HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00049752From: Days,K8oUy[Davis.PWo|ly@/epa.gov
Sent: 6/27/20174:54:5I PM
To: Snyb,]u|ie [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Update onChemoursinVVV
I had the permit number wrong for the Chemours facility in WV that produces the PFOA. | think you need toask Matt at
WV for the permit for the Chemour Washington Works facility. Sorry about getting the facility wrong. Molly
From: ro0ens,rick
Sent: Tuesday, June J7,JO17lJ:46PK4
To: Tru|ear,Brian <Tru|ear.8rian@epa.Bou`;Davis, Molly <Davis. MoUy0Depa.8ov>
Cc: K4oncava8e,Carissa<MoncavageIarissa@epa.8ov>
Subject: RE: VVVO0UJ399
Thanks for looking into this. |just heard/saw the VM message from Molly and an email from my R4 counterpart about
this and was going to turn to you for help. Would it be possible to obtain the permit that is currently in place?
Molly, are you sure it's the Belle Plant you are interested in? The [hemouoplant inVVVthat had been manufacturing
PFOA (and releasing it) was their Washington Works plant in Washington, WV located on the Ohio River. Their Belle
Plant manufactured chemicals for the agriculture industry and is located on the Kanawha River.
Brian, would there be a separate permit for the Washington Works plant?
U.S. EPA Region III
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA191O3
Office: 215.814.5711
Cell: 215.341.4762
From: Trulear, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, June 27,2Ol712:3SPK4
To: Davis, Molly
Cc:K4oncava8e [ahoa no�en�hck
Subject: RE: VVVODO2399
Looks like VVVOU77OS4isapermit issued for |eachatefrom the facility's waste disposal/landfill site. \Nedon't have any
info for that permit. VVVO0UJ399isthe facility's main NPDESpermit. K4yrecords show that hexpired on6/3U/JO13and
has been administratively extended ever since. The last draft permit xvesaw was back in2OlS,inwhich xveprovided a
number ofcomments tothe State. VVehave not heard anything unthe reissuanoeofthis permit since then. This permit
has been on the priority permit candidate list the last couple of years, but has not been selected by the State.
It probably makes more sense for your NC contact to get in touch with our WVDEP contact to get an understanding of
what VVVisdeveloping for this neiuuuance. Our contact at\NVDEPisMatt Sweeney ( at
304-926-0499x1019. Hope this helps. If not, let me know and vve'|| try to track down more specifics for you.
Chief, NPIDES Permits Branch (3WP41)
From: Davis, Molly
Sent: Tuesday, June 2l2O17l1:48AM
To: Tru|ear,Brian
Subject: WV0002399
|amtrying tohelp N[find anNPDESpermit for the [hemoursBelle Plant inWV. | believe the permit #bVVV000Z399
but I also saw in the DIVIR loading tool reference to another NPIDES permit given to the facility under the ID
VVV0077054. NC is redrafting a new permit for the Chemours facility in Fayetteville, NC and they want to know how
other states are permitting GenX or other HFPO dimer acids. Becky A||enbach,our acting deputy director, suggested
that | call Rick Rogers and | left avoioemai|message for him. Thanks inadvance for the help! Molly
Molly Davis
Chief, NPDBS Permitting Section
61Forsyth StSVV1ST37
Atlanta, GA 30303