Sent: 8/16/I0I73:04:45PW1
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV:PFA3sinthe Cape Fear River watershed
From: Detlef Knappe [maiho:knappe@rcsu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November J3 201611x46AM
To: Hill, Tammy <tammy].hi||@ncdenr.Bov>; Adam Pickett <apicket @pittsboronc8ov>; aobriant@harnett.or8; Austin,
VardryE«vardry.ausdn@ncdenr.0ov»;Brower, Connie <connie.brovver@ncdenr.0ov>;Godreau,Jessica
<jeoica.godreau0Dncdenr.8ov>;Gore, Deborah <deborah.8ore@ncdenr.gov>;Grzyb,Julie <ju|ie.8rzyb@ncdenr.gov>;
Ham, Chad <chad.ham @faypm/ccom>;Manning, Jeff <jeif.mannin80Dncdenr.8o*,;Johnson, Chris
<chrisjohnson0Dncdenr.8ov>; MartieGroomexmartie.groome@8reensboro'nc.8ov>; Michele Dawes
<MDAVVES@d.asheboro.ncus>;Poupart,Jeff <jeif.poupart@ncdenr.Bov>;Risgaard,Jon <jon.risBaard@ncdenr.Bou`;
Rhoneyxmrhoney@d.asheborooc.us>;Mick Noland xmick.no|and0Dfaypvvc.com>
Cc: Karoly, Cyndi <cyndi.karoly@ncdenr.gov>; Zimmerman, Jay <jay.zimmerman@ncdenr.gov>; Knight, Sherri
<sherrikni8ht@ncdenr.0ov»;Smith, Danny «danny.umith@nodenr.gov>;Gregson,Jim «jim.0re0son@ncdenr.0ov>;
Henson, Belinda <belinda.henson@ncdenr.gov>; Kroeger, Steve <steve.kroeger@ncdenr.gov>; Reeder, Tom
Subject: PFASsinthe Cape Fear River watershed
I am attaching a paper we published this month in ES&T Letters. We studied the occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFASs) in the Cape Fear River watershed. Legacy PFASs, such as PFOA and PFOS dominated the PFAS
signature in the Haw River. In contrast, new fluorinated alternatives such asGenX~ a replacement for PFOA,were very
high in Wilmington (and by association also in Brunswick and Pender). None of the newly discovered compounds being
discharged by the Chemours plant south of Fayetteville are removed by the advanced and conventional treatment
processes employed in the Sweeney WTP in Wilmington. Also, many of the compounds are essentially non -adsorbable
on activated carbon. | think itwould be useful to discuss the results. A|ar8e number ofpeople are exposed to high levels
ofPFASsthrough their drinking water!
Best regards,
On9/Z3/169:SOAM, Hill, Tammy wrote:
| think you all know that Carrie Ruh|manhas moved onfrom DVVR. I'll betaking over coordination ofthe
1,4-dioxane monitoring project. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance in this regard.
Attached are the results from DWR's quarterly surface water monitoring from January -July 2016. We
will sample again in October, then prepare a summary report for October 2014-October 2016 data by
the end of the year.
Tammy Hill
Water Quality Data Analyst
NC Division of Water Resources — Water Sciences Section
NC Department of Environmental Quality
9197438412 office
9197438517 fax
1623 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1623
P,."'b'lkl f"eGO'z'."'S Ll.�.".
Detlef Knappe
319-E Mann Hall
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 7908
Raleigh, NC 27695-7908
Phone: 919-515-8791
Fax: 919-515-7908
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