HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00068088• 4M. Mr. Steven F. Vozzo NCDENR — Division of Air Quality 225 Green Street — Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 DuPont Fluoroproducts Fayetteville Works Plant 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 MAY 2 0 2011 DENR-FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE May 18, 2011 SUBJECT: Title V Air Permit Modification Addendum Air Quality Permit No. 03735T36 DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works Facility ID: 03/09/00009 Dear Mr. Vozzo: Enclosed are an original and two copies of the Form A4 that was inadvertently omitted from the application package submitted to the Division of Air Quality on May 12, 2011, which requested a modification of the method for determining the VOC emissions from the two polyvinyl fluoride manufacturing facilities' Maintenance Headers at the DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works. To expedite the permit modification process, two copies of this form have been sent directly to the attention of Dr. Donald'R. van der Vaart in the Division of Air Quality's central office. If you should have any questions additional or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (910) 678-1155. Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager Enclosures E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company DEQ-CFW 00068088 0 r' 6 n I 0 0 0 rn 00 0 00 (9 FORM A4 DATE: 06/18/2011 Does facility have an environmental mangement system in place? ( X ) YES ( ) NO If so, is facility ISO 14000 Certified? ( X ) YES ( ) NO Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works Permit Number: 0373ST36 Facility ID: 0900009 County: Bladen Environmental Contact: Michael E. Johnson Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W Phone No. (910) 6784155 Fax No. 1910 ) 678-1247 Mailing Address Line 2: Zip Code: 28306-7332 County: Bladen City: Fayetteville State: NC Email Address: michael.e.johnson@usa.dupont.com ' EMISSIONS SOURCE• Any Air Emissions Source Reductions in the past year? (X) YES ( ) NO Enter Code for Date Reduction Quantity Entitled Quantity Emitted Has reduction activity been Source Description and ID Air Pollutant Emission Reduction Option Implemented from prior annual from current annual discontinued? If so, when Addition detail about source O tion fSee Codes (mo/yr) report to DAQ (Ibtyr) report to DAQ (Ib/yr) was it discontinued? (motyr coal fired boiler ES1 and NOx C16 & G10 Jun-04 1.88E+06 187E+06 Dec44 Fleet Idling improvements and bolter improvements -- fleets , . NATURAL GAS / FUEL OIL 0.008 LB/ 0.001 LB/ THIS FACILITY SWITCHED FROM NO. 2 FIRED BOILER S02 C11 & C12 Jan-11 MMBTU USING MMBTU USING FUEL OIL TO NATURAL GAS AS THE PRIMARY FUEL FOR THIS BOILER IN (ID NO. PS -A) NO.2 FUEL OIL NATURAL GAS JANUARY 2011. NATURAL GAS / FUEL OIL 0.008 LB/ 0.001 LB/ THIS FACILITY SWITCHED FROM NO.2 FIRED BOILER S02 C11 & C12 Nov-10 MMBTU USING MMBTU USING FUEL OIL TO NATURAL GAS AS THE (ID NO. PS-B) NO.2 FUEL OIL NATURAL GAS PRIMARY FUEL FOR THIS BOILER IN NOVEMBER 2010. r f 1 •1 Any Reductions or Recycling Activities in the past year? ( ) YES ( X) NO Pollutant or Recycled or Enter Coue for Date Reduction Quantity Emitted Quantity Emitted Has reduction activity been Source Description or Activity Reduced Materials Emission Reduction Option Implemented from prior annual from current annual discontinued? If so, when Addition detail about source Option ISee Codes (mo/yr) report report was it discontinued? (motyr Energy Coneervation.and Reduced: Electric and Ci4 & G18 Jan-00 600,000 kWhiyr raw materfala 300,000 kWhiyr raw:inaterlaia . NO 7 Ceiluced energy use .. trough imptemertaUcn�of en ' bi►plemented CMS iaift nnatsriat usag• 100 to r �y� 80 to r ' _ _ For assistance with FORM A4, please contact the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance at 1-800-763-0136 or nowaste@p2pays.org FORM A4 SURVEY QF lk1R ElfAIS$IONS AND FIIEiLt'FY-1lItICAI` REDUCTI©N &'RECYCLINGACTIVtTiES° DATE: 05/18/2011 Does facility have an environmental mangement system in place? (X) YES ( ) NO If so, is facility ISO 14000 Certified? (X) YES ( ) NO Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works Permit Number: 03735T36 Facility ID: 0900009 County: Bladen Environmental Contact: Michael E. Johnson Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W 'J Phone No.( 910 ) 678-1155 Fax No.( 910) 678-1247 Mailing Address Line 2: Zip Code: 28306-7332 County: Bladen City: Fayetteville State: NC Email Address: michael.e.johnson@usa.dupont.com EMISSIONSAIR • • Any Air Emissions Source Reductions in the past year? ( X ) YES ( ) NO Enter Code for Date Reduction Quantity Emitted Quantity Emitted Has reduction activity been Source Description and ID Air Pollutant Emission Reduction Option implemented from prior annual from current annual discontinued? If so, when Addition detail about source 21amSee C tles (mo/yr) report to DAQ (lb/yr) report to DAQ (lb/yr) was it discontinued? (mo/yr coal fired boiler ES1 and NOx C16 8 C10 Jun-04 1.98E+06 1:87E+06 0ec-04 ;, Fleet Itliing improvements and boiler knprovemellte fleets - THIS FACILITY SWITCHED FROM NO. 2 NATURAL GAS /FUEL OIL 0.008 LB/ 0.001 LB/ FUEL OIL TO NATURAL GAS AS THE FIRED BOILER S02 C11 & C12 Jan-11 MMBTU USING MMBTU USING PRIMARY FUEL FOR THIS BOILER IN (ID NO. PS -A) NATURAL GAS / FUEL OIL NO.2 FUEL OI!- 0.008 LB/ NATURAL GAS 0.001 LB/ JANUARY 2011. THIS FACILITY SWITCHED FROM NO. 2 FIRED BOILER S02 C11 & C12 Nov-10 MMBTU USING MMBTU USING FUEL OIL TO NATURAL GAS AS THE (ID NO- PS-B) NO.2 FUEL OIL NATURAL GAS PRIMARY FUEL FOR THIS BOILER IN NOVEMBER 2010. Comments: REDUCTIONSFACILITY - WIDE Any Reductions or Recycling Activities in the past year? ( ) YES (X) NO Pollutant or Recycled or Enter Code for Date Reduction Quantity Emitted Quantity Emitted Has reduction activity been Source Description or Activity Reduced Materials Emission Reduction Option Implemented from prior annual from current annual discontinued? If so, when Addition detail about source Ootion (See Codesl (mo/yr) report report was it discontinued? (mo/yr 690.000 kWh/yr 300,000 kWh/yr Energy Cbnseivatlon and Reduced: Elecg3a and C14 8t C18 Jan�08 raw•mater[als raw materials NO Through imptelrrentaRlon of an EN(S redaced energy use Implome>od raw material usage 10R tonplyr 80 tonsgtrc ,0. Comments: • requested information above shall be used for fulfilling the requirementsof • • 1: permit holder a written description of current and projected plans to reduce the emissions of air pollutants by source reduction or recycling. The written clescripti 0% modificationDepartment shall accompany any application for a new permit, lity permit fee payment. Source reduction is defin reducing••• •• fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. If no activity has taken place since the previous report, simply indicateso by checking the no box in th. as • •f any •• pollutant, otherwise released into the environmentvm-�'-IPATS thild be ith les are listed on the first line of each n of the form for benefit. REVISED IM7 Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary For assistance with FORM A4, please contact the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance at 1-800-763-0136 or nowaste@p2pays.org FORM A4 SURVEY `OF A1R EMISSIONS AND FACILITY -WIDE REDUCTION.&;RECYCLING:AC'EIVITtES DATE: 06/18/2011 Does facility have an environmental mangement system in place? (X) YES ( ) NO If so, is facility ISO 14000 Certified? (X) YES ( ) NO Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works Permit Number: 03735T36 Facility ID: 0900009 County: Bladen Environmental Contact: Michael E. Johnson Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W Phone No. ( 910 ) 678-1165 Fax No. (910) 678-1247 Mailing Address Line 2: Zip Code: 28306-7332 County: Bladen City: Fayetteville State: NC Email Address: michael.e.johnson@usa.dupont.com EMISSIONS•URCE REDUCTIONS Any Air Emissions Source Reductions in the past year? ( X ) YES ( ) NO Enter Code for I Date Reduction Quantity Emitted Quantity Emitted Has reduction activity been Source Description and ID Air Pollutant Emission Reduction Option Implemented from prior annual from current annual discontinued? If so, when Addition detail about source (motyr) report to DAQ (Iblyr) report to DAQ (lb/y_r) was it discontinued? (mo/yr coal fired boiler E31 and NOx C16 & C10 '' Jun-04 1.98E+06 1.87E+08 Dec-04 Fleet Idling improvements and boiler improvements fleets THIS FACILITY SWITCHED FROM NO. 2 NATURAL GAS /FUEL OIL 0.008 LB/ 0.001 LB/ FUEL OIL TO NATURAL GAS AS THE FIRED BOILER S02 C11 & C12 Jan-11 MMBTU USING MMBTU USING PRIMARY FUEL FOR THIS BOILER IN (ID NO. PS -A) NO.2 FUEL OIL NATURAL GAS JANUARY 2071. NATURAL GAS /FUEL OIL 0.008 LB/ 0.001 LB/ THIS FACILITY SWITCHED FROM NO. 2 FIRED BOILER S02 C11 & C12 Nov-10 MMBTU USING MMBTU USING FUEL OIL TO NATURAL GAS THE (ID NO. PS-B) NO.2 FUEL OIL NATURAL GAS BOILER IN PRIMARY FUEL FOR THIS BOIL 1 NOVEMBER 2010. Comments:REDUCTIONS— FACILITY - WIDE Any Reductions or Recycling Activities in the past year?( ) YES (X) NO Date Retluction Quantity Emitted Quantity Emitted Has reduction activity been Pollutant or Recycled or Enter Code for Source Description or Activity Reduced Materials Emission Retluction Option Implementetl from prior annual from current annual discontinued? If so, when Addition detail about source Option (See Codesl (mo/yr) report report was it discontinued? (mo/yr 600,000 kWhiyr 300,000 kWhtyr Conservation and Energyo Reduced Electric and C14 & CIS Jan-08 raw materials raw rnaterfale NO Through implemefrtatlon of an EM5. wt.i4ed,energy use Implemented d EMS raw malarial usage 100 tonafyr 80 tonsyr Comments: For assistance with FORM A4, please contact the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance at 1-800-763-0136 or nowaste@p2pays.org