HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00049743From: Grzyb, Julie [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDI BOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECI PI ENTS/CN=75D1654D45154C2ABB08596A2C9AF282-JAGRZYB] Sent: 6/27/2017 2:25:57 PM To: Davis, Molly [Davis.Molly@epa.gov] Subject: FW: Message from KM_C258 Attachments: SKM_C25817062710230.pdf Molly, Attached is a map of the Chemours site —the facility intakes about 26.6 MGD of water upstream from its discharge of 26.8 MGD from Outfall 002. The upstream intake values of PFOA account for 74% of the PFOA sampled in Outfall 002. Another question for you- The TRI EPA website has an icon to show Releases from Kararay and Dupont but there is no icon for Chemours. In addition the one for Dupont shows no release of wastewater which is incorrect. I suppose if there was an icon for Chemours and they accounted for all water releases for Kararay and Dupont, their tenants - it might make sense. Do you know how to get this site updated? Thanks, Julie DEQ-CFW 00049743