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North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Air Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Sheila C. Holman Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
May 20, 2011
Mr. Ellis McGaughy, Plant Manager
DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 West
Fayetteville, NC 28306
SUBJECT: Requirements for compliance with revisions to NSPS Subpart Dc
Facility: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works
Permit No.: 03735T36
Facility ID: 0900009
County: Bladen
Dear Mr. McGaughy:
This letter is to inform you of opacity monitoring requirements that may impact your facility.
On January 20, 2011, the United States Environmental Protection Agency published a final direct
rule revising New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for electric utility steam generating units
and industrial -commercial -institutional steam generating units. This direct rule established a date
of April 29, 2011 for facilities with certain boilers subject to NSPS Subpart Dc, "Standards of
Performance for Small Industrial -Commercial -Institutional Steam Generating Units," to either
conduct periodic opacity monitoring or have an approved site -specific opacity monitoring plan in
place for their subject boiler.
Not all boilers subject to NSPS Subpart Dc are affected by the revisions. To determine if your
boiler(s) are impacted, please refer to the attached summary of the rule or the rule itself
(http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/nsps/boilernsps/fr2Ojql l.pdf).
If you have boiler(s) affected by the revisions, you may need to take action to ensure that your
boiler(s) are in compliance with NSPS Subpart Dc. The section entitled "What You May Need to
Do" in the attachment provides an overview of actions required for compliance with the revised
rules. Please refer to this section in the attachment for more information.
1641 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641
2728 Capital Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: 919-733-3340 / FAX 919-715-7175 l Internet: www,ncair.org
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
DEQ-CFW 00068086
y Mr. McGaughy
May 20, 2011
Page 2
If you have questions about the revisions to NSPS Dc or the requirements for your boiler(s),
please contact Robert Hayden of the Fayetteville Regional Office at (910) 433-3300 or Gary
Saunders of the Stationary Source Compliance Branch of the DAQ at (919) 733-1497.
Lee A. Daniel, Chief
Technical Services Section
cc: Robert Hayden, Fayetteville Regional Office
IBEAM Documents Module
DEQ-CFW 00068087