HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00070529[Fwd: Re: Reclassification Request LCFWSA] Subject: [Fwd: Re: Reclassification Request LCFWSA] From: Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 13:17:29 -0500 To: Alan Clark <alan.clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Dianne Reid <dianne.reid@ncmail.net>, Connie Brower <Connie.Brower@ncmail.net> Sorry for yet another e-mail on this subject, but I think the data referred to below may be the same data which we had requested in our meeting (with Mr. Betz, his lawyers, and CDM staff) and have not yet received. Subject: Re: Reclassification Request LCFWSA From: Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 13:14:53 -0500 To: Debra Benoy <Debra.Benoy@ncmail.net> DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Courier 52-01-00 I'd greatly appreciate receiving this data as soon as you could get it in the mail. Thanks so much for sending it! P.S. I will share it with Connie Brower and other applicable DWQ staff. Debra Benoy wrote: It's 24 pages and I don't have it electronically. I could put it in courier. Give me your address. Elizabeth Kountis wrote: Could you please forward it to us? We'd prefer it by e-mail if possible. If not, please let me know how you'll send it. Debra Benoy wrote: IThey sent it to me. Elizabeth Kountis wrote: Thanks. Please note that we did verbally ask for the data which Morella mentions in the last sentence of her 1-16-08 note to you, which is along the left side of DWQ's letter in your attachment. We have not yet received that data. Do you plan to make a "formal request" for that data? Debra Benoy wrote: Sorry, it was Morella Sanchez -King of Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates. Elizabeth Kountis wrote: Just wondered - the attachment does not reference who,you talked with on 1-16-08. Could you please let me know who you talked with? Thanks! 1 of 2 1/23/2008 1:17 PM DEQ-CFW 00070529 [Fwd: Re: Reclassification Request LCFWSA] Debra Benoy wrote: Elizabeth, When I receive the monitoring data from DWQ as discussed in the attached letter, DEH will be able to proceed with their consideration of this potential source of drinking water. Thanks, Debra Re: Reclassification Request LCFWSA Content -Type: message/rfc822 Content -Encoding: 7bit 2 of 2 1/23/2008 1:17 PM DEQ-CFW 00070530