Sent: 7/24/I0I75:I5:27PW1
To: Munger, Bridget [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
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(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4a29687eI7IIdc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];Zimmerman, Jay
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Subject: Re: MEMO: Water Quality State Action Items
What imyour number?
scnt from myvefizo 3anmu cifla\ysu �mpll000
-------- Original message --------
From:Bridget" <hfidscL sov>
Dote: 7/24/17 12:57PM 5:00)
To: "Holman, Sheila" <ohe�o.Aov>, " Linda" ^Iinda.cu1pepper�BnojcorAov>,
"Zimmerman, Jay" <jay.goY>
Subject: Fwd: MEMO: Water Quality State Action Items
I've gotten multiple reporter questionsfor clarification onthe highlighted section. Any detail «/exn|anatmnyou
can share?
Bridget Munger
NC Department of Environmental
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: .Dalenio\ "
Date: July 24 2Ol7o1ll:l4:49AMEDT
To: Bridget"
Subject: FW: MEMO: Water Quality State Action Items
I need to talk to one of you to better understand what the highlighted action item means, Please call my
office number below.
EmeryP. Duiedo
The Associated Press
3600Glenwood Ame,Suite 2O5
Raleigh, NI.27G12
Main Office: 91.9-510-8937
ToHfree inNC: 866-883-l272
"Isuppose thn1whan(gn(nthe hereafter and stand atthe Qo|denGate, the first person ) shall moatvi8hna
correspondent o{the AsnnciaLedPymo,^—Ifa8u0nu8unu0i,19JZonmrobnyuoAyreporter uturmno(eruKw4j? stodon
after his release ftoni on h1diflP Prison,
To: Dalesio, Emery
Subject: MEMO: Water Quality State Action Items
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Office nfGovernor Roy Cooper
DATE: July 24,2817
RE: Water Quality State Action Items
InJune, Governor Cooper directed the state Department of Environmental Quality along with
the state Department cfHealth and Human Services to launch an investigation into
Chemoum'discharge ofthe compound known asGenX.Governor Cooper and his
administration were successful in getting Chemours'to stop the release of GenX. Since then,
the level of GenX in the water has been trending downward and tests are ongoing to ensure
the levels continue to move in that direction.
Today in Wilmington, after meeting with local, state and federal officials, Governor Cooper
announced next steps that the state will take to protect the drinking water in North Carolina
and to get answers for people in the Lower Cape Fear. Below is a recap of those next steps.
SBI Investigation
Governor Cooper has directed the State Bureau ofInvestigation's Diversion and
Environmental Crimes Unit to assess whether a criminal investigation is warranted. The SBI
will work with its partners at the state Department ofEnvironmental Quality and federal EPA
to determine if there is evidence of criminal violations of the permit or the federal consent
order that is in place.
Public Health Assessment
Governor Cooper spoke with the Director cfthe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, to request a public health assessment to review any potential long-
byproduct from another manufacturing process since 1980. The CDC has the expertise
needed to conduct complex exposure modeling that will give citizens a better understanding
of any potential health risks from the last 30 years. Dr. Fitzgerald told the governor the CDC
will begin these studies. Local, state and federal authorities will need Uowork together 0o
provide all available data tothe CDC.
Engaging the EPA
Governor Cooper has spoken directly with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to request that the
EPA move swiftly oncompleting ahealth assessment Uohelp set regulatory standards. They
also discussed the consent order that allowed Chemouns0n release GenX in the first place,
and the EPA is looking into whether that order needs to be updated and tightened.
Science Advisory Board
Governor Cooper acknowledged that GenX is not the only compound that could potentially
affect water quality. To tackle issues surrounding unregulated emerging compounds and
overall water safety, Governor Cooper is expanding the scope of the reconstituted Science
Advisory Board to review the research and assist the state in addressing water quality.
Enhance Disclosure and Monitoring
North Carolina DEO will make changes to its permit application process that require
companies to disclose more information about the unregulated pollutants they release. DEO
will also require additional monitoring of unregulated pollutants for the purposes of
developing water quality standards and improved transparency. The results of additional
monitoring will beshard with DEUand DHHSon a regular basis.
Investing Resources WmPrioritize Safe Water
Governor Cooper highlighted the need for more state experts to work on protecting North
Carolina's water. Heannounced that when the legislature returns in August, he will push
legislation with specific requests to the General Assembly for enhanced staffing to handle
water safety.
For DEOthat will include arequest for more inspectors, engineers, environmental speciaUsts
and chemists; resources to conduct long term GenX sampling; and a reversal of this year's
harmful budget provisions that required over$1 million in budget cuts. For DHHS that will
include request for resources toestablish aVVa0er Health Safety Unit in the Division of
Public Health that would include two senior scientists, a data analyst and a health educator.
Bottom Line
As Governor Cooper said in Wilmington today, he has directed state employees to work on
this issue as though their own family members were drinking this water every day. The safety
of drinking water — not just in Wilmington, but statewide — is a top priority for Governor
Cooper, and he will continue to push for answers and solutions. The governor expects to be
beck in the Lower Cape Fear region in the coming weeks, and will continue tostay updated
through regular briefings.
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Governor Cooper's Press Office
Governor Cooper's Press Office
Raleigh, WC 27603
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