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Subject: [Fwd: Re: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear]
From: Nora Deamer <nora.deamer@ncmail.net>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 14:40:34 -0500
To: Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jef£manning@ncmail.net>
CC: Dianne Reid <dianne.reid@ncmail.net>
FYI - Info for Bladen Bluffs water reclass.
Subject: Re: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear
From: Cam Mcnutt <cam.mcnutt@ncmail.net>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 14:36:00 -0500
To: Nora Deamer <Nora.Deamer@ncmail.net>
CC: Carol Hollenkamp <carol.hollenkamp@ncmail.net>, Joe Olinger <Joe. Olinger@ncmail. net>, Andrea Thomas
<andrea.thomas@ncmail.net>, Jay H Sauber <jay.sauber@ncmail.net>, Jennie Atkins <jennie.atkins@ncmail.net>, Dianne
Reid <dianne.reid@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <alan.clark@ncmail.net>
Okay based on the info below and conversation with Carol --
Cape Fear River AUs 18-(26)d and 18-(26)e are no longer Impaired for Mercury and 18-(26)d is no longer
Impaired for Lead. The other lead Impairment in the CTB stands as is. The only Hg impairments we have
are based on the old Hg site specific fish tissue advisories.
Carol Hollenkamp wrote:
I've found two coalition database errors that I believe will eliminate two 303d listings for Pb and
water column Hg in the Cape Fear. The errors resulted in:
1.) Pb and Hg violation at site B8301000, which is in AU 18-(26)d,Cape Fear River from L&D3 to NC 41
2.) Hg violation at B8339000, which is in 18-(26)e, Cape Fear River from NC 41 to Browns Creek.
*Pb database error:* The Fe data had been transcribed into the Pb column for the May through August
2002 data for sites B6840000, B7500000, B8301000, B8339000, B8349000. I believe this is what caused a
standards violation for Pb in segment 18-(26)d due to site B8301000. All the other stations had
enough samples taken that this error did not cause the Pb results to exceed the standard 10% of the
time. I've gone back through the original data submittal sheets and corrected the database. With the
corrected data, there are NO VIOLATIONS of the Pb standard for any of these sites.
The Pb error in the coalition database has no effect on the other Pb water quality violation in the
2008 draft list, which is in the Catawba basin at AU 11-137-1, Irwin Creek. This violation appears to
be linked to 3 violations out of 20 samples at ambient site C8896500.
*Hg database error: * From October 2000 through May 2002, the MCFRBA coalition data was entered into
the database at half of the detection level, rather than the detection level with a < sign.
Therefore, all Hg data during this time was reported as 0.100 ug/L, rather than < 0.200 ug/L. The
affected sites are B6840000, B7500000, B8301000, B8339000, B8349000. B8339000 occurs in AU 18-26(e).
In 2003, station B8301000 was discontinued and metals sampling was moved from B8339000 to another
station. B8301000 only had 15 samples taken and B8339000 only had 16 samples taken. Since 3 samples
in early 2002 were reported as 0,100 ug/L at both of these sites, there appeared to be a violation of
water quality standards. However, all results were less than the detection limit of 0.200 ug/, and
NOT 0.100 ug/L.
I've attached an excel spreadsheet with the corrected metals data for these 5 sites from January 2002
through December 2006.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Carol Hollenkamp
Environmental Sciences Section
NC Division of Water Quality
1621 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1621
Phone: (919) 743-8411
Fax: (919) 743-8517
Website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/esb/coalitions.html
of 2 12/12/2007 2:54 PM
DEQ-CFW 00070574
[Fwd: Re: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Mi...
Cam McNutt <cam.mcnutt(dncmail.net>
DENR DWQ Planning
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'Re: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear.eml
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2 of 2 12/12/2007 2:54 PM
DEQ-CFW 00070575
[Fwd: [Fwd: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the...
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear]]
From: Nora Deamer <nora.deamer@ncmail.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 14:56:50 -0500
To: Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net>
CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Dianne Reid <dianne.reid@ncmail.net>
Hi Betsy,
This information changes the information that I gave you on the Cape Fear Baden Bluffs reclassification
info. It appears that the water column mercury and lead impairments were a result of a mistake in the data
(transcription and/or interpretation).
Let me know if you need me to do anything.
Subject: [Fwd: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear]
From: Cam Mcnutt <cam.mcnutt@ncmail.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 13:37:57 -0500
To: Alan Clark <alan.clark@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Dianne Reid <dianne.reid@ncmail.net>,
Nora Deamer <Nora.Deamer@ncmail.net>, Dave Toms <dave.toms@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>,
Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net>
I will be making these corrections over the next few days. Please stress to other managers the importance
of reviewing the water quality assessment data. We are planning on going to public review very soon and
would like to keep these type of issues to a minimum.
Subject: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear
From: Carol Hollenkamp <carol.hollenkamp@ncmail.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 13:33:47 -0500
To: cam Mcnutt <cam.mcnutt@ncmail.net>, Joe Olinger <Joe.Olinger@ncmail.net>, Andrea Thomas
<andrea.thomas@ncmail.net>, Jay H Sauber <jay.sauber@ncmail.net>
CC: Jennie Atkins <jennie.atkins@ncmail.net>
I've found two coalition database errors that I believe will eliminate two 303d listings for Pb and water column Hg in the Cape
Fear. The errors resulted in:
1.) Pb and Hg violation at site B8301000, which is in AU 18-(26)d,Cape Fear River from L&D3 to NC 41
2.) Hg violation at B8339000, which is in 18-(26)e, Cape Fear River from NC 41 to Browns Creek.
Pb database error: The Fe data had been transcribed into the Pb column for the May through August 2002 data for sites
B6840000, B7500000, B8301000, B8339000, B8349000. I believe this is what caused a standards violation for Pb in segment
18-(26)d due to site B8301000. All the other stations had enough samples taken that this error did not cause the Pb results to
exceed the standard 10% of the time. I've gone back through the original data submittal sheets and corrected the database. With
the corrected data, there are NO VIOLATIONS of the Pb standard for any of these sites.
The Pb error in the coalition database has no effect on the other Pb water quality violation in the 2008 draft list, which is in the
Catawba basin at AU 11-137-1, Irwin Creek. This violation appears to be linked to 3 violations out of 20 samples at ambient site
Hg database error: From October 2000 through May 2002, the MCFRBA coalition data was entered into the database at half of
the detection level, rather than the detection level with a < sign. Therefore, all Hg data during this time was reported as 0.100 ug/L,
rather than < 0.200 ug/L. The affected sites are B6840000, B7500000, B8301000, B8339000, B8349000. B8339000 occurs in AU
18-26(e). In 2003, station B8301000 was discontinued and metals sampling was moved from B8339000 to another station.
B8301000 only had 15 samples taken and B8339000 only had 16 samples taken. Since 3 samples in early 2002 were reported as
0.100 ug/L at both of these sites, there appeared to be a violation of water quality standards. However, all results were less than the
detection limit of 0.200 ug/, and NOT 0.100 ug/L.
l of 2 12/12/2007 11:31 AM
DEQ-CFW 00070576
[Fwd: [Fwd: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the...
I've attached an excel spreadsheet with the corrected metals data for these 5 sites from January 2002 through December 2006.
Please Iet me know if you have any questions.
Carol Hollenkamp
Environmental Sciences Section
NC Division of Water Quality
1621 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1621
Phone: (919) 743-8411
Fax: (919) 743-8517
Website: http:rlh2o.enr.stare.nc.us/esb/coalitions.html
Cam McNutt <cam.mcnutt(a,ncmail.net>
DENR DWQ Planning
[Fwd: corrected Pb and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear].eml
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corrected Ph and Hg data for changes in 303d list in the Middle Cape Fear Content -Type: message/rfc822
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Metals errors MCFRBA.xls
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