HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_000696491TRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 Regulatory Summary for Per- And Poly- Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) 1 INTRODUCTION This fact sheet is one of six developed by the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) to provide an overview of the current regulations of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the United States and worldwide. The fact sheets are tailored to the needs of state regulatory program personnel who are tasked with making informed and timely decisions regarding PFAS-impacted sites. The content is also useful to consultants and parties responsible for the release of these contaminants, as well as public and tribal stakeholders. The information in this fact sheet is supplemented by others in the series: Nomenclature Overview and Physical and Chemical Properties; History and Use; Environmental Fate and Transport (to be published late 2017); Site Characterization Tools, Sampling Techniques, and Laboratory Analytical Methods (to be published late 2017); and Remediation Technologies and Methods (to be published late 2017). The purpose of this fact sheet is to: • Provide a brief overview of background scientific information on PFAS that is important to the understanding of their regulations, including an overview of PFAS sources to the environment, and the health effects of PFAS on humans and other biota. • Describe the primary state and U.S. programs that are being used to regulate PFAS. • Summarize current regulatory values for PFAS in groundwater, drinking water, surface water/effluent, and soil (Tables 4-1 and 4-2). • Provide information (summarized in Tables 5-1 and 5-2) regarding the basis for differences between various U.S. federal and state drinking water criteria for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). 1.1 What are PFAS? PFAS are a complex family of more than 3,000 manmade fluorinated organic chemicals (Wang et al. 2017). These substances have a carbon chain structure containing at least one totally fluorinated carbon atom. PFAS include both per- and poly -fluorinated chemicals. Perfluorinated chemicals, such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), are a subset of PFAS with carbon chain atoms that are totally fluorinated, while polyfluorinated chemicals have at least one carbon chain atom that is not totally fluorinated (Buck et al. 2011). Due to unique physical and chemical properties (for example, surfactant, oil -repelling, water - repelling), PFAS have been extensively manufactured and used worldwide. Some PFAS molecules are environmentally stable, mobile, persistent, and bioaccumulative. Further discussion is in the Nomenclature Overview and Physical and Chemical Properties and History and Use Fact Sheets. Commented [LHW1]:Need todouble check -should -- Polyfluoroalkyl have a dash or not when they are mentioned together? DEQ-CFW 00069649 ITRC Draft Materia4 do not cite or quote 1.2 Why Are PFAS Important? July 2017 The scientific community is rapidly recognizing and evolving its understanding of PFAS in the environment. PFAS in the environment are considered to be contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). CFCs are those chemicals that present known or potentially unacceptable human health effects, or environmental risks, and either: (i) do not have regulatory cleanup standards, or (ii) the regulatory standards are evolving due to new science, detection capabilities, or pathways, or both (USDOD 2009). PFAS are found globally in both remote and urban environments, and are present in various matrices including: human blood (whole, plasma and serum), sediments, surface and groundwater, and wildlife (Kannan et al. 2004, Yamashita et al. 2005, Higgins et al. 2005, Rankin et al. 2016). Due to their widespread uses in many common products, ability to bind to blood proteins, and long half-life in humans, scientists routinely find PFAS in the blood and serum of both occupationally and non -occupationally exposed people (Kannan et al. 2004, Kamnan et al. 2006, Olsen et al. 2003). Both laboratory studies using animals and epidemiological studies of human show that exposure to some PFAS maybe associated with a wide range of adverse health effects. 1.3 Regulation of PFAS Although PFAS were not regulated during most of the last 50-60 years, the past few years have seen federal, state, and international authorities establish a number of health -based regulatory values and evaluation criteria. The terms `regulatory' or `regulation' are used in this fact sheet to refer to guidance and advisories, as well as to standards identified under local, state, federal, or international programs. The heightened public and scientific interest in the health effects of PFAS that has followed recognition of their widespread distribution, persistence, human exposure, and association with a range of adverse health effects has caused an increased pace of criteria development and regulation. A recent analysis of data acquired under the USEPA's unregulated contaminants monitoring rule (UCMR) program found that approximately six million residents of the United States have drinking water with PFOA or PFOS concentrations, or both, above the USEPA's lifetime health advisory (HA) of 70 parts per trillion (Hu et al. 2016, see also Section 3.1.2 of this fact sheet) Human health protection is the primary focus of the PFAS criteria and regulations developed to date. The regulatory criteria vary widely, with differences between criteria due to the selection and interpretation of different key PFAS toxicity studies, choice of uncertainty factors, and approach used for animal -to -human extrapolation. The choice of exposure assumptions, including the life stage used as the basis and the percentage of exposure assumed to come from non -drinking water sources, may also differ among regulatory criteria (see Table 5-1). In addition to regulations that specify health -based PFAS concentration limits, agencies have used various tools and strategies to limit the use and release of PFAS. For example, the USEPA worked with 3M to achieve the company's voluntary phase -out and elimination of PFOS (USEPA 2000), and with the eight primary U.S. manufacturers of PFOA to eliminate PFOA and DEQ-CFW 00069650 ITRC Draft Materi44 do not cite or quote July 2017 many PFOA precursors by 2015 (USEPA 2017). Additionally, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD (2015) has described the various internationally implemented policies, voluntary initiatives, biomonitoring, and environmental monitoring programs to control PFAS. More information is in the History and Use Fact Sheet. 1.4 PFAS in the Environment First discovered in the late 1930s and initially produced in the 1940s and 1950s, many thousands of PFAS have been synthesized and used in a diverse suite of industrial and consumer applications (Lindstrom et at. 2011, Kirsch 2013). Some of the more important uses include processing aids in the production of fluoropolymers, fire -fighting foams, metal plating and finishing, textile coatings, paper packaging, cleaning produ' ts,"adhesives, and personal care products (see History and Use Fact Sheet). PFAS enter the enronment following (1) release from industrial processes; (2) fire suppression and training activities; (3) the use and disposal of industrial and consumer articles; and (4) the discharge of treated min cipal effluent and biosolids (UNEP 2015). Due to the strength of the carbon -fluorine bond, PFAS are highly resistant to physical or biological degradation, and long -chain PFAS persist indefinitely in the environment (ATSDR 2015, CONCAWE 2016). PFCAs and,PFSAs tend to ionize in both biota and in the environment, and thus are relatively soluble in water and blood (CONCAWE 2016). If released directly to the air, PFAS bind to particulates, eventuaiiy depositing to soil or surface water (USEPA 2014). Because they exist as ions, PFCAs and PVSAs are-fittt volatile, but move readily from soil to groundwater (USEPA 2014). PFAS have been detected worldwide in humans and in multiple species of wildlife, as well as in surface water, drinking water, groundwater, oceans, soils, sediments, and air (ATSDR 2015). Long -chain PFAS can bioeoncentrate (increase in concentration in an organism relative to the concentration in the aquatic environment), bioaccumulate (increase in concentration within a trophic level), and can biomagnify (increase in concentration across trophic levels) (Conder et al. 2008, OECD 2002, 2013, UNEP 2015). PFOS is the most frequently detected PFAS in both humans and other biota, and "is the primary PFAS found in all species and locations around the world (Butts et al, 2010, also see review by Houde et al. 2011). 2 EXPOSURE AND HEALTH EFFECTS There are both similarities and differences among PFAS compounds in their physical and chemical properties, effects to human health and wildlife, and environmental fate and transport relevant to human and ecological exposure. Additionally, the amount of relevant scientific data that is available varies widely among PFAS. The remainder of this section is intended to provide a generalized overview of potential exposure pathways and health effects of PFAS. 2.1 Human Exposures Terminal PFAS (long -chain PFCAs and PFSAs) are not metabolized. Half-lives have been documented in humans for PFOS (4.5-7.4 years), PFOA (2.3-10.1 years), and perfluorohexane DEQ-CFW 00069651 ITRCDraftMateria4 do not cite or quote July 2017 sulfonate (PFHxS) (8.5 years), while human half-lives are much shorter for shorter chain PFAS such as perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS), and perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) (see reviews by ATSDR, 2015, Lau 2015, also Tatum -Gibbs et al. 2011, Ohmori et al. 2003). Because of their slow excretion rate, levels of long -chain PFAS in blood serum do not fluctuate in the short term and are a stable measure of long term exposure. For other species, the rate and extent of elimination vanes widely depending on the individual PFAS, the species, and gender (see reviews in ATSDR, 2015, Lau 2015, USEPA 2016c, 2016d). A recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2013-2014, CDC 2017) found detectable levels of PFOA, PFOS, PFNA and PFHxS in, the low parts per billion range in nearly all samples of blood serum in the U.S. population. Most studies indicate levels of PFOA and PFOS in humans appear to be decreasing over time, particularly in Western nations where their production and use have been largely phased -out (Olsen et al. 2017), while trends for other PFAS are less clear and some may even be increasing in prevalence (Okada et al. 2013, Eriksson et al. 2017, O'Brien et al. 2016). Workers in industries that manufacture or use products containing PFAS may be exposed to higher levels than the general public. The prevalence and persistence of long -chain PFAS in humans and wildlife underscore the need to elucidate the relationship between exposure to these chemicals and the potential for adverse effects on health and populations. There is a growing body of information suggesting that PFAS impacts to groundwater and other environmental media are widespread. In some states,, the consumption of certain types of fish and shellfish caught from contaminated bodies of water has led to public health advisories for some PFAS, particularly PFOS (see summary in USEPA 2016, ATSDR March 2017). 2.1.1 Exposure Routes and Target Populations' There are different populations that can be exposed via various routes. These populations include: • Workers in industries that manufacture or use products containing PFAS • Adults and older children (general population) • Toddlers and younger children (general population) • Fetuses and infants. (general population) Exposures to these populations are described below. The primary potential human exposure pathways for PFAS include ingestion of food, dust, or water. Drinking contaminated water, even at relatively low concentrations (below the USEPA Health Advisory (HA) of 70 ng/L for PFOA and PFOS), is potentially a major source of human exposure in areas where groundwater or surface water has been impacted by PFAS release (see reviews in Lindstrom et al. 2011, DWQI, 2017). Additionally, Hu et al's (2016) analysis of the UCMR3 data indicates that although a relatively small portion of U.S. drinking water supplies are impacted by PFAS, approximately 6 million U.S. residents have drinking water with PFOA and/or PFOS above the EPA HA of 70 ng/L. Workers in industries that manufacture or use products containing PFAS may be exposed to higher levels than the general public (for example, Costa et al. 2009, Freburg et al. 2010). DEQ-CFW 00069652 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 Consumer products containing PFAS may potentially contribute to exposures prevalent in the general population, as PFAS may be released during the use or disposal of these products. The list of consumer products containing PFAS is extensive and includes certain types of food packaging (Schaider et al. 2017) and other products, such as cleaning agents and cookware used in and around the home. For example, fast food wrappers or microwave popcorn bags have the potential to leach PFAS into food, although recently, certain PFAS compounds (diethanolamine salts of mono- and bis-phosphates, pentanoic acid, 4,4-bis derivatives and perfluoroalkyl substituted phosphate ester acids) have been phased out of food -packaging materials (United States Food and Drug Administration [USFDA], 2016). Other potential sources of exposure from consumer products include stain -resistant coatings used on carpets, upholstery and other fabrics, water-resistant clothing, some personal hygiene products, and non-stick cookware (ATSDR May 2017, EPA May & July 2016) (see History and Use Fact Sheet). The inhalation of dust and indoor air in spaces with -carpets, textiles, or other consumer products treated with PFAS may also contribute to the exposures prevalent in the general population. Potential hand-to-mouth transfer from surfaces'treated with PFAS-containing stain protectants has also been reported (Trudel et al. 2008). This,behavior is more common in toddlers and young children as they spend time playing or crawling on floors, and may result in higher exposures of this age. (ATSDR September 2016). Additionally, certain airborne PFAS precursors such as the fluorotelomer alcohols can be metabolized to terminally -stable PFAS in the body, thus representing a potentially significant portion 6f.PFAS exposure (Makey et al. 2017). However, it has been shown that dermal exposure to PFAS is typically not significant; studies indicate that only limited absorption of PFAS occurs through the skin. (ATSDR 2015, 2017). Fetuses can be exposed to PFAS during pregnancy, although the placental barrier has varying levels of permeability to different OAS. Newborns can be exposed through the. ingestion of breast milk, though the level of exposure depends on the PFAS concentration in the mother's body and the duration of breastfeeding. Infants may also be exposed through ingestion of formula prepared with PFAS-containinated water. Due to their higher water consumption based on body weight, infants have a higher exposure to long -chain PFAS compared to older children (USEPA 2011). Some PFAS compounds can accumulate in the body. The accumulation and removal rate may vary considerably depending on the individual PFAS, the exposure duration, and the dose. Biological half-life data are available for only a small fraction of the PFAS group; however, in general, long -chain PFAS are known or estimated to have relatively long half-lives (for example, several years or more) in humans (ATSDR 2015, Lau 2015). 2.1.2 Health Effects Numerous animal and human studies have evaluated both non -cancer and cancer health effects related to exposure for a limited number of PFAS. Other PFAS have been studied but have less data; and little to no health -effects data are available for many PFAS compounds. There is an extensive database of toxicological information, including both animal and human epidemiological studies, for PFOA and PFOS. DEQ-CFW 00069653 ITRC Draft Material; do not cite or quote July 2017 In animal studies, PFOA has been found to cause developmental effects. Male rodents sustained liver and kidney effects, increased body weight in adulthood, and reduced fertility. Their offspring also endured health effects including low birth weight, delays in reaching developmental markers, delayed mammary gland development, altered onset of puberty, and behavioral changes. (see summary of original research results in USEPA 2016c). Effects on the liver and low birth weight have also been shown in other animal studies (see summary of original research in USEPA 2016d). There is also evidence that both PFOA and PFOS cause immune system effects, including suppression of antibody response and reduced disease resistance (National Toxicology Program [NTP], 2016). Both PFOA and PFOS caused tumors in chronic rat studies (USEPA 2016c, d). Some of these effects have also been associated with PFAS exposure to humans, including in the general population as seen in the NHANES, and in communities exposed through drinking water (USEPA 2016). The number of epidemiological studies`that have been conducted and the consistency of the results vary among the health endpoints that have been evaluated. The "C8" science panel (C8SP) conducted a series of 11 individual epidemiological studies that evaluated the relationship between PFOA exposure of workers and residents in a West Virginia community impacted by soil and drinking water contamination from industrial releases of PFOA. The Panel determined that there were "probable links" between PFOA exposure and high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, and pregnancy -induced hypertension (see Probable Links reports available from the C8SP website [C8SP, 2017])). Other studies have linked PFOA exposure to adverse non -cancer effects on the developing fetus and child and decreased fertility, and have associated both PFOA and PFOS exposure to immune system effects. (ATSDR 2016, USEPA 2016 c, d, NTP, 2016). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that PFOA is "possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)", based on a positive association of PFOA exposure and testicular and kidney cancers in humans, and "limited evidence" of carcinogenicity in experimental animals (IARC 2016). The C8 SP also found a probable link between PFOA exposure and testicular and kidney cancers (C8SP 2017). The USEPA concluded that there is suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential of both PFOA and PFOS in humans (USEPA 2016 c, d)• 2.2 Environmental and Ecological Exposures Some PFAS have been globally detected in aquatic mammals and other organisms, with much of the data from studies in Asia, Europe, the United States, and the Canadian Arctic (see reviews of Houde et al. 2011 and Butts' et al. 2010, Kelly et al. 2009). Some PFAS, particularly the long - chain compounds, may bioaccumulate or biomagnify, and PFAS accumulation in wildlife is well -documented (see review of Houde et al. 2011). PFOA and PFOS have been found to bioaccumulate in marine mammals in the Arctic and other remote environments (reviewed in Houde et al. 2011). The presence of these PFAS, far from known sources, has been attributed to the release of precursor compounds which degrade to form terminally stable HAS such as PFOS and PFOA (Young et al. 2007, Stock et al. 2007). DEQ-CFW 00069654 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 Little is known about the potential impacts of PFAS to wildlife, although a handful of studies have linked tissue concentrations in beluga whales and sea otters to adverse health effects (Kelly et al. 2009, Kalman et al. 2006). A selection of available ecotoxicity information for PFAS have been prepared by the FluoroCouncil (ENVIRON 2014), the European Union (PFOS Environmental Quality Standards Dossier, European Union 2011), and the Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe (CONCAWE 2016). Experimental data from tests of PFOA and PFOS in invertebrates, aquatic plants, and fish indicate that PFOS is moderately acute and slightly chronically toxic to aquatic organisms, (Giesy et al. 2010) while PFOA appears to be less of an acute toxicant than PFOS to aquatic organisms (CONCAWE 2016). The majority of aquatic toxicity studies have not evaluated the effects of long-term (chronic) exposure. Studies also suggest that marine invertebrate species are more sensitive than freshwater invertebrates. Flourinated carbon chain length, functional group, and dose have been found to determine the toxicity of PFAS to ecological receptors (Hekster et al. 2002, Geisy et al. 2010). Potential human health risks are the driver for regulatory and public health action, and more research on the potential effects of long -chain PFAS exposure to ecological receptors is needed. 3 REGULATORY PROGRAMS Authority for regulating HAS is derived from a number of federal and state statutes, regulations, and policy initiatives. This section provides a brief overview of the major federal legislative statutes and regulatory programs that govern PFAS, along with examples of representative state regulatory programs. 3.1 Federal PFAS Regulations 3.1.1 Toxic Substances and Control Act (TSCA) The TSCA authorizes the USEPA to require reporting, record keeping, and testing of chemicals and chemical mixtures that may pose a risk to health or the environment. Section 5 of TSCA allows the USEPA to issue significant new use rules (SNURs) to limit the use of chemical(s) when it identifies a new chemical, or a significant new use of an existing chemical, before it is allowed into the marketplace (USEPA 2017a). The USEPA has applied the SNUR to PFOS in four separate actions and to 277 chemically related PFAS (USEPA 2017b). Collectively, these SNURs placed significant restrictions on the use and import of PFAS, allowing only limited uses in select industries and for certain applications. In addition, one of the rules required companies to report all new uses in the manufacture, import, or processing of certain PFOA-related chemicals for use in carpets or for aftermarket treatment. �k proposed (but not yet finalized) SNUR (USEPA 2015) would designate the manufacture, import, and processing of certain PFOA and PFOA-related chemicals (long -chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylates [LCPFACs]) as a significant new use The significant new use would angly for any use that is not ongoing after December 31, 2015. and for all other LCPFACs for which there is currently no ongoing use. Commented [a2]: A tittle confused as to what this is trying to say. What constitutes "ongoing use?" Commented [LH W3R2]: I separated this into 2 sentence and added few small changes. Is this still accurate & possibly more clear. It seemed like it was just a long sentence. DEQ-CFW 00069655 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote 3.1.2 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) July 2017 The SDWA is the federal law that protects public drinking water supplies throughout the nation (USEPA 1974). Under the SDWA, the USEPA has authority to set enforceable maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for specific chemical substances, and to require testing of public water supplies. The SDWA applies to all public water systems in the United States, but does not apply to private drinking water supplies or to water that is not being used for drinking. USEPA has not established an MCL for any PFAS. However, in May 2016, USEPA established a Lifetime Health Advisory (HA) for PFOA and PFOS (individually or combined) in public drinking water (USEPA 2016c). The Lifetime HA supersedes USEPA's 2009 short-term (week to months) provisional Health Advisories (USEPA 2009), which were intended for use as interim guidelines while USEPA developed the Lifetime HA. The Lifetime HA for PFOA and PFOS is advisory in nature - it is not a legally enforceable federal standard and is subject to change as new information becomes available (USEPA 2016c). Much of the data now available regarding PFASoccurrence in public drinking water was generated by USEPA under its third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR3). USEPA uses the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) to collect data for chemicals that are suspected to be present in drinking water, but do not have health -based standards set under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The third round of this monitoring effort, or UCMR3, included six PFAS: • perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) • perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) • perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) • perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) • perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) • perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) All large public drinking water systems (serving more than 10,000 people) and a limited number of smaller systems were monitored for these PFAS in a 12-month period between 2013 and 2015. In the 4,920 public drinking water supplies tested, PFAS were reported in 194 water supplies (about 4% of those tested), serving about 16.5 million people in 36 states and territories (Hu et al. 2016). Approximately 2.5% of the tested systems exceeded the Lifetime HA; 46 supplies (0.9%) exceeded the HA for PFOS; 13 (0.3%) exceeded the HA for PFOA; and 63 (1.3%) exceeded the combined PFOA and PFOS HA (USEPA 2016 and 2017). Occurrence data produced by the UCMR program are used by the USEPA (and some states) to help determine which substances to consider for regulation. All of the data from the UCMR program are published in the National Contaminant Occurrence Database NCOD and available Commented ILHw41: Link added for download from USEPA's web site. When the USEPA determines that there may be an imminent and substantial endangerment from a contaminant that is present in or likely to enter a public water supply, Section 1431 of the SDWA authorizes USEPA to issue Emergency Administrative Orders (EAOs) to take any action necessary to protect human health, if state and local authorities have not acted (42 U.S.C. §300i). In several instances, USEPA has issued EAOs related to PFAS-contaminated public water DEQ-CFW 00069656 ITRC Draft Materia4 do not cite or quote July 2017 systems in order to require treatment (or replacement) of those supplies along with actions to identify, investigate, and address the contaminant sources. At least two such EAOs have been issued to the United States Air Force related to past use of aqueous film forming foams (AFFF) for firefighting and in fire training exercises at bases in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania (USEPA 2015a, USEPA 2015b). 3.1.3 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) PFAS, including PFOA and PFOS, are not listed as CERCLA hazardous substances, but may be addressed as CERCLA pollutants or contaminants (40 CFR 3005). CERCLA investigations are beginning to include PFAS where supported by the conceptual site model. For example, the USEPA has proposed adding the St. Gobain Performance, Plastics site in Hoosick Falls, NY to the federal Superfund list based. in part. on detections of k6kiln groundwater (USEPA, 2016). PFAS have been reported for 14 CERCLA sites during" =year reviews (USEPA 2014). CERCLA does not contain chemical -specific standards. Instead th ERLCA process is designed to rely on the identification of other federal and state standarc} , to determine the degree of cleanup. The lead agency, with regulatory input, identifies potential appicable or relevant and appropriate requirements (ARARs) and to -be -considered values (TBCs). Risk -based goals may be calculated when chemical-specifiE ARARs are not available, or are determined not to be protective (USEPA 1997). CERCLA Protection of. At this time, there are no potential federal ARARs foi'PFAS. The tables in Section 4 include current state regulatory and guidance values for PFAS. These values are not automatically recognized as ARARs. A multi -step process is used to identify potential ARARs and TBCs on a site -specific basis. Determining if a state requirement is promulgated and substantive are initial steps in that process (40 CFR 300.5, 40 CFR 300.400(g), USEPA, 1988, USEPA, 1991). Risk -based cleanup goals are calculated when chemical -specific ARARs are not available or are determined not to be protective (USEPA 1997). The USEPA's Regional Screening Level Generic Tables (RSLs — USEPA 2016e) and the RSL online calculator (USEPA 2017) provide screening levels and preliminary remedial goals. These goals are based on calculations incorporating toxicity values that have been selected in accordance with the USEPA's published hierarchy (USEPA NO). Currently, PFBS is the only PFAS listed in the RSL generic tables. For PFBS, the generic tables provide anon-cancer reference dose, screening levels for soil and tap water, and soil screening levels for the protection of groundwater. The RSL calculator supports site -specific calculations for PFBS, PFOA, and PFOS in tap water and soil. Non -cancer reference doses are provided for PFOA and PFOS. A cancer ingestion slope factor is also provided for PFOA, but the screening levels are based on the non -cancer endpoint. Although less frequently used, the USEPA also provides tables and a calculator for Removal Management Levels (RMLs). In general, RMLs are not final cleanup levels, but can provide a reference level when considering the need for a removal action (for example, drinking water treatment or replacement) (USEPA 2016c). Because RSLs and RMLs are periodically updated, they should be reviewed for revisions and additions before using them. RSLs and RMLs are not ARARs, but they may be evaluated as DEQ-CFW 00069657 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 TBCs. The USEPA has emphasized that RSLs are not cleanup standards (USEPA 2016f) and suggests that final remedial goals be derived using the RSL calculator, so that site -specific information can be incorporated. CERCLA Protection of the Environment CERCLA requires that remedies also be protective of the environment. Risk -based remedial goals that are protective of the environment are site -specific and dependent on the identification of the ecological receptors to be protected. At this time, there are no PFAS ARARs for the protection of the environment. 3.1.4 Other Federal Programs PFAS are not currently regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), or the Clean Air Act (CAA). 3.2 State PFAS Regulations States have been actively involved with addressing -air, water; and soil -related PFAS contamination across multiple state regulatory programs. Examples of keystate programs for water, soil, hazardous waste, and consumer products are described belowAt the present time, no state programs regulate PFAS lri air. commented (a51: Tiny bit confusing wasidering it just said that ----'--^------------------._...---- --- -"-- ---- -- "states are actively involved with air" Ask Ginny about VT and air Involvement 3.2.1 Product Labeling and Consumer Products Laws Commented [LHW6R5]: Air was deleted from the first sentence because it was a bit confusing. LS this OK now? PFOS, PFOA, and their salts are under consideration for `Listing' as potential Developmental Toxicants under California's Proposition 65 (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment [OEHHA], 2016). If finalized, the listing will likely impose reporting requirements on manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, and will prohibit companies from discharging these PFAS to sources of drinking water. Washington has required the reporting of PFOS in children's products since 2011 (Washington State, 2008); proposed rules would require reporting of PFOA in children's products starting in January 2019. Washington also tests products for chemicals to ensure manufacturers are reporting accurate information. 3.2.2 Chemical Action Plans Washington prepares chemical action plans (CAPs) under an administrative rule that addresses persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals (Washington State, 2006). These CAPs are used to identify, characterize, and evaluate uses and releases of specific PBTs or metals. Washington is currently preparing a PFAS CAP that is expected to be completed in 2018. 3.2.3 Hazardous Substance Designation Hazardous waste regulations that target select PFAS have been promulgated in Vermont and New York, and are under development in several other states. Vermont regulates PFOA and PFOS as hazardous wastes when present in a liquid at a concentration > 20 parts per trillion, but allows exemptions for: (1) consumer products that were treated with PFOA and are not specialty 10 DEQ-CFW 00069658 ITRC Draft MateH44 do not cite or quote July 2017 products; (2) remediation wastes managed under an approved chemical action plan or disposal plan; and (3) sludge from wastewater treatment facilities, residuals from drinking water supplies, or leachate from landfills when managed under an approved plan (Vermont DEC 2016). In 2017, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) finalized regulations that identify PFOA, ammonium perfluorooctanoate, PFOS (the acid) and its salt, perfluorooctane sulfonate, as hazardous substances that may be found in Class B firefighting foams (NYDEC 2017). The regulations specify storage and registration requirements for Class B foams that contain at least 1 % by volume of one or more of these four PFAS, and prohibit the release of one pound or more of each of these PFAS into the environment during the use of firefighting foams. If a release exceeds the one pound threshold, it is considered a hazardous waste spill and must be reported; cleanup may be required under the State's Superfund or Brownfields programs (NYDEC 2017). 3.2.4 Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Wate 4nd Remediation Programs Several states have developed standards and guidance values for PFAS in drinking water and groundwater (see Section 4 tables). Many states have either adopted the USEPA HAs for PFOA and PFOS, or selected the same health -based valuees; choosing,to use the concentrations as advisory, non -regulated levels to guide the interpretation of PFOA and PFOS detections. Other states, such as Vermont, Minnesota, and New Jersey, have developed more stringent levels based on their own analysis of the scientific data. Michigan is currently the only state that regulates certain PFAS in surface water, although Minnesota has established enforceable water -body specific PFAS discharge limits. New Jersey has adopted an Interim Ground Water Quality Standard for PFNA,,and its drinking water advisory body has recommended proposed MCLs for PFOA and PFNA. While several states have adopted enforceable ground water standards for PFOA and PFOS, no state other than New Jersey currently has MCLs (or proposed MCLs) for PFAS. In California, when evaluating the discharge or cleanup of pollutants, the Regional Water Quality Control Boards(RWQCB) are required "to initially evaluate setting the effluent limitation or cleanup standard at the background concentration of each pollutant. This is done regardless of whether there is a drinking water standard or other health -based value available. For anthropogenic chemicals such as PFAS, the initial value would be the analytical detection limit in water. Generally, technical and economic considerations, along with available health -based criteria, are considered (for example, RWQCB, 2016). Various states address the remediation of PFAS in groundwater and soil; compliance with remediation standards is typically mandatory once a site or facility meets state -specific criteria for environmental mitigation (see Section 4 tables). 4 AVAILABLE STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Standards or guidance values have been established for PFOS, PFOA, as well as several other PFAS in environmental media as well as various terrestrial biota, fish, and finished products. The tables, provided as a separate Excel file, are intended to represent available U.S. and international standards and guidelines for groundwater, drinking water, surface water, effluent 11 DEQ-CFW 00069659 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 (Table 4-1). and soil (Table 4-2). The available standards list is changing rapidly, so these tables will be updated periodically by ITRC. The fact sheet user should visit the ITRC web site (www.itrcweb.org) to determine the current version of the tables. Table 4-1 presents the available PFAS water standards or guidance established by the USEPA, each pertinent state, and international country. The specific agency or department is listed with the year it was published, the acronym used, the type of media (groundwater, drinking water, surface water, or effluent), as well as whether it was published as guidance or as promulgated leTo date---------'-----------14 - -- eeua_ __ Table 4-2 presents the available HAS soil standards or guidance established by the USEPA, each pertinent state, and international country. Both soil screening levels for groundwater protection and human health are presented. The specific agency or department is listed with the year the standard or guidance was published, and the acronym used. Five states and Tables are provided in a keparate Excel file _ 5 BASIS OF STANDARDS AND GUIDANCE As shown in tables 4-1 and 4-2, regulatory values for PFAS in drinking water or groundwater vary across the U.S. Most of these values are based on non -cancer toxicological effects. The tables provided summarize the differences in the regulatory values for PFOA (Table 5-1) and PFOS (Table 5-2), demonstrating that they are attributable to differences in the selection and interpretation of key toxicity data, choice of uncertainty factors, and the approach used for animal -to -human extrapolation. Differences in regulatory values are also due to the choice of exposure assumptions, including the life stage used, and the percentage of exposure assumed to come from non -drinking water sources. The available information is growing rapidly, so these tables will be updated periodically by ITRC. The fact sheet user should visit the ITRC web site (www;itrcweb.org) to determine the current version of the tables. The values listed in these tables reflect the various divergent science and science policy decisions. Note, some state values may not be listed because they have adopted the USEPA HAs, as well as the USEPA's interpretation of PFOA and PFOS toxicology and exposure parameters. Only the agencies that have used science or science policy decisions that are different from those of the USEPA HAs are shown. Additionally, guidance on implementation for stakeholders is a data gap for future evaluation. Tables are provided in a keparate Excel file 12 Commented [LHW7]: I deleted these statements about numbers, because they will go out of date Commented [LHW8]: In the final fact sheets these will be linked to a location on the rrRC web site. Commented [LHW9]: In the final fact sheets these will be linked to a location on the rlRC web site. DEQ-CFW 00069660 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 6 OFERENCEO ---- ,_ ASTSWMO (Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials). 2015. Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs): Perfluorooctaonic Acid (PFOA) & Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS). Information Paper. httl)s://clu-in org/download/contaminantfocus/pops/POPs-ASTSWMO-PFCs-2015.i)df ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). 2015. Draft Toxicological Profile for Perfluoroalkyls. Atlanta, GA: Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine/Applied Toxicology Branch. US Department of Health and Human Services: 574. Updated August. http://www.atsdr.cdc.ciov/toxprofiles/tp2OO.pd . ATSDR. 2016. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Your Health: Health Effects of PFAS. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/pfc/health effects pfcs.html. Updated August 30, 2016. Barton, C.A., Kaiser, M.A., and M.H. Russell. 2007. "Partitioning and Removal of Perfluorooctanoate during Rain Events: The Importance of Physical -Chemical Properties." Journal of Environmental Monitoring. Volume (9). Pages 839 to 846. Buck, R.C., J. Franklin, U. Berger, J. Conder, I. Cousins,'P. de Voogt, A. 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DEQ-CFW 00069661 ITRC Draft Material, do not cite or quote July 2017 ECOS-DOD. 2008. Initiation of Emerging Contaminant Characterization and Response Actions for Protection of Human Health. Issue Paper. ECOS-DoD Sustainability Workgroup. Eriksson U., J.F. Mueller, L-M.L. Toms, P. Hobson, A. Karrrnan. 2017. Temporal trends of PFSAs, PFCAs and selected precursors in Australian serum from 2002 to 2013. Env. Poll. 220(Part A): 168-177. Freburg, B., Haug, L., Olse, R., Daee, H., Hersson, M., Thomsen, C., Thorud, S., Becher, G., Molander, Ellingsen, D. Occupational Exposure to Airborne Perfluorinated Compounds during Professional Ski WaxingEnviron. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (19), pp 7723-7728 DOI: 10.1021/es102033k Frisbee, S.J., A.P. Brooks Jr., A. Maher, P. Flensborg, S. Arnold, T. Fletcher, K. Steenland, A. Shankar, S.S. Knox, C. Pollard, J.A. Halverson, V. Vieira, C. Jin, K.M. Leyden, and A.M. Ducatman. 2009. The C8 health project: Design, methods and participants. 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January. https://www.cdc.gov/biomonitorinq/pdf/FourthReport UpdatedTables Volumel Jan2017.adf WA ECY (Washington Department of Ecology). 2017. "The Reporting List of Chemicals of High Concern to Children (CHCC)." hftp://Www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/hwtr/RTT/cspa/chcc.htmI Washington State Legislature. 2006. "Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins." Washington Administrative Code 173-333. httr)://apps.lea.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=173-333 Washington State Legislature. 2008. "Identification of high priority chemicals —Report." RCW 70.240.030. hftp://ai)ps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=70.240.030 Vermont DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation). 2016. Emergency Rule Coversheet: Vermont Hazardous Waste Regulations. http://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/documents/2016 04 140/o20VHWMR%20Signed%20APA%20f orms.pdf April 14 2016. See also http://www vectogether org/w"ontenVuploads/2013/10/Moran- Matt-VEC. Presentation. pdf Yamashita, N., K. Kannan, S. Taniyasu, Y. Horii, G. Petrick, T. 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