Sent: 9/6/20I78:I002PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Use this asthe last grafofthat text
issuesState notice
State officials initiated additional enforcement actions againstChemourmWednesday after preliminary state test
results detected {]enX inviolation ofstate groundwater standards innon-drinking water wells o1the company's
Fayetteville Works facility.
As part � m�a�� investigation, � F�F()oo��o��� «nn�n| t�on� |4
. on�cn�� /nv�un�nuon,__, �rounovvar�r----r-�s groundwater
monitoring wells mnthe Chemour property inearly August. Concentrations of{]enXwere detected in|3ofl4
industrial wells at the plant exceeding acceptable limits. Preliminary test results have identified other detections
offlourinatrdcompounds. D|8(lcreated a map that shows concentrations above state groundwater standards.
Based onthe preliminary results, T)F/)announced its plans tocite Chemourswith a notice
announcement comes a day after the state initiated other legal action against the company.
See Preliminary Groundwater Test Results
See the Notice of Violation
From: Kritzer, Jamie
Sent: Wednesday, September OG 20174:0IPK4
To: Young, Sarah <sarah.youn8@nodenr.8ov>
Subject: Use this asthe last 8rafofthat text
As part of the ongoing state investigation, DEQ collected groundwater samples from 14 groundwater monitoring wells
on the Chemouo property in early August. Concentrations ofGenXwere detected in 13 of 14 industrial wells at the
plant exceeding acceptable limits. Preliminary test results have identified other detections ofOourinated compounds.
The map below shows concentrations above state groundwater standards.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department ofEnvironmental Quality
Sent: Wednesday, SeptemberO6 20173BPK4
To: Kritzer, Jamie
Subject: FVV: Map stuff
From: VVoodey,Julie
Sent: Wednesday, September OG 20173BPK4
To: Grantham, Larry Dean �K4or��andraL �K4ccar�\Bud
; Scott, Michael <;Ghio|d,Joe ;Youn8,
Sarah Leonard, Laura
Subject: RE: Map stuff
Here is a draft paragraph that we (Julie, Bud, Sandy) recommend be included with the map when it is posted online.
Fourteen wells on the Chemours facility in the Fayetteville area were tested for twenty five per- or polyfluorinated
alkylated substances (PFAS) in August, 2017. A total of eleven PFAS were found in 13 of the 14 wells tested. Only three
of these substances have established health values: GenX, PFOA, and PFOS. This map shows the wells where
groundwater was tested and preliminary DEQ data exceeded health values for any of these three compounds. Additional
data is expected in the coming weeks and results will be finalized at that time.
From: VVoos|ey,Julie
Sent: Wednesday, SeptemberO6 20173:33PK4
To: Grantham, Larry Dean ; Mort, Sandra <� Mccarty\Bud
Scott, Michael x ;Ghio|d,Joe Young,
Sarah Leonard, Laura
Looks good to me, no further changes.
Remember that we still need to have an explanation if this is going online that will state that this is preliminary data,
when these were sampled, what was looked for, that this only shows results that were above a HALorhealth goal, that
other PFAS detected do not have such levels or goals, that more data is anticipated, etc.
From: Grantham, Larry Dean
Sent: Wednesday, SeptemberO6 20173:25PK4
To: Mort, Sandra L ��ccar�\ Bud ;VVoos|e�Julie
' Scott, Michael ' Ghio|d Joe
' ' ' ' '
Young, Sarah Leonard, Laura
Subject: RE: Map stuff
Changed comma separators for PFOA Values, Title Change to "Chemours Preliminary Data, August
2017", space before units in label, PFOA for PFOS in text, and reformatted the legend values with
comma separators and units.
FIT-Mve-TrMITUr, r1l
IT Project Manager, NC DIT
North Carolina Department of Information Technology
Dean. GranthaM1'c-D,ncdenr,aov
C'a- P" 'k"� aa"'v be
From: Grantham, Larry Dean
Sent: WednesdaM, Seotember 06, 2017 2:43 PM
To: Mort, Sandra L <s ndy,l�,
Mccarty, Bud <b >; Woosley, Julie
........ .... 9 ..... ...................... . .
�ov>; Scott, Michael <Lrichael, ncott @ncdenr,< gov>; Ghiold, Joe o-' Nol(�J@ncd�enr.goy>
g' h Fj e L -s
Subject: RE: Map stuff
, "WEIT W. rarel =-
Dean Grantham
IT Project Manager, NC DIT / DWM
North Carolina Department of Information Technology
Dean. GranthaMf-@ncdenr,aov
From: Grantham, Larry Dean
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 2:13 PM
To: Mort, Sandra L Mccarty, Bud <k€d rc€ a€ndenr.�o>; Woosley, Julie
<holScott, Michael <€nichael.scott ncdenr,gov>; Ghiold, Joe < gg.,Phdold @n derv.-ov>
Subject: RE: Map stuff
I reformatted to letter size and got everything to fit legibly.
Dean Grantham
IT Project Manager,
s . a Department of Information- oor
Dean. r nthaM d r. ov
_,...... .�:... �. ,..E ... ,.......................... �. .., >.. �.... .
From: Mort, Sandra L
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:04 PM
To: Mccarty, Bud <bud,€_nccart�-z rcdenr. ev>; Grantham, Larry Dean <Dean. ranthar @ncdenr. € v>
Subject: RE: Map stuff
Slightly revised text-
ng/L — nanograms per liter, or "parts -per -trillion"
GenX Drinking Water Health Goal, NC DHHS, July 2017 = 140 ng/L
PFOA USEPA Drinking Water Health Advisory Level, May 2016 = 70 ng/L
(PFOA + PFOS) USEPA Drinking Water Health Advisory Level, July 2016 = 70 ng/L
GenX — 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2-(1,1,2,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid ("PFPrOPrA"), CAS# 13252-13-6
PFOS — Perfluorooctane sulfonate, CAS# 1763-23-1
PFOS - Perfluorooctanoic acid, CAS# 335-67-1
DEQ-CFW 00083761
Sandy Mort, Ph.D.,&@.S.
Environmental Toxicologist / Risk Assessor
Division ofWaste Management — Hazardous Waste & Brownfiolds
NC Department ofEnvironmental Quality
Ernmilcorrespondence t000d/romthisoddress is subject to the
North CarmlinoPublic Records Lowondmoybedisclosed bzthird parties.
From: K8ccarty\Bud
Sent: Wednesday, September OG I01711:50AM
To: Grantham, Larry Dean
Cc: Mort, Sandra L<
Subject: Map stuff
Sandy, check item I 1 cut and paste from your spreadsheet to reduce errors for the chemical name. Let Dean know if
anything isvvron8—
Here is what we discussed:
1) at the well
I NOT&I AA Vivo�
GenX Non detect
GenXDrinking Water Health Goal =14On8/L (Ju|y2U17)
PFOAUSEPADrinking Water Health Goal =7Onu/L(ZU16)
PFOA+PFOSUSEPADrinking Water Health Goal =7Ono/L(2O1G)
GenX— PFPr]PrA Z,3,3,3'Tetrafluoru'Z'(1,l,Z,Z,3,3,3'heptafluuropropoxy)'propanoic add (PFPr]PrA), [AS# 1325I-13-6
PFOS Perf|uorooctanoicacid, Q\8#335'67-1
Bud McCarty, CPM
Branch Head
Facility Management Branch
Hazardous Waste Section
Division Of Waste Management
Department of Environmental Quality
19 707 8202 office
217 West Jones Street
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 276 9-1646
tc',. a,,d.. ........ s a � ess iS &,., ,. f ,._ .. , .
R,.._,.. E_ .. s.
DEQ-CFW 00083763