HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00049602From: Watkins, Skip [swatkn$@nhcgovconn] Sent: 6/I0/201711:31:04PyW To: dclood|esmadmnner [ddood|es@ec.rr.com] CC: White, Woody [wwhite@nhcgov.com]; Barfield, Jonathan [jbarfield@nhcgov.com]; Kusek, Patricia [pkusek@nhcgoxoom];Zapp|eRob [oapp|e@nhcgovzom];Authohty8oard@pdpua.org; frank.wi||iams@brunowickcountyncXov;Goyb,Julie [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=75d1654d45154cZabbO8596aZc9atIQI-jaXrzyb];Rep.FrankUer [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=c73ef79694a144b5b93c95757Ic75d8Z'Rep.Frank];Deb.8uder@Pndegoet; bbnzeman4ytnwnofle|andznm Subject: Re: Gen Xcontroversy You can rest assured that all governmental bodies involved are on top of this. Rest assured as information becomes available the general public will beinformed onanongoing basis. Sent from my iPad Skip Watkins I Vice -Chairman County Commissioners New Hanover County 330Government Center Drive, Suhe175 Wilmington, N(|28403 (910)798-7148p1(810)798-7145f Dear New Hanover Commissioners, I laud your efforts to join together with CFPUA and the City of Wilmington to assert our rights for clean drinking water for all who live downstream ofthe [hemouoplant. Your comprehensive list ofquestions will help all of us to better understand the situation more clearly. However, the fact still remains that we should never have to pay for any cleanup of Chemours' wastewater discharge regardless of toxicology. The water coming into that plant does not contain the Gen X waste yet the water leaving it does.Thestateandfedera|governmentbothhave"anti'de8radation"|axvsthatseemtohavebeen violated here. Additionally, it seems to methat the utate's riparian |avvu may be in question as well. If reverse osmosis can remove all of the molecules of Gen Xfrom the waste stream, then | would strongly encourage you to demand that this technology be installed immediately at this plant and any other manufacturing facility upstream of us where there may be any question of risks regarding the toxicology ofthe chemicals being discharged. |fplants like [hemoursare reaping the economic benefit ofour drinking water, they should at least have the common decency to show some respect for the downstream users bymaking itcleaner than itwas given tothem. Finally, | encourage your counterparts in Brunswick County and our state representatives to join in this effort to seek the truth and swift, successful resolution on this situation. DEQ-CFW 00049603