Sent: 8/2/20I7I0:35:27PW1
To: Hennessy, John [john.hennessy@ncdenr.gmv]
Subject: FVV:Updated
List of tasks being performed in addition to permit writing — see below chart. Julie
From: Hennessy, John
Sent: Wednesday, August D2,2U17S:2UPM
To: Poupart,Jeff ^jef[poupart@ncdenr.8ov>;Gr4'b,Julie ^ju|ie.0rq/b@ncdenr.0ov>
Subject: Updated
Necessary tasks beyond normal permit writing
l. Authorizations to Construct 1.5 FTE (currently taking 1.5 FTEs because one is being trained due to the other
retiring early JO1Q)
I. Duke Energy Coal Ash Permits 1-I FTEs(1currently, once the litigation isresolved ZFTEsfor Zyears easily)
3. Model oxygen consuming wastewaters to develop limits for domestic WWTPs including the development and
writing ofspeculative letters and the development
ofanupdated model before current model isunusable 0.5FTE
4. Handling issues with emerging contaminants (1,4dioxane,GenX)O]OFTE
S. Working with ATB to assess implementation of WET tests with Reasonable Potential Analysis (0.20 FTE)
6. DE{lworkshop todevelop NPDESrequirements atGVVremediationsites (OJUFTE)
7. Renewal of 6 mining permits that EPA inspected and DEQ may have to model metals (0.40 FTE)
8. Tax credits
9. VVTP Discharge Evaluation reviews and resolution of toxicity issues (OSU FTE)
10. Litigation, litigation and litigation (Martin Marietta, HZGC\/Ucoa Duke, Federal Investigation on GenX) 0.5 FTE
11. Dissolved metals implementation — yes, I agree, overall this is an extra 0.5 FTE
(collecting hardness data, understanding RPA, explaining details to Permittees and developing Compliance
Schedules for nearly 1/3rd the major permits — none of this was necessary before)
12. Renewal of two NPDES Permits with variances and addressing new EPA variance regulations (Mt. Olive Pickle
and Bay Valley) U.5FTE
13. Handling very Complex and controversial permits — Novozymes, Reidsville Energy Center, Chemours ?
John Hennessy
Supervisor, Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
919-807-8377 oKma
1G17Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GGQ'1G17
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