HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00067805NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Regional Office P&O Review P&O Review Date: 05/07/2014 Facility Data Applicant (Facility's Name): DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works Facility Address: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 SIC: 3081 / Unsupported Plastics Film And Sheet NAICS: 326113 / Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing Facility Classification: Before: Title V After: Title V Fee Classification: Before: Title V After: Title V Contact Data Facility Contact Michael Johnson Environmental Manager (910)679-1155 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306+7332 Authorized Contact Ellis McGaughy Plant Manager (910)678-1224 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 Technical Contact Michael Johnson Environmental Manager (910)678-1155 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306+7332 Region: Fayetteville Regional Office County: Bladen NC Facility ID: 0900009 Inspector's Name: Gregory Reeves Date of Last Inspection: 02/17/2014 Compliance Code: 3 / Compliance - inspection Permit Applicability (this application only) SIP. NSPS: NESHAP: PSD: PSD Avoidance: NC Toxics: 112(r): Other: P & O REVIEW RENEWAL Application Data Application Number: 0900009.14A Date Received: 04/23/2014 Application Type: Renewal Application Schedule: TV -Renewal Existing Permit Data Existing Permit Number: 03735/T38 Existing Permit Issue Date: 12/16/2013 Existing Permit Expiration Date: 01/31/2015 1 Mal 1AUtuaI VilllJJlVila 111 1 -1-1 ­ .- CY S02 NOX vOC CO PM10 Total HAP Largest HAP 2012 1.23 63.76 260.86 29.24 7.95 28.44 18.70 [Methanol (methyl alcohol)[ 2011 2.74 73.06 271.17 31.42 11.31 29.39 17.51 [Methanol (methyl alcohol)] 2010 2.04 43.89 296.10 13.12 9.25 37.52 17.49 [Methanol (methyl alcohol)] 2009 0.9800 37.00 225.44 11.54 7.20 23.40 15.19 [Methanol (methyl alcohol)) 2008 118.63 53.95 312.50 15.13 13.13 30.08 18.64 [Methanol (methyl alcohol)] Review Engineer: Heather Sands Regional Office Review Engineer: Gregory Reeves Review Engineer's Signature: Date: l01'1,0/ 5;, UU111111clits I I%VuujII Ill 011uaFlulla. P & O Review Date: 05/07/2014 DEQ-CFW 00067805 � f Ant Company — Fayetteville Works Permit T39 P&O Review Page 2 of 3 1. Purpose of Application DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works is an existing Title V facility located just south of the Cumberland County line in Duart Township, Bladen County (although the plant mailing address is in Fayetteville, Cumberland County). The facility has submitted an application for a renewal of their existing Title V air permit with no modifications. The facility is HAP major for methanol emissions. The application did not contain any confidential information. The facility contact for the application is Michael Johnson, Environmental Manager (910-678-1155). 2. Zoning A zoning consistency determination was not required for this application. 3. Application Chronology at FRO — 04/21/14 FRO received the Air Permit Renewal Application. The application package included the appropriate application forms, including a Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) Plan (Form E6), a MACT review, and a facility -wide toxics review. No fees are required for a renewal of the permit. 4. Changes in Equipment, Emissions, and Regulations The company is requesting a renewal of their existing Title V permit with no modifications. There have been no 502(b)(10) changes made since the previous permit revision. Note that the company is in the process of selling the Butacite® and SentryGlas® process plants at the facility to Kuraray, a Japanese company. After the sale of the plants, DuPont will submit a permit application to remove these from their permit and Kuraray will submit an application to permit the facilities. DEQ-CFW 00067806 DuPtCompany — Fayetteville Works Permit T39 P&O Review Page 3 of 3 5. Facility Compliance History 02/17/14 The most recent facility inspection was performed by Greg Reeves. The facility was found to be in apparent compliance. 05/27/10 The facility was inspected four (4) times by Tien Nguyen, Maureen Matroni-Rakes, and through Greg Reeves. The facility was found to be in apparent compliance during each of these 06/20/13 inspections. 01/23/12 Greg Reeves performed a full CAA Section 112(r) inspection. The facility was found to be in apparent compliance. 04/29/09 Enforcement for operating without a permit. Civil Penalty of $3,285 was assessed and paid. 01/06/09 NOV/NRE Issued for operating without a permit. Several sources subject to permit requirements were being operated without a permit. Subsequent Enforcement action resulted on 04/29/09. This resulted from the facility self -reporting the violation by submission of a permit application for the unpermitted sources. 6. FRO Recommendations, Conclusions, and Concerns. • If DuPont submits any revisions to this application, including any significant response to additional information requests, FRO requests a contemporaneous copy for additional review. • FRO requests the opportunity to review the draft permit and permit review prior to issuance of the permit. Additionally, as part of this review process, FRO requests copies of all correspondence regarding this application, including e-mails and meeting notes. FRO requests that the company be required to send a startup notification to the Regional Office, DAQ, within 15 days of startup of the temporary boiler (ID No. PS -Temp). In addition, the company should keep records of the days of operation on site, so that an inspector can verify that the boiler is on site for less than 180 days and thereby avoiding applicability of the 2D .1109 Case -by -Case MACT requirements and the NESHAP Subpart DDDD requirements. Review Engineer Permit Coordinator DAQ Supervisor /GWR c: FRO Files Date Date ; 7711 Date DEQ-CFW 00067807