HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00049688From: MenaniBrenda [BMenurd@ncdN.gov]
Sent: 6/I9/20178:14:19PN1
To: Snyb,]u|ie [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: ChemoursPermit NCO0O3763
Thanks, Julie!
Fronm:Grryb JuUe[maikoju|ie.8rzyb@ncdenr.gov
Sent: Monday, June l9,2Ol74:13PM
To: Menavd,Brenda
Subject: FVV:[hemoursPermit N[0UO]763
Attached is Chemours' permit that is administratively continued until a renewal permit is issued, the standard conditions
are attached separately.
The TSCA Consent Order can be found at the following link:
If you're interested, the renewal application can be found under Laserfiche at the following link:
Let meknow ifyou need anything else.
Julie AGrzyb
NPDE8Complex Permitting
WCDEQ/Division nfWater Resources / Water Quality P*nnK±in
0198076390 office
9197079000 main office
Physical Address: 512 North Go|isburySX,Rakak]h. NC, 27604
Mailing Address: 1617 Mail Service Center, Rn|okJh. WC.27GQQ4G17
'o sis ��e
From: Cox, Heidi
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 12:13 PM
Cc: Grq6,]u|ie Brantley, Mark
Subject: RE: [hemoursPermit N[UUO37G3
|amcopying Julie Grrybonthis email. She iuthe Supervisor inNPDEScomplex wastewater permitting and may beable
tohelp you with Trent being out this week. |amthe supervisor for the Public Water Supply Section inthe Fayetteville
and Wilmington Offices and don't permit the discharges. Sorry!
Heidi Lane Cox
Regional Engineering Supervisor
Wilmington and Fayetteville Regional Offices
Public Water Supply Section
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
(910)796-7368 office
(910)409-5777 mobile
Heidi, oxwncdenr�-,I�-jy
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From: Richard Hi|denman
Sent: Friday, June 16,2Ul7G:22PK4
To: Cox, Heidi ; Richard Hi|derman
Subject: Fm/d:ChemoursPermit NCDDO3763
laent the email below to Trent Allen but he imout of the office until June 26. Can you help me?
Richard Hildern/on,l/h.[}.
From: Richard HiUdermmmn<i
Date: Fri, Jun |6,2O|7a18:|5PM
Subject: Chen/nurmPermit NC0OO]7d3
Not sure you are the person who can address my request. If not, l am hoping you will refer itnothe appropriate
I am president of the Brunswick Environmental Action Team (BEAT) and we would like a copy of the
Chemours permit application (NC0003753) for releasing GenX into the watershed. We would also like the
email address to send public comments pertaining to this permit.
Richard Hilderman, Ph.D.