Sent: 7/26/I0I71:45:29AM
To: Donna Aldridge [da|dridXe5@pnc.rcoom];Shehee Mina [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re: Gen-X
Mike - thank you for the note. I'm forwarding it to Mina in DHHS as an FYI for health data.
VVesaw more test results today, which are continuing totrend downward.
Should see it on our web page in the next day orso. Take good cane and look
forward to catching up the next time you are in Green Square.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division ofWater Resources
North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality
(919)70-9014 office
Email correspondence tuand from this address issubject tothe
North Carolina Public Records Law and may bedisclosed tnthird parties.
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 2:07 PM
To: Culpepper, Linda
Subject: Gen-X
| hope |amsending this tothe right person. | see you name from time
to time in news articles about Gen-X.
Myname isMike Aldridge. Currently |amretired but | was abranch
supervisor with the Division ofAir Quality for many years.
This e-mail concerns our experience with drinking water sourced from the
Cape Fear River.
My wife, Donna and | bought ahouse onOak Island inBrunswick county in
2013. Shortly after that she started having mouth ulcers (canker snres).
After various remedies were tried and she also found that the ulcers
went away when she spent time inthe Raleigh area during the winter, she
began tnsuspect the Oak Island water.
Boiling didn't help and the Gen'Xissues inthe news kind ofconfirmed
our suspicions about the water. When weswitched tobottled water at
the beach, the ulcers stopped being uproblem.
| know that this isjust anecdot | evidence (we don't know what else is
inthe water besides Gen-X),but some ofthe newspaper articles |read
suggested that DVVO/VVaterResources might beinterested inknowing
about any impacts that were noted bywater users.
| hope this ishelpful.
Thank you for your kind attention tothis matter.