HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00067773ob • 4wo DuPont Fluoroproducts tECEIVED0 DEC 02 DENH VF7F:VIL-LE REGIONAL OFFICE CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7002 0860 0006 9104 9518 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Steven F. Vozzo NCDENR — Division of Air Quality 225 Green Street — Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 SUBJECT: Title V Air Permit Modification — Facility Name Change Air Quality Permit No. 03735T38 DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works Facility ID: 03/09/00009 DuPont Fluoroproducts 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 �yovUo�- e�i� December 1, 2014 Dear Mr. Vozzo: Enclosed are an original and two copies of an application to change the facility name of the DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works' Title V Air Permit effective February 1, 2015. To expedite the permit modification process, two copies of this application have been sent directly to the attention of Ms. Heather Sands in the DAQ central office in Raleigh, NC. If you should need additional information, please contact me at (910) 678-1155. Enclosure Michael E. Johnson, PE Environmental Manager E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company FL-4 Rev.3/2000 DEQ-CFW 00067773 L1 0 DuPont •i •d ucts CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7002 0860 0006 9104 9525 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Heather Sands NCDENR - Division of Air Quality Permits Section 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 SUBJECT: Title V Air Permit Modification — Facility Name Change Air Quality Permit No. 03 73 5T3 8 DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works Facility ID: 03/09/00009 Dear Ms. Sands: DuPont Fluoroproducts 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 December 1, 2014 Enclosed are two copies of an application to change the facility name of the DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works' Title V Air Permit effective February 1, 2015. As required by the subject permit, the original and two copies of this application have been sent to the attention of Mr. Steven Vozzo in the DAQ regional office in Fayetteville. If you should need additional information, please contact me at (910) 678-1155. Enclosure Michael E. Johnson, PE Environmental Manager E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company FL-4 Rev. 3/2000 DEQ-CFW 00067774 0 FORM AA NCDENR REVISED 5/8/13 ADMINISTRATIVE APPLICATION (General Information) NCDENR/Division of Air Quality - Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate GENERAL INFORMATION AA Legal Corporate/Owner Name: I E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Site Name: DuPont Company -Fayetteville Works Site Address (911 Address) Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W Site Address Line 2: City: Fayetteville State: N.C� Zip Code: �28306 County: Bladen CONTACT INFORMATION Permit/Technical Contact., Name/Title: Michael E. Johnson / Environmental Manager Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W y M mm~ Mailing Address Line 2: _ City: Fayetteville State: NC Zip Code: 28306-7332 Ph. No. (area code) (910) 678-1155 ] Fax No. (area code) (910) 678 1247 =mail Address: micnaei.e.jonnson(0aupont.com Responsible Official/Authorized Contact: Name/Title: Ellis H. McGaughy / Plant Manager _ Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W Mailing Address Line 2: City: Fayetteville � State: NC Zip Code: 28306-7332 Ph. No. (area code) (910) 678-1224 Fax No. (area code) (910) 678-1247j Address: IeIhS.h. mcgaugny(c)aupont. com Facility/Inspection Contact: L Name/Title Michael E. Johnson / Environmental Manager Mailing Address Line 1:2828 NC Highway 87 W Mailing Address Line 2: _ City: etteville _ State: FayNC _ Zip Code: 28306-7332 „~�„w~ Ph. No. (area code) (910) 678-1155 Fax No. (area code) (910) 678-1247 Email Address: )michael.e.johnson(o)dupont.com Invoice Contact: I Name/Title: Michael E. Johnson / Environmental Manager Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 W Mailing Address Line 2: City: Fayetteville State: NC Zip Code: 28306-7332 Ph. No. (area code) (910) 678-1155 Fax No. (area code) (910) 678-124 Email Address: Imichael. APPLICATION IS BEING MADE FOR Renewal (non -Title V) 0 Renewal Title V ® Name Change ❑ Ownership Change ❑ Administrative Amendment FACILITY CURRENT CLASSIFICATION (Check Only One) Small ❑ Synthetic Minor ® Title V FACILITY (Plant Site) INFORMATION Describe nature of (plant site) operation(s): site manufactures fluorocarbon gases and liquids and manufactures perfluorinated resins and membranes. To support these manufacturing processes, site operates natural gas -fired / No. 2 fuel oil -fired boilers and operates an NPDES permitted wastewater treatment plant. Primary SIC/NAILS Code: 325120 Current/Previous Air Permit No. 03735T38 Expiration Date: 01-31-2015 Facility Coordinates: Latitude: 34 deg 50' 38" Longitude: -78 deg 50' 13" Facility ID No. 0900009 Does this application contain confidential data? YES _ NO _ `""If yes, please contact the DAQ Regional Office prior to submitting tis application.— (See Instructions) PERSON OR FIRM THAT PREPARED APPLICATION Person Name: IMichael E. Johnson / Environmental Mailing Address Line 1 City: Fayetteville NC Hiahwav 87 W State: Firm Name: Mailing Address Line 2: Zip Code: 28306-7332 County: Bladen Ph. No. (area code) (910) 678-1155 Fax No. (area code) (910) 678 1247 Email Address: michael.e.johnson�udupont.com I SIGNATURE OF (RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL/AUTHORIZED CONTACT Name (typed): Ellis H. McGaughy --ff j Title: Plant Manager X Signatura, '� e Date: 12-01-2014 Attabi<AddKohal Sheets As Necessary Pagel 02 DEQ-CFW 00067775 *FORM AA (continued, page 2 of 2) 0 AMAIK110TDATI1/G ADDI Ir_ATIr)Nl REVISED 5/8/13 Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate AA SECTION AA1 -APPLICATION FOR NON -TITLE V PERMIT RENEWAL (Company Name) hereby formally requests renewal of Air Permit No. There have been no modifications to the originally permitted facility or the operations therein that would require an air permit since the last permit was issued. Is your facility subject to 40 CFR Part 68 "Prevention of Accidental Releases"- Section 112 ( 0 of the Clean Air Act? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, have you already submitted a Risk Manaqement Plan (RMP) to EPA? ❑ Yes ❑ No Date Submitted _ Did you attach a current emissions inventory? ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, was it submitted via AERO or by mail (date mailed).�,� SECTION AA2 - APPLICATION FOR TITLE V PERMIT RENEWAL In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A 2Q .0513 the responsible official of �� (Company Name) hereby formally requests renewal of Air Permit No. �� (Air Permit No.) and further certifies that: (1) the current air quality permit identifies and describes all emissions units at the above subject facility, except where such units are exempted under the North Carolina Title V regulations at 15A NCAC 2Q .0500, (2) the current air quality permit cites all applicable requirements and provides the method or methods for determining compliance with the applicable requirements, (3) the facility is currently in compliance, and shall continue to comply, with all applicable requirements. (Note: As provided under 15A NCAC 2Q. 0512 compliance with the conditions of the permit shall be deemed compliance with the applicable requirements specifically identified in the permit.), (4) for applicable requirements that become effective during the term of the renewed permit that the facility shall comply on a timely basis, (5) the facility shall fulfill applicable enhanced monitoring requirements and submit a compliance certification as required by 40 CFR Part 64. The responsible official (signature on page 1) certifies under the penalty of law that all information and statements provided above, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, are true, accurate, and complete. SECTION AA3 - APPLICATION FOR NAME CHANGE New Facility Name: The Chemours Coma FC, LLC DBA, Chemours ComPanY Fayetteville Works Former Facility Name: E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company DBA, DuP_ont_Companym Fayetteville Works An official facility name change is requested as described above for the air quality permit mentioned on page 1 of this form. Complete the other sections if there has been modifications to the originally permitted facility that would require an air quality permit since the last permit was issued and if there has been an ownership change associated with this name change. SECTION AA4 - APPLICATION FOR AN OWNERSHIP CHANGE By this application we hereby request transfer of Air Quality Permit No. from the former owner to the new owner as describe below. The transfer of permit responsibility, coveraqe and liability shall be effective E _= (immediately or insert date). The legal ownership of the facility described on page 1 of this form has been or will be transferred on_... = (date). There have been no modifications to the originally permitted facility that would require an air quality permit since the last permit was issued. Signature of New (Buyer) Responsible Official/Authorized Contact (as typed on page 1): X Signature (Blue Ink): Date: New Facility Name: -- Former Facility Name: Signature of Former (Seller) Responsible Official/Authorized Contact: Name (typed or print): Title: X Signature (Blue Ink): Date: .........,....___ Former Legal Corporate/Owner Name: In lieu of the seller's signature on this form, a letter may be submitted with the seller's signature indicating the ownership change. SECTION AA5 - APPLICATION FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT Describe the requested administrative amendment here (attach additional documents as necessary): Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary rage c U1 c DEQ-CFW 00067776