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i estAmerica THE LEADER IN ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Shipping Order ID: 66124 smopme ome. Form - some ome. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Jill Ship To Information Project Manager: Michelle Johnston Company Name: NC-DWR Attention: Attn: Jim Gregson Address 1: 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Address 2: Address 3: City: City: Wilmington State: NC Zip: 28405 Phone #: 252-671-4778 Project Ref: FAY-NC-DWR HFPO-DA SAMP Notes to Bottle/Shipping Department Please include coolers (2), cooler liners, custody seals, pre-printed chains of custody (2), pre-printed labels, pre-printed FedEx return labels for TA Denver, DI water (2 x 1 L bottles), and temperature blanks. Please relinquish the COCs. Please label cooler "FAY - NC-DWR HFPO-DA SAMPLING' Please send DI water in plastic non-teflon lined bottles. Rush shipping charges will be billed on the next appropriate invoice due to insufficient lead time. Ship Via: FedEx Ground Q Ready to Fill R1 Seals on Coolers ❑ Seals on Bottle ❑ Bottle Sets ❑ Ice Cooler TestAmerica Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arvada, CO 80002 Phone (303) 736-0100 Fax (303) 431-7171 Due On: 7/18/2017 12:00:OOPM 0 Labels with Bottles Q Preprinted ❑ Labels on Bottles 0 Preprinted COC Please notify us immediately if an error is found in shipment ❑ Rebill Freight [JJ Return Shipment Labels Number of Return Shipment Labels (Prepaid Return) Shipping Order ID: 66124 Page 1 of 3 Printed on 7/12/201712:34:55PM Shipping Assets Assets I Quantity Description Filled Blank labels 1 per container, pre-printed ❑ COCs 2 pre-printed, please relinquish ❑ Cooler liners 1 per cooler ❑ Coolers 2 total ❑ Custody Seals 2 per cooler ❑ DI Water 2 1 L bottles ❑ Pre-printed Fed Ex Labels 1 per cooler for TA DENVER ❑ Temperature Blanks 1 per cooler ❑ Please notify us immediately if an error is found in shipment Shipping Order ID: 66124 Page 2 of 3 Printed on 7/12/201712:34:55PM Bottle Order Information Order Completion Information 0 m p C7 n I� O O O w w rn Bottle Order: FAY-NC-DWR HFPO-DA SAMP Bottle Order #: 22385 Request From Client: 711212017 Date Order Posted: 7/7/2017 10:15:46AM Order Status. Ready To Process Prepared By: Dylan Bieniulis Deliver By Date: 7/18/2017 12:00:OOPM Lab Project Number: 28016914 Creator: Dylan Bieniulis Filled by: Sent Date: Sent Via: Tracking #: Sets Bottles/Set Qty Bottle Type Description Preservative Method Matrix Sample Type Comments Lot # 12 2 24 1 Plastic 250ml - unpreserved None Water Normal HFPO-DA Notes to Field Staff: Health and Safety Notes: Preservative Comment Relinquished By Company Date Time Received By Company Seal #: Seal #: Seal #: Seal #: Relinquished By Company Date Time Received By Company Seal # Seal #: Shipping Order ID: 66124 Please notify us immediately if an error is found in shipment Page 3 of 3 Printed on 7/12/201712:34:54PM t Approved Lot Numbers for Sample Bottles and Preservatives TeStAmprica 7/10/2017 ESS,rretr.&DInraev911��s1MEMr.Q.VrrP.; Container Type Lot# Preservative Loi# 1 Gallon Amber4000-0250-QC 0103101C Unpreserved GallonCubitainer'3785-1030-QC 0320601Y' " Unpreserved' LNAI 1 L Amber 1000-0150-QC 01041016/0108201C Hydrochloric Acid 4/56293 1 Liter Amber 1040 0150 4C 01041098 - _ -. Sodurfi Shi+3suffateT D986f)(iDOd042857 . 1 Liter Amber 1000-0150-QC 0108201 C Sulfuric Acid 0000161554 1 `Liter 4mt3er 1000150 {�C_ 01D$201 C ' Unpreservep TJA _ _ `. - 1 Liter Poly 1000-1901-QC 0206901C Nitric Acid 0000162027/0000042514 1litetPolya00d990l-QC 012$901Z/0�09701",-SuthncAGd - `bQQt)D5H` I1000b16a55A`? 1 Liter poly 1000-1901-QC 0206901C Upreserved NA 1`25 mL Amber QC 0112"150.. 0124401A_ Unpreserved '` NA 125 mL Plastic 0125-1060-QC 0418201Y Upreserved NA 1-5mlLDPE;dropper;-QEC 091017-M2SfJ4 Sulfuric Acid '' 14978D . 15m1 LDPE dropper - QEC 051016-HCU041017-HCL Hydrochloric Acid 132880/162118 15m1 LDPI<dropper:=i2EC o,so,efam�u<,oar_ a±; ~avoo NBie Acid -, 13399311$2027104917 16 oz Jar 0500-0015-QC 0110101Y Unpreserved NA 166 a_r0WbT0_4,QC' 0202501Y'-' l�Opreserried NFI 2 oz Jar 0060-0015-QC 0410101Y Unpreserved NA 25b m! Amber 0250 D1502C'. 04005U1►l0 0'h, (il&iirochiorrcebcAcrd ` 304028/703005 250 mL Amber 0250-0150-QC 04010501A/0308201C Sulfuric Acid 0000161554 250 mL-AM bet.0250; 0150 QC_ _ 03Q8201004D05U1'. _. Uripreseri+ed .-: ;PIA 250 mL Poly NA NOT IN USE Sodium Hydroxide NA 250 mL-Poly 0250-1901C 03139018 SulfwncAcid " 0000137221,E = 250 mL Poly 0250-1901-QC 0406901 C Unpreserved NA 260 mLfPolYfl250 aJ01 QC ' ` 0069Q1GO;FAcata, ; b000088705/fl0(1014482""' 25bmL-Poy.0250=1901 •- 0406901Cr000162b2 32 oz Jar 0950-0010-QC 0316901 B Unpreserved NA 4 of Jar D125 0055 QC " 0260018 fes - 40 mL VOA 40AA-0300-QC 0213801 B Ascorbic Acid K39589 40 mL Y6A'40204035-QC ; 0122901 B '' . , _ t�J Water - hfA 40 mL VOA 4025-300-QC 0219601 B Hydrochloric Acid 56134/56293 40-mL-VOA'4006-5635 QC D3229Q113 40 mL VOA 4049-5035-QC 0327101X Sodium Bisulfate 143424 40 mL VOA 00A0=300aG1C , 1j21380�$ :1 Sodium 7hIQsuffate OgOQ152227_ 40 mL VOA 0040-300-QC 0213801 B/013213801 B Unpreserved NA fi0-m4 VaA 72fi0.0410 QC , 02so Is�ln P 9.26s5379; UnpaSetied ` '.. - NA 40 mL VOA 0040-0410-QC 0119601 B Unpreserved Amber NA 500mL Arnbei.4500-0150aQC` 02D8201C _ ` _ Sulfunri AE(d 0000161554 500 mL Amber 0500-0150-QC 0405901 Y/0208201 C Unpreserved NA 500 mt Roty 0500-1901,-G3C --_ ©2os2o-icro3aiisi��c/o3oezo�c Nitrip Acid 00001620227t0050042514 500 mL Poly 0500-1901-QC 0306901C Unpreserved NA 60`MLVOA726M410-QC 0522601B/0522601A Monochioroacetic40 304028/703005 8 oz Jar 0250-0055-QC 0226001 B/012801 C Unpreserved NA 8 oz, Poly Jar 0250-1041-QC 0234301Z Unpreserved - NA En Core Sampler (En Novative) 14281 NA NA Sterile 125 mL Plastic (FISHER) 0009/0018 " `, NA NA' Sterile 20 mL Syringe (FISHER) 6354862/6217791 NA NA Sterile 60 mL Syringe (Fisher) 6327$54 NA_ NA Syringe filter, 0.2um Sterile (FISHER) 14616044/24616060 NA NA Syrirrge:Filter, 045pm (MG Scae_ntiflc) _ 7006441 NA NA 125ML 0125-2052-sp 1193422 NA Trip Blank 4025-0300-QC By Date Hydrochloric Acid ByDate Trip Blank 0040-0300-QC By Date Sodium Thiosulfate By Date Trip Blank 0040-0300-QC By Date Unpr$served By Date 4oz jar Amber _(Qe6) ` G-7=067-41DB Unpreserved " ' NA- = 500ml Poly Amber 0500-1270-QC 0218201 Y Unpreserved NA 2506i1 Poly Amber 0250-1270-CSC" 0318201Y Sodium Hydroxide 134482. DF-F-0057-3-17-2017Rev 0 v.u.vyinuutuc ricNu.-ui�unwcia Page 1 of 1 Bottle Prep Lot Numbers List_7-10-17 DEQ-CFW 00071337