HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00082499Return Activated Sludge (RAS), tie into existing piping ....................... .. ........ ............. I.. . .......... . . .............. . ........ ........... . . . . . . ........ . ......... 7 . . ......... .. . .... ......... 4. 1 . ......... xx EquWizafion Aerabon Tank �Uen'l Ba%n nt, ...... ......... ............... . . ......... ........... ......... M Effluent, tie into existing flume manhole . ................................. -- P. CD CD CD 00 CO CO ........... ........... - ............ ............. - .................. - .............. - [Fiyd.Dupont) Subject.- [Fwd: Dupont Front., Belinda Henson <Beli a.1e on&cm .il.net Date., Thu, 18.May 2006 08:2 :56 µ04 0 To:.Pflul Rawls <aul.rarvls@ncmail. net> Paul, We wanted to give you an update on where Dupont was On relocation of the discharge pipe Thanks Belinda S. Nenson Regional Supervisor TIC DENR--Division of dater Quality Surface Water Protection Section Fayetteville Regional. Office (910)486-1541 Subject: Dupont Front., Marls Brantley Iar . r ntley € ncmai net> Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 15:07:38 -0400 To.- Belinda Henson <BeIinda.Henson@ncmad. net> Belinda I talked with Mike Jonhson just a Crew minutes ago about their outfal.l. Line being relocated. He told me they are in the: process of drawing up a contact with Ch2rf, (Or is it C2 ra?) about doing the environmental modeling. They are having some. Problems doing it but he eels they should have a contract in about 2 creeks. Then the modeling work can begin. he told there he will try and provide gas with a timeline for their: project. Chad was the lock and dam yesterday and he said the of Lent was very Morbid from the erosin. Will the outfal.l issue need to be in the staff; report for the perr€ it renewal Mark Mark Brantley Environmental Chemist NC DE R- Division of water Quality Surface dater Protection Section Fayetteville regional Office (910) 486-1.541 Depot Content -Type: tnessa a/ 822 Content -Encoding: 7bit I Of ; 5/18/2006 8.47 AM DEQ-CFW 00082500 DuPont Fluoroproducts 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 Mr. Gil Vinzani NCDENR Division of Water Quality NPDES Unit Archdale Building 9"' Floor 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Renewal ApIlicailb 1 NPDES Permit No, NCO003573 Dear Mr, Vinzani: Pursuant, to requirements of the referenced NPDES permit, the DuPont Company Fayetteville Works is submitting the NPDES Form I and Form 2C (original and two copies) for permit renewal by the Division of Water Quality. Included in the permit application is a Supplemental Information document which describes the Current Operations and Proposed Changes, This site is implementing a project to construct and operate a new manufacturing unit. This unit will produce Polyvinyl Fluoride (PVF) polymer restris. The PVF resins which will be manufactured at the Fayetteville Works plant are used in the DuPontTm Tedlar®R fluoropolymer film business. Tedlar(0) film is manufactured at another DuPont site (not the Fayetteville Works site), The application is being submitted without some of the testing results as these results were not available at the time of submittal. These absent result,, are indicated by an asterisk (*) on Pages V-2 throug0hV-9 of Form 2C., This data will be submitted as an addendum when the analytical reports are received and inputted into a Form 2C. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at E7Q 1 1 IZ < Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager Enclosures U. du Pant de Namours and Compaq DEQ-CFW-00082501 DuPont Company —Fayetteville Works NPDES Permit No. NCO003573 Supplernental hifbr-mation Supplemental Information — Permit Renewal Application — May 1, 2006 Current Site Water Management Process wastewater and stormwater from the various manufacturing areas are collected in the respective area sumps and ultimately conveyed via a gravity flow underground process sewer pipe to the site's central wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), Sanitary sewage is conveyed via a separate underground sewer system to the WWTP, The permitted flowrate of the WWTP is 2.0 MGD, with an actual average flowrate of'approximately one MGD. This process wastewater is con-in-iingled in the WWTP Influent Sump where it is pumped to an 850,000-gallon Equalization Basin. The Equalization Basin is mixed with two floating submerged mixers. Three floating surface aerators in the basin cool and aerate the incoming wastewater, A 175,000-gallon Emergency Retention Tank is avail -able for temporary storage of wastewater which may need additional treatment or acclimation in the WWTP activated sludge process at a controlled rate that allows for proper biological treatment. Wastewater from the Equalization Basin is normally pumped to a 250,000-gallon Predigester Tank in which initial biological activity with the WWTP activated sludge begins. The Predigester Tank is aerated. The partially treated wastewater from the Predigester Tank is pumped to a 1,700,000-gallon Aeration Tank. The Aeration Tank is the site of the majority of the biological activity. The Aeration Tank is aerated primarily by a diffused air system located in the bottom of the tank. The tank- can have supplemental aeration via a -floating Biomixei@ that injects air through submerged rotors. The biologically treated wastewater is then sent to two in -ground clarifiers (119,000 gallons Z:> and 168,000 gallons respectively) in parallel. The clarified treated effluent is discharged to and through Outfall 001. The wasted sludge is sent to a Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) unit, then to a 47,000 gallon Sludge Storage Tank, and finally to a Rotary Filter for thickening. The thickened sludge is dewatered in a Sludge Press, and can. be dried in a steam -heated dryer for additional moisture removal. The dewatered and/or dried sludge is transported off -site to a commercial Subtitle D landfill, Non -contact process cooling water and non -process stormwater are conveyed via surface ditches to the site's Woodlined Ditch. In addition, excess riverwater flow and Outfall 001 effluent are discharged directly to the Woodlined Ditch, The combined, total flow of water from the site is discharged and monitored at Outfall 002, The Outfall 002 maximum 30-day average flow was 16.3 MG1) during the period from 2005 to 2006. Flow variability at Outfall 002 is from 3.0 to 18.6 MGD, however, flow can consistently be in the 16.3 MGD range, 1. DEQ-CFW-00082502 DuPont Company Fayetteville Works NPDES Permit No. NCO003573 Supplem.entalInfon-nation PVF ManqhKt��rin Fac l.i�: Tice DuPont Company Fayetteville Works has been selected as the location for the DuPontT-14 Polyvinyl Fluoride (-PVF) manufacturing process. The manufacturing facility is in the process of being designed, and will produce PVF polymer resins. PVF resin to be manufactured at the Fayetteville plant is used in. DuPoiijl", Tedlar@ fluoropolymer film business. Tedlaiff) film is manufactured at other DuPont site location (not the Fayetteville plant). Tedlar(R) is used in tlie photovoltaic industry in photovoltaic cells and the aircraft industry for interior cabin. surfaces, as well as many other uses. This new facility construction will. be completed in August 2007 and begin start up in October 2007, The manufacturing facility will be located near the existing Teflon -CO FEP resin manufacturing area. This process will produce polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) resin (CAS No. 24981-14-4). As with -inost fluorochemical processes, the wastewat er from the. PVF manufacturing process is expected to have very little or no biological oxygen den -land (ROD,) value. Treatability tests have been performed on samples from another DuPont site which- cut re ly manufactures PVF. These studies have indicated use of non-laicilogical treatment will meet effluent limitation of OCPSF NSPS guidelines of Subpart t D­-Thermoplastic Resins (40 CFR 414.40). Dupont proposes to discharge the treated wastewaters from this new facility through a currently permitted outfall, designated as Outfall 006. The contact process wastewater and stormwater will be treated with solids separation technology prior to discharging to the outfall. A suggested change to the language of the current pen-nit's narrative for Outfall 006 that would accommodate the new PVF Manufacturing Facility follows: "Beginning on the effective date of this pen -nit and lasting through the expiration date, the I Pennittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 006 (Polyvinyl fluoride Manufacturing Facility low -biodegradable process wastewaters). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: ­ The process wastewater is expected to contain e ac unretd vinyl fluoride -02-5) . . .. .......... . .... ........ _..,-(CAS No 00075 The anticipated quantity of vinyl fluoride from the PVF Manufacturing Facility is 0.312 pounds pqr,44y. This quantity would equate to 0.9 ing/l, vinyl fluoride at Outfall, 006 and_6,0_6_35� nng­/_L vinyl fluoride at Outfall 002. Finally, non -contact cooling, condensate, and stormwater from the PVF Manufacturing Facility will be discharged directly to Outfall 002 via the site's Woodlined Ditch. DEQ-CFW-00082503 DuPont Company --- Fayetteville Works NPDES Permit No, NC0003573 Supplemental information Current 2mafin C conditions Butacite@ ManufactuLin o � e P) g: The DuPont Company — Fayetteville W rl s' Butacit C manufacturing area produces two final products. DuPorr[TAI Butacite-8 Interlayer plastic sheeting is the final product used in safety glass such as automobile windshields. Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) resin is shipped off -site as a transfer to other DuPont locations for final processing. Wastewater generated from this manufacturing facility is treated in the site's biological wastewater tr.eatinen.t � plant (WWTP). ............. - Naflon ®R Manufacturing: The DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works' Nafion&; manufacturing area produces five final products. DuPontTm NafionS Membrane is a plastic film used in the chloroalkall industry and in electrochemical fuel cells. Naflon(E) Resins are ultimately extruded into a finished film. The FLPR Vinyl Ether and HFPO monomers are shipped to other DuPont locations to produce various A i0i6ch6n.1.1 cal products Such as DuPontTM Teflon®. Wastewater generated from this manufacturing facility is neutralized, and discharged. To the WWTP Teflon@ ManufacturLng: The DuPont Company Fayetteville Works' PM1I)F TeflonCM manufacturing area produces DuPontT11*1 Teflori'v FFP resin. Teflon(O FEP resin is used in the electronics industry as a coating for wire, as well as many other uses. This facility was constructed in 1999-2000 and was started up in December 2000, Wastewater generated from this manufacturing facility is treated in the WWTP. _ APFO Maggfacturin - The DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works' APFO manufacturing g. area produces .,-,tmmomui-a perfluorooctanoate. The APFO produced in this unit is used to ......... .. . ammonium produce fluoropolymers and fluorinated telomers, but none of the produced APFO is used at the Faye tteville Works site, This -facility was started. Lip in, November 2002. All wastewater' generatedfrom. this manufacturing facility is collected and shipped ­­ o .1 ff-sitc -- fordisposal. . - - . No process wastewater from this manufacturing facility is discharged to the site's biological WWTP or to the Cape Fear River. SentrvG]as@ Plus Ma nytLactu ring: The DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works' SentryGlasCR) Plus:manufacturing area produces DuPonfrm SeiitryGlas®R Plus lonoplast interlayer laminate, SentryGlas([D Plus interlayer is used for laminated safety glass in side, rear, and overhead automobile windows. It is also used in architectural applications desiring safety glass. This facility was started up in June 2005. . There is no contact process wastewater generated from this manufacturing, facility, di.e.r."e--f6te only sanitary waste from this area is treated in the WWTP. This manufacturing facility does discharge non -contact cooling water to the woodlined ditch and ultimately to Outfall 002. ------- . ........ DEQ-CFW-00082504 DuPont Company --- Fayetteville Works NPDES Permit No. NC0003573 Supplernental Information Form 2C Perffljj��� Data Unavailable Priority Pollutants, special conventional and non -conventional analysis required testing results were not available at the time of Permit Application. submittal, This data will be subi-nittedwhen 'lab reports are received and input into the Form 2C as an appendum. These absent analytical results are indicated with an asterisk (*) on the Form 2C, Pages V-1. through V-9. Data Abnormalities When compiling the Out -fall analytical database to perform the statistical analysis required in Form 2C, there were several apparent data abnormalities reported in the D.MRs, These abnormalities, whether analytical or sampling event derived, are worth noting and or correcting in the Form 2C as they are misleading of representing the discharge from the site. Data Noted: On 11 /08/05 a COD value of 102 mg/L was reported for Outfall 002 at a high .flow rate of 13.3 MGD resulting in a calculated mass of 11,292 lb/day. Upon review of Outfall 001 data and site's operating conditions, this value appears in error and the corresponding mass discharge is believed to be incorrect. As with all analytical results when retains are not available for retest, one must apply logic based on available Information. This value was still reported in the 2C data, but noted here as to the possible error. Data Revised: Total Phosphorus is monitored at Outfall 002 once a month. On site there is only one potential source of phosphorus. The Butacite(ID operation uses phosphoric acid in the batch operation. During the months of December and March 2005, the maximum nun-iber of batches in a given day was twenty (20) batches, 'The quantity of phosphoric acid "as Phosphorus" in each batch. is 4.7 lb/batch or a maximum of 94.5 lb/day "Total Phosphorus" potentially being discharged. This value is in line with what is normally reported 15 to 50 lbs per day which will vary as biological uptake will occur as well as equalization within the biological treatment system. Any value grossly in excess of 95 lb/day Phosphorus is highly probable in error, either analytical or sampling, and not representative of operations, therefore misleading, In March 2005, a concentration of 307 ppm was reported and a respective 14,092 lb Total P/day in the discharge, In December 2005, a concentration. of 103 ppm was reported and a respective 1,040 lb Total P/day in the discharge. hi both cases these values are orders of magnitude greater than what can physically be used and processed through manufacturing much less through biotreatment and are evidently grossly in error. The likely scenario is either typographic or analytical dilution calculation errors, in which both cases would be decimal place transposing errors, Rather than just not include these two data points, for purposes of the Form 2C reporting we chose to revise the numbers from 307 ppin to 0.307 ppm and 10.7 ppni to 0.107 ppm and respective mass discharge of 14.092 and 10.4 lbs P/day. These are in ranges of norrnal reported values of the time periods of concern and more in line with likely amowi-ts from the operating unit. DEQ-CFW-00082505 F-P. A. 1.33, Pdumhis (smPy fmm !tear I of Farm: 1) PLEASE. PRitJT ORTYPE IN —HE UNSHADED AREAS OPJLY. Yea may >eps: aanra or a)) t�aP.t��7®�3�� of 4his +v::oamat3or or,'FgTmate sheets (us, : the scen-s: format;• inSte' d of oorpplet:r 9 "'ese paper. Farrrs A;tgntv�id SEE 3NSTP1.1CnONS Obfe Na. ^<,GtTd6 Alpha+a1 MxF•Ittc f4: 9-i38 V, €NTAKE Y EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (Continued frontpage 3 ofrorm 2-C) PART A - ou must : provide ffie results of at leas ome analysis or t3very pd a ant 1313s table. UOMPJotC one table rnr vac 3 outfalL: ee 3ms ruc ions or aorimonai details, OUTrALL NO. 1 2. EFFLUENT I. POLLUTANT AND CAS .•. UN3TS }, FNTAXE f pf,'on-fi NO a, MA%EM010, DA{LY VAWE b, Eb=WUM 30 DAY VALUE +,'aivaik We) b_ LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE (ir aeatlek?txt d.NO,01: 4vankjJ a. LONGTERM AVERAGE VALUE (lt avafla8?Cj it) fj A1A35 tar O3rC,NTRATi�N (2k rs9ASS CONCENTRATION i2),'OASS ANALYE:FS b. NO. OF ... .KSSC7NCENrRaTON ii-�cen:>.atca Gs>na yss ,aN:+,I.Y:"ES :�. "C�tO<:12e3T3iGa€ Oxygen Dernand 367,0 2981.2 33,30 265,90 9,70 72;30 169 rn91-. lb/day NA NA NA b. Chemical Oxygen EDem and 59.c0 359Y NA NA NA NA 1 fng L il_t;day NA (CD) (COD) NA NA . TOW Organic 1f.6 107.3 NA NA ,arbor {Ti`iC) NA NA � mg, nr € i ?da CJf; d. Total Suspended NA NA 56.0 349.3 26,70 169,80 Solids (? 3) 18,90 133.20 169 u�gt€. its%day ivA NA IvR e. Ammonia (as N) (]::1 0.6 NA NA NA NA i r g i_ lb/day NA NA NA f. F€o:>u Value 1,30 valve 1.0 value 0,9 395 li G aka life NA €•`iM g. Temperature value value 23,0 value (winner) 18.7 17.2 79 cC value NA NA €1, Temperature value value value 's;Jar3arte) 30,0 23.0 21.0 88 zC valve NA NA Minimum iitaXFEYEJrn Minimum Maximum r...............:Y"r I. pH 69 8.0 NAmom NA 167 � PAR F S -Mark "7C<' in column 2a for eacia PO"utent YOU know ar have reason to believe €s present, Mark " r in column 2b for each pollutant you believe to tie absent. .., If you mark Column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly, or indirectly but exprossly, in an effluent limitations guideline; you must provide the results of at least or3e analysis for that pollutant, For Other Pollutants for which you mark column 2a, you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge. Complete one table for each avttall. See the instrUOions for additional details and requirements. 2, MARK "X" 3, EFFLUENT k, UNn'S i. EN3'AKE s-.ra(s b, MAXIMUM Ski DAY VALUE !iFaNai?8b?e; a• LONG TFRM. AVRG. VALE3E t"sP b. NO, i9E- —MAXIMUM ----- vns-s1£: ata3fCb?et a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE .ANALYSES 1, POLLUTANT & CAS NO, C. NO, OF rt7:J£. )tv^:tT:r f ct it) i;�rQi1•:a(,3+..-Z)MASS F3(2) MASS. '7)fASS AfJAIYSE (i) A^o3"E.:1E:5Nvlc e4lFIAT:nu il; MASS S ti..U'JCEr4i'hA'i3t�N a. BromideX {24959-67-9j NA Nab NA NA NA NA i to b. Chlorine ` uta Residual X NA NA NA NA " NA NA NA c. Color k 13 NA NA Nta NANA 1 you NR NA NA d. Feca€ NA Col'sform X 62 NA NA NA NA NA 1 col/loom€ NA NA UA NA. e_ Fluoride X �P1 2,44� NA 16984-4M t NA NA NA 1 mgit. ibtda;i NA NA NA €. Nitrate— Nltr i {as N) x NA NA NR NA 1 mg!i It3r`day NA N NA EPA Forth 3810-2C (8-90) S1Ar � aa_•e NPDES Permit No. NC0003573 ouffall 001 rrEM V•B CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE I . POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 2. MARK"X' a. BELIEVED BELIEm- LT PPE'SE-Nr AI�'E-Kf g, Nitrogen x Total Organic (as N) MAXWOM DAILY VALUE O)CONrENTRAMN (2) MAS'S 2,77 I EFFLUENT b. M"MIUM W DAY VALUE ff I CONCY- NWRA-f 10-N MASS NA NA LONG TEM AVRG, VALUE {Wz. (1) 1-QNCWrRATiQP4 (22) MASS NA NA OF" ANA�,YSE8 4, UNITS fj) C�XqCr ',ZMASS nigL lblday S. a. LONG TERM AVERACE VALUE f r, O.-','C EWii A T I ON e2i Wk�":: NA NA i), ;Qoi: ANAUVS!-f� lf� I NA h. Oil and Grease FX' 28 223 28 223 NA NA ----------- mg/L lb/day NA NA NA i, Phosphorus !as P) . Total 2-39 14,557 NA NA NA NA t mgfi- blday NA NA NA (7723-14-0) (1) Alpha, Total x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA (21) Beta, Total x NA NA NA NA NA NA (3) Radium, total x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA (4) Radium 226 Total x NA NA NA NA it. Sulfate (as SO4) ---- NA NA NA (14808-79-8) 1,290 7:865 NA NA NA NA Mg/L lb/day NA NA NA 1, Sulfide (as S) x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA m- Sulfile (as S03) --- (14265-45-3 x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA a. Surfactants x 0.562 3.43 NA NA NA NA NA NA hdA (7429-90-5) x 0,106 0:646 NA NA NA NA 1 mg/l- lbfday NA 'A NA NA p, Barium, Total— (7440-39-3) x NA NA NA NA NA NA q, Boron, Total (7440-42-8) x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA r, Cobalt, Total (7440-48-4) x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA s. iron, Total (7439-89-6) x 0.'137 0,835 NA NA NA f4 A 1 rrc # lb day NA NA NA t. Magnesium 1 (7439-95-1) x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA u, Molybdenum, Total (7439-98-7) x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA v, Manganese, (7439-96-5) x '-,'A NA NA NA NA NA NA w, Tin Total I i (7440-31-5) x NA NA NA NA NA I NA 1 NA X. TilaniumjotaI I - -------- 9 L7440-32-61 NA NA I NA NA NA I N NA I EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) — --------- PAGE V-2 —.-L —... - L�- CONTINUED ON PAGE V-3 EPA #.3�. hBU�A6E#i (copy from Item of F'spm 1) OUTF`ALL NUMBER Form Apprtwed CONTINUED FROM PAGE �t�i" FaRkA 2-C �QU�J��73 �#ii'3 ON18 No. 2040 0066 PRl;`T C - If you are a Primary industry and this outfall contains procesa was£oavater, refer to TOMS; 2C-2 in the #osbructions to determtno which *7 the GCIMS fractions �pprova# expiru,6 6-,31-Vfi You must test for, Mark "x^ in Column 2 •a for all such GCIMS fractions that aPP#y to your industry and for ALL toxic anita#s, cyanides, and total phenols. #€you are not required to mark column 2-a (secondary industries, nonprocess wastewater outfalls, and oonretluirad Gems fractions), mark, ".x" in Column 2-3 for each poliufant you know or #rave reason to believe is present. Mark "x" in column 2-c for each Pollutant you bd#ieve is absent, if you mark column 2a for any poilotan£, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant, ti you mark Column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the resutfs of at least one analysis for that Pollutant if you know or have reason to believe it will be discharged in concentrations of 10 p}lr or greater. If you mark column 2b for acro#e#n, ocrylonMia 2,4 duft ophenol, or 2-me1hy#,4,6 d#n#trOphenol, you must provide the resoEis of at least one anaiysiS for eacit of these #ao#iutants which you know or have reason that you discharge in concentrations of 10 pph or greater. otherwise, for pollutants for which you mark Column 2b, you must either submit at #east one analysis or briefly describe Me reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged. Note that there are 7 pages to this Part, Please review each Carefully, Complete one table (ag 7 pages) for each ouffali. See instructions for additional details and requirements, CASE A3. EFFLUENT `#, POLLUTANTPOLLUTANTANDNO 2, MARK e, UNITS S. #NTAKE fep; nrs?i bs MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE (if c. Lt3P1G 3'£fdA4 AUJSG. VALUE gr [.,.MAJnPUM MLY lfALnt{Ifaeaifalkle3 a. 7E$rEPdC 6LElIE`lED xzr5EllEiL NO, Uw a, LONG TERM P,EWRED PRESENT AP.SEWE CEAiRR73U<• ($;MA&S 1,UONCENTRAMN ',2}?-iA$g (al COrrCG'�7P,A73+3'v f2}MASfi ANALYSES ... ... f ,, :. fs; C N=rtTR4'f'CfY3 v.. .. (a) MASS SS CU: GE RRA7 UNVEttAGE�A3.�E PJAf YC•,�'_S' f f ;.s'::fi% /lf/ % : 'f% fin i : 'I t>Pf. Antlri3ony _._''total (7440-36-0) X 0,003 0,018 NA PIA A, NAmg/L lb/day NA I' A v,1 2M. Arsenic.; I otal y+7440-38-2) ' `=0-003 <0. 30 NA NA NA Pdri 11E €q/L Ii-ssday PEA fvA i� 3ht. Beryllium, Total (7440-41-7) X <0,001 <0,006 ESA Ili;, NA AA mg/L Wday NA NA N 4M, Cadmium, Total (7440-43-9)- 2 <0012 IAA NA NA NA i mg/L It3/day NA NA NA 5M, Chromium: Total (7447-47-3) X < 005 .0,030 NA NA NA NA ( mgL Ib day NA NA NA 6M. Copper, "fatal K (7440-50-8) - - 0:003 O.018 NA NA NA NA 1 mg/L ltvday NA NA NA 7h+t, Lead, Total (7439-92-1) X -0,003 Pali NA NA NA 1 mW—i lb/day, NA •r.'A NA BM, Mercury, Total i ?439-97-6 K-0.0002 <O.00C 2 NA NA N �t2. NA NA NA 9M, Nickel, Total (7440-02-0) X <OW6 <0,030 NA NA NA NA I M91 ib/dav NA NA N.A 1OM, Selenium, Total (7782-49-2) X r(01.O05 <0,030 NA NA NA NA 1 rrFgA. lblday NA NA NA 11M- Silver Total {7440-224) � <O. )OZ rO.O €2 PdA AdA NA NA 1' mg/L lW'day NA NA NA 12M, Thallium Total (7440-28-0) X <0.00 <0,030 NA NA A NA 1 mg/L lb/day NA NA NA 13M, Zinc, Total (7440-66-5) 0. 8 i f=;506 A tilt`€ NA NA 1 frigil_ lh"'day NA NA NA 14M. Cyanide, Total (57-12-0) x a:005 <0'034 NA NA NA NA 9 mqt " Vday CIA NA NA 15M Phenols Total x ,, 0d4 n �3 24 I dra. NA ILIA y +y} t ppppn i rn <L •R < { ::.....:::....:. .... .: ii . fF` :T Ib+l��.. ; �tlA aan�yy �r.� NA iKA 2,3.t`,£3-Teii"aG}31artC.)E3_Pt:rE7i7^F' Dioxin (1764-01-6) X CIA NA NA NA EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-3 C83NTtN€JEC# ON PAGE V4 NPDES Permit No. NCO003573 Outfall 001 ITEM V-S CONTMED FROM PREIAOM PAGE 1, POLLUTANT AND CASE No REOUJRED IV, Acrofein x (107-02-8) 2V. Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) x 3V, Benzene (71-43-2) x 4V. BiS (Chloromethyl) x Ether (542-88-1) 5V. Brornoform (75-25-2) x 2. MARK 'X" 3,EFFLUENT a. MAXLMUM MLY �,SFL EVEV VAL r (1) PRLSEW ASSENT CONCFNTRATION (2) MASS <0,050 <0-05 3 <0,0 10 <0,061 <00010 --0,0061 b.ftUWUM3*DAYVA.LUE Of C LONGTERM AVRG. VALUE (w �e4 CONCrNTRATON f'-!) MASS (1) coNcl-, 'wRAT*.N (a) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA N NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S. NO, GP ANALYSEN' 1 1 NA 41 UNIT$ 5, INTAKE(,-, �kwp.3;) — a, LONG TERM AVERAaE VALUE R3MAZ5 CONCEN;PADON M.AEK> ANALYSES Fyzg,;L lb/dav NA NA NA mg/L lbiday NA NA NA ------------ - ------- mg/L 1b."'day NA NA NA NA NA NA Mg/L. lb/day .-A NA NA 6V. Carbon Tetrachloride (56-23-5) x N NA NA A. g!L ibld�v N. A NA NA TV. Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) x 10 0,0061 NA NA NA NA 1 -m-,/L lb"'day NA NA NA 8V. Chlorodibromomethane (124-48-1) x <0'0010 <0.0061 NA NA NA NA mg/L. lblday NA NA NA 9V. Chloroethane (75-00-3) x ------- <0.0010 ----------- <13-0061 NA NA NA rng/il ---------- b/d a NA I OV, 2 Chforoethlylvinyl y NA NA Ether (110-75-8) x - ---------- <0'050 <OM5 NA NA NA NA 1 mg1' Ibi'day NA NA NA I IV. Chloroform (67-66-3) x <0,0050 <0.0305 NA NA NA NA mg/L Ib/day NA NIal N A 12V, DieWorobromornethane (75-27-4) x '-OM'10 <Woel NA NA NA NA 1 mg/1- Wday NA NA NA 13V. Dichlorodifluorornethane —1 1 x < 0. f'; 0 10 <f).0061 ;NA PIA NA NA, rrm,' L Wday NA NA NA 14V. M Dichloroethane (75-34-3) <0,0010 <U061 NA NA NA NA mg/L b/day NA NA NA. 15V, 1,2 Dichloroethane ------------ (107-06-2) x <0.0010 <0,0061 NA NA NA NA l mg/L ;biddy NA NA NA 16V, 1,1 DicNoroethylene 1(75-35-4) ----------- - ---- ----- x <0,0010 <0,0061, NAIAA N A NA NA 1 g,L. IbMay NA NA NA 17V. 1,2 Dichforopropane ---------- -- I — --------- ------- (78-97-5) x <0.00 " 0 <1-0061 NA NA NA NA mgk. lb/day NA NA NA 1W 1,3 Dichloropropylene ------------- (542-75-6) x <0,0010 <0,006,1 NA NA NA NA I rng/L lbiday NA NA NA 19V. Ethylbenzene(100-41-4) x <0.0010 <M061 NA NA NA 20V, MethyF'B'r'om5e - --- ---- m9lL lb/day NA NA NA (74-83-9) x <U010 <0.0061 NA NA NA NA 1 mg/L lb,day NA NA NA 1 21 V. Methyl Chloride — ---- (74-87-3) x <0'0010 <OM61 NA NA NA NA �177 11 rng/L "L 1-Y lbAday I NA NA EPA Form 3510-2C 8-90) PAGE V-4 CONTINUED ON PAGE V-5 D, dal foopy fflcm Hem I of 1) UTFALL NUMBER r-Onn Approveo CONT1E4UFD FROM PAGE V-4 17, NCO003573 7717 001 ')MR NO, 2040 0086 3. EFFLUENT -hrvRrrr - Aprova! expires 8-�;I-t46 'H. POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 2. MARK "X" uNffs 7 AKEoptonal) MAXWUM 0AJLY b-MAXIMUMUDAYVALUIE (Y c. LONG TERM AVRZ, VALUE a.TESTING VALUE b.UELEVED dF.L-Evil D d, NO. OF 4, LONG TERM AVERAGE VA . ... ......... REOURFD PRESENT AI3SEWT {1) CONCENTRAI 4�l (2) MASS QONCIENTP-ADON i2) VASS MA$S ANALYSES CONCEil;PATION MASS I �////MEIEI 22V Methylene Chloride (75-09-2) x <0 005 <0,0305 NA NA NA NA W..c./L lb/day NA N" A NA 23V,1,1,2,2 Tetrachloro- ethane (79-34-6) <0,001 <10061 NA NA NA NA 1 rng"L b1day NA NA NA 24V. Tetrachloroethylene (127-18-4) 0,0061 NA NA mg,"L €b,,d-y F NA NA NA 25V, Toluene (108-88-3) Y. <0,005 -0.0305 NA N" A NA NA 1 mg/i-. wday NA NA NA 26V. 1 2-TransDichloro- ------------- - ethylene (156-60-5) <0,001, <0,0061 NA NA NA NA rn ci IL lb/day NA N-A NA 27V, 1,1,1 Trichloroethane (71-55-6) 001 <0,0061 NA NA NA NA I rngi'l.. lb/day NA NA. NA 28V. 11,2 Trichloroethane (79-00-5) <0A")01 <0,0061 NA NA NA NA 1 mqL Wday NA NA NA 29V. Trichloroethyiene (79-01-6) <0,001 <0-00611 NA NA NA NA 1 mg,"L lbld" NA NA NA 30\1. Trichlorotluoro- ---------- --- - methane (75-69-4) -0.001 <0.006,1 NA NA NA NA rng/L. lb/day NA NA NA 31V. Vinyl Chloride (75-01-4) <0,00i <0.0061 NA NA NA NA 1 Mg/L lb/day NA NA NA fi . . . . I.W/RM C1A, 2 hlorophenol (95-57-8) x <6,010 <0,061 NA NA NA NA 1 mq",L. lb/day NA NA. NA 2A 2A Dichlorophenol -- (120--83-2) x <0-01.0 <0.061 NA NA NA NA 1 mgIL Wday NA NA NP% 3A. 2A Dimethylphenol (106-67-9) x <0,010 <0,061 N A NA NA NA i b/d a y NA NA NA 4A 4,6 Dinitro-0-Cresol ir (534-52-1) x <(),010 <0.061 NA NA NA NA I Mg/L. bMay NA NA NA 1 5A, 2,4 Dinitrophenof (51-28-5) x NA NA LEA. NA I Mg L lbiday NA NA NA 6A.2-Nitraphenol (88-75-5) x <0 10 <0,061 NA NA N'A IL - - - - --- m 9 IbI , J a y il,A NA NA 7A4-Nitrophenol (100-02-7) x <0,010 <0.061, NA NA NA NA I mg/1- lb/day NA NA 8A, P-Chloro-M-Cresol NA (59-50-7) x <0,010 ,0,061 NA NA NA NA I MO/L lb/day NA NN, A NA 9A, Pentachlorophenol ------------ (87-86-5) x 0 <0,061 NA NA NA N. A 1 mql"L. 1b,"day NA NA NA I OA. Phenol (108-952) x <0.04 <0.244 NA NA NA Plfi 1 rngtL iblday NA NA NA I 1A, 2,4,6 Trichbro- phenol (88-06-2) x <0.010 <0,061 NA L NA i NA N A 1 rng./L lb,day NA NA NA EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) —L. PAGE V-5 CONTINUED ON PAGE V-6 NPDES Permit No. NCO003573 Outfell 001 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-6 1. POLLUTANT AYd£3 CASE No (3f c2K31f2b1@) 1B. Acenaphthene 8ry o 2B. A,enaphtylene (208-96-8) FE!�,lfRLLT X. X S. EFFLUENT +`e, €4Nr 5. kt3TAafE it`PFics; tizy 2. MARK "X'" o. MUMUM, MLY b. Pt.akt?,lUM 3Q DAY VALUE , rc .. r LUNG TERM AVRG \ALUE (i` 'dAi.i?i nva.tst:!»> �ir.Csh?a. LOING TFJ:W AVERAGE VA..,QF C.^�Et1�VECl C NO OF� rs RESi'`J" A6SET :91 C;pNCEM'i C.t+9 PS 2)PAAw r (1; COniC.:MaamlGN „4aS !;rv"dCEl4TAA'f1+7:., ;7j?�AS� A.�,,,YS—S n''.;?':.Sc`; ?' (^.`CO" ry.�3s2A `�pti' ><� y (:t`."t.'tNLLMT^tiS":C3f+: /.. �i. «i. 1.e �: i,06'1 NA NA NA NA ra'agz`l 1hk?ay NA NA NA «3.010 <ci, } I t; NA NA NA 1 rngJl_ lb,clay NA NA NA 3B. Anth£racene (120-12-7) x <0.010 <0.061 NA NA NA IAA 1 mg/ L bIday NA NA NA, 4B. Benzidine (92-87-5) x <0.050 <0.30 NA NA NA PEA 1 rag%L lb/day NA NA IAA 5B. Benzo (a) Anthracene (56-55-3) <0. i' <0.C61 NA, >)A NA NA rs r`L bkllni - NA NA NA YjPi. Setazti (a) PyTene (50-32-8} .. <E.3;ir1C� <0-.00,1 IN P,IA h,(r�, NA 1 tng/L Wday< NA N-A PEA 7B3,4 Benzofluororanthene (205-99-2) > <0.010 -.i�.(ih # F to P iA ^:.�1 f� A 1 rng%L I b/d ay NA NA N,A 8B. Benzo(ghf)Perylene (191-24-2) x <0 010 <0'061 NA NA NA NA 1 r£aglL lb/day NA NA ILIA 9B. Benxa (lc) Fluoranthene (207-08-9) x <0,010 <0 061 NA NA PEA NA 1 algli- ?bfday PEA NA NA 10B. B?s(2-Chloroethoxy) Methane (111-91-1) x <0.010 <0,061 NA NA NA NA 9 a? g/L lb"day NA NA t'1A 11 B. Bis(2-Chloroethyl) Ether (111.44-4) x <0.010 <0.061 NA NA NA ;NA € £T£g"L lb/day NA NA NA 12B Bis(2Chlorolisopropyl) Ether(102-60-1) X <0,C110 <0,061 NA PIA NA NA 1 nagtL ,b day NA NA P,:A 136. Bts(2-Elthylhexyl) Phthalate (117-81-7) x <,O:t31fl r<0.061 NA NA NA NA I rng L lb/day NA NA ILIA 14BAt romophenylPhenyl Ether (101-55-3) <ti3Oi0 <0:�361 t o I €s A NA 1 rnglt. Ibiday NA NA NA 168. Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (i35 08-7) x <0.810 <0,061 NA t'd,� A NA 1 £rfgll.. Ib1C)ay € lA IAA ;tits I 168, 2-Chlo£vnapthalene -T -- - (91-58-7) x <0.010 <0.061 NA NA NA NA 1 £xglL lta?oay f IA NA £ JA 17B.2-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether(7005-72-3) ? <0,316 <i3.C=Ei C Phi NA NA 1 Mg, ibidav NA PEA NA 1$B.ChrySene (218-01-9) <0,010 <0,061 P IA NA PIA l a,1,`. 1 r 1C;1y 19B. Gibenzo (a,h) gIE_ I IA NA€ NA Anttaracene (53-70-3) x <0.010 -0.06: NA ILIA NA NLA 1 £ngA. I b/d ay NA NA NA 20B, 1,2 Dlchlorobenzene (95-5Li-1) <G.001Ei 0.C,0a NA PIA NA NA 1 £rgli.: '<bttlay (,IA NA NA 21B. 1.3 Dichlorobenzene {541-73-1) X <0.La010 =0,006 NA NA NA NA 1 mg!L lb/day ILIA NA N EPA Form 3510- C (5-94) PAGE V-6 ®€diiN€1ED C3iyd F'AGEV-i CONTINUED FROM PAGE W6 JEPA LV� NUM OU TFALE RiUMBER Form App;zw,,,c! ............. NC0003573 001 Okle, No, 20,40 0066 . ............. Approval 3. EFFLUENT 1, POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 2. MARK"X'u. h. MAXIW50.30 DAY VPJ-UE if LONG TM0 AVRC, VALU rt 41 UNITS MAKE (Ifovallabf'.) MNG b-M-.UEMiD c,M - L E - "IrD VALUE t:m --- LONG M"AVERAGEVALU REQDR�K) O)CONCENT AS S WksS MASS kNA: �.SES ANALY�SEl: 2213. 1,4 Dicftrobenzene (106-4 Y. ILIA NA NA NA -ngiL its/day' NA NA NA 2313.3,31' Dichicrobenzidine (91-94-1) Y. <0 010 <0, 061 NA NA NA NA 1 r "— li')ldlay NA NA 24B. Diethyl Phthalatp (84-66-2) x < 0, (1, 10 6 1 NA NA NA rng,L lb/day NA ;'girt, NA 25B, Dimethylj Phthalate (131 -11 -3) x <0.01 0 <0,061 NA NA NA NA 1 a i el io/day NA NA l,4 A, 26B. Di-N-Butyi- Phthalato (84-74-21) x <0.010 <0.061 NA NA NA NA 1 rr-.gl Vday NA NA NA 278. 2,4 Dinitro faluene(121-14-2) _ x CiO 0.061 NA NA NA NA 1 rngA. ibleay NA NA NA 28B, 2,6 trinitrotoluene ---- (606-20-2) x <0,0'0 <0'061 -NA NA N-A NA m'gl lb/day, NA NA NA 29B. Di-N-Ocy Phthalate (117-84-0) x <0.010 'C0,061 NA NIA NA NA gA. Mg !Wfj'�y NA --7,A NA ] 30B. 1 2 DiphenylhydraAne (as Azobenzene) (122-66-7) x 0 1 0 NA NA NA NA mglL IbMay NA NA NA 31B. Fluoranthene L(206-44-0) x NA N'A NA NA E rng/L ibtdy NA NA NA 2 F 7— 328. Fluo� ene (86-7 �37) 'uo"' '(6 -"'e x <0'010 NA NA NA Nye 33B. Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlomber� ',e '3B' z mg/L lb/dav NA N A NA NA (118-74-1) 8-74_1) r-34H x <0'01 0, <0,061 NA NA NA NA mgl ibldoy NA NA B ex__ 34B, Hexacniorobutadiene f8 7 (87-68-3) x "0'010 <0,061' NA NA NA NA L m,4�L loloay NA NA —71� 1� 35B, Hexachlorocyclo- pentadiene (77-47-4) x <0.01 0 -4 0. OG- I NA NA NA NA biday NA NA NA, 1 36B. Hexachlorciethane (67-72-1) ---- x <0. (-)10 -0.061 NA NA NA NA 1 Mg/L lbiday NA NA NA 1 37BJndenol,2,3(,dPyme -- -- (193-39-5) x <0'0E1 NA NA NA NA mg/L tlL biday NA NA NA 388. Isophorone x <0.010 <0.061 NA NA NA NA L ibtdav NA NA �411 NA 39B� NaphtiWene (91-20-3) x <0,010 NA NA NA NA mg."L lbiday NA NN A NA 40B.Nitroberizzene (98-95-3) x NA NA NA NA 1 41B, N-Wfosodime- mgiL lbi&y NA MA thylarnine (62-75-9) x <0,010 <0,061 NA NA NA NA mg/ biday NA NA d�A 42B, N-Wrosodi-N- itaLylamine (621-64-7) x -,0,010 <0,061 NA NA NA NA i "-fig/L --- lb/day NA NA N EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 11-7 I CONTINUED ON PAGE V-8 INPDES Permit No, 0003573 Outfall 001 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-7 1. POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 2. MARK "X" --------.EFFLUENT s, MAXWUM DAILY b. M.AX£MUM.:.W DAY VALUE ;'Y 4, UMTS S. £NTAKE ,,oFtt*,w!) VALUE ;sv¢+fexsy'Ns c. LONG lKRM AYE;r. VALUE 'f rsvezi.;dShJ a. LE>N(i FE3144 AV£rWG>v LA.F,E33:: (dray Fk?t�Fej a i STrtiV R. 8'eLiEIEU RE:� IR;3a PRESENT 3) tLVGir ABSPO . JA;$ vC,iCEf?:9:OM1: ($) Mq$^ (3}CiN:3 E":Ai::" 6.M .OF AA>; . " >j P,4,4w L.' n dN`tfa^t;EP' NEI 43B£N-N lfrosodi phe%4amine (86-3C?-6) X <:t,OgS <0,061 NA NA B A.A. 1 T)tlfL b'dav NA NA NA 446. Phenanthrene (85-011-8) X <0,1061 NA NA NA NA Erg"L lb/day NA NA NA 45B. Pyrene (129-00-0) X. <0.010 <0.061 NA NA NA NA rng,L lblday NA €'CIA NA 468, 1,2,4-irioh€orobenzene (120-52-1) X <OVO <0,0 1 NA NA NA NA, i mgil- €Wday NA NA Ad a : n:..�i`f / i/:........//... ..i / . i` .: / x/:.::, .. .............. I P. Aldrin (309-00-2) x <E3c0010 <+3.006 NA NA NA NA trig: lf7Jdap NA NA. NA 2P, (--BHC (319-84-6) X <0.0010 <0'00c NA NA NA NA Mg/L b,day NA. NA NA 3P.11-BHC {a19 85-7) X <0,0010 <0.006 NA NA NA NA mg!L ibiday NA NA NA 4P, y-BHC (58-89-9) x <0'0010 <0.006 NA NA NA NA 1/L lb/day NA lit"a NA 5P. &-EHG (319-8G-8) x <(3:0010 <0asB6 NA PEA NA NA r gIL lb/day -NA,, NA NA 6P. Chlordane (57-74<9) X <0.010 <0,06 NA NA NA NA rC=-11L. lb"'day NA NA N 7P. 4,4` DDT (50-29-3) X -,0,00,10 <0'005 NA NA NA NA trgiL Vday NA NA €1r" SP. 4.4' DDE (72-55.9) X <;:x:CC<'0 <0,006 NA NA NA NA 1 >• g/L htda'y NA NA NA 9P. 4,4' DDD (72-54-8) x <0,0010- <0.006 NA NA NA NA mg/L hiclay NA NA NA IOP, Diiedrin (60-57-1) X <0,0010 < ,006 NA NIP, NA NA 1 rig"L lb/dav NA NA NA 11 P. a-Endasu€fan (115-29-7) k <).001 } <0,006 NA -NA iNA NA fritliL Ibtday NA NA NA 12P, .3-Endosu€fan (115-29.7) X -:0: 01u -,0'00ri NA NA NA NA I tt g/L lbiday NA, NA NA 13P, Endosu€fan Sulfate (1431-0I-8) Y <0.0010 <0.006 NA CAA NA NA 1 nng< L lb!'d:ay NA NA Nth 14P. Endrin (72-20-8) x+. <0.0010 <0.006 NA NA NA NA rng/l- h1day NA NA NA 15P. Endr£n Aldehyde (7421-53-4) X <J.li(3'C; G.Oz n NA NA NA mg!L 'tL:fday NA NA N'A 16P. H+eptasih€or (76-44-8) X ie .C+3t0 < 3.f)06 NA NA NA N.4 1 £Tif f!.. lb/day NA NA 71 NA ;`Psi Form 3810-2C (- t3) PAGE V-8 CONTINUED ON PAGE V-9 C-P, A. 1,E). Number (copy from item I of P,�wm 1) PLEASE PRW OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS 0?4LY.fctjmay ropvt some 0, al! NCO003573 of this k0ofmotioa on &o.pi't,310 ^ch2Lis (use IN? F.IMn. Yonne?; instead of,=pl F2 r. Appmyed SEE 3N8_PUC1'!of45 OMB No. 2040086 Approval expires 8-31-:n� V. INTAKE & EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS (Continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) FALL NO, PART A -You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every P'Oluiarit in this table. Uo_mplete one table for eaeffoul all, See instruct 002 2,EFFLUENT 1. POLLUTANT AND CAS NO n, MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE b. MAXIMUM. 30 DAY VALUE (# ava,Itabiw b. LONG TERM AVRG. VALUE if ovoWa CO,NCE�'TRAIION (2) rvoas (1) CONCENTRATION (1) Cot,,lcEnTi�A­nON (2� MASS ANALYSES C"l-NICENTRAT�ON' b. MASS b. No. OF a, Biochemical Oxygen Dem^,4nd 212,0 9,776 1106,00 4,888 26,50 1,222 5 mg/L lbiday NA NA NA MOP) b. Chemical Oxygen Demand 102,0 11,292 102.0 11,292 57,8 4,853 4 mg/L ib/day NA NA NA (cop, c, Total Organic 7.5 2,324 NA NA Carbon (TOO) NA NA I mg/ L lbiday NA NA F NA d. Total Suspended Solids j'TSS') NA NA NA NA I mg/L lb/day NA NA NA e, Ammonia (as N" 13.2 NA NA NA NA I mg/L lb/day NA NA NA f. Flow value18,60 value 16.3 value 10:6 396 MGD I value NA NA I 9. Temperature Value value wilue - - (Winter) 22,0 16,7 14,9 128 C value 1 NA NA h. Temperature value 39.0 value 32,2 Value (summer) 25,8 145 Oc Value NA NA Mini Maximum Minimum Maximum ME i, pH 6.2. 8,6 NA NIA 2-14 PART B -Mark "X" in column 2a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present, mark "X" in column 2b for each pollutant you believe to be absent, If you mark column 20 for any pollutant which is limited either directly, or indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a, you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge: Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. 2. MARK "X" 3, EFFLUENT 4, UNITS S. INTAKE A)0MUWI 30 DAY VALUE a, MAXWOM DAILY VALUE C. LONG YERMAVRG, VALUE b, NO. Oiz a. a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE ANALYSF-S 1, POLLUTANT & CAS NO, D. NO, OF r) r2% MASS 41)CONOE.NTPAT;ON (2) 111.14ISS "msss ANIALYSEs, (1) Ss 1,2) MASS ,_.N CONO�tr' PAnQN a� Bromide — X NA NA (24959-6744) NA NAb, Chlorine NA NA A NA Total Residual X NA NA NA NA C' Colo" X 64 NA NA NA NA NA pou NA NA NA NA NA NA d, Fecal NA Coliforin X 5. NA NA NA NA NA 1 COVI 00ml NA e. Fluoride NA NA IJ A X 41,3 5003 NA NA ( 16984-48-8 NA 643.7 130 mi� lb/day f, Nitrate— NA NA I NA X 0.52 13,2 NA NA Nitrite (as N) NA NA rog/L lb/day NA NA NA EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) 101 EPA W. NUMBER (cagy from Kern 1 of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER r.nfti nJ>�tt'[7V9L' 10 OMB No. 2i 4G 4li ;£08+a o. CO CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C NCO003573 € 02 PART C ^ if you era? a primary #Rdustr and tixis Cullat£ Contains process wastewater, refer to Table 2C-2 in the instructions to determine which of the Gc: %is fmcU*rs AplSrGa ?;x 8-3t-a& you must test for, mark "X" In column 2 -a for ail such GCM$ tractions that apply to your Industry and for ALL toxic metals, Cyanides, and total phenols. If you are not required to marts column 2 a (secondery industries, nonprocess wastewater outkalls, and nonraqu£red GCjM$ fractions), mark "X" in column 2-b for Each pol£irlant you know or have reason to believe is present. Mark "X" In column 2-c for each believe is if Pollutant you absent, you mark column Za for any polknotit, you must provide the results of at least one analysis 'Or that pollutant, If YOU mark Column 2b for any pollutant, you must provide the results of at mast one analysis for that pollutant if you know or have reason to believe it will be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater, #€you mark column 2b for acrelein, aCry£nn£tr£le 2,4 dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4,6 dinitrophenol, you must provide the results of at least ens analysis for each of these pollutants which you know or nave reason that you discharge in Concentrations. of 100 ppb or greater. Otherwise, for pollutants for which you mark column 2b, you emus& either submit at least one analysts or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expaCtEd to be discharged, Note that there are 7 pages to this part, please review each carefully. Complete one table (a## 7pages) for each outtall. see instructions for additional details and requirements. 3, EFFLUENT 9, POLLUTANT ANDCASENO2, P?ARK "X" h. MAXIMUM 34 DAY VALUEkAwE ¢f 4, UNIT$ S, INTAKE iop6--,P n13 a TESTING b. BELIEVE c.EEL3ElEU a, MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE 3✓dN r�G; �.V.rF a. LGNG TERM AVERAGE. VAEUr- ttfavkabtE# MASS CONCENTRATION, 2MASS vRC:AErJ£FED PRE8EPrE ABSENT £)CCNCEfFCATON CTN £Zj MASS d RNLtS'S (v) ;C"CNTzATiJS 2T 0 ;¢vYnRT!<3r � N, :OF Rva£ YiES(21 1Ti1T. AI•iik£monv <0.0£2 <ti.26 NA NA Pd NA TDt�I (`7440-36-0) #nglL lbiddy NA. NA tiA 4. Total 0-38-Arsenic, 0 66 PEA PEA NA NA (7 1 m fL +� l� d;i y NA IOTA I1iA 3M. Servilium. Y <i},00I <0.1a NA NA NA NA Total (7440-41 1 €nwl- T#31day PEA NA PEA a miu-7) Cadmium, < Tot.11 (7440-43-9) X <0.002 iT. 26 NA NA NA PEA I Irgfl lhmdav PEA NA NA Chromium, I Cl (7440-47-3) X <0,005 <0,66 NA NA NA NNA 1 mglL .. IbM ay NA NA. NA 6M. Copper, Total (7440-50-Ov) 0,�#tl6 U.s9 _ ��A NA Ili NA 1 mrlglL IbidAy NA NA NA. 7K Lead, TE>Wl (7439-92-1) X <0,003 <0.40 NA NA NA NA 1 R?gfl. lb/day NA. NiA. NA 8M. Mercury, Total (7439-97-6) X <t.Oils <�t.Q�3 PIA C�a°4 P4A. %dry �l� lbldav NA NA NA 9tv3. Nickel, Total (7440-02-0'3 X <0-i�05 <(3.tz�a NA PdF3 %�� (VA 1 l€g/L lb"d hf NA PEA C'QA laiit. Seienjurn, Total (7732-49-2) X <0,005 <'M6 apt; NA NA NA # tug i_ bIc€ay 13e? A. 'i'iPv3. SihrefTotaT (7440-22-4) A cr.GO' ti0:26 NA PIA NA NA lYl�ii. :btday NA NA ]NA 12M. Thaltitfrit Total (7440-23-0) X 0.005 <0,66 NA NA NA NA 1 mgfi lb/day NA NA 13M, .Zinc, Total (7440-66-6) 0.029 3.83 NA NA NA NA # mo,'L. lb/day NA NANA ' ' 14K Cyanide, Total i Y __.. 0.08 0-3 NA. NA NA AdA n #lL <ii ldav PEA td£, i'3A 15M. Phenols, Total 0 £i4 <5 ryry NA PEA PTA €�tA GL� ' y t ) Tt g; W I baE92y T�tA T�Jt� ff>ff+.fi. � �,.. :.� . ,: f�' ;f:;:..i.: « / +il:i ::: ::.:f,.i+:l.: :nFi:: /. //'Fif.: fF! f :.aF:f ::::nF:FF:,.Ff� f:.. Fr Fi fi fy:N�'�:l : f:F ni'.l F.:{i::.. F :::�... �..:...iw ��� ��:f ff f���iii`ff FlFfi f `F:F.:f �i..: :. :n: .�����%� f : . F f :fi:.::. f� ����� a <'ri'l 2,3,7,8 -Ti ellra hloridibenzo-P- Dioxin (1764-01-6) X NA NA NA PTA EPA Form 3510-2C (8_90) PAGE V-3 CONTINUED ON PAGE -4 F- I EPA I.D. NUMBER (apy from item I ofForad 1) . ..... OUTFALL NUMBER FOrm Approved CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-4 NCO003573 002 Okla No. 2040,j0&i 3. EFFLUENT 7 . ..... — Approval expirc,: 8,3 1 -�sP 1� POLLUTANT AND CASE• NO 2, MARK"X" 4, uNfTs 5757 == : INTAKE fop, .AOIAXIMUM DAILY VALUE MAXWV14.'X DAY VALUE. (;f a. LONG TFW AVA0, VA: -'-,Jr 13, 1.1;1:i. 0i LONG TERM AVERAGE. v.Q-ur-- -------- A8SHN3 01��CJNCEWRAT:ON �2) MAS�3 CONC�-NTRA:EXI i2� WISE, I PK- CONC�-NT JON ANA0'-,EE (1) C ,;,�NCFWFOMON [ C Jr EM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22V Mathylene Chloride ME (75-f)�2) x <0,W5 <0,�� NA NA NA NA i n-gli- lb/day NA NA NA 23V.1,1,2,2 Tetrachloro- offiane (79-34-5) -0,001 <0,13 NA NA NA NA 1 Ing"L Wd a y NA NA NA 24V. Tetrachloroeth 71e;e — (127-18-4) <0.001 0,13 NA NA NA NA mg/L b1day NA NA -NA 25V. Toluene (108-88-3) x <0.005 <0,6-3 NIA NA NA NA - -------- mg/ L IbIday NA NA NA 26V, 1,2-TransDichloro- ethylene (156-60-5) <0,00I <0.13 NA NA NA NA mg""!; Wday NA NA NA 1,1,1 Trichioroethane (71 -56-6) <0� 00 1 <n-1.3 NA NA NA NA rung ,'-. ib/day NA NA NA hane 28V, 1,1,2 Tdchloroetj NA NA NA NA L lb"day NA N,A ""k NA 44AN4 29'v. Trichforoethylene (79-01-6) <0.001 NA NA NA NA rng"l. bkJay NA l� A, 30V. Trichlorofluoro- - -------- O'lethane (75-69-4) <0.001 <0A3 NA NA NA NA I rn-gli.. b'day NA NA NA ,31V. Vinyl Chloride (75-0 1 -4) 11 <0-001 <0,13 NA NA A fng,'i- NA NA NA 1 A. 2 Chlorophenol (95-57-8) x <1,3 NA NA NA NA 1b,"'day NA NA NA 2A 2A Dichlorophenol (120-83-2) x NA NA NA N. 1 ing"'L. lb/day NA NA NA 3A. 2,4 Dimethyfp�enol (105-67-9) x NA NA NA mg/L bJd-iy NA f,€A 4A 4,6 Dinitrf,-O-Creso� (534-52-1) x <Uio <1,3 NA NA NA NA rng/L lb/day NA NA NA 5A. 2,4 Dinitropheri�,— (51-28-5) x < '3 NA NA NA NA I mg/l. lb"day N'A NA NIA 6A, 2-Nitropheriol (88-75-5) x <0,0 10 <1,31 NA NA N"A NA # mg/L :b,/diy NA NA NA 7A, 4-Nitrophenol x <0,010 <1.3 NA NA NA NA —(100-02-7) P-chloro-m7resof mg b;day N;' A NAL8A. (59-50-7) -- x — NA NA NA NA I lb/day NA NA N.lk 9A. Penfachlorophenol — — (87-86-5) x <0.010 <1,3 NA NA l,4A NA 1 Mg/L ibJ'day NA NA NA 10A, Phenol (108-95-2) '8 95 x <0,010 <1.3 NA NA NA NA mg/L. Ib;day NA NA NA I IA. Trichloro- 72,A6 f88 0 phenol (88-06-2) x -0,()10 <1,3 NA NA NA NA f mg/i.. by'day NA NA NA EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PACE V-5 1CONTINUED .......... - ............ - ............ .......... .......... ............... ........... ............. ON PAGE V-6 ............ - - ............ - INPDES Permit No. NCO003573 Outtall 002 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-5 s. EFFLI3ENT 3, POLLUTANT AND CASE No g. MARK "x. a. AAXiDAILY bMAKEh4vd.Y3td9J . c. LONG T�VRGvp'LLIE ,fVAL1ENO. 4. UNITS 5, INTAKE tnn;�n:ral; n 7E P O b PEcF)�Vx fS r �cLi=�ir> e.'+m?3£Ge>) OF z. L:NaC>7fRY AVErtA;yAE.;I f .. ...:... .: ...::::::.. f RED IR!-7 RR53ENT AE3$„INI7 kTS Ct fJ I TRf,7fD� ft)Y•AR.\5 .. :�nP'"ff !fi < JfE3h`fiJlV :2F Cvih�$ .., i)L?tiC'f�F'F�.Ai>C,JPi �S P.kA'w _ r i ..� Ef• CCSi;f;i.N;Rp `:fJly t?;.`v<.>?u5 Ti Gl.Nti4'f fd"%?A';fF 6'�`S E ANA.V5:.', 16. ACenaphthene t83^s2^�} x <(i.01C:: �=1.3 IsdA 1�3A NA NA ntgt2 IEtday rQA NA 2B. Acenaphtylene (208-96-8) x �.i3.01it <1a A NA NA NA 1 mgrL Ibrday NA NA NA 3B, Anthracene (120-12-7) x --0.010 <1_3 NA NA PNA NA 1 mgi€. €/day NA NA PEA 4B. Benzidine (92-87-5) xt <0.050 <5:6 PIA NA #SSA NA%€_ 5B. Benzo (a) Vday NA NA NA Anthracene (56-55-3) Y <0.010 <1:3 NA NA ILIA, NA 1 £roll.. Ib/day NA NA NA 6B. Benzo (a) Pyrer£e (50-32-8) X <0,0,1 j *1.3 NA NA NA NA l rt£i'#1€.. 13 d 'r NA IAA NA 7B3>4 Benzolluororanthene (205-99-2) x <t3:010 <1_3 NA NA NA NA1 ri�g!t. lb/day NA NA, NA Benzo(ghi)Perylene (191-24-2) Y <0,010 <1>3 NA NA NA NA 1 ;m;t, ibiday NA NA 9B. Benzo(k)I=Ei£oranthene (207-08.9) X <0,010 s1.a" NA '.;A IAA PEA 1 £r A. b/day NA NA € A 10B. Bis(2-Chloroethoxy) Methane (111-91-1) x �0,91f1 <'I;3 NA NA NA NA. 1 fngtL ::Wdav NA NA NA 11 B. Bis(2-ChloroethL4) Ether (111-44-4) x O.LI'i G <1.3 I�� NA NA NA. 1 m a%L t sicay NA NA NA 126 Bis(2-Chloraisopropyl) E€her(102-60-1) � <f3:010 <1:3 NA NA NA NA 1 mg/L Ibf`day N.11 €1A NA 13B. Bis(2-Elthythexyl) PI£tbalate (117-81-7) 0.0,3 1.72 NA NA NA NA rngiL Vday NA NA NA 14BA Bromophenyftenyl Ether ('141^55-3) x <0.310 <'€>3 NA NA NA NA t mgfL b/day NA PvA hd.Pz enzyl 5 v"8-7) '0 f 0:3 Y IA Pt € l> NA l i L I../doy t d?a I his. € €A. ronapthalene F X 0;010 1. s iNA €'�€A NA NA I Ing/L lb/d@y NA NA NA ophenyl Phenyl Ether (7005-72`3) <3 010 1 <3 A NA NA NA 1 mpfL lb day NA NA Nl A 18B.Chrysene(218^01-9) Y, <0,010 <13 NA ^,A NA € A 1 19B. Diben o (a,h) Yltgr2 1131da NANArig: Anthracene (53-70-3) <0.010 <1:3 ILIA NA NA NA 1 Ir£gtL lb/day NA NA Itz',. 20B, 1.2 Dichlorobenzete (95^Sik-1) * ;BU10 3 ICI£. €�!£. ILIA NA 1 nIg.%L tbJday. NA t� A NA 21B, 1>3 Dichlorobe£�zene (54i-73-1) x <.t3.Oril3 L<OJ.3 €�!A NA NA IAA 1 £miL b1day €'+lA NA NA EPA Form 35 ! £i-2tA (8 gtg) PAGE V CONTINUED ON PAGE V-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-6 EPA W, NUMBER (Copy from ftem I &77ftn 1) OUTF NUMBER 01"Ap -No. 2CM0 001m, NCO003573 002 3, EFFLUENT 1. POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 2. MARK "X" MAOMUM DAILY b. MAXIMUM,M DAY VALUE c. LONG TEW.- MIRG. VALUE (if A. UNtTS S. #1iT3t4iE 3E- �3,iNG VALUE -- --------- 0 C.OW�VED - - I - Ij :Q, 0� A .. LONG' 3f--RM xll$��WGE VALUE REOUR3, "I PRIESENT AB$rN1 Ca4cENTRAT: ON tZ� MASS �11 CQNr-ENT1-,,T:0N ANALY��S S�S )N I "Ap", ISE" I'M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 22B. 1A Dichlorobenzene ............. .1 ...................................... .. ........ .................................... .. .... ... 06-46-7) x <O,W� <0.13 NA NA NA NA NA NA, NA 23B.3,3' Dichlorwenzidine (91-94-l', I- x NA NA N A NA 1 rng/l- Vday NA :,N:A: NA 24S. Diethyl Phthalate ---------- (,34-66-2) x 0'010 -13 NA NA NA NA :bkjay NA NA NA 2513. Dimeth�E Phthalate -- --------- (r31-11-3) x NA NA NA NA rng!L 1-b/c,"ay NA NA N 26B, Dj-N-Butyl- ------ --------- Phthalate (84-74-2) x NA NA NA NA 1 w..g,L lb/day NA NA W� 27B, 2A D:M:!trotoiuene (121-14-2) x < 01. 0 1 10 4 �1.3 NA NA NA NA i mr-'Y'L ;b/d��y NA NA N 28& 2,6 Dinitrotoluene "Oil, (606-20-2) <0,01 0 <1.3 NIA NA NA NA I mg,". bhday NA NA NA 29B, Di-N-Ocyl Phthalate ---------- - - — (117-84-0) x <0�011 0 <13 NA NA NA NA rng!L !b/day NA NA NA 3013. 1 2 Diphenyllhydrazine (as A70benzene) (1122-66-7) x <0,010 < NA NA NA, 1 NA mg/l- NA �Nk 31 B. Fluomn'then (206-44-0) x 113 NA NA NA NA mg/L lb,"day NA NA NA 3213, Flucrene (86-73-7) x <0.010 <,..3 NA NA NA NA�b/day ------------ 338. Hexacliiarobenzem:,. . ..... NA NA ---------- NA x <0.010 - --------- <13 NA NA NA NA mq/L lb/dav NA NA NA 34B- Hexachlorobutadm,ene (87-68-3) x <0,010 <1 _3 NA NA NA NA mg/L fbid2y NA NA NA 35B. Hexachiorocyclo- ------------ pentadiene (77-47-4) x NA NA NA ',,A F.-Ig/L ffilk,"v NA NA ;NA 36B. Hexachloroethane (67-72-1) x NA NA NA NA ng,'L b/day NA NA NA 37B,Indenol,2,3 cdPyrene (193-39-5) x -,"3 NA NA NA NA 1,1/da, NA NA NA 38B. Isophorone (78-59-1) x <1,3 NA NA NA ----------- NA rn g/L NA IN' A NA 39B, Naphthalene (91-20-3) x ------- <0.010 - ----- --- <1.3 NA NA NA NA rng/L Ill/day NA NA NA 40S.Wrobenzene (98-905,3) x <0,010 i.3 NA NA NA NA 418. N-Nitrosodimethyl- 1 T-Ag"l- lbfd,y NA NA NA amine (62-75-9) x <0,010 <1 .3 NA NA NA NA 1 rngtL inldav NA NA NA 42B, N-Nitrosod-W Propylamine (621-64-7) x Jie 3 NA mgs'L b/day NA N EPA area 3510-2C (8.9o) PAGE V-7 CONT&NUED ON PAGE V-8 NPIDES Permit No, NCO003573 ClUtfall 002 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-7 I. POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 43BN-Nilmsodiphenylamine 44B. Phenanthrene (85-01-8) 717T 1"-1—EE II,1.l- x x 2. MARK W F. ZLEFrLUENT A-WOMUM b.?,4AXl;.W300AYVALUF fW R. UNIT$ INTAKf� VALUE -� C�m.FVF3Wavailable) 0NO 0-F 1 fl) fi(:NCENTPATir).N ,')MASSMCDNMWMAT101 MASC AN 0) CONCEN Mpl-:C94 ;2IMASS 0%C0W`N3RAT;0N ME= -.1-14 1—M. < 0, 0 " <,..3 NA NA NA NA 1"*Jay N'A N" A <001 <1, NA NA iNA NA r1giL Vday NA NA =�� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... NA NA 45B. Pyrene (129-00-0) x -101 < I NA NA NA NA ib/d�.y 46S. I 2ATdchlorobenzene ----------- mg/L F'M'gil. NA NA NA (120-82-1) x <0'("! <,:,3 NA NA NA NA Ib."'jay NA NA NA . . . . . . . . . . . . . I P. Aldrin (309-00-2) x < 0'00" . . . . . . ........ ----------- <0,13 )" NA NA NA NA Mg/L py NA I NA, N /1% 2P. fy.-BHC x < 0. GO 1 () <,13 NA NA NA NA NA — mg/L b;(J.'�ly NIA NA NA 3P, P,-BHC (319-85-7) x <0'001 <0.13 A NA NA NA NA mg/-' lb/day 4P.y-fat C(58-89-9) x -0,001 3 NA NA NA NA —J NA NA NA mg/L biday NA NA NA 5P, &BHC (319-86-8) x <0'13 NA ---------- NA NA NA t —NA —NA malt.—bidiay NA 6P. Chlordane (57-74-9) x <0.01 <1 "i NA NA NA NA bMay -NA NA NA 7P, 4,4'DDT (50-29-3) x llilool <0,13 NA NA NA NA L lh/doy NA NA NIA 8P, 4,4'DD6 DDE '72 (72-554)) x <013 NA NA NA NA i MgIL 10,;d ay NA NA NA 9P. 44'DDO (72-54-8) x NA NA NA —<0"101 --NA fn[jd" bfdav NA NA NA IOp, LDiednn (60-51-1) x <0.001 <tj. i 3 NA NA NA NIA I I P. u,-Endosuffa nlg'l b)day NA NA NA (115-29-7) x <0'001 3 NA NA NA NA M'i'L ftble.ey NA NA NA 12P, fi-Endosulfan — (115-29-7) - x <0,001 <0. 3 NA NA NA N"A mig/L lb/clay NA NA NA 13P, EndwulTan Sulfate <0.13 NA . mg4 N N N(1031-07-8) 14P. Endrin (72-20-8) xx X <0,001 <013 NA NA NA NA 15P, Endrin Aldehyde Vday NA ;'NA NA (7421-93,4) x < 0. 0 (11. 3 NA NA NA NA r'ng"L ibfde'y NA NA N/1% 16P. Heptachlor x <0,001 <0, 13 NA NA NA NA mgwL �""L lb/day A NA NI NA EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) - ---- - PAGE V-8 CONTINUED ON PAGE V-9 EPA I -M NUMBER-(c7:py from item i Of Form 1) OUTrALL NUMB97 Form Approved CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-8 I NCO003573 AMR No, 2040 006 002 Appra-vef expires 8-31 -a8 1, POLLUTANT AND CASE NO 2, MARK 'X' 3,EFFLUENT 4, UNITS 5. INTAKE b. MAMMUM 30 DAY VALUE (ir c LONG TERM AVfIG, VALUE e.;r a. MAMMUM DAILY VALUE av"gatle) - -------- -----------a. LONG TERM AVERAGE VALUE (If a v a ila 13 k) W..'u c.sEUEvF0 C. t"10, Or M MT (I)CONCONTRATION �2� MASS N) OONCENTRA'nON q) MA's-, el) C<NCENTRATiON MACS A-110.LYS��.$ CONCENTP—no'n 0 MAS'� CONCENTRAT wsS F ANALYSEII Ell.......... I . . 17P. Heptacblor ................. . . . ...... . Epoxide (1024-57-3) x <0,13 NA NA NA NA rr g/L i b, ,',' c y N A NA NA 18P. PCB-1242 — (53469-21-9) x <0,0005 <0.066 NA PdR, N'A PEA rng/L lb/day NA NA NA 19P. PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) x NA NA NA NA lib,"day NA NA NA 20P. PCB-1221 ---------- --- ----------- — (11104-28,2) x 0,0005 <0066 NA NA NA NA rngl lb/day NA NA NA 21 P. PCB- 1232 (1114-16-5) x <0,0005 <0,066 NA NA NA NA rng/L bday NA NA Npl, 22P, PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) x NA NA NA NA mg/L lb/day NA NA NA 23P. PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) x <0,',')005 <0,066 NA NA NA NA m9liL lb/day NA NA NA 24P, PCB-1016 (12674-11 -22) x <0:0005 <0.066 NA NA NA NA gA- l b/d�y NA NA NA 25P. Toxaphene —lrlq-/L ----------- (8001-35-2) x <0,02 <2,64 NA NA NA NA 1 iblday NA NA N,' EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE V-9 --L� 10 , 6 n O O O 00 N) cn N?