HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00070901Ghiold, Joe 12ew -1/n/zo /�z From: GARON, KEVIN P <Kevin.Garon@chemours.com> Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 3:28 PM To: Ghiold, Joe; JOHNSON, MICHAEL E; HARTTEN, ANDREW S Cc: Ovbey, Tracy Subject: Chemours Fayetteville Works CMS request Joe, ZoIS ola4 As described in the CMS work plan, the project team for the C emours Fayetteville Works site recently collected sampling data from monitoring well LTW-05. This samples s collected to confirm an earlier concentration of 11 pg/L of PFPe� A (C-5) that was detected in the well in 2015. Chemours has received the results of this sampling, and the results indicated a concentration of 2.9 pg/L of PFPeA in the well (the duplicate sample = 3.8 pg/L). The Parsons field team then returned to the site on Thursday, June 151h to collect several additions samples to confirm the earlier results. The team collected samples from monitoring w lis LTW-04 and LTW-05, along with an effluent sample from the site's outfall (we have not received these results as of the time of this note). A Fayetteville Works site chemist believes that PFPer A (C_5) was potentially discharged in the site's final effluent until 2013 when a process change was installed, and the June 15th sampling will confirm the C-5 compound is no longer present in the final effluent. Due to this re -sampling effort, along with the sampling for additional compounds that you requested last week (in an email to the plant Environmental Manager, Michael Johnson), we are requesting a delay in the completion of the CMS and associated report as we collect more data. The current schedule (as presented in the work plan) calls for the submittal of the CMS Report three months after receipt of the final analytical data from the initial sampling. The project team would like to also include the re-sampling/additional sampling data in the CMS evaluation. Once the additional sampling has been completed and all of the final analytical data has been received, Chemours will work with NCDEQ to develop an appropriate revised schedule for completion of the CMS/CMS Report. Please let me know if you have any questions about our proposed path forward. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Kevin P. Garon t Principal Project Director Chemours Corporate Remediation / •�r p Group 704-560-6435 Kevin. Garon Chemours.com v-r7� %Vr� The Chemours Company �] It Chemours" Linkedln I Twitter I Chemours�com iJ �I l� 2bLj ` ;� L—T W J This communication is for use y the inten ed recipi n� t fnc� contains information that may be Privileged, g, confidential or copyrighted under applicable aw. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally 'SQv t US(utT DEQ-CFW 00070901 CLIP"" AI Fitt4 f CORRECTIVE MEASURES STUDY WORK PLAN4� CURRENT SITE CONCE TUAL MODEL applicable RSLs. However, the NCDENR (now NCDEQ) indicated that, in order to compare arsenic concentrations in soil to background concentrations, the project team must collect site -specific background soil samples and calculate site -specific background levels. As requested and to confirm the risk determination, site -specific background soil samples will be evaluated as part of the CMS. In 2015, six soil borings were advanced in the wooded area southwest of the manufacturing area in order to collect background soil samples to meet other facility objectives. Two samples were collected from each boring (one from surface to 1 foot and another from 4 feet to six feet bgs). The samples were submitted for laboratory analysis of inorganics including arsenic. During the CMS, these new analytical data will be used to calculate background concentrations of arsenic for surface (0 to 1 foot bgs) and subsurface (4 to 6 feet bgs) soil. The concentrations will be calculated using the USEPA ProUCL software. If the analysis determines that more than the existing six samples are required, additional soil borings will be collected in another undeveloped area of the Site. 2.4.2 Additional Groundwater Investigation In 2005, surface water samples were collected from the Cape Fear River during an investigation conducted by a third -party. Results of the 2005 sampling event showed an increase in concentrations of several compounds, including perfluoropentanoic acid (�, from a spot on the river just north of the Site to a spot on the river adjacent to the Site's river water intake. The NCDEQ suggested that these compounds could potentially be present in groundwater that may have been traveling beneath Willis Creek from the Site and discharging into the Cape Fear River or in aquifer water discharging to Willis Creek and then to the River. Therefore, after completion of the RFI activities, the NCDEQ requested supplemental groundwater sampling to confirm that the concentrations that were detected in the river were not indicative of releases from the Site via groundwater discharge Although these compounds were not likely to be a result of site activities, supplemental groundwater sampling was conducted in 2015 to gather additional data from a selection of monitoring wells near Willis Creek and the Cape Fear River. The results of these sampling activities confirmed that the concentrations detected in the River near the river water intake were not a result of site activities. However, one sample collected from monitoring well LTW-05 several thousand feet south of the river water intake had a detection of C5. To further investigate this analytical result, an additional groundwater sample will be collected from this well and will be submitted for laboratory analysis of C5 in accordance with the procedures presented in the Supplemental Sampling Work Plan Technical Memorandum (Parsons 2015). PARSONS DEQ-CFW 00070902 1-773-717-339i • Ghiold, Joe ` �, 3 o,7 7s� From: Ghiold, Joe Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 10:20 AM To: 'Michael.e johsnon@chemours.com' Cc: 'Kevin.P.Garon@chemours.com' Subject: Request for GW Sampling Work Plan at Chemours facility NCD 047 368 642 Michael, As discussed today. See e-mail below. It appears Kevin received it. Joe From: Ghiold, Joe Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:41 PM To: Michael e.; Kevin.P.Garon@chemours.com Cc: Mccarty, Bud; Woosley, Julie; Mort, Sandra L Subject: Request for GW Sampling Work Plan at Chemours facility NCD 047 368 642 Dear Michael, I hope all is going well. I just wanted to confirm your conversation this week with our Director of the Division of Waste Management, Michael Scott, regarding the sampling of groundwater wells at the site. So that we are all on the same page we are requesting a Ground water Sampling Work Plan be sent to my attention for our review and approval as soon as possible, but not later than July 3, 2017. In this way we can assure that sampling can commence in early July of this year and will accomplish all our goals. Please include in your Sampling Work Plan the following: 1)Reference USEPA Method 537 revision 1.1 for sample container specifications & preparation, sample collection, storage and analysis protocols, analyte identification & quantitation protocols 2)Method 537 revision 1.1 analytical QCQA performance criteria are to be met, including calibration standard protocols 3)Sample preparation should follow referenced method & performance 4) The analysis should include all Method 537 revision 1.1 specified compounds, GenX and all related compounds, all TICs 5)Sample reporting levels should be equivalent or lower than method specified 6) Have the laboratory report all detected compounds We also reserve the right,to split samples with your consultant and send the samples to a laboratory of our choosing while observing the sampling collection process performed by your consultant. We may also request to have the laboratory results sent to us just prior to the submittal of the finished Groundwater report. Should you have any questions please use the information below to contact me Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Joe Ghiold DEQ-CFW 00070903