HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00071561EPA nonroad emissions regulations new source performance standard (NSPS) 0-7 0-10 77.5 0.40 8-18 11-24 7_5 40 7.5 4.7 - 19-36 25-49 - 0.30 0.03 4_7 IOption �� 4.7 0.30 1* i 0.03 37-55 50-74 � 0.03 34'I�'' 11040�: 56-74 F759919 (0 ii 19'0 02 0 02 _ 3 4 10.40 I 75-129 100-174 4 0 1 0.19 ' 0 02 ._ . . 0.02 130-2241175-299� 1; I; f' i � y i . , 'III 2.0 � � i 0.401'i 225-449 300-599 4� �� 0.19 0.19 42Iz 0.02 0.02 A t 600-749 450-559 3.5 i 3.5 1 2-560 1750 ' 0.19 M 0.19 .20 02 i, 0.04 *In the 50 to 75 horsepower category there are two options. Option 1 requires a reduced PM level 1.30 vs .40) but allows Final Tier 4 to be delayed one year (2013). NOTE: The vertical dashed lines separating the years show when the seven-year life of the Tier 2/3 Equipment Flexibility Provision ends and engines can no longer be placed in vehicle production. The new source performance standard (NSPS) required most stationary engines to be Tier 1 compatible on 01 April 2006 and meet current nonroad mobile standards after 01 January 2007. EPA: Environmental Protection Agency EU: European Union C7 m p C� n I O O O v O EU nonroad emissions regulations constant speed 0-7 '.I 0-10 Not regulated in EU 8 18 11 24 Not regulated in EU 8.0 19 36 �I 25-49 1.5 ha 73 J 0.80 , 3756i �i 7.0 50 74 1.3 axt;r 47r> kr�a O rip= 0.40 " y 7.0 . ,.._ 57-74 75-99 1 3^� waffllv _... 6.0 ;;.�y l �'"�� !i 0.30 - -_.V,t 6.0 130-559a175-749 1.0 ' 01 ? �r 0.20 z560 it >_750 Legend Not regulated in EU EPA Tier Tier-3 ITreri4 _4FinalTier4 EU_ - w Stage II 7StaiiiVA Stage III B Stage IV i Examples NOx 2.0 NMHC 0.19 _ PM 0.025 II 2.0, the maximum amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) allowed in g/kWh. 0.19, the maximum amount of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC) allowed in g/kWh. 0.025, the maximum amount of particulate matter (PM) allowed in g/kWh. NMHC+NOx'',! 7.5 PM 0.80 7.5, the maximum amount of NMHC + NOx allowed in g/kWh. 0.80, the maximum amount of PM allowed in g/kWh. European Union directive 97/68/EC requires constant speed engines, such as mobile gen-sets, meet Stage II emissions levels on 01 January 2007. The directive also requires constant speed engines meet Stage III A emissions levels beginning 01 January 2011. 0 FORM E1 TITLE V GENERAL INFORMATION REVISED: 12/01/01 Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate F E1 IF YOUR FACILITY IS CLASSIFIED AS "MAJOR" FOR TITLE V YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM AND ALL OTHER REQUIRED "E" FORMS (E2 THROUGH E5 AS APPLICABLE) Indicate here if your facility is subject to Title V by: 0 Emissions ❑ Other If subject to Title V by other, check or specify: ❑ NSPS ❑ NESHAPS (MACT) ❑ TITLE IV Other, specify: If you are or will be subject to any maximum achievable control technology standards (MACT) issued pursuant to section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act, specify below: EMISSION SOURCE EMISSION SOURCE ID DESCRIPTION MACT "MON MACT" Throughout Facility Facility Wide (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart FFFF) PS -A, PS-B, Natural Gas I No. 2 fuel oil - CAA § 1120); Case -by -Case MACT for PS-C, PS -Temp fired boilers Boilers & Process Heaters RICE-01, RICE-02, Stationary Reciprocating "RICE MACT" RICE-03 Internal Combustion Engines (40 CFR Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ) List any additional regulation which are requested to be included in the shield and provide a detailed explanation as to why the shield should be granted: EMISSION SOURCE REGULATION (Include ID) EXPLANATION Comments: This permit modification is to allow for the installation of a new emergency generator that is driven by a diesel engine (ID No. RICE-03) that is subject to the RICE MACT of Part 63 Subpart ZZZZ. Two existing stationary engines (ID Nos. RICE-01 and RICE-02) have been reported to NC DAQ via the RICE survey and will be added to the DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works' Title V Air Permit as part of the permit renewal, which is currently underway. Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071562 FORM E2 EMISSION SOURCE APPLICABLE REGULATION LISTING REVISED 12/t Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E2 EMISSION SOURCE ID NO. EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION OPERATING SCENARIO INDICATE PRIMARY (P) OR ALTERNATIVE (A) POLLUTANT APPLICABLE REGULATION ES 9 Coall Wood Boiler P - Coal PM NCAC 2D . 0503 A - Wood PM NCAC 2D .0504 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine p - Diesel fuel S02 NCAC 2D .0516 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel VE NCAC 2D .0521 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine p - Diesel fuel NMHC 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel NOX 40 CFR 60 Subpart 1111 RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine p - Diesel fuel CO 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel PM 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII RICE-03 197 HP Stationary Diesel Engine P - Diesel fuel HAP 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071563 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant S02 Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation NCAC 2D.0516 Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: 1 ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071564 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant Visible emissions Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation NCAC 2D.0521 Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: 1 ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes r_X_1 No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes El No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE -Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071565 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant Nonmethane hydrocarbon Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes Fx-1 No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071566 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant Carbon monoxide Emission Source ID No. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: 1 ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes Q No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071567 FORM E3 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant Particulate matter Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes F-1 No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes El No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Not applicable Describe Monitoring Location: Not applicable Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: None Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): Not applicable .REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: Not applicable Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE): TESTING, Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071568 FORM E3 i;=RmccinN cnl IRr l= CnMPLIANCE METHOD REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division Of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E3 Regulated Pollutant HAP Emission Source ID NO. RICE-03 Applicable Regulation 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Alternative Operating Scenario (AOS) NO: I ATTACH A SEPARATE PAGE TO EXPAND ON ANY OF THE BELOW COMMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Is Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) 40 CFR Part 64 Applicable? ❑ Yes El No If yes, is CAM Plan Attached (if applicable, CAM plan must be attached)? ❑ Yes 0 No Describe Monitoring Device Type: Non-resettable hour meter Describe Monitoring Location: Meter is located on the diesel engine Other Monitoring Methods (Describe In Detail): Not applicable Describe the frequency and duration of monitoring and how the data will be recorded (i.e., every 15 minutes, 1 minute instantaneous readings taken to produce an hourly average): The hours recorded on the non-resettable hour meter will be documented in a logbook (written or electronic format) at least once per year. RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS Data (Parameter) being recording: The hours recorded on the non-resettable hour meter Frequency of recordkeeping (How often is data recorded?): At least once per year REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Generally describe what is being reported: The hours recorded on the non-resettable hour meter Frequency: ❑ MONTHLY ❑ QUARTERLY ❑ EVERY 6 MONTHS OTHER (DESCRIBE): Upon request by NCDAQ representative TESTING Specify proposed reference test method: Not applicable Specify reference test method rule and citation: Not applicable Specify testing frequency: Not applicable NOTE - Proposed test method subject to approval and possible change during the test protocol process Attach Additional sheets As Necessary DEQ-CFW 00071569 FORM E4 EMISSION SOURCE COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE Revised 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate E4 COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH RESPECT TO ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS Will each emission source at your facility be in compliance with all applicable requirements at the time of permit issuance and continue to comply with these requirements? El Yes ❑ No If NO, complete A through F below for each requirement for which compliance is not achieved. Will your facility be in compliance with all applicable requirements taking effect during the term of the permit and meet such requirements on a timely basis? I] Yes ❑ No If NO, complete A through F below for each requirement for which compliance is not achieved. If this application is for a modification of existing emissions source(s), is each emission source currently in compliance with all applicable requirements? 0 Yes ❑ No If NO, complete A through F below for each requirement for which compliance is not achieved. A. Emission Source Description (Include ID NO.) B. Identify applicable requirement for which compliance is not achieved: C. Narrative description of how compliance will be achieved with this applicable requirements: D. Detailed Schedule of Compliance: Step(s) E. Frequency for submittal of progress reports (6 month minimum): F. Starting date of submittal of progress reports: Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Date Expected DEQ-CFW 00071570 FORM E5 TITLE V COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION (Required) Revised 01/01/07 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A NCAC 2Q .0520 and .0515(b)(4), the responsible company official of. SITE NAME: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works SITE ADDRESS: 22828 NC Highway 87 W f CITY, NC: Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 COUNTY: Bladen PERMIT NUMBER: 03735T38 CERTIFIES THAT (Check the appropriate statement): 0 The facility is in compliance with all applicable requirements E5 ❑ In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A NCAC 2Q .0515(b)(4) the responsible company official certififies that the proposed minor modification meets the criteria for using the procedures set out in 2Q .0515 and requests that these procedures be used to process the permit application. ❑ The facility is not currently in compliance with all applicable requirements If this box is checked, you must also complete form E4 'Emission Source Compliance Schedule', The undersigned certifies under the penalty of law, that all information and statements provided in the application, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, are true, accurate, and complete. �10 )), 4j 'N' 'k , t e Signature—of-responsiblecompany official USE BLUE INK) Ellis H. McGaughy, Plant Manager Name, Title of responsible company official (Type or print) Date: 09-12-2014 DEQ-CFW 00071571