HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00070627[Fwd. wd: Input to Reclassification]] Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Input to Reclassification]] From: jeff manning <j eff.manning@ncmail. net> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:48:47 -0400 To: "Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net" <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> And Freds' reply. FYI. Subject: Re: [Fwd: Input to Reclassification] From: Fred Tarver <fred.tarver@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:44:05 -0400 To: rblack@redwolfcommunications.com CC: James McRight <james.mcright@ncmail.net>, Linwood Peele <linwood.peele@ncmail.net>, jeff.manning@ncmail.net, Debra Benoy <Debra.Benoy@ncmail.net> Rob, Within the narrow focus of the Instream Flow Group of the Division of Water Resources, we are contacted sometimes in a consultatory role concerning stream reclassification. Division of Water Quality inquiries to our group concern the existence of upstream flow alterations or withdrawals, i.e. hydropower dams, water supply, irrigation, that may have a deleterious, cumulative impact on the designated water uses of the reach in question under the new classification, as written in the rules (see the "Redbook" <http•//h2o enr.state.nc.us/admin/rulcs/documents/rb080104.pdf>). The assumption is that there is no desire to reclassify a reach of stream if it is going to end up on the 303(d) list due to nonattainment. Hope this helps, Fred Tarver James McRight wrote: Rob -- you have sent your request to the Division of Water Resources concerning questions about Division of Water Quality's re-classification criteria required from the Division of Environmental Health (Public Water Supply is a section of DEH). Sounds confusing -- it can be for us as well. Briefly the applicant for a reclassification needs to request a sanitary survey from the Public Water Supply Regional Supervisor of the location where the intake is planned in the river. This a survey of the surrounding area and will be used to characterize the water based on nearby contaminates such as sewage outfalls, landfills, hazards waste landfills, other significant run offs. Also for other items in the area that could cause major contamination in future water flows. The quality of the water would also be checked and flow characteristics of the river based on the point of intake would be evaluated, etc. Just in case you have the time I will enclose a guidance manual for sanitary surveys from the EPA website. It may be useful. http://www.epa.gov/safewater/mdbp/pdf/sansurv/sansurv.pdf 1 of 3 8/17/2007 12:47 PM DEQ-CFW 00070627 [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Input to Reclassification]] II will forward your request to the regional supervisor in that area for further more detailed I explanation. Debra, could you provide Rob a better explanation on the request for reclassification of a river based on DEH evaluation. Thanks Jim McRight Linwood Peele wrote: Jim McRight and Fred Tarver, Could you read the message below and reply to Rob Black and cc me? Thanks, Linwood -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Linwood Peele's Email address Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 15:18:02 -0400 From: Black <rblack(cDredwolfcommunications.com> Reply -To: <rblackPredwolfcommunications.com> To: Linwood Peele <linwood.peelePncmail.net> Hi Linwood - Thanks so much for the help. What I am seeking is this - The Cape Fear River is about to be reclassified, as part of building the new Bladen Bluffs water treatment plant. DWQ told me that among the criteria they use in determining whether a river can be reclassified, is input from DEH. So with that in mind, I was trying to reach out to your office, to see if anyone could educate me on what exactly the input of DEH is into the river reclassification process. I am looking for someone from your office to say - "when a river is reclassified, we look for X, Y and Z before giving the go ahead from DEH." I hope that makes sense. Thanks again for all your help. I am fairly new to researching water quality issues, so there's a lot of trial and error in figuring out who to call upon. Best, Rob Black (202) 288-3702 PS - I forgot to mention that besides asking what factors you are looking for, I'd like to know 2 of 3 8/17/2007 12:47 PM DEQ-CFW 00070628 [FwFwd: Input to Reclassification]] _4 if DEH has signed off on, or given their input into this specific river reclassification of the Cape Fear. Thanks! ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Linwood Peele <linwood.peele cr ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:49:41 -0400 Hello Rob Black, As per our telephone conversation, please send me a brief explanation of what you would like for me to provide. My email address is Linwood.Peele@ncmail.net. Thanks, Linwood Peele Water Supply Planning Section Division of Water Resources 919-715-5455 Sent via the WebMail system at redwolfcommunications.com Fred R. Tarver III <fred.tarver ncmail.net> Environmental Specialist I Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources -- Instream flow Unit � Re: [Fwd: Input to Reclassification] Content -Type: message/rfc822 Content -En coding: 7bit 3 of 3 8/17/2007 12:47 PM DEQ-CFW 00070629