HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00081971From: Kritzer, Jamie [/D=[XCHANG[LAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C[E9]C49D01445A]B541B8327DCDCD4O-JBKR|TZ[R] Sent: 8/10/I0I72:I9:I0AM To: Weiner, Sadie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=df98bd64929O43eeaab54e589dd7d1bZ'amveiner] Subject: Fwd: Media Contacts Sadie, We do a roundup of media contacts we have each day. Helps us more easily track media. FYI Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Fromm:"Lucey ]ohnD" Date: August 9, 2017at5:55:33 PM EDT To: NCDENR.DEN R.Division-Dinectuoand.Deputies.and.Admins "Re8an,Michael S" /� "Nicho|son,]ohn" "Holman, Sheila" "KeUey,Mary P" "Mundt, Jennifer" "Kritzer, "Miller, Anderson" "HoUoxvay, Tracey�" "Hairston, Ursula" "|saak, Melody" "VVha|ey,Rex A" ^��un8e� Bridget" "Sink, Maria" "Akroyd, Cathy R" "Young, Sarah" "5mith,Tricia" "Tolley, Lisa" "VV�Bn� K8ar�/ "Navarro, Jonathan" "Goodwin, Larry" "S|uuuer,Thomas" Subject: Media Contacts Please see below for media contacts with Department P|[Ys. Ifyou have any questions urconcerns, please feel free tolet meknow. Sarah Young — DCM * Atthe Oil and Gas Hearing were the following media outlets: Spectnum,VV[TNLVVN[T Star News, WCTI, Coastal Review Online, and Carteret News Times. Jamie Kritzer * DEQ Secretary Michael Regan did an on -camera interview with Jonathan Rodriguez (CBS North Carolina) on GenX and the actions the Cooper administration is taking to address emerging contaminants of concern. Interview touched on the state's ongoing investigation, water sampling in the Cape Fear River, the reconstituting of the science panel to address emerging contaminants, the history of Chemours and GenX, and how the state will treat Chem ours' wastewater discharge permit. Story isdue to run atS, 6 and 11today. w Jamie Kritzer did an interview today with John Bordsen, a travel writer with USA Today and provided Bordsen with information about Carrot Island (Rachel Carson Reserve) and a pic of the island, which isopen todaytime visitors but not open tocamping. OEQ-CFVV_00081971 Jamie Kritzer, and DWR's Linda Culpepper and Julie Grzyb did an interview with Christina Haley (Wilmington Business Journal) on permitting and other regulatory issues surrounding GenX. Story iuscheduled turun Aug. I5. Bruce Nicholson, head of the BroxvnOe|ds Program, did interview with Jonathan Rodriguez with VVN[N on new proposal to redevelop Alcatel into aVVe8man's. Jamie Kritzer answered question on GenXfor Adam Wagner with Wilmington Star- News. Bridget Munger (DWR and DEMLR) Spoke to the following reporters about the offshore leasing plan public hearings: 0 Adam Wagner with Star News w Brian Murphy with the News & Observer, Washington Bureau * Laura Leslie and Kelly Rinerwith VVRAL * 1 also spoke to Christina Haley with the Wilmington Business Journal regarding industrial wastewater permits in the Cape Fear River. Maria Sink — DWR 0 WNCN-TV/Carlie Griffith —Wanted info on RTI Research project re: lead in water in schools and daycare centers. What is our role, if any? w Watauga Democrat/Thomas SheriU — Requested an update on our investigation of petroleum product seepage. AM ME ]ohnLucey Legislative Assistant Legislative Affairs Division North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality (929)707'8668 I17VVes Jones Street OfficeS430A Raleigh, NC276U4 16U1Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699 Bn� lo �iS ""s to ,,'he Pu'bfo"P'eco/c"'xLaw/a//�xnmy&," bw�".rz OEQ-CFVV_00081972