas not that the numbers did not line upwith EPAs
numbers. It was just that they were so different from the previous results for the Chemours Outfall 002.
Nick Jones
Quality Assurance Officer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
16J3Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N[27699-1G23
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed
to third parties.
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the N[VVastexvater/Gnoundvvater Laboratory Certification program that could have an impact onyour day-{o-day
operations? |fnot, send ablank email tothe following address:
From: Jones, Nick
Sent: Tuesday, July 2S 201711:02AK4
To: ]uhnston,Michelle'
Cc: Johnson, Chris Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
Hi Michelle,
The recent report with the 3.3 uu/Lresult for the [hemours OuthaU OOJ (sample |D 280-93 3O-2) is not matching up with
the EPA results as well as we would like. All of the other sample results are on par with EPA's numbers. So, xveare
asking you and the people at EPA to take a second look at the analytical data for that sample to see if anything was
overlooked or if there was a transcription error with the dilution amount or something.
Nick Jones
Quality Assurance Officer
WW/GW Laboratory
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
(919) 733-3908 ext. 232 office
Water Sciences Section
1623 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1623
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed
to third parties.
Have you signed up to receive automatic email notices of changes to policies, regulations and resources pertaining to
the NC Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification program that could have an impact on your day-to-day
operations? If not, send a blank email to the following address:
DENR.C) G.Lnh Cert..iointcx)listss.ncmn iii.net
From: Johnston, Michelle [ D].giIto: Michel .�ohnston(01te-stamer€cainc.com
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 11:02 AM
To: Satterwhite, Dana < cna.sattcrwhite nc crir.�sov>
Cc: Jones, Nick <€icl.i€€€3e.ncderr.g >
Subject: RE: EPA Trip Spikes
Good morning. Thank you for this information and I will forward it on to the lab.
Thank you,
Project Manager
Tel 303.736.0110 1 Fax 303.432.8925
michelle.iohnston testamericainc.com
From: Satterwhite, Dana[maiIto: dana.satterwhite@)ncdenr, cv]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 8:05 AM
To: Johnston, Michelle
Cc: Jones, Nick
Subject: EPA Trip Spikes
ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from
unknown senders or unexpected emails.
Hi Michelle,
DEQ-CFW 00023709
| should have thought todothis sooner; |apologize.
Your chemists may like to know the nominal values of the EPA Trip Spikes that were sent with the 6/26/2017 samples.
They are asfollows:
| have not received the nominal values for the CVCA1 CVCB1and {l[[1samples that were sent with the 7/3/ZU17
samples, but will share that information when I receive it.
Also, | will beinCanada the rest of this week. If anything comes up that needs my attention, please contact Nick Jones.
Heiscopied onthis email.
Dana Satterwhite
Environmental Program Supervisor III
WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
1G23Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GQQ4G23
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