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Reeves, Gregory W
From: Reeves, Gregory W
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 7:53 AM
To: 'Michael E Johnson'
Subject: RE: DuPont Fayetteville Works -- NSPS Subpart Dc
Mike, I believe you are right. Won't need to worry about this one until you install either
the new or the temp boiler, and only then if you fire oil.............Greg
Greg Reeves
Environmental Engineer
NCDENR Div. of Air Quality
225 Green St, Suite 714
Fayetteville, NC 28301
910-433-3373 phone
910-485-7467 fax
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-----Original Message -----
From: Michael E Johnson rmailto:Michael.E.Johnson(USA.dupont.comI
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 4:17 PM
To: Reeves, Gregory W
Subject: DuPont Fayetteville Works -- NSPS Subpart Dc
I received the letter from Lee Daniel titled "Requirements for compliance with revisions to
NSPS Subpart Dc", and on page 1 of the "Fact Sheet" under Regulatory Requirements, and it
"The NSPS Subpart Dc applies to... industrial... boilers that commenced construction or were
modified after June 9, 1989..."
Our main boiler (ID No. PS -A) was installed in 1970 and has not undergone a modification
since that time.
Our backup boiler (ID No. PS-B) was installed in 1984 and has not undergone a modification
since that time.
Because both of the boilers pre -dated the 1989 regulation, I believe that the NSPS Subpart Dc
does not apply to either of these boilers.
Obviously if and when we install the third boiler (ID No. PS-C), it will be subject to
Subpart Dc. Also, whenever we bring a rental boiler (ID No.
PS -Temp) on site, it must comply with the Subpart Dc requirements.
Let me know if you feel my assessment is incorrect.
DEQ-CFW 00068081
Michael E. Johnson
Environmental Manager
DuPont Company
Fayetteville Works
(910) 678-1155
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DEQ-CFW 00068082