HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00070494FEB v 'j 2e08 Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Ad FACSIMILE T1t7MMITTAL SHEET DATE: ZI FROM: TO; FIRM'S NAME: FAX NUMBER 04Od 94 REFERENCE: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: © URGENT 0 FOR REVIEW ❑ PLEASE COMMENT © PLEASE REPLY NOTES/COMMENTS; Ff/ Post Office Box 1673, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) 383-1919 (910) 383-1949 Fax Office Location:1107 New Pointe Blvd, Suite 17, Leland, North Carolina 28451 e-mail: donC)dwasa.ore web page: www.)cfwasa.M F El 1 'A 0991 '0N moo :z 800z '90vp DEQ-CFW 00070494 ANALYTICAL WORT PFOA Analysis Lot #, D70190467 JeffMusselwhite Smithfield Foodo 15855 Hwy 87 Tar Heel, NC 28392 TesLkmetloa Dmvcr t Q> ko�z Qail DeRuzzo Project Manager Ausot, 2007 STL STL Denver 4955 Yarrow Street Arods, 00 W02 7sh $03 736 0100 Faxs $03 4317171 wWWA-Inacom Z '� OR9l 'ON WdoS:z 80H '91"pf DEQ-CFW 00070495 Table of Contents Standard Deliverables Report Contents Standard Deliverables The Cover l Wr and the Report Cover page are cowidered integral parts of thk Standard ADelivetable package. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated to this Table of Contents are included. s Table of Contents e Case Narrative e Executive Summary — Detection Highlights a Methods Summary a Method/Analyst Summary • Lot Sample Summary + Analytical Results e QC Data Association Summary Chaim -of -Custody Total Number of Pages 0 � 'd 0891 'IN mos Z 800Z 9l '"r DEQ-CFW 00070496 Case Narrative D7GI90467 The results included in this report have been reviewed for compliance with the Laboratory Quality Manual. All results have been found to meet all requirements of ML`.AC and any exceptions are noted below. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory or sponsor. Dilution factors and footnotes have been provided on each datasheet to assist in the interpretation of the results. Sample Arrival and Receipt The four water samples presented in this report was teeeived at the TeatAmerica Denver laboratory at a temperature of 16.3°C on July 19, 2007, which is above the recommended receipt temperature of 4°C +/- 2°C. The client was notified. t Analytical standards were prepared using the acid form of the compound perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Pertluom-n-[1,2,3,4-'SCa300tsnoic acid was introduced at &a extraction step and was used as an internal stanndard ;for quarntitation of PFOA. Sample Extraction and Analysis The samples presented in this report were analyzed for the target analytes by TestAmerica Denver's SOP DEN-LC-0011 For water samples a 250 mL aliquot of tech sample is acidified with I mL of 6N HCI solution and it is extracted using solid phase extraction technique with methanol conditio4ed C18 cartridges. Each sample is spiked with the itternal standard, prior to extraction. After the sample is passed through the cartridge, the analytes are eluted with 4 mL of methanol. The final volume is brought to 5 mL using methanol and the extract is analyzed by LC/MS/MS. Method OC Samulles The Method Blank is processed reagent water spiked with surrogate and prepared with each batch of 20 samples of the same matrix. The method blanks were non -detect at the reporting limit for the target analyte. Each batch is prepared with Laboratory Control Samples (LCS). The LCS recoveries for both levels were within established control limits for the target analyte. An"gd Comments T o internal standard recovery for 13C4 PFOA was below the control limit in the method blank associated with QC batch 7208485. Because all other internal standard recoveries were in control, no corrective action was necessary. The internal standard recovery for 13C4 PFOA was above tbi control limit in sample "2" in QC batch 7201367• The sardple vvas re-extraoted nine days after collection and re -analyzed with the internal standard recovery in control and with similar results. Only the re -extracted sample results are reported. No other anomalies were noted. OM 'IN NdoS:z 800Z '9l Vep DEQ-CFW 00070497 D7=90467 i REPORTIXQ ANALYTICAL PARWTER RESULT LIMIT UNITS METHOD 1 07/18/07 07:50 001. PFOA 0.13 0.015 ug/L DEN-LC-0012 2 07/18/07 07:55 002 l :— PYOA 0.13 0.015 ug/L DEN-LC-0012 3 07/18/07 07sS9 002 PFOA 0.13 0.015 ug/L D8N-LC-0012 4 07/18/07 0003 03 ' 004 PFOA 0.13 0.013 ug/II D8N-LC-0012 4 a f1R41 'oil W�Il9 1, 5007 '91 'Uvr DEQ-CFW 00070498 METHODS Summm ' D7O190467 ANALYTICAL PREPARATION PEER METSOD ME HOD LC/MS/MS, PFOA RefeZ ewes DEN-LC-0012 DEN Severn Trent Laboratores, Deaver, lFacility Standard Operating Procedure. 9 'd 0991 'IN Wd1s:l 80R '9L "r DEQ-CFW 00070499 METHOD /.ANALYST SUMMARY D70190467 ANAL'YTXCM ANALYST Ms'1 OD ANALTOT ID DEN-LC-0012 Jaqueline So=ett 003601. Raforoncee: bEw Bove= Treat Laborarorae, aenwar, Facility standard Qperat:ing Procedure. 1 0891 'IN M[S:z 80R '91"pr DEQ-CFW 00070500 " SAMPLE SUMMARY 1)7421.904'67 =OLED SAMP WO # SAMPLE CLIMT SAMPLE ID DATE _ 6T27V4 001 1 07/18/07 07150 ,727V9 002 2 07/3.8/07 07t5$ 727WD 003 3 07/18/07 07r59 L721WE 004 4 07/10/07 08:03 Nms . The eoalydmd mutts of die mtpla Wad stave as prnented OR the follcab>p Psoeo. • All celculadons ere performed berore robMing to evold rpuad-otrerroly In CRICVI gal 10111 , - R4Wtr aoW Iu "ND" ww not defeated N or dare The fitted Hold. - Brit report mutt not be mprodu m, except In lu, without the wtmm spprovd of the idardory. AaWN for due fbilowing pu metw ere over mporaW on s dry woipht buds: War, wmlvlty, datuhy, Atlshpobtt, I$nitsbOlty, Isyers, odor. PAW filter sm, ON, porosity pressure, mashy, redox potential, epecim vWry, spot reds, solid., eolubillty, temperelurs, vbmlty, sad welOt. 8 'd 0891 'IN WdlS Z 800Z '9l 1pf DEQ-CFW 00070501 ZOSOL000 M=10-034 Jan, 16. 2008 2:51NM No. I bdU N, 9 (00z - Os) ttT void 9OEY e —R,q x19RAWRI MOM= AMO RI Mould xeo0.0 r1/5n STO' O sT. o vwd ZQW S�,�Ii�[1 11wirl TTl an Mam4md Dt�I�2iOdB2i ro0-oa- xsa �......... �p�� -C :.sogoBd UOTj TT(T LO/BZ/LO ; "aaea vTBKTvw Lo/oC/Lo •-"'0310a load L016` ILO i - -peATeova 878Q 0 o LO/8S/LO t "'paTdin9 64va MY14 . • . • • • • •'YF�t 'dVTVALW I ' ' ' # MV'Q X-20A T00-L9606TOO t •' -# G-C&MB-.Iaq Z : QZ OT&OB :tvwT D Atmawo BUM" pYQTPMTMB Smithfield Packing Company Client Sample IDc 2 Lot-SaWle #... : D70190467-002 Pork Order #...: a27VOUA Matrix.........: WATER Deus Gaugled...: 07/18/07 071SS Date Received..: 07/19/07 Prep Date......c 07/27/07 Analysis Date..: 07/28/07 Prep Hatch #... 7208489 Analysis Time—: 22.43 Dilution Factor: 1 Method......., . DEN-LC-0012 REPORTING PARAMklTP�R RESULT LIMIT__ ____ WITS p1rok 0.13 0.015 ug/L 0.0026 PERCENT RECOVERY O(}A RECOVERY LIMNS 13C4 PFOA 167 (50 - 200) 0l 'A OR9l 'ON Ad I S: Z 800Z '91 "r DEQ-CFW 00070503 Smithfield packing Company Client Stemple ID: 3 Lot -Sample #... ! D70190467-003 Work Order #... : ,727WD1AA Matr:Lx.I....... I WATER Date Sampled.... 07/18/07 07.59 Date Received, - -% 07/19/07 Prep Date......: 07/20/07 AnAaysis Date..: 01/26/07 Prey Batch #... i 7201367 AnaIySis Time..: 19:16 Dilution Factor: 1 Method ......... :'DEN -LC-0012 • ��oRxz� PATER P,9=T LIMIT , T UNITS MDL PPOA 0.13 0.015 utg/L 0.0031 PERCENT RECOVERY St7 ROGATX RECOVRRY LINXTS i 13C4 PFOA 118 (SO - 200) 0991 'ON Wd �s z soaz 91 ,ups DEQ-CFW 00070504 smit tiold Packing Company Client sample ID: S Lot-5atinple #...s RIM D7a190467-004 Work Ordex I T27WRIM Matrix.........: WATU. Date Sampl*d... s 07/19/07 o8a03 Date Reaeived..s 07/19/01 Prep Date......: 07/20/07 Analysis Date..: 07/20/07 prep Batch #... s 7201367 Analysis Time..: 19:48 Dilution Facto: 1 Method.....,... DEN-W-0012 PARAMETER REgULT LIMIT UNITS l�L PFOA 0.13 0.015 ng/L 0.0031 MIMCENT RSCOVIRY SMOC;ATR RECOVE1tX LIMITS —. 13C4 PYOA 11.9 (so - 300) 71 'A OPQ I 'Oki N [l :7 9007 '91 "Pr DEQ-CFW 00070505 QC DATA ASSOCIATION SUMMARY p70190467 Sample Preparation and Analysis Control Numbers ANALYTICAL LHACH SAMPLE MIST&IX METHOD.. ---- AATCg_. i 001 WATER DEN-LC-0012 002 WATER DEN-LC-0012 003 WATER DEN-LC-0012 004 WATER PEN-LC-0012 PRIM? rCH 7201367 7208409 7201367 7201367 Ms RUN F l 'd 0891 'IN Wd1S:z 800Z 9l '°vr DEQ-CFW 00070506 Client Lot #•••= D1O190461 N2 Lot -Sample #. R7O200000-367 A=ayaia Date..: 07/28/07 Diluti= Factor: 1 PARAMETER PPOA MET13M OW" RZPMT Emw Work Order #...: A'3ART)IAA, prop Date......: 07/20/07 PzW Batch #...: 7301367 Matrix ........... WATIA Analysis Tioe..: 17156 REPORTING RESULT LIMTT WITS META ND 0.015 ug/L PIN-LC-0012 PERCEW RECOVERY SURROGATE RECOVERY LIMITS 13C4 PFOA 93 (50 - 200) IAOTH (9) CdwXdow are pe N mW hafm rowdlna to avaW m=d-off wmr# In a oulaNd :aultt, til d 0891 'IN WdzS Z 800Z '91 Tpf DEQ-CFW 00070507 HPLC Client rot: #...: >57b] 90467 work order $...: ;73044LM mastrix......... I WATZR US Lot-Saaple #s R70210000-499 pry Date...... s 07/27/07 AnaOYO:La Time.. 12a:40 Analysis Date..: 07/20/07 Prep Batch #...: 7208489 Dilution Factor: l REPORTXNC; PARAMETZR INSULT LIMIT UVITS METHOD PFOA - Nil 0.015 ug/L DEN-LC-0012 PERCENT RECOVERY SURROGATE RECOVERY LIMITS 13C4 I3VOA 31 * {5i? - 200) A°WO(5) : CslealRdow sm pmlbmd bskm rouadlnf to svold round -off emu Is adc AW =fts. • 8urr6si: rto0vary Is audid. kowd 0autm i I► N. S l d OW 'IN Wdzs: z 800Z 9l "PC DEQ-CFW 00070508 ;l, HoJATMT CCeTROL SAML» ZVALUATICU RAP= HFnC Client Lot #...- D70190467 Work Oxdlox #...: J3AMIAC Matrix.........: WATER LCS Lot -Samples R70200000-367 Prep Date......: 07/20/07 Analyai,e Date..: 07/28/07 PM Batch #...a 7201367 Analymis Time..: 19s12 Dilution Pictorr 1 PRRCm RECOVERY RECOVERY I.zM1T8 METHOD PARAM&TSR �_ PPOA log (70 - 3,30) wi-LC-OQLZ PERCENT RECOVERY 9U00A,T3 RECOVERY LIMITS I$M PFO,A, 95 (50 - 200) >i m (a) r Calauledom aro "Mid hetbro roundins to avoid round-otr ermn In m1ml and m MM, Bald print danatee =Ual plmm*n t I 9l 0991 'ON Md :z 800z 91 Avg DEQ-CFW 00070509 L&BORLTORX COmi'=L SA1t1= DATA REPORT Client Lot #...r D7G190467 Work Ord= #...: O'3AEDIAC Y.CB Lot -Samples R70200000-347 pep Date ...... % 07/20/07 Analysis Date..: 07/28/07 Prep Batch #... % 7201357 Analysis Time..; 10:12 Dilution Factor; 1 PARAMETER PFOA 0M OGATS 13C4 PPOA SPIKE MEASURED AMO'f jNT AMOUNT 0.200 0.217 PERCENT ER C0MY 95 C mlidex ere psoomwd before roandho to avoid imww-oK error% 19 a wtsted rWIAL DOW print denotes pontmi pmamtsm Matrix.......... WATIM PERCENT UNITS RECOVERY METHOD mg/L- __- 109 mw .-LC-0012 RECOVERY LIMITS — (50 - 200) W 7,,�:l, 9007, '91 'upf DEQ-CFW 00070510 LAPORATOU' t CODrML SANKA S'VA'C. %=ON REPORT HPLC client Lot 0/0190467 Work Ostler J3=31M ......... ; WATER YACS Lot-Sample#s R7,3200000-367 Prep Date......: 07/20/07 Azmayois Date..s 07/28/07 pM Batch #...; 7201367 analysis Time..: l8s28 Dilution Factors 1 P91CMIT 19COV'E1d'Y' PARAMETER RECOVERY LIMITfi ____. METHOD Ppm 119 (70 - 130) DELP-LC-0012 PERCENT RECOVERY SURROGATE RECOVERY LIMITS 13C4 P80A 93 (50 - 200) u4wAdesu Am performed bra m roundha to Vold mud -off emu M alatw saula, DON prw davotes contra► parnm m" 8l 'd 0891 'IN Md :S 80H '91 Avr DEQ-CFW 00070511 LABORATORY CcrtRox, gAmm DATA Ra po BPLC Client Lot #...: D70190467 Work Order #.... J3A=LU Matrix ......... & WATER LCeS Lot-9ample#t R702000D0-367 prep Date ...... c 07/20/07 Analysis Date..: 07/28/07 Axep Bauch #... s 1201367 Analysis Time..e 18128 Dilution 8'aatoxc 1 SPIKE MEASURED PERCENT PARAMETER AMOCtDPl' ,AMOmm =TS .RECOVERY MBTMOD PF" 0.0200 0.093E ug/L 119 mw-XC-0019 P 3RC8NT RECOVERY SURROGATE RECOVERY LIMITS 13C4 PFOA 83 (50 - 200) mO'1'E (SI) l _ cawh tp l us pertbrmed baste tsunami eo mid round-ot'l uroN In 9AWL oed rums, Bold prpudents00W pe WWWR 61 d H91 'ON 91 'uvp DEQ-CFW 00070512 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE BVALDATICK R,BBORT ULC Client Lot #..•= D70130467 work Order #...: L730441AC matrix. ........ I WATER LCs Lot-Semle#: R70270000-489 PrV Tate......: 07/27/07 AaalySie Date..: 07/28/07 Piep Batoh 8...: 7208499 AWlysis Time..a 21c56 Dilution Factor: 1 PERCENT RECOVERY PARAMETER RECOVERY UMIT8 MBT Ob Py0A, 1.08 (70 - '130) 1=-LC-0019 PERCENT RECOVERY StIRROOATS REC0'U'3!R'Y LIMITS 13C4 PFOA 73 (50 - 200) NOTA(S) s --- Calouledons an WthrmW batbm toundN= to avoid murkaff W&A la 941CW& ad raaulm )Told Print deaom cawal puamwn H 'd 0891 "N mzs:: 800Z '91"pr DEQ-CFW 00070513 LABORATORY CO1TntOL SAWLB DAM RBBORT XPLC Cliont Lot #... s D70190467 Mork Ordar #... r J'3Q441AC Matx*ia¢......... s WATSR J.M Lot-8mW3.e#s R70270000-489 " Data..:.... 07/27/07 Aala3.ya1e Datte..r 07/28/07 Prep Batch #... : 7208489 Analysis Time..; 21;56 Dilution Factor: 1 SPIKE MEABufJI= PERCENT P.AWETFR MOM AMYET T UNITS RECOVERY METHOD PFOA 0.200 0.216 Z7-L 108 =P -IBC-0012 PERCENT RECOVERY SURROGATE RECOVERY LIMITS 13C4 PFCA 73 (50 - zoo) NOTE (0) a Ctieulmlom m perfomud before roundim to wld mundaff orron In oiWW#d raalu. sold pdm doom Control pmmmm ll d OM 'ON mzl :z soul '9l '°pf DEQ-CFW 00070514 LAEOR&TORY aRMWL SAMPLE BVALUA=09 RZMT HPLC Client Lot #...s D70190467 Work Qrdex ...: J3Q441AA matrix ......... s PLATER LCO Lot-SaWle#; R70270000-489 Pzeep Date......: 07/27/07 AA&Iysis Date..s 07/28/07 Prep Hatch S...: 7208489 Analyffie Titme..s 22t13 Dilution PACtOrt 1 PERC= RECOVERY pATiAMExER RECOVERY LIMITS MaTHOD PFOA 114 (70 - 130) DBU-LC-0012 PERCENT RECOVERY SURROG;ATS _ RE OVER LIMITS 13C4 PFOA 64 (90 - 200) &kulufotu uv perlbrmed oefbre round ft to avoid round -off error In a1091AW ream. Bold print denotercontrolpirarawts WdES:z soot 91,,Vr DEQ-CFW 00070515 LABORATORY CONT90L M*= ZATA REPORT Client Lot # D70190497 BPLC Work Order #...: J30441AD X*tx-jx........... WATIR UX T,*t-SsaWle#t R70270000-489 prep Data......: 07/2?/07 Aualysis Date..: 07/28/07 Prep Satrh #...: 7206409 Analysim Time..: 22t13 Dilution pactor: 7, 1 SPIRE MEASURED PERCFfa1T PARPMTER MO NT AMOUNT UNITS RSCOVE Y HE= pI 0.0200 0.0227 ug/L 24 D8N-LC-0012 PBRCSNT RECOVERY SMOGATE RECOVERY LIMITS 13C4 PFOA I 64 {50 - 200) NO'.P8 (a) t CdcuWam ua performed bm*m taurdft m AV* MuM-aff a m 1n oafOaU M tauf s- Hold pft dwam comol pammean 8Z d 0891 'IN Wd85 Z 800Z '91 .ups DEQ-CFW 00070516 I 6 n I� 0 0 0 0 f Chain of Custody Record STL.12+ Mwo STL Smwn Mud L.aboraorim, Inc. ' y x u`l� • ��. r, , f1, . . - ■m�ee■eooee■ ff "T ■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■None ■■■�■■■■■■■N■■eon■■■■■■n■■■■ �rmwrwro nmetrequ.eo ❑ ❑ *et+Mn ❑ 708ys O 14Dap © 2r C WK mm AaporC _ aCAe�+�aerYsfS�tec�yl ❑ Oar Dift rww L PAw*WBy 7. fir•0744071 Dde ; rare z PAMWdBy nmar , Tk- _ I FAVA C By - stays web b'* san pi PINK- Raw Owy -10