HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00049428MIDDLE CAPE FEAR BASIN ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING Cross Creek WRF May 25, 2017 12:00 PM 1. Lunch (Provided) 2. Call to order - Introductions 3. Approval of 5/4/16 meeting minutes 4. Presentations • Nathan Hall, Data Evaluation Results • Clifton Bell, NC Scientific Advisory Council Update • Tom Hoban, Cape Fear River Survey results 5. Hardness Sampling Update 6. Financial Reports 7. Budget and Annual Dues Adoption 8. Election of Officers 9. Nutrient Criteria Development Status 10. Roundtable - Other Issues? DEQ-CFW-00049428 May 4, 20.1E In Attendance. j Branyan Bullard, Fayetteville Carrie Ruhlman, DWR Kris Pawlak, Meritech Jennifer Schmitt, DWR Mike Johnson, Chemours ................ .....................' ...........---------------------------- ------ - ---- ------------------------ j Chad Naar, PWC ------------ . - . --- ----------------------------------- -- ..-...._.._---....... Jirn Caldwell MCCOG ---------------..............------------..................................._.........................-------------------------------------------------------------------f ,----- Hugh Bledsoe, Elizabethtown -...- _ ............ Bean Gaster-JDunn Mark Brantley, DWR Bill Kreutzber_ er_ CH2M Hill ...: Seann Byrd, Holly Springs - - - Al Hardee, Fayetteville -- — ......... Donrie Dukes; Dunn Kenny Fail, Harnett County Mike Johnson called the group to order and began the meeting. Introductions were made by all in attendance. Motion to approve the minutes from 06/18/15 made by Jim Caldwell and seconded by Kenny Fail. Minutes from 06/18/15 were approved. Financial Reports Chad Hang discussed the MCFBA financial statement for FY 2016. Meritech Contract Extension It was decided to discuss the Meritech contract extension before discussion of next year's budget. Meritech's proposed contract was presented to the group. The three year quote was pretty close to what we've been paying in the past. There was an extra $4,800.00 in the contract to include additional nutrient analysis for two years. Chad reported that there would still be money available if the State wanted to reintroduce metals monitoring. Budget and Annual Dues Adoption Chad Ham presented the proposed MCFBA budget for FY 2017. No Oanges in dues are needed. Chad explained all income and expenses. Financial Services account would need $1,200.00 for the Council of Government to cut checks and $500.00 for a tax preparer. This was 300.00 less because of the absence of the initial set-up fee that was incurred last year. A motion to adopt. the proposed MCFBA budget for FY 2017 was rnade by Kenny Fail, Dean Gaster seconded the motion. Motion was passed. "There was discw.,sion on annual dues, it was agreed that the reserve fund is hez:thy. Jim Caldwell motioned to adopt the proposed annual dues for FY 2017. Kenny Fail seconded tie rnotion. Motion was passed. DEQ-CFW 00049429 Chad Hum presented e powerpoint onthe efforts to identify the cause u[high levels of1,4 Dioxane in the middle Cape Fear River. Heexplained the acceptable level established bythe EPA and showed the current values utknown sites that did 1,4Qioxanetesting for UCK4R3, High levels have been reported in 1herive/at sites near Greensboro and Asheboro. During the discussion, Carrie Ruh|manreported that Asheboro and Greensboro know which industry is responsible for the discharge and those municipalities are currently working with those industries tofind asolution, DVVRand researchers atNCSUcontinue to analyze data a{sites along the Middle Cape Fear, Nutrient Criteria Development Status Introductions were made by group ofresearchers that are currently studying what drives Mic/nsystis growth inthe Middle Cape Fear. Bill KreutzborOerpresented epomorpointonthe current status ofthe nutrient criteria development of High Rock Lake, Albemarle Sound, and the Middle Cape Fear River. Most of the attention right now is on High Rock Lake since it was the first onthe list to be examined, Nutrient Data Evaluation Project Nathan Hall presented to the group a powerpoint on his analysis of what drives algae blooms, and in particular K8icrocystis, in the area near Lock and Dam 1. His research shows that among the many variables at play, it seems that low flow is the primary cause for bloom generation. Nathan's ending hypothesis isthat b|numdevelopment isregulated bvriver flows. Chad discussed the EPA letter for standard adoption which accepted dissolved standards as written including Toxicity testing plus Umitsonmetals. VVefeel that Toxicbyandmetals monitoring would be redundant, There was a reminder that the Cape Fear River Assembly meeting was to be held on May 19-20, Kris Pawlak talked about a foamy sample taken from an unnamed tributary downstream from a landfill. Mike Johnson asked members of DEQ if they knew of any changes that may be upcoming, at their department. There was discussion of the water quality model and the history of the Neuse model. Jim, Caldwell motioned to adjourn. Dean Gaster seconded the motior.,. Mot,on passed. Mike Johnson adjourned the meeting. J-1 Wt Lu o o IV o o o m al IN 0 ID Cl cL Ei Lu xicl no OEQ-CFVV_00049431 Cl) LO Lf) M CN O a Q Q Q W O ®f V c0 Go r qq.:. LO co a O O to N _ _ a+ Co o4 tCS4. N LO N O) V Q N Q a 0.N7 O:) E O C'7 M E: IX) on (O S) O V EO � M tf) T N G Q CSI EA tlp Eta fA dg El} 64 ut Ef3 6'3 EA 6q (f). d; � a CD CD V : et O C}: (D Q co �1 N N C G G? 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