Sent: 7/22/I0I73:57:38PW1
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Fwd:chemours
Attachments: PFECAss|ides.pptx;ATTOOOOI.htm
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Goyb Julie"
To: ''[u|pepper,Linda"
Below are the emails I sent to Shelia on Thurs. identifying what information and sampling information I
would request; how/ever, | read the EPA report by K4arkStyar(sp?) yesterday and | think we should ask
for Chemourstotest for all the C-1through [-14?chemical compounds hefound inthe Cape Fear. They
should sample for these at the end of the Chemours manufacturing line, outfall 001 and outfall 002.
Begin forwarded message:
Fronm:"Goyb Julie"
To: ^Ho|man,Sheila"
Note that PFOS is not believed to be a present (I verified this with Connie) which is why
| left hout ufthe sampling.
Fronm:Grryb Julie
Sent: Thursday, July 2O 20172:04PK4
To: Holman, Sheila
Below is my suggestion — I really should work on this for one or two more days and
discuss with the permit writer (Teresa Rodriguez). Also, we are doing a site visit next
week and | will understand what isneeded much better after the site visit.
You said nine compounds, I assume you mean all nine PFECAs and PFOA and PFOS (see
attached chart).
Chemours shall identify each specific manufacturing process and provide a chemical
characterization of what is used in each process that can result in a wastewater
discharge. This shall bedone for [hemourstenants KurarayAmerica and DuPont.
Chemours shall identify all sumps, quench baths, or storage tanks that discharge
wastewaters tothe VVVVTPorOutfaUOU2.Chemouoshall provide achemical
characterization of each discharge from each sump area. A separate chemical
characterization shall be performed on any wastewaters from quench bath overflows or
storage tank discharges that are not included in the chemical characterization of each
manufacturing process orsump area discharge.
Chemical characterizations from each manufacturing process at Chemours and the
sumps (and quench baths and storage tanks if necessary) shall include analysis for pH,
T3S, [-3 (ammonium peMquorooctanoate), O]D,TD(, manufacturingoperations'specific
organics and metals, and all GenX compounds including the PFECAs discussed in the
report published byK4eiSun etal.
Chemical characterization testing from each tenant can be performed at a single point
of discharge to the WWTP if all wastewaters are combined prior to discharge to the
VVVVTP. If several lines discharge from each tenant facility to theVVVVTP, separate
chemical characterization tests shall beperformed.
A flow schematic of all internal process wastewater streams from all manufacturing
units including the tenants shall bedeveloped and submitted along with the requested
information above to DWR as an addendum to the permit renewal application.
On days Chemours performs chemical characterization testing on its own facility's
process wastewaters a similar sample and test analysis for the parameters listed above
shall beperformed atinternal OutfaU0U1and the discharge Outfa||00I
Julie Grzyh
NPOESComplex Permitting
NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting
New Q1A8D7G3AO office
9197079000 main office