HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00070641Re: [Fwd: Re: Water supply testing] Page 1 of 3 From: Connie Brower [connie.brower@ncmail.net] Date: May 17, 2007 11:42 To: "Dianne Reid"<dianne.reid@ncmail.net>, "Elizabeth Kountis"<Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> Cc: Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Water supply testing] Attachments: ED connie.brower.vcf (304 B) the data we have is from a 2006 report -- however -- we are still inconclusive as to what "safe" is -- we await some final discussions from the NC SAB.... Please be aware that in copying this , the "paste function" keeps changing the units of measure to mg/L -- they ARE most definitely ug/L -- so - if they arrive in mg -- it is not right.... 0.025 ug/L (25 ppt) at the outfall -effluent (January 06 sampling event) the othe f..f; hero i! 4t iAkQ lal 5.6ASAv.vv ..v. v. Surface Water Sample ID (Sample Description) Monitoring Date APFO u /L <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endifj--> <!-_[if ! supportEmptyParas] <!__[if ! supportEmptyParas] _-> <!__ endi --> --> <l-- endi --> SW-01 06/20/2005 0.100 09/06/2005 0.129 Stormwater ditch north of Fluoromonomers area; East of the APFO Manufacturing Facility. 10/07/2005 0.068 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <I--[endif]--> <!--[if supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] --> <!-- endi --> --> <!--[endi --> SW-02 06/20/2005 0.135 09/06/2005 0.302 Stormwater ditch north of Fluoromonomers area; East of the APFO Manufacturing Facility. 10/07/2005 0.157 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]_-> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if ! supportEmptyParas] <!--[if ! supportEmptyParas] --> <!-- endi --> --> <!-- endi --> SW-03 06/21 /2005 0.142 09/06/2005 0.298 Stormwater ditch north of Fluoromonomers area; East of the APFO Manufacturing Facility. 10/07/2005 0.149 <!--[if !supportEmptyParasj--> <!--[endif]--> supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] --> <!-- endi --> --> <!-- endi --> SW-04 06/20/2005 0.093 Stormwater ditch north of Fluoromonomers area; East of the APFO Manufacturing Facility. 10/07/2005 0.147 <1--[if (supportEmptyParas]--> <I--[endif]--> supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] -_> <!-- endi --> --> <!-- endi --> SW-05 Stormwater ditch north of Fluoromonomers area; East of 10/07/2005 0.139 the APFO Manufacturing Facility. Sampling of two unnamed tributaries to the Cape Fear River, and two streams flowing to one of those tributaries, was conducted in 2006. It is believed that the base flow in these tributaries is primarily from expressed groundwater, with additional episodic flow from stormwater runoff. The surface water samples described in the table that follows were taken during base flow conditions. The results of that monitoring are shown in the following table: https://webmail.ncmail.net/cp/ps/Mail/ViewMsgController?d=ncmail.net&fp=M OX&u=elizabeth.kounti... 6/4/2007 DEQ-CFW 00070641 Re: [Fwd: Re: Water supply testing] Page 2 of 3 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Surface Water Sample ID Monitoring APFO (Sample Description) Date u /L <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!__[if ! <!__[if ! supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] --> <!--[endif]--> --> <!-- endi --> SW-06 Located east of the Fluoromonomers area, in an 01/25/2006 0.027 unnamed tributary (#1) to the Cape Fear River <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] __> <t__ endi --> --> <!--[endi --> SW-07 Located east of the Fluoromonomers area, in a stream 01/25/2006 0.040 (#1) flowing into the unnamed tributary #1 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] --> <t__[endi --> --> <!--[endif]--> SW-08 Located east of the Fluoromonomers area, in a stream 01/25/2006 0.032 (#2) flowing into the unnamed tributary #1 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if ! <!--[if ! supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] -_> <!-- endi --> -_> <!-- endi --> SW-09 Located east of the PMDF manufacturing area, in an 01/25/2006 0.027 unnamed tributary (#2) to the Cape Fear River <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> ug/L = micrograms per liter or parts per billion <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> In 2005, the site's non -contact cooling water and the influent and effluent of the river water sediment basin were sampled. Both of these waters ultimately discharge through the site's NPDES permitted Outfall 002. The non -contact cooling water is raw river water that is pumped from the Cape Fear River, through equipment to remove heat, and then back to the river. The river water sediment basins receive river water and its sediment that has been removed from the river water as a result of clarification. The results of that monitoring are shown in the following table: <!--[if !s porm tEt Paras > <i endi > - -- -- u Surface Water Sample ID Monitoring APFO (Sample Description) Date u /L <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if ! <!--[if ! supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] -_> <!-- endi --> -_> <!-- endi --> N R-01 Non -contact, once -through cooling water flowing in the 09/06/2005 0.077 open ditch south of the Fluoromonomers area; East of the APFO Manufacturing Facility <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if ! <!--[if ! supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] -_> <!-- endi --> __> <!-- endi --> https://webmail.ncmail.net/cp/pslMailNiewMsgController?d=ncmail.net&fp=INB OX&u=elizabeth.kounti... 6/4/2007 DEQ-CFW 00070642 https://webmail.ncmail.net/cp/pslMailNiewMsgController?d=ncmail.net&fp=INB OX&u=elizabeth.kounti... 6/4/2007 DEQ-CFW 00070642 Re: [Fwd: Re: Water supply testing] Page 3 of 3 RW-01 Influent to the filtered river water sediment basin located 09/06/2005 0.083 west of the Fluoromonomers area; East of the APFO Manufacturing Facility <i__[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--[if i <!--[if ! supportEmptyParas] supportEmptyParas] --> <!-- endi --> __> <!-- endi --> RW-02 Effluent from the filtered river water sediment basin 09/06/2005 0.081 located west of the Fluoromonomers area; East of APFO the Manufacturing Facility <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endifl--> ug/L = micrograms per liter or parts per billion No we haven't begun sampling because there was the issue about PFOA. We need to know if PFOA data is going to be a deal breaker. At this point our lab can't do the analysis. Connie Brower was following up with the Dupont folks to determine if they have recent data instream that could be used for this reclass. We're working on the study plan and will be sampling in July or August due to work load and lab sample restrictions. Q15. 1ii Elizabeth Kountis wrote: Oops - sorry!!!! Yes, this is regarding the proposed WS-IV CA and WS-IV for portions of the lower Cape Fear River (Bladen and Cumberland Counties) for which I sent a UAS to you dated 3-14-2007. (Requester = Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority) Dianne Reid wrote: Is this the lower cape fear? Can't tell what rec!ass we are talking about. Elizabeth Kountis wrote: The last time we talked I think you mentioned you were going to do sampling in late April/early May. Has that sampling been conducted, and if so, are you still shooting to have the UAS report done in August? Close Window https://webmail.ncmail.net/cp/ps/MailNiewMsgController?d=ncmail.net&fp=INB OX&u=elizabeth.kounti... 6/4/2007 DEQ-CFW 00070643