HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00083522Mr. Ellis R cGaug y Plant Manager The Chemours Company 22828NIC Highway 87 Fayettevi e, North Carolina 28306-7332 € bj t; 0-Day Notice of Intent to s -iNPES Pemit NO 3573 The Cheniours Company,'Fayeftevilk� Works Deer Mr, McGau y— r ua t to 15A NCAC 11,0112(b)O k 1.1. 1 (a), the North. Carolina Do aTnnon.t of Environmental lity (DEQ), Division of Wat r Rosorr. s (DW3.) hereby provides notice of �its intent to suspend.NPDES Permit 00 3 d (Pit)1 . 60 days, 'Under I iA NCAC 21-1 z t 12(b)( ) and 2H � 11 (a), DVNR is autho zed to suspend a perrait o multiple bases" 1 cludi t for "obtaining a pennit by or failure to disclose -fully all relevant facts." ' eye, rules t r authorize, DWR to suspe d a :€gin t based on the critci ssei incorporated troy 40 CFI 12 F Include "[flhe er.m1tt `,� failurein the application r during the permit issu=ce process to disclose fully 01 relm_ t fhcts, wr the pemiftWs 1srer sentation of any relevant facts it my ," The, cr1teria 1fsted i . 40 CFR 12162 also authorize DWR to suspend a permit M.,,ed on the receipt of nuv,, infi -nation that was ut availableat the time. € f permit issuwtcc and '%vould hme ust1 o the a k� ationof different pen -nit conditions the time ofiss ce," Be-d on our review of the historyof NPDES Pert NCO003 5 73 for the Ce oar Fayetteville Works, there, is sufficient cause to suspend the Pit under the provisions cited in the letter, We have found no evidence in the'Permit file indicate that Chernours or :wont (Chemours' re,xssor) diselosed the discharge to surface water of Cien-X compounds at theFayetteville Works, In part10tar, die 'PUES pennit renewal applications submitted to t) R contain no reference to ""Gen "k or to any ohem1ca1 name, forniuN, or CAS ,umber that would identify any GunX compounds in the disdharge, In fact the inlarm tln . provided by DuPont and (,hemoun, led R. stiff toreasonably believe t i,it no d1,qc1t,gzg o ° m . ,id ceR 6tl Mmi S,,- ,4o C"Co £" .k f y i>X£ Cx ol: =2;F9t�_a£i 91 M.-707.%00 DEQ-CFW 00083522 with DE Q representatives. During that meeting, the DuPont representatives provided an update on the anticipated use of GenX technology at the Fayetteville Works as a replacement for the perfluorinated compound PFOA. However, the information DuPont provided indicated that the GenX compounds would be produced in a closed -loop system, that would, not result in the discharge of those compounds into the Cape Fear River. DE Q has found no evidence of DuPont. notifying DEQ of an actual discharge of GenX compounds at this meeting or in any information provided to DEQ subsequently by either DuPont or Chemours. Further, DuPont and Chemours, (Ed not provide to DE Q any health studies related to the GenX compounds. On June 12, 2017, after substantial media, coverage regarding the presence of GenX in the Cape Fear River, Chemours informed DEQ in a meeting that for several decades, GenX. compounds had been produced as byproducts at the Fayetteville Works, and GcnX had been routinely discharged into the river. Similarly, it was not until. 2017 — and only at DI insistence — that Chemours provided DEQ vith the health studies on GerCX compounds that had been conducted previously by DuPont or Chernours. In short, prior to 2017-. DuPont and Chemours failed to notify DEQ that Gen X compounds had been discharged into the Cape Fear River, DuPont and Chem. ours led DE Q to believe that Gen X production was occurring in a closed loop system that would not result in discharges to the Cape Fear River, and DuPont and Chemours failed to prwade DE Q with any health studies relating to Gera x- DuPont and Chemours' on, misrepresentations and inadequate disclosures, which have only recently come to light, shielded important information fTom, DEQ and the public. They also deterred DEQ stafffrom inquiring ftuther into the nature of GcnX diselvarges and other related activities at the Fayetteville Works. Had the appropriate disclosures been made, it would have justified the application of one or more different permit conditions at the time the Pon. nit was issued, such as monitoring and reporting requirements, appropriate health -based water quality standards, effluent lit -nits, or evaluation of alternatives to discharging Gen- X cornpoun ds mid other chemicals in. the process wastewater at the Fayetteville Works. Based on these circumstances, DV has determined that it will suspend the Permit unless Chemours complies vAth all of the following actions.- (1) Continue to prevent Cbemours' discharge of all Gen : compounds into the Cape Fear River; (2) By September 8, 2017, cease Chemours' discharge of process wastewater into the Cape Fear River of the chemicals with. formulas of C7HFi AS and C-711-'TIAS with respective CAS Numbers 29311-67-9 and 749836-20-2 (identified by EPA as Naflon byproducts mid 1. and 2): DEQ-CFW-00083523 f3 By October 20, 2017, cease hea rs' discharge of process wastewater into the ape Pear River of any other perfluorinated or polyfluorinated compound witho t an efit limit in the Permits and () Provide complete responses to all outstanding requests for information issue to Chemours by DEQ according to the deadlines previously set by DEQ, including the July 21, 2012 letter from, DEQ Secretes lich l Regan (requesting records in related to the. discharge of ten and other emerging contaminants); the August 16. 2017 letter from W1111a Lane (requesting access or consent for the release of Chemours confidential business it ror atlon in the possession of EPA:); the August 18, 2012 letter from Teresa Rodriguez (requesting detailed information about wastewater streams at the Fayetteville Works); and the August 2 s 2017 letter from. Linda da Culpepper (providing clarification and shortening the deadline for W .' August 18 letter). Copies of these requests are attached. DEQ acknowledges the receipt ofresponses from Chemours on august 18, August 25, and September 1, 2017, but notes that those responses Flo not provide complete information. DEQ will use this information along with any other relevant toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations to evaluate the potential establishment of appropriate permit conditions in accordance with 1. 5A NC..NCAC 02 regulations that are protective e of human health mid aquatic life for compounds identified 1n items 2 d above. Pursuant to N.C.G.S, § 1 1Jw (h)s DAB iNrill provide an opportunity for Chemours to show compliance with. all laiNrfnl requirements for retention of the Permit. Please contact u e to schedule a. meeting, Sincerely, S. Jai .;i:! Director, Division of Water Resources cc. Michel Johnson, Chemours DEQ-CFW 00083524 PlantMr. Ellis H. McGaughy The Chernours Company 22828 NC Highway'W . North Carolina 2830is NPDES Application NC00 3 WorksFayetteville Pit . .. w...:.. :. ... . R .. i :. ......: . ffiffidN [I It I 19EN 0 N118 0. ORKENN .. Item 2 — Sample and test results should include all the chemicals listed in the August 16, description FORMULApoint of discharge to the wastewater treatment plant (W`WT?), provide the requested infbrmation available for the following chemicals by Friday September 1, 2017: No. Monoether ,.:.......::. C31IF503 674-13-5 Polyether PF CAs C5BF9O5 39492- 9-2 C4I4 39492m91 PFESAs C7I-IF1305 66796-30-3 C7112 1405 749 36-20-2 .... ..: .. . :6:Service Mail. Center :. :..j :.. Stag of North Carolina I Envaronment&l Quality 1611 Ma Service Center j It dgh, 7'eoAh Carolina 27699-161 I 919-707-"00 DEQ-CFW 00083525 .: .$ Rage,.. III Singly, Linda Culpepper Il....:::::Director Mid Ik .: DEQ-CFW 00083526 . . . . . . . . . n:=01 August 18, 2017 Mrf Ellis 11.1ca Kiau hy Plant Manager The C;hemours Company 22828 NCB Highway 87 I'll Fayetteville, NC 211306--7332 Subject: Request for Additional lraforinatiorl NTIDES Application NC;0003573 Fayetteville Works Dear Mr, McGaughy -. The Division has reviewed your application for the subject permit. To enable us to complete our review in accordance with I IoC oCl.Ee l 3-? 1 . [ and 1 SA NCAC' 211 011t5; please provide additional. or revised information to address the following comments° 1. o Devise the renewal application to update the description of the wastewaters discharged to the 'p WTP addressing the removal of all process wastewaters containing HFPO diver acid andany other changes since, the application was submitted in 201 Ci. 2. Sample and provide test results from Cfu:tfalls 001 and 00:2 for pll, TSS, (_701), PFO , PFO , manufacturing operations specific organics, metals, all the chemicals on the handout provided to DEQ on th.e J ly 27, 211f 7 site visit, and PFEC As compounds. The PFEC As compounds at at minimum shall include the list provided in the August 16, 2017 letter to R. Steven. DeGeorge, Esq. Sampling shall be performed during dry; weather. 3a Provide a flow schematic of'C;hemours process areas showing damps, quench baths, and all points of discharge to the W WTP, The schematic should reflect actual average flows. Estimated peak flows can be submitted on a separate schematic, d. Provide a description acid characterization of the wastewaters from each point of discharge to the WJTPo The wastewater characterization shall include an analysis of pH, TSS, COD, PFC'}A, PFOS, manufacturing operations specific organics, metals, and PIiE.0 As, Compounds. Specifically, testing shall be performed at each discharge point for the paraaaacters listed above and the chemicals on. the list provided to DEQ on the July 27, 2017 site visit, if believed to be present at that: discharge point:. 5e If'not all the mannfacturing processes are, running during the time of'sampling, identify the processes that were sampled and submit a schedule to sample so that wastewaters from all manufacturing processes that run. -in campaigns are tested.. Submit this data. to DEQ as it: is received. from the laboratory. 6. Provide a revised mass flow balance schematic that: reflects the actual long -tern average discharge from Out:f°a.11s 001 and 002. Esthnates on peak flows cann be provided separately. 7. Provide a revised flow balance for the DuPont: wastewater treatment discharges including flows from water treatment units as well as process wastewater flows, 8. Provide an electronic, copy of the site's BMP plari addressing spill response procedures. Skim a# North Camlana f;r sirzaaar¢a mt a Quality Water Rostaar s 1617 Mati aeraice Center I Raleigh, North C.' al -Oh aa 27699-161 19 ^i3'7 9000 DEQ-CFW 00083527 Historical sampling data., no greater than 4.5 years old, may be submitted provided it is representative of the current wastewaters being discharged. Please provide your response within 60 calendar days. All the responses shall be submitted to: NC D Q / Division of Water Resources /Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: NPDES Complex Permitting 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1.617 If you have any questions, please contact rile at 919-807-6387 or email at Tgrgsa.orodri�€g48 ggqVr. . Sincerely, Teresa Rodriguez PDES Complex Unit Division of Water Resources/NCDENR cc: Linda Culpepper, Division of Water Resources DEQ-CFW 00083528 ICHAEL S. KEGAN WILLIAM F. LANE cellffoIccumd R. ` ! ' is . Tryon101 N. " 1900 Charlotte,North Carolina :: s: • E.' k't:: 1': i 1 1-.# 1 # i We received your letter dated August 2, 2017, that you submitted on behalf of Chemours. In For purposes ofthis inquiry,..reference to"emergingcontaminants"includes following FORMULA CAS Rm i .xl 1 �g C3HF5M3 C4H 7 3 Monoether° PFEC s CsHF903 f363ii98m8 m5 C6HFi103 13252-13-6 C7HFi3 3 CaH Fi503 7H i3O7 39492-91®6 Pol ether PFECAs C6HFiiO6 39492-90-5 CsbF90s 39492-89-2 C4HF70 3949 -88-1 PFE As C7HF1305S 6679 -30-3 C7H2 145 CF20 Other CF2 PFDS CeHF1703S 176 -23-1 ..... PFOA free acid C9HFi502 335-67-1 ,All chemicals identified in the handout that was provided by Chemours to DEQ, during a site visit on �xl' 27§ 2017m Stag of Noah cm0na I Fff4ronntental Quality 217%4kstlDnes5tred 11601 MWI Service meter I Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1601 9197078600 DEQ-CFW 00083529 fddiktw§< andaswediscussed n last week's meeting,y,dzeofNor§2.:£»: has Confidential Bus©«4«>=¥t:(CBU.©°>yat±e?«»y:»sJtxy for Chemo»<4 oideDE with the followinam information, ora« c w«>s J give consent for EPA 4 » /* e such information� 4 Q: Information, including CBI, submitted aEPA byChemousorits predecessors related to the T ,wchemical registration for manufacturing »©:<y the Fayetteville, North Carolina facility, Information, including CBI, sub«««do EPA by Chemours»2>:t>kex«t<J% xk to 2:2<©» chemical registrations at the Fayetteville, North Carolina facil All chemical analyses,, includingCBI, conducted w:Chemor »spredecessors4<c: manufacturing «, w: x z2lw»9< <% !»:_n 002 described in the current \!#2/permit; an 11 humanhealth, a « A and aquatic >a studies or related information, i2>tngCB submitted J EPA by Chemours w« its predecessors re» «! to chemical processes «e Fayetteville facility. «- gnu VAV,t, --, William F. Lane «<=k t:<±>£ «:»kl6 DEQ CFW-0 00835 O Environmental Quality July 21, 2017 Mr. Ellis H. Mc aughy Plant Manager The Chemours Company FC, LLC DBA, Chemours Company- Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway, 87 West Fayetteville, North. Carolina 28306-7332 Bear wire McGaughye ROY COOPER cnvernor MICHAEL S, REGAN secretary The presence of GenX and other emerging contaminants in the Cape Fear River is an issue of significant concern in the Cape Fear River watershed, The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human. Services (DHHS), is investigating this important issue. It is our understanding that Chemours (arid previously DuPont) has been discharging GenX into the Cape Fear River dating; back to the 1980's. As previously requested, and in conjunction with our review of your pending NPDES renewal application and pursuant to HCGS 143-215.1(c)(1), please submit to DEQ any and all records in the possession of Chemours related to the discharge of Genx and other emerging contaminants. This includes records pertaining to production levels of GenX and other products for which emerging contaminants are a byproduct; discharge levels of emerging contaminants into the Cape pear River or anywhere else, and sampling data in your possession related to discharge of Cenx and rather emerging contaminants recently and in the past. Finally, I ask that you inune€iiately inform DEQ of any records relevant to this request that you are aware of but that are not in the possession of Chemours. Please submit the requested information as soon as passible, but no more than 14 days from the date of this letter to: NC Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources A°1ib1: Linda Culpepper 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, Michael Regan. Secretary State of North Qro ina ! Eravironmental Quality 217 West jrxres Street 11601 MaH service center 1 Raidgk North 1 amlina 276 `-1601 9197078600 DEQ-CFW 00083531