HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00046950Division of Water and Waste Manageme 414 Summers Street, Second Flo • Charleston, West Virginia 253 Phone (304) 558-40 Fax(304)55 ''IJ 11,11 IF! 11 111 Bob Wise Stephanie R. Timmenneyer Governor Cabinet Secretary August 04, 2003 ROBE.T RITCHEY PO BOX 1217 PARKERSBURG, WV 26102 r -1 '40MI101033:11LI The agency is in receipt of your letter dated April 25, 2003 providing comments on the referenced draft permit. The agency offers the following responses/changes: Comment No. I : As per your general comments, the agency has made the following minor changes: (a) Condition C.02 is revised to permit you to submit the analytical results for C-8 separately. These result shall be postmarked no later than thirty (30) days following the end of the reporting period, (b) On page 1 of the permit, under Item 1) c), steam condensate replaces treated process wastewater since• treated process wastewater is discharged through Outlet 003, and (c) On page 1 of the permit, under Item 1) d), untreated process wastewater stream is included because several process wastewater streams (3 MGD) discharged through Outlet 005 are untreated. Comment No. 2: Section A - Discharge Limitations And Monitoring Requirements (a) The agency does not concur with your comment on monitoring for C-8 at Outlet 001. Even though Outlet 001 does not contain any process wastewater, it contains discharge (storm water and/or leachate) from the local landfill. This discharge contains C-8 in the range of 36.4 to 115 ug/l. Therefore, monitoring for C-8 at Outlet 001 is justified. Alit"U, LUETE To 112ter )11 01MM" life. Therefore, water quality -based permit limits are required in the permit. The permit limits are strictly based on the applicable water quality standards. They are not to be based on detection limits on any analytical method. However, the later is considered to evaluate compliance with the permit limits. That is where Compliance Evaluation Level (CEL) comes in the picture. The CEL is determined considering detection limit of the EPA approved method for NPDES program under 40 CFR Part 136. As stated under Condition C.38, the published detection limits for TRC analysis are in the range of 2 to 6 ug/l. Still, the genm has considered 100 u ai level is vew Iiiiiii, Aii,611 i0i NOW i MM n"a DEQ-CFW-00046950 WIVISE! I -Mu.? "-' Page 2 August 04, 2003 made aware of the availability of HACH test kits with very low detection limits for TRC analysis in January of this year and he was urged to select one to purchase and implement its use as soon as possible. (c) At present, the agency has no data on COD for discharL_�es from Outlet 006. After reviewing-data-far—IMI collected during six months, you may apply for modification of your permit for appropriate revisions in monitoring requirements. (d) Unit for temperature monitoring requirement for Outlet 006 is changed from degrees F to degrees C as per your comments. (e) After reviewing TOC data for Outlet 007, you may apply for modification of your pen -nit for appropriate revisions in monitoring requirements. (f) After reviewing data for TOC & COD for Outlet 011, you may apply for modification of your permit for Appropriate revisions in monitoring requirements. (g) Type of the required samples for Outlets 013 and 028 is revised from composite to grab as per your comments. After reviewing appropriate revisions in monitoring requirements. 77TWIMITT . T=I'S.—A77T Know, Me analytical characteristics and treatability of C-8 present in leachate can vary considerably. Therefore, monitoring for C-8 at Outlet 105 is justified. Note also that there are other wastewater streams (for example wastewater from Outlet 305, intake water etc.) contributing C-8 at Outlet 005. Therefore, monitoring for C-8 only at Outlet 005 is not adequate. Not 11r.M.Wiffs 0) As you know, Outlet 305 is a new internal outlet subject to the OCPSF effluent guidelines (40 CFR Part 414). Under these guidelines, BOD, TSS and pH need to be limited in addition to various organics. Since thi agency does not have any analytical data for this Outlet, the agency proposed monitoring requirements for these parameters instead of limiting them. The agency proposed monitorinig for C-8 (a pollutant of concern) instead of various organics. To monitor performance of carbon treatment system, monitoring for C-8 is justified. You may use in-house analytical method having higher detection limit for C-8 as per Condition C. 14 of the permit. Comment No. 3 : Section B. Schedule of Compliance: As stated under Section B of the permit and as you have pointed out, all monitoring requirements and other timelines provided in the permit are based from the effective date of the permit. Comment No. 4: Section C. Other Requirements: (a) As mentioned in the fact sheet, Condition C. 03 is based on provisions of Section IV.2.b)(3) of Appendix A of the permit. Therefore, the agency is not deleting the word "immediately" as per your comment. (b) Your interpretation of Condition C.05 is correct. DEQ-CFW-00046951 MUM# M MAA 00 OWMA Page 3 August 04, 2003 storm water regulations. For detailed discussion, please refer to the storm water regulations & the fact sheet for the State's General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities. (d) Regarding your comments on toxicity tests required under Condition C.09, note that toxicity testing of effluents for permit compliance is usually carried out by the same laboratory, not by different laboratories . Therefore, variability in toxicity testing results among different laboratories is of little concern. The UQ- loll", - Mk1LfQW t,1QbQ11L In H MSrM1-wtc..e%YLer a No one of the important goals of the Clean Water Act is to protect the aquatic life from toxic impacts of pollutants present in the discharge. 1 11 1 Imp! the permit as it relates to leachate from Dry run Landfill. The revised condition reads " Except as otherwise authorized in this permit, the permittee shall not accept and treat wastewater from any other facility without Ctrior approval from the agency.". of wa�tewat�r. It should not be a disposal system for other waste (See Condition C.20). Condition C.23 prohibits use of any reclaimed material (s) in operation of wastewater treatment system if it contains a pollutant that cannot be removed in treatment system. For example, use of spent pickle liquor (acid) containing aluminum and other metals is prohibited for pH adjustment because aluminum and other metals cannot be removed in treatment system. (k) As stated in the fact sheet, requirements of Condition C. 27 are based on results of modeling of C-8 air emissions. Wastewater (containing roof drains) from sumps of the selected buildings may contain high concentrations of C-8 and other pollutants. This condition has no bearing on results of chronic toxicity tests for Outlet 005. The agency has revised this Condition to include C-8 and to clarify time -frame of 60 days (after receipt of all data of all sumps of the selected buildings). f.— DEQ-CFW_0004662 Page 4 August 04, 2003 treatment as BPJ/BAT treatment for C-8. The agency is in full agreement with this selection. However, the agency did not have any data for concentrations of C-8 in effluents from carbon units. That is why; the agency is not sure whether the carbon usage (dose is optimized considerin cost and effluents. By this condition, the agency requires you to submit such information. Based on review of this information, the agency will take necessary actions including reopening of the permit to incorporate the BPJ-based permit limits for C-8. This reopener clause is based on comments from the U.S. EPA Region III office. You are also required to apply for modification of your permit if the U.S. EPA promulgates final risk assessment levels or water quality criteria for C-8 so the agency can modify the permit to revise or to incorporate permit limits for C-8. (n) Under Condition C.3 3, the sampling location at 10 feet away from the east bank of the Ohio River is removed. You will take samples from the remaining locations (5, 20, 50, 100 and 3 00 feet away). You will analyze for both forms of metals (total recoverable and dissolved). (o) Under Condition C.34, monitoring frequency is changed to quarterly from semi-annually to be consistent with monitoring frequency specified for the river intake and upstream sampling under Condition C.35. Note that quarterly sampling of groundwater is necessary to account for seasonal variations. (p) Regarding your comments on Condition C.37, note that products manufactured at the Washington facility falls under different categories of the OCPSF effluent guideline. These categories have different limits for BOD5 and TSS. The agency has no information on production rates or breakdown (%) of production subject to different categories. In such a case, it is necessary to have accurate information on measured flows of various Drocess wastewater ams from di ai r -J'Imrwal - I T these considerations, Condition C. 3 7 is justified and hence it is retained. You should be able to obtain data on monthly water usage in various production units. Based on monthly usage of water, the average daily Is of process wastewater can be calculated. Note that the agency has included new internal Outlet 102 (on page 45 of 64) with monitoring requirements identical to those of an internal Outlet 305. This new internal Outlet is to monitor effluent from new treatment system (for C-8) mentioned in your letters dated March 14 and June 24 of 2003. Start-up of new treatment system is expected during April of 2004. ; 909MI—_­ IIJIN vf-f-vn this Division does not supply permittees with DMR forms. ra P 01 CAW I K4 1;Q N 0111 MOM rI I Mif= (6) dr, 10 [IN d [7-111 Will Q) ILV Pit) iral a I to] I LOW I I to VI I Environmental Enforcement PO Box 662 Teays, WV 25569 DEQ-CFW-00046953 CA !Illy Tu er fq) Director 7 _ '~ cc: Env. Insp. • Env. Insp. ORSANCO US EPA I DEQ-CFW-00046955 Division of Water and Waste Management 414 Summers Street, Second Floor Charleston, WV 25301 Telephone Number: (304) 558-4086 Fax Number: (304) 558-5903 West Virginia De -mart ment of Environmental Protection Bob Wise Stephanie R. Timmermeyer Governor Cabinet Secretary Mr. James Tennant Ms. Della Tennant Tennant Rentals P. O. Box 3117 Parkersburg, WV 26103 ZMEEM Re: WV/NPDES Pen -nit No. WV000 12 The agency is in receipt of your comments in letters dated April 7, 2003 on the referenced permit. The agency has carefully reviewed all the pertinent information related to the DuPont Washington Works. Based on the review, the agency has concluded that the permittee has satisfied all the applicable requirements. Therefore, the agency is issuing today the final permit for the Washington Works to discharge wastewaters into the Ohio River and Pages Run. Under terms and conditions of the final permit, the permittee has to meet permit limits for quality and toxicity of discharges from the facility. Within 30 days of the permittee's receipt of VrV/NPDES Permit Number WOOO 1279, anyone adversely affected or aggrieved by the permit terms and conditions may file a Notice of Appeal to the Environmental Quality Board, 1516 Washington Street, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25311. The Board can be reached at (304) 558-4002. The agency would like to thank you for reviewing the draft permit and taking the time to submit comments. V, Sincerely, ) A 17G Turner Director AGT:nrs Cc: Ann Howell, Public Information Office R. L. Ritchey, DuPont Washington Works West Virginia DepaMnent "Promoting a healthy environment." [IMF ofEnvironmental Protection DEQ-CFW-00046956 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA WE;$ 4 W; T_QWTQ1T4L PeGTZ-Q;M17 Eg� Ellgl 1910101ROM01FIR SUBJECT: Industrial Waste LOCATION: WASHINGTON Wood (City) (County) See the next page for a list of Outlets. h M N T ff I j! —�� FAM *41, 1 163A N I This is to certify that: E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO PO BOX 1217 PARKERSBURG, WV 26102 ISSUE DATE: August 04, 2003 CTIVE DATE # SeDtember 03.2003 EXPIRATION DATE: June 30, 2008 &YA%W_Aq5R; Permit No. WVOOO 1279 fated September 30, 1994 IT, 156 59-MITIMIMT-MA 111 $10 VIN 100 IM-01 I I I MAT- W) A 4 1101117-3 11LOM I MIL1111 51 M191 w0n b) Treated storm water, boiler blowdown, steam condensate, process wa stewater, non -contact cooling water through Outlet 002 into the Ohio River in the vicinity of Milepoint 190.45. c) Untreated storm water, non -contact cooling water, and steam condensate through Outlet 003 into the Ohio River in the vicinity of Milepoint 190.37. d) Untreated non -contact cooling water and stormwater, untreated process wastewater and treated process wastewater, sanitary waste, the riverbank seep and Dry Run landfill leachate through Outlet 005 into the Ohio River in the vicinity of Milepoint 190.81. e) Treated storm water, and untreated non -contact cooling water, steam condensate and storm water through Outlet 006 into an unnamed tributary of Page Run, a tributary of the Ohio River. f) Untreated non -contact cooling water and storm water through Outlet 007 into the Ohio River in the vicinity of Milepoint 190.63. g) Storm water from a sedimentation pond through Outlet 008 into Coal Hollow, a tributary of the Ohio River. h) Untreated storm water through Outlet 011 into Coal Hollow, a tributary of the Ohio River. i) Discharge from a drain of Ranney well through Outlet 013 (RW I) into the Ohio River in the vicinity of Milepoint 190.40. DEQ-CFW-00046957 Page No.: 2 of 64 Permit No.: WVOOO 1279 j) Stormwater runoff through Outlets 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 026, 027 and 029 into the Ohio River. Disckarg2 of nu Y reareu 352, 353, 354,355, 435,436,437, 438,439, 440, 441, 442,443,444,445 and 446 into the Ohio River in the vicinity • Milepoint 190. TaM21, L-MJ I M 111 RJB I I • M III U-JM I I • iA Mr -I 0 1 IN I I U-M This permit is subject to the following terms and conditions The validity of this permit is contingent upon the payment of the applicable annual permit fee, as required by Chapter 22, Article 11, Section 10 of the Code of West Virginia. DEQ-CFW-00046958 0 0 n n i 0 0 0 rn cm ch cm Page No.: of 64 No.: • `/ ' ! 001 39016'19" 81039'42" OHIO RV N/A N/A 002 39016'19" 81040'05" OHIO RV N/A N/A 003 39016'20" 81 °40'01" OHIO RV N/A N/A 005 39016'18" 81040'30" OHIO RV NIA N/A 006 39015'58" 81040'43" OHIO RV N/A N/A 007 3901619" 81 °40' 16" OHIO RV N/A N/A 008 3901611" 81038'22" COAL HL N/A N/A 011 39016'13" 81039'21" COAL HL N/A N/A 013 39016'18" 81040"10" OHIO RV NIA N/A 014 39016'13" 81 °40'34" OHIO RV N/A N/A 015 39016'21" 81039'57" OHIO RV N/A N/A 016 39016"15" 81 °40'31 " OHIO RV N/A N/A 017 39016"10" 81040'34" OHIO RV N/A NIA 018 39016'10" 81040'33" OHIO RV N/A N/A 019 39016'13" 81 °40'34" OHIO RV N/A N/A 020 39016'20" 81040'01" OHIO RV N/A N/A 021 39016'20" 81039'50" OHIO RV N/A N/A 022 39015'52" 81040'24" OHIO RV N/A N/A 023 39015'50" 81040'35" OHIO RV N/A N/A 024 39015'51" 81040'33" OHIO RV N/A N/A 025 39015'53" 81 °40'29" OHIO RV N/A N/A 026 39016'07" 81 °40'39" OHIO RV N/A N/A 027 39016'20" 81039'55" OHIO RV N/A N/A 028 39015'52" 81040'33" OHIO RV N/A N/A 029 3901616" 81039'45" OHIO RV N/A N/A 102 39016'19" 81040'05" N/A N/A N/A 105 3901618" 81040'30" N/A N/A N/A 205 39016'18" 81040'30" N/A N/A N/A 305 39016'18" 81040'30" N/A N/A N/A o � � A.001 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 001 (Coo|inQ'Storm Water Runoff, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaDple Characteristic Quanti!y Units Other Units Units Freguency Rae F|mw.inConduit orthmplant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/month measured (Year Round) (ML,1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids RptOn|y RpkOnly LbuNDay N/& Rp4On|y Hp4Qn|y mg8 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML=1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C.22 pH N/A N/A N64 6 N/A g S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Min. Max Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only HptOn|y Lbo/Day N/A RptOn|y Rpt Only ug8 1/week Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Toxicity, Chronic Daphnia WK\ NIA N/A N/A N/A RptOn|y TUc 1/6monthm 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Toxody, ChronkzPimepho|oo N/A N/A N/A N/A M0\ Rpt Only TUo 180mondho 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Max. Daily Zinc, Total (As Zn Rpt Only Rpt0n|y Lba/Dey NIA RptOn|y Rp$Only mg/l 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Tompenstum.0 N64 N/A N/A N/A RptQn|y Rpt Only DE8.F 1/month i-s" (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon RptDn|y RptQn|y Lbo/Day N/A RptQnly Rpt Only mg/1 I/nonth 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet OO1-Monitoring point west of Building 27. This discharge shall not cause violation ofTitle «o.Series 1.Section a.cf the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant mChapter o2B,Article 3' Page No.: 4of84 Permit Nu.:VVVUDO127A A.001 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 001 (Cooling, Storm Water Runoff, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic QuantitV Units Other Units Units Frequency —Type Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/l 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 001 - Monitoring point west of Building 27. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 5 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 o � � A.002 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations . Year Round During the periodbeQinn| September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Numbor(s)OO2 (Cooling Water, Storm RunoffVVater.Pp000saVVater) Such discharges shall belimited and monitored by the pennittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units FreguencX iyp—e F|mw.inConduit orthmplant N/A N/A N/A N/A 15.4 15.9 mgd 1/week measured (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily BDD.5'Day2OQag.0 632 1681 Lbo/Dey N/A Rpt Only RptDnly mQ8 11weoh 34hrComposite (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only RptDn|y Lbm/Day W8\ RptDn|y RptOn|y mg8 1hmnak 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids 1879 5112 Lbo8Duy W64 HptOnly RptOn|y mg/I 1/week 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML2) Avg. Mvnm/v Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C.15 Ammonia Nitrogen RpkOn|y RptOn!y Lbe/Day N/A Rpt0n|y Rpt Only mg/l 1/week 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only G.U. Continuous Recorded (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. See Condition C.12 Chlorine, Total Residual Rp/Dn|y RptVn|y Ubo/Day N0\ 39 79 uQ8 1kmaek Grab (Year Round) (NL-1) Avg. Monthly Wax. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See Condition O.38 Methylene Chloride Rp4Qn|y Rpt Only Lbn/Day MIA Rpt Only RptOn|y ug8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily mg. Monthly Max. Daily See Condition O.18 pH, No. cfExcursions >GOmin. N/A oam [)cur/Non N/A #V\ WV\ N/A Continuous Continuous (Year Round) (ML,1) Max. Daily CondiUonC.i2 Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet OU2-immediately prior b/discharge. This discharge shall not cause violation ofTitle 4s.Series 1.Section 3.vf the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant mmChapter 22B.Article 3. Page No.: 6of64 o � � A.00DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodboQinning8epbember3.2003and|eobngthmughmidniQhtJune30.2OD8thepennittemivauihorizedhodisoheqge from Outlet Number(u) 002 (Cooling Water, Storm RunnffVVaar.ProceuoVVaded Such discharges shall bmlimited and monitored bythe penn}ttwmas specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaDple Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency jype pHExcursions Total Time N/A N/A N0\ N/A N/A 446 Minutes Continuous Continuous (Year Round) (ML,1) Monthly Total CondiUonC.12 Toxicity' Chronic Daphnia N/A NIA N64 -N8\ N/A Rpt Only TUc 1/8montho 24hrComposite (Year Round) (NL-1) Max. Daily Toxicity, Chronic Pimapha|aa N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only TUo 1/6montho 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Vinyl Chloride 2.66 4.72 Lbo8Day N/A R[*On|y Rpt Only ug8 Onus/5yeeno Grab (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Thuh|umethy|nne 0.71 1.80 Lbo/Oay N/8 RpiQn\y RptQo|y uQ8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) 48000 72000 LbuD]ay N/A Rpt Only RptDnly mQN 1/week 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Moom|v Max. Daily Hoxanh|orobenrena 5.38 '21J9 LbmD]ay N/A Rpt Only Rp*On|y uQA Once/5 years 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML1) ^wo. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Benzene 1.56 3.58 Lbu/Day #V\ Rpt Only Rpt Only uQA Once/5ynara 8mub (Year Round) (Mi,1) Avg. Mvnm|v Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.4-Dich|onobenzene 3.9 10.43 LbeD]ay N/A RptOn|y RdOnly uQ8 Onoo/5yeana 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken incompliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall botaken at the folhuwng|ncat|on(s): Outlet OO2-immediately prior hodischarge. This discharge shall not cause violation ofTitle 46.eories 1.Section o.ofthe West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant moChapter 22B.Article o. Page No.: 7of64 Permit No.: VV\X3001279 Final Limitations ifear YouTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 002 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Roe- 2-Nitrophenol 1.78 6.34 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2,4-Dinitrophenol 33.12 117.75 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 4-Nitrophenol 4.45 15.81 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 2.14 7.6 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/1 Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Pyrene 0.55 1.32 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Tetrachloroethylene 1.43 4.5 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,1 Dichloroethane 0.6 1.62 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.6 1.65 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Benzo (A) Anthracene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily M Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): n Outlet 002 - immediately prior to discharge. C) This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. C) C) Page No.: 8 of 64 -P, 0) Permit No.: WV0001279 Q0 0) 0 F-111 I Y4 Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 002 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sam le Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency Rae 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.38 21.7 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,2-Trans-Dichloroethylene 0.69 1.81 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5.38 21.79 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chrysene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Diethyl Phthalate 1.26 3.1 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Dim - ethyl Phthalate 0.52 . 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (MIL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Fluoranthene 0.6 1.48 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Fluorene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 002 - immediately prior to discharge. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 9 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 r' 0 n I 0 0 0 rn cm rn I' rn A.002 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 002 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic guantily Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Hexachloroethane 5.38 21.79 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Methyl Chloride Rpt Only Rpt only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See Condition C.18 Nitrobenzene 61.39 175.68 LbslDay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Phenanthrene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (MLA) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acenaphthylene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acenaphthene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acrylonitrile 2.58 • 6.37 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly . Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C.15 Anthracene 0.52 1.29 LbslDay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Benzo (K) Fluoranthene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugfl Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following iocation(s): Outlet 002 - immediately prior to discharge. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 10 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 o � � A.002 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeginni September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Numbar(a)OO2 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall belimited and monitored hythe penm|tteoaespecified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quanti!y Units Other Units Units Fre0ue0cX Roe 8enzo(A)Pynynm 0.55 1.32 Lbm8]ay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Onco/5yeamu 24hrComposite (Year Round) (NL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ch|orobanzano 3.9 1043 LbeX]ay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only uQ8 Oncny5yeora Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1.1.-Thoh|omedhane 0.6 1.62 Lba8]oy N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugN Once/5yeera Grab (Year Round) (NL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1.2-Thch|omethana 0.88 3.49 Lbs/Doy N/A RptOn@ RptOn|y ug/l Onon/5yaana Grab (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.2-Oioh|ompmpana 5.50 21.79 Lbo/Doy N/A R¢iOn|y Rpt Only ug/I Onoe/5yeans Grab (Year Round) (ML,1) mg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mnom* Max. Daily 2.4-Dima1hy|pheno| 0.52 129 Lbm/Oey NIA RptOn|y Rpt Only ug/l Dnce/5yeuna 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mnomh Max. Daily Di-n-butylPhthe|ate 0.55 ' 1.18 Lbe/]ey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only uQ0 Onoe/5yamry 24hrComposite (Year Round) (WL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Po|ynucAromatic HC RpuQn|y RptOn|y Lbm/Dey N/A RpLOnly Rpt Only u0N Once/5yearu 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML=1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 8eacmndiUon C.18 1.2-Oinhionomthanu 4.94 15.75 Lbo/Doy N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Once/5 yoona 8neb (Year Round) (0L-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet OO2'immediately prior bodischarge. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1.Section 3.oJthe West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant moChapter 22B.Article 3. Page No.:11ofO4 Permit No.:VVVOUU127Q 0 A.002 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 002 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguengy —Type Phenol, Single Compound 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Phthalate Esters Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only UgA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C. 17 3,4 Benzofluoranthene 0.55 1.32 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chloroethane 3.02 8.1 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Beryllium, Total (As BE) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Other, Halomethanes 0.1 0.19 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l 1/month Calculated (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Condition C.18 Toluene 0.77 2.03 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ethylbenzene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Naphthalene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 002 - immediately prior to discharge. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 12 of 64 Permit No.: VVV0001279 0 A.002 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 002 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic guanti!y Units Other Units Units Freguency R222 BIS(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate 2.61 7.08 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/l 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Carbon Tetrachloride 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chloroform 3.05 8.92 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Phenols Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/1 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,3 Dichloropropylene 5.38 .21.79 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Hexachlorobutadiene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 002 - immediately prior to discharge. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 13 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 o � � A.003DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s)003 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall bmlimited and monitored bythe pmmuhtee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quant� �� ���� �� Freguency lype F|mw.inConduit orthruplant N/A N8\ N/A N/A Rpt Only Rp4On|y mgd 1/month measured (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only RPLQn|y Lba/Dmy N/A Rpt Only RptOn|y mg/l 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbo8Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mQ8 11month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML2) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See Condition C.15 pH N/A N/A N8\ 0 N8\ 9 S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML1) mst.mm. moxmax. Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt0nly RptDnly Lbs/Day N/A RptCmly Rpt Only ugA 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Toxicity, Chronic Daphnia N/A N/A N/A NIA N/8 Rpt Only TUo 1/6montha 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML1) Max. Daily Toxicity, Chronic Pimmpho|ea N/A ' N/A N8\ N/& NIA RptOoly TUu 1/6munthu 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Max. Daily Temperature.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only DEGf 1/month "i-s" (Year Round) (NL-1) Avg. Mvmmv Max, Daily Total Organic Carbon Rp\0n|y RptOo|y Lbu/Day N/A Rpt Only RptDnly mg/I I/nonth 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 003-Monitoring point west ofOutlet UO2flume. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the WestVirginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant mmChapter 22B.Article 3. Page No.: 14of64 Permit No.:VVVUOO127Q A.003 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 003 (Cooling Water, Storm Runoff Water, Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/I 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Outlet 003 - Monitoring point west of Outlet 002 flume. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 15 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 A.005 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 005 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency RPM Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A NIA NBA 59.07 63.25 mgd 1/week measured (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 1149 3029 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/I 1/week 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/I 1/week 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids 5101 12190 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/I 1/week 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-2) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C.15 pH N/A N/A N/A 6 N/A 9 S.U. 1/daily Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 98 196 ug/I 1/week Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See Condition C.38 Methylene Chloride Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/i 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Toxicity, Chronic Daphnia N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only TUc 1/6 months 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Toxicity, Chronic Pimephales N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only TUc 1/6 months 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 005 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 123. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 2213, Article 3. Page No.: 16 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 o � � 4.005 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeg|nnin September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s)DO5 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall belimited and monitored bythe penm|tteeas specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SamRle Characteristic guanti!y Units Other Units Units Freguenc2 TyRe Vinyl Chloride 4.12 8.68 Lba/Day M8\ Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Dnoe/5yeore Grab (Year Round) (ML.1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Thoh!omethy|ane 0.98 2.6 Lbe/Doy N/A Rpt Only RptOn|y uQ8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Hexazh|onubenzene 5.14 2028 Lba8}oy N/A RpdOn|y Rpt Only ug8 Onne/5yemre 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C.15 Benzene 2.03 5.57 Lbo/Dey N/A R;t Only Rp*On|y ug8 Onoo/5yaaru Grab (Year Round) (@L-1} Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mnmm|v Max. Daily 1.4-Diuh|ombenzane 3J$ 9.95 Lbm/Doy N/A RptQnly RptOn|y ugN Once/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) <ML,1> Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2-Ch|onuphanu| 0.51 1.61 Lbo/Doy N64 R*Qn!y Rpt Only ugh Onca/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2-Nitmphano| 2.29 . 6.9 Lbo8]ay N8\ Rpt Only RptDn|y ug8 Once/5 years 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2.4-Oioh|onophunu| 0.64 1.83 Lbe/Day NIA R[*On|» Rpt Only ug8 Once/5yoem 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML1) mg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2,4-Oinitntn|uene 1.85 4.67 LbeD]ay N0\ Rpt Only Rpt Only ugN Onus/5yeone 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet OO5-Monitoring point northwest ofBuilding 123. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 2213. Article o. Page No.:1Tuf64 Permit No.:VV\0/OO1278 0 A.006 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 005 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguengy Type 2,4-Dinitrophenol 31.29 109.12 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.18 10.5 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 4-Nitrophenol 5.22 16.41 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 3.23 11.45 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Pyrene 0.91 2.3 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Tetrachloroethylene 1.66 5.82 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,1 Dichloroethane 0.91 . 2.44 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.81 1.91 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (IML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Benzo (A) Anthracene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 005 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 123. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 2213, Article 3. Page No.: 18 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 o 09 A.005 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeginn|n September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(o)OO5 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall bolimited and monitored bVthe pomnitteoms specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic� Quantity Units Other Units Units Fre0uency iyp—e 1.2'Dioh|onobenzene 6.15 22.49 Lba/Day N/A Rpt8n|y RptOn|y ug8 Once/5yeano 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1'2-Trans-Dioh|oroethy|ene 0.85 2.53 Lba/]ey N/A Rpt Only RptOn|y ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML=1) *,o. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1'2,4-Trch!ombanzene 8 22.11 Lbo8]ey N/A Rpt0nly RptDnly uQ8 C>nce/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1'3-Dich|ombmnzene 4.05 1021 Lbu/Day N/A RdOn|y RdOoly ug8 Oncc/5yaamn 24hrComposite (Year Round) (AL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Oh/yoana 0.88 2.14 Lbs/Oay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Onos/5ysmrm 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Diethyl Phthalate 2.48 6.14 LboDDoy N/A RdOn|y Rpt Only ug8 Onca/5yoaru 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily mg. Monthly Max. Daily Dimethy|Phtha|obe 0J8 1.94 Lbm/Day N8\ Rpt Only Rpt0n|y u0N Once/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily F|uomnthoma 0.86 2.46 Lbo8]ey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Onco/5years 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily F|uorene 0.83 2.08 Lbo8]ey N/A RpkOmly R>*On!y ug/I Oncn/5yaana 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet UQ5-Monitoring point northwest nfBuilding 123. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the WestVirginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant omChapter 22B,Article 3. Page No.:1Qof64 Permit No.:VV\A]OO127Q A.005 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permiltee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 005 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic guariffly Units Other Units Units Frequency Tue Hexachloroethane 5.23 20.7 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Methyl Chloride Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Ug/l 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Nitrobenzene 56.28 160.92 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Ug/1 Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Phenanthrene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acenaphthylene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acenaphthene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-11) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acrylonitrile 3.92 9.75 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Anthracene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Benzo (K) Fluoranthene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 0 Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): M 0 Outlet 005 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 123. 6 n This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. C) Page No.: 20 of 64 C) C) Permit No.: WV0001279 0) 0) o � � A.00DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeginnin September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Numbur(a)O05 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall balimited and monitored by the pmon1ttee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguengy lype 8enzo(A)Pymne 0.88 22 Lbm/Oay N04 Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Onca/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ch|ombonzunu 3.78 9.95 Lbu/Day NIA RptOm|y Rpt Only ugN Onca/5yeam Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Muom/v Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1.1,-Tichlovo«thenn 0.89 2.35 Lbs/Dey W/& RptDn|y RptOn|y ug8 Once/5yoam Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mnmmh Max. Daily 1.1.2-Thoh|omethane 1.14 4.05 Lbu8]ay N/A HptQnly RpLOn|y ug/I Once/6yuero Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1'2-Dich|ompmpone 74 23.69 Lba8]my N8\ Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Onoe/5yanrm Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mnomh Max. Daily 2.4-Dimedhy|phano| 0.76 1.76 Lbw/]ay N/A Rpt Only HpiOnly ugN Onoo/5yeom 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Di-n'buty|Phtha|ato 0.94 . 2 . LboNDay N/8 RptOn|y RptOo|y ug/I Once/5yearu 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Pu|ynucAromatic HO RptDn|y RpkOnly Lbm/Dey N/A RptDn|y Rpt Only u0N Once/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition O.16 1.2-Dioh|oroathane 5.6 17J9 Lbm/Day N/A RptOn|y RptOn|y u08 Oncn/5yaans Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken incompliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall hmtaken euthe following |onatinn(s): Outlet OD5-Monitoring point northwest oJBuilding 123. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the WestVirginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant u,Chapter %2B. Article 3. Page No.: 21 of84 Permit No.:VVVODO1278 o � � 4.005DISCH4mGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbag|nnin September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s)OO5 (Cooling Water, QtonmVVaorRunoff,PmnauaNVeter,Other) Such discharges shall belimited and monitored bythe penmMtenamspecified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMRIe Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Re - TY Phenol, Single Compound 072 1.6 Lbs/Ouy N/A RptOn|y RptOn|y ugN Onoe/5yoana 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Mnom/v Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Phthalate Esters RptOn|y RptDn|y Lbn8]ay N/A RptOn|y Rp*On4 u0N Onne/5yoeru 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily mg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition O.17 3.4BenzoUuorandhene 0.88 2.2 Lbm/Dey N/A RptOn|y Rpt Only ug8 Once/5yeana 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ch|oroedhano 445 11.75 LbmD3ay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5yeara 8mob (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily mg. Monthly Max. Daily O1her.He|omothaneo 0.86 1J3 Lbs/Ooy NIA Rpt Only RptOn|y uQ/l 1/month Ce|ou|ebod (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily See condition C.18 Toluene 1.13 3.18 Lbe80oy N/A Rpt Only R;*Qn|y uQ8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ethyl Benzene *.06 .11.26 Lba0Day N8\ Rpt Only Rpt Only uQN Once/5yeam Bnob (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Naphthalene 0.83 2.14 Lba8]ey N/A Rpt Only RptOn|y ugN Once/5yeene 24hrComposite (Year Round) VNL-1> Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Am. Monthly Max. Daily B|S(2-Elhylhexy|)Phtha|sdo 4.06 11.01 Lbo8]ey N/A RltDnly Rp*On|y ug/I Onca/5yaana 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following |ozatimn(s): Outlet D05-Monitoring point northwest ofBuilding 123. This discharge shall not cause violation mxTitle 4o.Series 1.Section a.ofthe West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant moChapter 22B. Article 3. Page No.:%2ofO4 Permit No.:VV\8}OD127Q 00 | - A-onwDISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeginnin September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(o)OD5 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runoff, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall balimited and monitored bythe pmnmlttae as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Fregu@ncy Type Phenolics, Total Rp4On|y RptOn!y Lbo8]ey NIA Rpt Only RptOn!y u01 Onca/5yearo Grab (Year Round) (ML'1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon RptOn|y Rpt Only Lbu/Day N/A R*On|y Rpt Only mgN 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mvmmh Max. Daily Carbon Tetrachloride 3.83 10.11 Lbo/Doy N/A RptOn|y RptOn|y uQ/l Onoe/5yearu Grab (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ch|ondbnn 3.11 0.86 LboDJoy N0\ Rpt Only Rpt Only uQ/l 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only RptOn|y Lbo/Dey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mQ8 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Mvnm/v Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.3Dich|onopropy|unu 5.38 30.54 Lbo/Day W04 R;t Only RptOn|y uQ/l Onoa/Syaara Grab (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Hwxoch|ovobutadiena 3.87 10.28 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rp1On|y ug/l Dnoa/5yeam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (NL-1) Avg. Monthly 1�4ax.ua/ly Avg. Monthly Max. Daily AmmoniumPer8uomodanoate Rpt Only RptOoly Lbs/Ouy NIA Rpt Only RptCmly m0N 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 0O5-Monitoring point northwest ofBuilding 123. n This discharge shall not cause violation vfTitle 4V.Series 1.Section 3.ofthe West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B.Article 3. /o Page No.:23ofG4 o Permit No.:VVVDDO127Q m | Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 006 (Cooling, Storm Water Runoff, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic QuantitV Units Other Units Units Freguency RPM Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/month Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/l 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A 6 N/A 9 S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugfi 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Temperature, C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only DEG.0 1/month .1-s" (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Chemical Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgfi 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (MLA) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 006 - Earthen ditch at Carbon steel weir south of Building 293. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series I, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 24 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 A.007 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbaginn| September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s)OO7 (Cooling Water, Storm Water Runo00 Such discharges shall bolimited and monitored bythe peon|bmmas specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Frequency DR-0 Rmw.inConduit orthruplant N/A N/A N/A N/A RptDn|y Rp(Only mgd 1/month Estimated (Year Round) (WL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids RptOn|y RptOn|y Lbm8]ay N/A Rpt0nly RpiOn|y mg8 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-|) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A 9 S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Max. Daily Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only Rpt Only LbaD3ey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Tompeeduna.0 N8\ N0\ N64 N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only DEG.F 1/month "i'a" (Year Round) (ML-1) mg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon RptOn|y Rpt Only Lbe/Ooy W6* RpLOnly RptOn|y mg8 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken mcompliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet OO7-18"diameter galvanized steel pipe. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the WestVirginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant ooChapter 22g.Article 3. Page No.:25of84 Permit No.:VVVD0O127Q 0 09 W11!UU:1 ";I 17-fC-L*At6JJ1JF Final Limitations V ear O.ound During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 008 (Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd Once/Discharge Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/l Once/Discharge Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH (Year Round) (ML-1) N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. Once/Discharge Grab Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 008 - 12" diameter PVC pipe. This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 26 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 FAII 111U1111.1" 1-Am"i ITAPM1171M, W70111,4770M Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 011 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quanti!y Units Other Units Units Freguency im-0 Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH NIA N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Total Organic Carbon N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 011 - Twide earthen ditch This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 27 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 ARVENTWIFFIT-MM"M Final Limitations Year Rou,-fd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 013 (Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A 6 N/A 9 S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst Max. Chloride (as Cl) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 013 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 28 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 11J-a;-tTd-4ajF-3 Final Limitations Vear RouTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 014 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity, Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (MIL-11) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 116 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-11) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Before discharge into the Ohio River This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 29 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 Final Limitations Vear VwTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 015 (Storm Water Runoff} Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaM21e Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 015 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 30 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 U I r I . 'I f - . IILTTATJ.TW Final Limitations Vear 9�wTcl During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 016 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 016 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 31 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 1, 'Wltamluklm' a I I I RM4U.-taki Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 017 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements; Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max, Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/1 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/1 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only MgA 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 017 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 32 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 Final Limitations Vear 921 During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 018 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only LbsiDay N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-11) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/1 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 018 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 33 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 P", • •�JBXJM• Final Limitations Vear Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 019 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 116 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 019 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 34 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 Final Limitations Vear'?OUTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 020 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sam le Characteristic Quanti!y Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max, Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 020 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 35 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 021 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quanti!y Units Other Units Units Freguengy ime- Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH NIA N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 021 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 2213, Article 3. Page No.: 36 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 Final Limitations klearROUIrd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 022 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement sample Characteristic guantily Units Other Units Units Freguengy Rpme Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max Daily Chloride (as CI) NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 022 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 37 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 - �111 Final Limitations ifear Tou-fd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 023 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency hue Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (MIL-11) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 116 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-11) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mgA 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 023 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 38 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 Final Limitations Vear►, During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 024 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic guantily Units Other Units Units Freguengy Type Flow,in Conduit or thrul plant N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/1 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Max. Daily Max, Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 024 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 39 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 B 0 6;T UIC-Wjffw�M Final Limitations Vear TnuTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 025 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quanti!y Units Other Units Units Frequency Roe Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 025 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 40 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 09 Final Limitations Year,'?,ouTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 026 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SampleCharacteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Tve Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-11) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (IML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH NIA N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 026 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 41 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 Final Limitations Vear TouTd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 027 (Storm Water Runoff} Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only S.U. 116 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/1 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 027 This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 2213, Article 3. Page No.: 42 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 0 I ; I -- . , . - I a Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 028 (Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic guanti!y Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/year Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/year Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A 6 N/A 9 S.U. 1 /year Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Total Organic Carbon N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/year Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/l 1 /year Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 028 (WW1 1) This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. Page No.: 43 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 --u- Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 029 (Storm Water Runoff) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Frequency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only mgd 1/6 months Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-11) Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only mg/I 1/6 months Grab (Year Round) (MIL-11) Max. Daily Max. Daily U Samples taken In compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): M Outlet 029 n This discharge shall not cause violation of Title 46, Series 1, Section 3, of the West Virginia Legislative Rules Issued pursuant to Chapter 22B, Article 3. C) Page No.: 44 of 64 C) C) Permit No.: WV0001279 C) C) C) A.102 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning 04/01/04 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 102 (Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Frequency iyp—e Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgd 1/month Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/1 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/1 1 /month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/l 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l 1/week Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily M Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Outlet 102 - Discharge From Carbon Filters of Fluoroproducts Treatment Unit n C) Page No.: 45 of 64 C) C) Permit No.: WV0001279 C) A.105 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 105 (Sanitary, Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only 3.2 mgd Continuous Recorded (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 431 1115 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/1 1/week 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids 715 2178 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/I 1/week 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ammonia Nitrogen Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mi/I 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Coliform, Fecal N/A N/A N/A N/A 200 400 Cnts/100ml 1/week Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. Continuous Recorded (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. See condition C.12 Methylene Chloride 0.66 1.46 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly . Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH, No. of Excursions >60 min. N/A zero Ocur/Mon N/A N/A NIA N/A Continuous Continuous (Year Round) (ML-1) Max. Daily See Condition C.12 pH Excursions Total Time N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 446 Minutes Continuous Continuous (Year Round) (ML-1) Monthly Total 0 m p Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): n Outlet 105 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 325A. I o 0 o Page No.: 46 of 64 o Permit No.: WV0001279 o I• N 1 0 09 A.105 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 105 (Sanitary, Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguen2y ine- Vinyl Chloride 1.7 4.39 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Trichloroethylene 0.34 0.88 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Hexachlorobenzene 0.25 0.46 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg, Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Benzene 0.61 2.23 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugA Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily IA-Dichlorobenzene 0.25 0.46 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2-Chlorophenol 0.51 1.61 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2-Nitrophenol 0.67 . 1.13 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.64 1.83 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.85 4.67 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Outlet 105 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 325A. A105DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(e)iO5 (8nnitary.Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) ' Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sa0ple �mCharacteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Rpm 2.4-Dinitmphano| 1.10 2.01 Lbm8Doy N64 Rpt Only Rpt Only uQN Onoe/5yoaa 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 2.6-Dinitnzto|uane 4.18 10.5 Lbo/Ouy NIA RptOn|y Rpt Only ug8 Onoe/5yeaa 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 4'Nitmpheno| 1.18 2.03 Lbw/Jay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Onue/5yeom 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Munm|v Max. Daily 4.8-D|nibo-o-cresol 1.28 4.54 LboD}ay N/A Rpt Only RptQnly ug8 Once0yoano 24hrComposite (Year Round) (M\-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Pymna 0.41 1.1 LbeD3ay N/A HpiOnly Rp*On|y ug/l Once/5yeenu 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Tenmoh|omedhy|ene 0.36 0.92 Lbs/Ooy N/A Rpt Only RptOn|y ugA Once/5yaam Grab (Year Round) (ML'1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1Dioh|omadhann 0.35 0.97 Lba80ay N/A RpiOn|y RptDn|y u&8 Once/5yeem Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1-Dich|omethylene 0.26 0.41 Lbo8}ey N/A Rpt0nly Rpt Only uQN Onno/5yeanu Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 8onzo(A)Anthreoenu 0.36 0.97 Lbo80my N/A RptQnly RptOn|y ug8 0nco/5yeans 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Samples taken bmcompliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall bs taken at the following location(s): Outlet iO5-Monitoring point northwest ofBuilding 325A. |~= Page Wo:48of84 Permit No.:VVV00D127g o �> o 09 Year Round During 2DO3and lasting through midnight June 3D.2OO8the permittmeisauthorized bmdischarge from Outlet Number(s)1US (Sanitary, Cooling Water, ProcasoVVuter.Odher) Such discharges shall bmlimited and monitored bythe penn|tteoawspecified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Fregu0ncy jype 1.2'Dioh!urobencene 126 2.67 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only RpkOn|y ug8 Onco/5yaaro 24hrComposite (Year Round) (MIL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.2-Tr na-Dioh|omethy|ene 0.34 0.88 LbaD]ay NIA Rpt Only R7tDn!y uQ8 Once/5yaare Grab (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mvvmh Max. Daily 1.2.4-Troh|ombanaena 1.11 228 Lbo/Day W6& RptOn|y RptOn|y ug8 {)nue/6yaono 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Munm|v Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.3'Dich|ombanzene 0.51 0.72 Lbm8Day N/A RpiOnly RptOn!y ug/l Once/5yearo 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chryssne 0.30 0.97 Lbm8}ey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Onoe/Syuerm 24hrComposite (Year Round) (MIL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Diethyl Phthalate 1.33 3.32 Lbs8]ay N/A RcdOnly R;tOn|y uQ0 Onoe/5yoan* 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Dimethyl Phthalate 8.31 0.77 Lbo0/ay N/A RptDnly Rpt Only ug8 Onne/5years 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily F|uunon!hene 0.41 ' 1.11 Lbo/Dey N8\ Rpt Only RptOn|y ugN Once/5yaam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily F|uomna 0.56 0.97 Lbo8}ey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ugN Onno/5yoam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML.1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Outlet 105 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 325A. ' Page No.: 49 of 64 0 A.105 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 105 (Sanitary, Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Hexachloroethane 0.34 0.88 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Methyl Chloride 1.41 3.11 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only UgA 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Nitrobenzene 0.44 1.11 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Phenanthrene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acenaphthylene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acenaphthene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only UgA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Acrylonitrile 1.57 1 3.96 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Anthracene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Benzo (K) Fluoranthene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Outlet 105 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 325A. o 09 A10aDISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbuQinnin September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 105 (Sonitary.Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall ba limited and monitored bythe pemmitteeamspecified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic !2u@ntily Units Other Units Units Freguengy iyp—e Benzo(A)Pynena 0.38 1 Lbo8]ey N/A RptOn|y Rpt Only ug8 Onoe/5yaam 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ch|ombenzeno 0.25 0.46 Lbm8]ay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Onoo/5yeom 8nob (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1.1.-Truhlomethanu 0.34 0.88 Lbo8Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only ug8 Onoo/5yaora Grab (Year Round) (ML1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.1.2-Thoh|omethene 0.34 0.08 Lbo/Day MA\ RpiOn|y RptOnh ugX Onco/5yeam Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mvmxw Max. Daily 1.2'Oiuh|ompnopane 2.51 %JT Lbu/Day N/A Rpt Only R#1On|y ug0 OncafSyaas Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily me. Monthly Max. Daily 2'4'Dimethy|phenu| 029 0.59 Lbo/Dey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only uQ8 Once/5yueno 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily O|'n-bub/| Phthalate 0.44 . 0.93 Lbe80ay N/A RcdQnly Rpt Only ug0 Onua/5yoem 24 hrCompomibe (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.2-Dinh|omethune 1.11 3.46 Lbs/Doy N/8 Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l Onoe/5yeans Grab (Year Round) (0L-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Phenol, Single Compound 025 0.43 Lbo/Dey N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only uQN Onoe/5yeona 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Outlet 105 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 325A. 24! A1osDISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeQinnn September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 105 (Sanitary.Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall belimited and monitored bythe penmlttee amspecified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement SaMple Characteristic Quantity Units Other Units Units Freguency Type 3.4BenzoOuon*nthene 0.38 1 Lba8]ey N/A Rpt Only RpOnly uQ0 0noe5yonm 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Oh|onoothana 1.7 4.39 LbaADay N/A RdOnly RptDnh ugN Onoe/5yeane Grab (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily am. Monthly Max. Daily Toluene 0.43 1.31 Lbo/Doy N/8 RptDn|y Rpt Only uQ8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Moom|v Max. Daily Monthly Max. Max. Daily Ethy|benzene 0.52 1.77 Lbo/Doy N/A Rpt Only RptOn@ ugN Once/5yemm 8nub (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily *m. Monthly Max. Daily Naphthalene 0.36 0.87 Lbu/Day N/A RptOn|y RpLOnly uQ8 Onne/5yeara 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily B|G(2-Ethy|hexy|)Phtha|ate 1.69 4.57 Lba/Dmy MIA RptQnly Rptgn|y ug8 Onue/5yuera 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg, Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon Rpt0n!y Rpt Only Lbo/Dey NIA RptOn|y RpkOnly mg/l 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML.1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Carbon Tetrachloride 0.28 0.62 Lbe8}ay N6& Rp4Only RptQn|y ugA Onoe/Syeone Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Mnmlyaou Max. Daily Chloroform 0.34 075 Lbn/Ooy N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only uQ8 Onue/5yeam Grab (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Mmmmh Max. Daily Tj Outlet 105 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 325A. A.1V5DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the periodbeQinnin September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Numbur(s)1O5 (Ganibory.Cooling Water, Process Water, Other) Such discharges shall helimited and monitored hythe pwnnittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguency IyRe Chem. Oxygen Demand RptOn|y Rpt Only Lbm/Doy N/A RptOn|y Rpt Only mgN 1/month 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 1.3Dich|onopnopy|ene 0.47 0J2 Lbm8]ay N/A Rpt Only RpkOnly ug8 Onus/5yeam Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Haxech|onobutudimna 0.38 0.8 Lbo/Dey N4\ Rpt Only RptDn|y uQA Once/5 years 24hrComposite (Year Round) (ML,1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ammon|umPecUuomoctanoate RpkOn|y Rp*On|y Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rp*Dnly ug8 1/month Grab (Year Round) (NL-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Outlet . 105'-'Monito I ring point northwest of Building 325A. P. Final Limitations V ear Ttw'rd During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permiftee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 205 (Other) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Reguirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic guantily Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgd 1/month measured (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 35 70 mg/I 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Methylene Chloride Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 36 170 Ug/I 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Manganese, Total Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 2 4 mg/I 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgA 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 3.5 7 mg/I 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 0 M Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): n Outlet 205 - Monitoring point northwest of Building 195. C) C) C) Page No.: 54 of 64 C) Permit No.: WV0001279 C) 1 A.305 DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: Final Limitations Year Round During the period beginning September 3, 2003 and lasting through midnight June 30, 2008 the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outlet Number(s) 305 (Process Water) Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Monitoring Requirements Effluent Discharge Limitations Measurement Sample Characteristic Quantily Units Other Units Units Freguency Type Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgd 1/month Estimated (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/1 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mg/1 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily pH N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only S.U. 1/month Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Inst Min. Inst. Max. Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only mgA 1/month 24 hr Composite (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only ug/l 1/Week Grab (Year Round) (ML-1) Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily M Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): n Outlet 305 - Discharge From Carbon Filters of Fluoroproducts Treatment Unit C) C) C) Page No.: 55 of 64 0 Permit No.: WV0001279 B. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permitee shall achieve compliance with the provisions for waste treatment and the monitoring requirements specified in the permit in accordance with the following schedule: Apr0l,2004: The permittee shall comply with monitoring requirements for Outlet 102 as listed under Section A. 102 of this permit. 2. Reports of compliance or non-compliance with, and progress reports on interim and final requirements contained in the above compliance schedule, if any, shall be postmarked no later than 14 days following each schedule date. _ OEQ-CFVV_00047012 0 1. The permittee shall submit each month according to the enclosed format, a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating in terms of concentration and/or quantities the values of the constituents listed in Section A analytically determined to be in the plant effluent(s). Additional information pertaining to effluent monitoring and reporting can be found in Section III of Appendix A. 02. The required DMRs should be received no later than 20 days following the end of the reporting period and be addressed to: Director Division of Water and Waste Management 414 Summers Street Charleston, West Virginia 25301 Attention: Permitting Section U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region XXX, Water Protection Division NPDES Branch (3WP50) 1650 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 The permittee may submit the analytical results for C-8 separately. They shall be postmarked no later than thirty (30) days following the end of the reporting period. 03. The permittee shall immediately report to Director of Division of Water and Waste Management (at the address specified under Condition C.2) any violation of Maximum Daily Discharge limitations as required by Section IV.2.(b)(3) of Appendix A for the following parameters: Any of the priority pollutants listed in Section A of this permit and regulated by the Organic Chemicals and Plastics and Synthetic Fibers Category (40 CFR Part 414.91). 04. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the permittee of the obligation to comply with any other federal, state or local laws. Compliance with this permit does not relieve the permittee from the obligation of Section 311 of the Clean Water Act. This permit does not authorize spills of hazardous substances/wastes from any permitted outlet into waters of the State. Such incidents are to be reported in accordance with Sections IV. I and IV.2 of Appendix A of this permit. 05. The permittee shall notify the Division of Water and Waste Management immediately when it becomes aware of any migration of any pollutant from any unpermitted source (such as contaminated groundwater and/or storm water) into surface waters of the State. 06. Upon review of information submitted under terms and conditions of this permit, the permit may be modified to require additional effluent limitations/monitoring requirements or to delete some of the monitoring requirements. This later action shall not be construed as back -sliding. 07. For any noncompliance reports to be submitted in writing by this permit, a copy shall also be forwarded to the EPA at the location specified under Condition C.2 of this permit. 08. Requirements for storm water Outlets No. 011, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027 and 029: a, Samples for these outlets shall be taken for a storm water event greater than 0.1 inch rainfall. The samples shall be collected during the first thirty (3 0) minutes or as soon thereafter as -practicable of the storm event. b. Each outlet shall be monitored separately. 41- DEQ-CFW-00047013 Page No.: of f 08 c. Monitoring cut-off concentrations for these pollutants are as follows: Pollutant Monitoring Cut -Off Concentrations Total Suspended Solids 100 mg/l Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 120 mg/l Iron, Total 1.0 mg/1 Aluminum, Total 0.75 mg/l Chloride 860 mg/l PH 6 - 9 S.U. When the average concentration of these pollutants (TSS, COD,total iron, total aluminum and chloride) calculated from all monitoring data, minimum of four consecutive samples taken after the effective date of this permit, is less than the corresponding cut-off value for the pollutant and pH values are within the range of 6.0 to 9.0 Standard Units, additional monitoring for the storm water outlet is not required. The permittee shall submit, each year,to the Division of Water and Waste Management, in lieu of the monitoring data, a certification that there has not been a significant change in the industrial activity or the pollution prevention measures in the area of the facility that drains to the outlet for which sampling is to be waived. If the average concentration of a pollutant exceeds the corresponding cut-off concentration or pH values of the samples are not within the range of 6.0 - 9.0 S.U., monitoring shall be continued and storm water pollution prevention measures shall be reviewed and revised. 09. The perittee shall semi-annually perform chronic toxicity tests, as described below, on the effluents from Outlets 001, 002, 003 and 005 a. Such testing will determine if an appropriate dilute effluent sample affects the survival or reproduction of the test species. All tests shall be conducted on 24-hour composite samples. An appropriate statistical test shall be used to determine whether differences in control and effluent data are significant. i) The permittee shall conduct a three brood (6-8 days) Ceriodaphnia survival and reproduction toxicity test on the final effluent diluted by appropriate control water. Toxicity will be demonstrated if there is a statistically significant difference at the 95 percent confident level in survival or reproduction between Ceriodaphnia exposed to an appropriate control water and the final effluent. All test solutions shall be renewed using an approved renewal schedule. If, in any control, more than 20% of the test organisms die, or Iess than 60% of surviving females in controls produced their third brood, that test shall be repeated. ii) The permittee shall conduct a 7-day fathead minnow larval survival and growth toxicity test on the final effluent diluted by appropriate control water. Toxicity will be demonstrated if there is a statistically significant difference at the 95 percent confidence level in survival or growth between fathead minnows exposed to an appropriate control water and the final effluent. All test solutions shall be renewed using an approved renewal schedule. If, in any control, more than 20% of the test organisms die, or average dry weight of surviving controls was less than 0.25 mg, that test shall be repeated. b. Results shall be reported in terms of chronic toxic units (TUc) according to the reporting requirements outlined in the test procedure approved under 40 CFR Part 136 and shall be submitted with the corresponding monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). TUc= 100/NOEC or NOEL Where NOEC (or NOEL) is No Observed Effect Concentration (or Level), which is expressed as percent (volume) effluent in dilution water. c. All test species, procedures, and quality assurance criteria used shall be in accordance with the test procedure approved under 40 CFR Part 136. d. First test shall be carried out within three months of the effective date of the permit. DEQ-CFW 00047014 Page No.: 59 of 64 Permit No.: WV000121 TUa = 100/LC50 For el2MQk, 12. As this permit requires continuous monitoring of the pHs of the effluents from Outlets 002 and 105, the permittee shall maintain the pHs of such effluents within the range set in this permit, except excursions from the range are permitted subject to the following limitations, provided the discharges do not cause violations of the standards established in Section 8 of Series I of the West Virginia Legislative Rules: a. The total time during which the pH values are outside of the required ranges shall not exceed 7 hours and 26 minutes in any calendar month, and; DEQ-CFW-00047015 Page No.: 60 of 64 IIA-10MUTAilk") 41A, 647MT•` �* 117qZ;?T_7nTZ_7=9 12. b. No individual excursion from the range of pH values shall exceed 60 minutes. 13. Whenever there is a facility upgrade, regulation revision or operational change that may impact a discharge to waters of the State, the permittee shall update, as appropriate, the Best Management Practices (BMP) Plan, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan and Groundwater Protection Plan (GPP). The BMP plan shall include practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the State. It shall also include treatment requirement, operating procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. The updated plans shall be submitted to the Division of Water and Waste Management for review. They shall also be maintained at the plant site and shall be available for the inspection to the Division of Water Resources and EPA personnel. If desired, the permittee may combine different plans in one document. 14. For the analysis of hexachlorobenzene, polymiclear aromatic hydrocarbons, acrylonitrile, carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-Dichloroethane, 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene. methylene chloride, methyl chloride and other pollutants/parameters listed under Section A of this permit, the permittee shall utilize an EPA approved method with a minimum detection level (MDL) sensitive enough to confirm compliance with the permit effluent limit for that parameter. If a MDL is not sensitive enough to confirm compliance, the most sensitive approved method must be used. If a more . sensitive EPA approved method becomes available, that method shall be used. Should the current and/or new method not be sensitive enough to confirm compliance with the permitted er—cluent limit, analytical results reported as "not detected" at the MDL of the most sensitive method available will be deemed compliant for purposes of permit compliance. Results shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Reports as numeric values less than the I�ML. For analysis of ammonium perflurooctoanate and other site -specific pollutants, the permittee may use in-house analytical methods if the EPA approved analytical methods are not available. 15. The permit includes net limits for total suspended solids (TSS) Outlets No. 002, 003 and 005. These net limits shall be determined by utilizing intake sampling information and the percentages of river water. These percentages are: Outlet No. River water % of Total Discharge 002 36.7 003 53.8 005 81.8 Net mass values would then be determined from the following equation: Net Mass = Outlet Flow X Conversion Factor X [Effluent conc. - (influent conc.)(Percentage River Water/ 100)] MW Net Mass is in lbs/day Outlet Flow is in MGD Conversion Factor is 8.341 if the Concentrations are in mg/l Coversion Factor is 0.008341 if the Concentrations are in ug/l. Percentage River Water is in percent. 16.Compliance with total poly -nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons shall be determined by summing the individual concentrations (in ug/1) and masses (in lbs/day) of the following individual pollutants: a. ACenaphthene b. Acenaphthylene c. Anthracene d. Benzo(a)anthracens e. 3,4-Benzofluoranthene f. Benzo(k)fluoranthene g. Benzo(a)pyrens h. Chrysene i. Fluoranthene j. Fluorene k. Naphthalene 1. Phenanthrene m. Pyrene n. Benzo(ghi)perylene o. Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene p. indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 17.Compliance with phthalate esters shall be determined by summing the individual concentrations (in ug/1) and masses (in lbs/day) of the following individual pollutants: a. BiS(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate c. Di-n-butyl phthalate b. Diethyl phthalate d. Dimethyl phthalate DEQ-CFW-00047016 1911 2�-� masses (in lbs/day) of the following individual pollutants: 19. Except as otherwise authorized in this permit, the permittee shall not accept and treat wastewater from any other facility without prior approval from the agency. 20. The permittee shall practice good house -keeping and material handling procedures. Any intentional discharge/disposal of any non -wastewater waste materials to the wastewater treatment system for the purpose of circumventing other regulations solely by dilution is explicitly prohibited. up -The v .=ittee �shall re�vuest a modification of this permit to account for significant changes in production processes and/or product mix covered by the OCPSF effluent guidelines. 22. Under section A of this permit and on the Discharge Monitoring Reports, code ML-I with a pollutant indicates its gross value and code NIL-2 with a pollutant indicates its net value. 23. Without prior approval from the agency, use of intermediates, by-products, spent solvents or any other materials (except commercial grade materials), containing pollutants that can not be removed by the wastewater treatment system, in operation of the wastewater treatment system is prohibited. 24. The permittee may discharge treated wastewater generated from chemical cleaning of water wells 331-337, 351-355, and 435-446 provided the pH of these wastewater is within the range of 6.0 to 9.0 Standard Units and the concentration of total suspended solids is less than 100 mg/l. inspection procedures to assure structural int . egrity of the existing woodlined trenches. The woodlined trenches shall be maintained properly as per Section 11. 1. of Appendix A of this permit. The woodlined trenches shall be in compliance with all the applicable federal and state regulations. 26. For Outlet 005, the permittee shall take all necessary actions to assure that the existing flow measuring device is reliable and accurate within the acceptable range. If necessary, the permittee shall install new flow measuring 27. Within two years from the effective date of this permit, the permittee shall carry out chemical characterization and the acute aquatic toxicity of sumps wastewater(with and without storm water) of the selected buildings (Building No. 162, 163 and 184) at the site. Chemical characterization will include analysis for pH, TSS, C-8, COD, TOC and the manufacturing operations -specific organics and metals. Within two months from the receipt of the results of all three building sumps, the permittee shall submit a report summarizing findings. Based on review of the repom the agency shall take necessary actions. 20. Within three years from the effective date of this permit, considering chronic toxicity test results ufeffluents and wastewater streams (carrying process wastewater) receiving no treatment or only primary treatment (such as settling or filtration). Within 60 days upon receipt of the last set of sample results, the permittee shall submit a report summarizing results. Chemical characterization shall include analysis for pH, TSS, COD, BOD, metals and chemicals specific to manufacturing processes. Based on review of the report, the agency will take necessary process knowledge, the permittee shall carry out chemical characterization and the aquatic toxicity of major 29. a. Within one year from the effective dates of this permit, the permittee shall evaluate performance of the existing wastewater treatment system (Outlet 305) for removal of ammonium perflurooctanoate (C-8 or FC-143). Then, the permittee shall carry out an economic analysis for upgrading of the same treatment system for additional removal of C-8. Within two months of compleletion of studies, the permittee shall submit a report summarizing findings. Based on review of the report, the agency will reopen the permit to incorporate the BPJ-based permit limits for C-8, if necessary. b. If the U.S. EPA promulgates final risk assessment levels or water quality criteria for C-8, the permittee shall apply for modification of this permit to revise or to incorporate permit limits for C-8. 30. Any bypasses or overflows of untreated process water from any sump or device are explicitly prohibited. All bypasses shall be in compliance with requirements of Condition 11.3 of Appendix A of this permit. � OEQ-CFVV_00047017 Page No.: 62 of 64 Permit No.: WV0001279 Section C - Other Requirements 3 1. The permittee shall carry out daily inspection of the Ohio River in the vicinity of Outlets 002 and 005 to verify compliance with requirements of Section 3 of Series I of 46 CSR of the West Virginia Legislative Rules. In case of any noncompliance event, the permittee shall immediately take all necessary corrective actions. The permittee shall maintain a log of these inspections and any corrective actions. A summary of noncompliance events shall be submitted on a separate sheet (established for this purpose) with the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). 32. During the fourth year from the effective date of this permit, the permittee shall carry out a macroinvertebrate survey in the Ohio River in the vicinity of the facility. A proposal for the survey shall be submitted to the agency for prior approval. A report summerizing findings shall be submitted to the agency within 90 days upon receipt of all the results. Based on review of the data, the agency shall take necessary actions. PUI th ttee shall take b 'el IM-1911ro off DEQ-CFW-00047018 Page No.: 63 of 64 MAM20UMM11 Section C - Other Requirements 38. e. When calculating averages of analytical result values, the permittee shall use the actual analytical result when these results are greater than or equal to 32 ug/l. Additionally, when calculating averages of analytical result values, the permittee shall use Y2 of the published MDL of the analytical method used when the actual analytical result is less than 32 ug/l. DEQ-CFW-00047019 The herein -described activity is to be extended, modified, added to, made, enlarged, acquired, constructed or installed, and operated, used and maintained strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit, with the plans and specifications submitted with Permit Application No. WV000 1279; with the plan of maintenance and method of operation thereof submitted with such application(s); and with any applicable rules and regulations Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit, with the plans and specifications submitted with Permit Application No. VvIVOOO 1279; and with the plan of maintenance and method of operation thereof submitted K 112 11 UA:-) 0 1 (4101gol L.;4 I I 10) (Ii'lQ101 I INMRSWI I m7maj ure-f4mr, rallualkin, This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 22, Article I I and 12 and/or 15 of the Code of West Virginia and is transferable under the terms of Section I I of Article 11. A Director DEQ-CFW-00047020 � - | ` VVRO2/-B2 STATE 0FWEST VlRG|NU\ Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round � DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT ` FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OFFACILITY: VVA8H| CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: OUTLET NO.: 001 , VVA8TELOADFOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: '. Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round Total Suspended Solids Year Round pH Year Round Chlorine, Total Residual Year Round Toxicity, Chronic Daphnia Year Round Toxicity, Chronic Pimephales Year Round Zinc, Total (As Zn) Year Round Temperature, C Year Round , ` � \ ' ` ` ' .' ' `. ' ` ` ' ` ` ` , ` ` , ' ' ` ' ^ ` ' ` '— 191 Reported Permit Limits Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Permit Limits Reported Avg. Monthly Max. Daill Reported NIA N/A Permit Limits Reported NIA N/A Permit Limits Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits !Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Mimi ,Rpt Only � Avg. Monthly NMI! NMI! 1/6 WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: fflA,9Lj1HQTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE N CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood Coun!y CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 001 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 00680 (ML-1) RF-A Total Organic Carbon Year Round 81017 (ML-1) RF-A Chem. Oxygen Demand Year Round 51065 (ML-1) RF-A Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Year Round V, _r'M Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Dail Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level 10, WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (VV6SHINGTON WORKS3 E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CQ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 If%4 Wg so Ti e measured Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A NIA N/A 15.4 15.9 N/A mgd 1/week Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 24 hr BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 632 1681 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA mgA 1/week Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 24 hr Total Suspended Solids 1879 5112 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA mgA 1/week Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 24 hr Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/week Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 24 hr Ammonia Nitrogen Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/week Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Dail Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite Recorded pH NIA N/A Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only N/A S.U. Continuous Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 39 79 100 ugA I/week Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34423 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Methylene Chloride Rpt Only Rpt Only __�Lbs/Day. I N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/1 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits I Avg. Monthly I Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily * CEL=Compliance Evaluation Level WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WAS TON J8QEKq) E I DUPONT DE NEMQUgS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: M 17 S'Vx,1tL1� $af". n nnW_ I4T0�M. cisNE�1"i" 82581 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH, No. of Excursions >60 min. N/A 0 Ocur/Mon N/A N/A NIA N/A Continuous Continuous Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 82582 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH Excursions Total Time N/A NIA N/A N/A 446 N/A Minutes Continuous Continuous Year Round Permit Limits Monthly Total 61426 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Toxicity, Chronic Daphnis NIA N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA TUC 1/6 months 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Composite 61428 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Toxicity, Chronic Pimephales N/A NIA N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A TUC 1/6 months 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Composite 39175 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Vinyl Chloride 2.66 4.72 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ug/l Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 39180 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Tdchloroethylene 0.71 1.89 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chloride (as Cl) 48000 72000 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/week 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39700 (ML-1) RF-G Reported I I Hexachlorobenzene 5.38 121.79 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly IMax. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite * GEL = Compliance Evaluation Level WRID 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MSHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE tIEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 34030 (ML-1) RF-G Benzene Year Round 34571 (ML-1) RF-G 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Year Round 34591 (ML-1) RF-G 2-Nitrophenol Year Round j 34616 (ML-1) RF-G 2,4-Dinitrophenol Year Round 34646 (ML-1) RF-G 4-Nitrophenol Year Round 34657 (ML-1) RF-G 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol Year Round 34469 (ML-1) RF-G Pyrene Year Round 34475 (ML-1) RF-G Tetrachforoethylene Year Round * CEL = Compliance 10, Reported 1.56 3.68 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 3.9 10.43 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 1.78 6.34 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 33.12 117.75 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 4.45 15.81 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 2.14 7.6 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.55 1.32 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 1.43 4.5 Permit Limits I Avg. Monthly Max. Daily MIX NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only IN/A Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily__._, Own Once/5 years ' ------------------- - -- NMI! ,Once/5 yearsml�� Once/5 years --------------- - iOnce/5 year mml� Once/5 years 'Once/5 year WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: NAqHlNr2jQtj =13ISSI E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. VVV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: �jdWN wd� uOW"M %P�Z * k,, , P i, 1d42 �M Measurement m" -Sarpl.e P -ASu i TO FAx .aI F m. .re n%GFU.m..... - jf 34496 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1 Dichloroethane 0.6 1.62 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34501 (ML-1) RF-G Reported I,I-Dichloroethylene 0.6 1.65 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34526 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Senzo (A) Anthracene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34536 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5.38 21.7 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34546 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Trans-Dichloroethylene 0.69 1.81 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34551 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene 5.38 21.79 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34566 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34320 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chrysene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits 1 Avg. Monthly jMax. Daily I Avg. Monthly IMax. Daily I I I Composite ZRM I I. I' WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (W6,gHINQIQN VVQgKg) E I DUPONT DE NE OURS & QO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: Diethyl Phthalate Year Round 34341 (ML-1) RF-G Dirnethyl Phthalate Year Round 34376 (ML-1) RF-G Fluoranthene Year Round 34381 (ML-1) RF-G Fluorene Year Round 34396 (ML-1) RF-G Hexachloroethane Year Round 34418 (ML-1) RF-A Methyl Chloride Year Round 34447 (ML-1) RF-G Nitrobenzene Year Round 34461 (ML-1) RF-G Phenanthrene Year Round CEL = ComgliancA M n' _: C)�TitleFoffQfflcet C) On 14 C) M avow Reported 1.26 3.1 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.52 1.29 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.6 1.48 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.52 1.29 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 5.38 21.79 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 61.39 175.68 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.52 1.29 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily M E=M fi E WRO"50 bWQfiiW,1 �N w- 5. NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily }"M basUffto q'*,5AMpIki-, Kt W n IFrdq 1 __T 71" N/A ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Composite N/A ugfi Once/5 years 24 hr Composite N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Composite Mm WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MSHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & COL_ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 'RM" TIM "FR51k A �. N w, MR Rio, �W­ "MMOMIf MKIM-11PNOt its", CF Rarame e 4 fle- 1_0 71 f6 T �`P: im 34200 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 10.52 Acenaphthylene 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34205 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Acenaphthene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Dail. Composite 34215 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Acrylonitrile 2.58 6.37 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max.. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34220 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Anthracene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34242 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Benzo (K) Fluoranthene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A u9A Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34247 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Benzo (A) Pyrene 0.55 1.32 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A U911 Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34301 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chlorobenzene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA u9A Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34506 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1,1,-Tdchloroethane 0.6 1.62 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits , Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly IMax. Daily WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MSHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMQUR,9 & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: - WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 'M-; N A w@aqumenE Sample s MmUI'I WIgR 34511 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.88 3.49 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34541 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichloropropane 5.38 21.79 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34606 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39110 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Di-n-butyl Phthalate 0.55 1.18 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 22456 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Polynuc Aromatic HC Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 32103 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichloroethane 4.94 15.75 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34694 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Phenol, Single Compound 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 3911.7 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Phthalate Esters Rpt Only Rpt Only -I Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily I Avg. Monthly Max. Daily I Composite * CEL = COMDliance Evaluation Level f WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: M ASHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & QQ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: y.Cf�? ,,;.;.r',� l2 Nlw nti ..... k. ,.�� ::-Other•LInI $t �90nce/5 �mg. re UEt1 CEL Uhits F 4 :.?'{?�` s. , 79531 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 3,4 Benzofluoranthene 0.55 1.32 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 85811 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chloroethane 3.02 8.1 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 01012 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Beryllium, Total (As BE) Rpt only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 78456 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Other, Halomethanes 0.1 0.19 Lbs/Day NBA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/month Calculated Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34010 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Toluene 0.77 2.03 Lbs/D.ay N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34371 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Ethylbenzene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34696 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Naphthalene 0.52 1.29 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39100 (ML-1) RF-G Reported BIS(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate 2.61 7.08 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NBA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite CEL = Com liance Evaluation Level o , � +� Ixcerti under` a "'I 'o la�li ia; , "'b� aiifaii Date rn Name ofP,.nnci al;Executive-Offcer P pTCom "feted rid my afire"stem d[ s et*a assure that I fJ . �,. +� uplified persoy el p . a t f® . o ire Based on {" ��,0. 3 r S to uioc, o e t os e , a s it �cttfr rStghatur of Principal Execufive ®ffcer or'r • .-r r�, r*, 'a Y...�xq,x_t`J �.:.V �s ?*,c�+e. .ii "1'r a .7 g, ,,q,� ��g•� t`` ^='i3w, -5��.•w:4':' v'3m's.,,t`'e•y, c y a thoriZed A entiwW ,,.: ,;t, �i-�e ' :�-t ,: .� 44�• i �3is '`��t• •z%-•�-,iY' �Att s, t'E%; 7ltle s f:: , .,n t .,L esponsib�e+#o .gae gw a ff c iitttls _the es=ot mm ,r 3-:.r. r9 .,�• E K navel e�n �b(i tiu'� - �$ E - �• o etlg a e Ir t . ��a a'rete t'1fiat�tj't`�eere aresi enalties for subnittmg false n rmatto di theposs blllto�`fine'and ��+� mpnsorimen ikon �zr� f fo n wan vio a r 14- _ cr. W O ,I s. WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINGTON WOBK5) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 002 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: .riY Jx :. :` '+",-.fi"s'_ 5, .ti:. t;. s^• _ _ _ sd _ex3 :a ssc' c'. ru+i. K:. +�+.s _ ^� r_<;' _... �.. .rr=�S,'..Qtlallti s,,.,, _'_�.u_'�•'.�-''a .-,3s® nitS:. — '':a •i� S3 ('...sa ..-i- 'fire k 5. MGaaIIJOxemGnt �OlampOG. t. per. then-U Para`riieter F ri �3 (fb sir• `f C. t r •=C Kr ntf :E' zCEL `S�Units E, iFrequenc+� TyQe , 4 f r i 8 kx P s« rjr Ii r N r x c _ . r.va . . r. _ ._ ..:_t. *. }." .,, s f . r ss... _ z:: • d ON-0 , :trr. 00680 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Composite 32102.(ML-1) RF-G Reported Carbon Tetrachloride 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/1 Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 32106 (ML-1) RF-A Reported f Chloroform 3.05 8.92 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 03604 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Total Phenols Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 81017 (ML-I) RF-A Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NBA mg/I 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite i 51044 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,3 Dichloropropylene 5.38 21.79 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34391 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Hexachlorobutadlene 3.9 10.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 51065 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level NameofPrincipal'ExecUti .e Q`i`.er Irtlfylude ' I ' epcepa tlr� # FD ie Gorri I fedz c, to tl iit ia!ier re p - nderdy dir,® n< e s L� 3�x,� pie ,. t gg mm ��ry °#o c'�SSUIR that , r n uallfl@petSolln r}Etl a e $ @ fo b s ift@d Based orit� ' ;� ` r % s" '} . ... r.. y inulryof`the,e a Q >1 seerso "sdrre 3Sg C!pa a 5 �., ems., �:..<=.�Y p quy� 5, a ure of Pnn i IzExecutive,Officetnor r ; _ RAN t �� .Y, es`..o slb�erfo at e a �- ;i#le of Officer, .. .S,jp .! t _i,rt e� t to tha.es;of my •� s o . nowled �'an. �i e� � are o o ena�f'es forsub tft g,{fals tiro of g ssiblity i sa>fine ands ,� � . mpnsonmenf for,, n 9� ioia tonsil. �,�... �:�� _ ar°��,�• �`� F����- L F t -: W . WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: 8XAqHIM0jQrj MSKS3 E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 003 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: % INeasurement.SalP) 10a. _ 0quePC i,T0 -— 50050 (ML-11) RF-A Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/month imeasured Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00530 (ML-2) RF-A Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/1 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00400 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH N/A NIA 6 NIA 9 NIA S.U. 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 50060 (ML-11) RF-A Reported Chlorine, Total R esidual Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/month Grab . Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 61426 (ML-11) RF-C Reported Toxicity, Chronic Daphnia N/A NIA N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A TUC 1/6 months 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Composite 61428 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Toxicity, Chronic Pimephales N/A NIA N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A TUC 1/6 months 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Composite 00010 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Temperature, C N/A NIA NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA DEG.F I 1/month I 11-s" Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily * M = rnmnlinnnA Fvahinfinn I Pvpl WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINGIQN WORKS) E I QUEQNI DE NEMOURS I CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 003 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: W-1 _".'a � g, wu Quiffiti Quiffitl *,q gf wy, f it M, 4011 BMW 'ff R" �MegsUtdrfien 'Sample,�­: INN, "'T arame e.. gg L. p�'sd "."0' - '_ , WIN- !Freq ency,;ft 00680 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 81017 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite NIA N/A NIA N/A N/A NIA * CEL = CornDliance Evaluation Level e ared- M, . gassUrp ;Cqoq-or.t HP Is r! A AS .11 t Will U TV r.s a -n f the -gdr-'--- e Based on' fi` 6ualefied S y,jnquqy_M a PU PC qtly, 15 1-11 Q_:m C) nowledgelandle, C) [enalt e3' ffl T 0 VICIU01, W 0 C) 4, Cchoweng 101 O Is WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: -gHINGIQN WQgKS) E I pUEQNI pE MOU13,9 & QQ LOCATION OF FACILITY: - WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VVV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-A Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00310 (ML-1) RF-A SOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 Year Round 00530 (ML-2) RF-A Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00400 (ML-1) RF-A pH Year Round 50060 (ML-1) RF-A Chlorine, Total Residual Year Round 34423 (ML-1) RF-A Methylene Chloride Year Round 61426 (ML-1) RF-C Toxicity, Chronic Daphnis Year Round CEL = Comnliance Eva 10 1 -, IM7 4 11-t N'T Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported 1149 3029 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 5101 12190 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits . Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits onthly Rpt Only Rpt Ohly i Avg. Monthly IlMax. Daily Ript Only Avg. Mont 1Rpt Onll Avg. Monthly �:�7atxoD Avg. Monthly :'Rpt Only nl� Avg. Monthly I ally -------------- MM Rpt Only IMax. Daily fflwn�w IMIMOM WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINGTON WORKS)_E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: r C Fj £='�i}��Q6AanU '. J.q.i.4[,%�:_.f -x .i�+3r?J'X•F:.F 13��tltGO, 1./nitS� ` .;� �ji.>N,.S f'ii:,?ji "�.. 4�YPT(S�f . 'F _ i}.t _ _ pasurerrtent Sample -. J ^+�4x `WWWFre �r�ramete t,, _ r ., i5 s fi _ . e, s. t11 S` t4 et'� r ..3` Nil-3. Y?`.'+^!i4 z Q CEL sj , gilts _ R E ,. ueiic y f /- T e Yp K� o '?+�.. fi,. �q d - ... -a 61428 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Toxicity, Chronic Pimephales N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A TUC 1/6 months 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Composite 39175 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Vinyl chloride 4.12 8.68 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 39180 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Tdchloroethylene 0.99 2.6 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugfl 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max, Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 39700 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Hexachlorobenzene 5.14 20.28 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34030 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Benzene 2.03 5.57 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/1 Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34571 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3.79 9.95 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34586 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 2-Chlorophenol 0.51 1.61 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugfl Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34591 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 2-Nitrophenol 2.29 6.9 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly IRptOnly Max. Daily F24 omposite r' h n I 0 0 0 4.: 0 w STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA | Final Lhndebono Year Round FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: Wood CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 VVASTELOAOFOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 54 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.64 1.83 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.85 4.67 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. baily Composite 2,4-Dinitrophenol 31.29 109.12 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 4.18 10.5 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 4-Nitrophenol 5.22 16.41 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 3.23 11.45 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr YearRound Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite Pyrene 0.91 2.3 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite , Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits I , Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly 'Max. Daily I I I I I I STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA 1J,4TIOV4t-POLLL-JT4 Final Limitations Year Round FACILITY NAME: (WAgHINQTQN VVQBK5) I_ I QUEQNJ DE NEMQLIEg f, CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood Counter CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. WV0001 279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: Uaht! Uaht! v. Measurement �K -1� pp MON AN '06, r X ,�t 0- ME 5, rn P-M-N, All" 11, 34496 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 11 Dichloroethane 0.91 2.44 Lbs/Day NBA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34501 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1-Dichlomethylene 0.81 1.91 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34526 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Benzo (A) Anthracene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34536 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.15 22.49 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34546 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Trans-Dichloroethylene 0.96 2.53 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34551 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene 6 22.11 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34566 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4.05 10.21 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34320 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chrysene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits I Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily lComposite WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: -=SHINGTOM_WOgKSj E I pUpONT pE NEMOUgS & Co CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: - WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: c. Diethyl Phthalate Year RouTd-- 34341 (ML-11) RF-G Dirnethyl Phthalate Year Round 34376 (ML-1) RF-G Fluoranthene Year Round 34381 (ML-1) RF-G Fluorene Year Round 34396 (ML-1) RF-G Hexachloroethane Year Round 34418 (ML-1) RF-A Methyl Chloride Year Round 34447 (ML-1) RF-G Nitrobenzene Year Round 34461 (ML-1) RF-G Phenanthrene Year Round * CEL = Compliance Evalual 1:w gof I- U101 Up UP M Reported 2.48 6.14 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.78 1.94 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.96 2.46 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.83 2.08 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported — ------------------ 5.23 20.7 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 56.28 160.92 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.83 2.14 Permit Limits —I— Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Level I � h`l - Rpt Only --Avg. Rpt Only Mo nth ly 'Max. Daily Rpt A . Monthly Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly ',Max. Daily Rpt Only Rpt Only --------------- —! Avg. Monthly !Max. Daily - --------- M,Rpt Only lAvci.Monthly --M---------- - -- IRpt Only iRpt Only Avg. Monthly 'Max. Daily Rpt Only Ava. Month,, Rpt Only Avg. Monthly - ---------------- - -- - Once/5 years NMI=am NMIOnce/5 years NMI----------------- Once/5 years NMIX "-Mm� WRID 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MSHINGTQN JUQRKS� E I DUPONT DE NEMQUgS & QQ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VTV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: Acenaphthylene Year Round ------------------------- ';Year Round Acrylonitdle Year Round Year Round ',Year Round Year Round ------------------ Year Round 0.83 Avg. Monthly .Permit Limits Avg. Monthly 1=�0.83 _Avg. Monthly Avg. Monthly 1�ax. Daily 0.88 Avg. Monthly EM=,Max. Daily 0.89 Avg. Monthly ` ` .` ' | � ` mr----' —or ---'9'------ Avg. Monthly !Max. Daily Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly ------------ Max. Daily Rpt Only A_v_g_.__MonthIv. Avg. Monthly Rpt Only Avg. Monthly ---------------- Rpt Only ��Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max Daily --------------- Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly iMax. Daily own WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: IMSHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV00011279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: %, �ggg' i'g Al WINIA gw -. NeasurementIT0, 'A :Mqu 0, - ig Tm' W-V "NIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34511 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane 1.14 4.05 Lbs/Day Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34541 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichloropropane 7.4 23.59 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34606 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.76 1.76 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39110 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Di-n-butyl Phthalate 0.94 2 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 22456 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Polynuc Aromatic HC Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 32103 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichlomethane 5.6 17.79 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34694 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Phenol, Single Compound 0.72 1.6 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39117 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Phthalate Esters Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A u9A Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily I Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite W61:41111aft-TT, 711-Fror-13-ATTRITURN IT—= WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: C&6SHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: Me, IM19 'M nit's' y Sample,_; faasurement ;7 �fn , W501, fil W?' 6. MINE1, _EL� 79531 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 3,4 Benzofluoranthene 0.88 2.2 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 85811 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chloroethane 4.45 11.75 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 78456 (ML-11) RF-A Reported Other, Halomethanes 0.86 1.73 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/month Calculated Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34010 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Toluene 1.13 3.16 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 37371 (ML-1) IRF-G Reported Ethyl Benzene 4.06 11.26 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34696 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Naphthalene 0.83 2.14 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugAyears 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39100 (ML-1) RF-G Reported BIS(2-Ethythexyl) Phthalate 4.06 11.01 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34043 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Phenolics, Total Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (V6SHINQIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT pE NEMQUgS & CO LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 005 WK�f OAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: measurement" Sam le Ughti V" N Mop Kola V. 01 'Uhit6 M111, �? E4 M1 SPIN ".0 a F requencyt,.: �g M' vf 11/month 'IV, 00680 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A mg/l Rpt Only Rpt Only 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 32102 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Carbon Tetrachloride 3.83 10.11 Lbs/Day NIA N/A ugA Once/5 years 'Grab Rpt Only Rpt Orily Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 32106 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chloroform 3.11 8.86 Lbs/Day NIA N/A ugA 1/month Rpt Only Rpt Only Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA mgA 1/month Rpt Only Rpt Only 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 51044 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,3 Dichloropropylene 5.36 20.54 Lbs/Day N/A N/A ugA Once/5 years Rpt Only Rpt Only Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34391 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Hexachlombutadiene 3.87 10.29 Lbs/Day NIA N/A ugA Once/5 years Rpt Only Rpt Only 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 51065 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA mg/l 1/month Rpt Only Rpt Only Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A - -------------- WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: -MSHIbIQIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT [)E NEMQUB,9!1 CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: ' WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 006 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: flD remeffiIR 5. N a:,4 -TEP e Ty 1.'P 'j. 50050 (ML-11) RF-A Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A rrigd 1/month Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A m9A 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00400 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH N/A NIA 6 N/A 9 N/A S.U. 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 50060 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Dail 00010 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Temperature, C NIA N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A DEG.0 1/month Ilks" Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00340 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chemical Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite N/A N/A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: M,9HlNQIQN YVQBK,9.) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. WV0001 279 OUTLET NO.: 007 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: v i� t d n- it ara �p lb N.E' �np 50050 (ML-1) RF-A Reported 7Avg. Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/month Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Monthly Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgfi 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00400 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH N/A NIA N/A 9 N/A S.U. 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits inst. Min. Max, Daily 50060 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chlorine, Total Residual Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00010 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Temperature, C NIA N/A N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A DEG.F 1/month .1-s" Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00680 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite N/A ---------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ N/A * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level 1`MjLT.w § id r a , lm.— — —a[�acnmp�cepareo# ;Date---,_ rn naer-my-,alrd-C U Re j9headwassurejhat, �2, Pau, • tiaNfied 0 OT e-bignatureLotP.MncipaiF-xecutivipffi64"ot.,',,.*,'.,�-,;.,, ry gytl AutN. liq, T. s C an oMme e Otd-AW156if dfhi�? 01,01 'MI r 16 i C). nalt, w, 1t.3!U0111J1&l"qjfa sea ®R al 01 oss1011 Q I e Q6 ia on' I m T, 4�, WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MASHINGTQN WORKS) E I DUPONT QE NEMQUBg a QQ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 008 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: i _M, �_N'066U V, N1RWeasurement Sample Rjw wo WEE, It N,-E- T % A, ;,. � � 50050 (ML-1) RF-D Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant NIA NIA N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A mgd Once/Discharg, Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-D Reported Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgA Once/Dischargi rab Permit Limits Year Round Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-D Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only NIA S.U. Once/Discharg, Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A * GEL = Compliance Evaluation Level 10, WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MAgHINQIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT DE HEMQURg & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. VVV0001 279 OUTLET NO.: 011 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . . . 4 M_iap tnr 4, . . . . . t%,A, Measurement :.Sample;. E� �Elh� aramet� PER, 01, "M W5� WT,,, IN, 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported IN/A Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-11) RF-C Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only NIA S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits lInst. Min. Inst. Max. 00680 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Organic Carbon N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A m9A 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily N/A N/A NIA 0 M `Name pa n C) C) C) 14 C) 0) WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: WASJJINQjQtj VQ6Kq) E I QQEQbJj QE HEMQUBg gk CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.:. WV0001 279 OUTLET NO.: 013 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: ZZ _ql 't K tgpF� k1-05"a- ­27 P. COMOk�s "W7 RNA21,0; ,01 -, 6 CELl�tlltsbNi WIN I � 'NM7,; _7 -E. ?7� 11/6 50050 (ML-11) RF-C Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A NIA NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA m9d months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00530 (ML-11) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH N/A N/A 6 N/A 9 N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits lInst. Min. Inst. Max. 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as Cl) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00680 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A N/A N/A WIL9111mo 4 1=1 0 M00"7247-TRITUNNITT—M 10, WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: M6SHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NENIQUES & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 014 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: nvst g 10111 V 5 F- �-i -;i -16 " N, *.0 U _�'Nft_ .—faffim. � t nh.� -sampl 0- "or 'tc T)(p _e -If ,7 PN/A ........... 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant NIA NIA NIA Rot Only NIA mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only LbsfDay N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A m9A 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Aluminum, Total (as Al) NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-11) RF-C Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily N/A *CEL= 0 09 WRD2A-82 STATE OFWEST NR8|NIA Final Limitations ' ' NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OfFACILITY: CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 015 ' VVA8TELOAOFOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: ON. -i-NP Otfranletin Flow,in Conduit or thru plant NIA mgd Permit Limits NIA N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily pH N/A N/A Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only NIA S.U. 1/6 months Grab YearRound Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as AQ N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) Permit Limits N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Max. Dail Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily NIA CEL Comeliance Evaluation Level 171 Te ndermypirectiongo VAST ppie ' ` ' ^ ` ' ` ` ` ° d'. WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MASHIbIGTON YVORKS) E j DUPQNJ DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VVV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 016 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: .+,+i . v - 1„i f .. ;# : , .:_..{ ., 'tt .Q%nti gx. ,f y.... ,, ... i• � R J . � 5 a3v - a. ..... �•.(F�- 'a2;: 2 3 'b�{C' rtata¢ n. e 5! - 4 �._3 0#her Unl#s z t, ,,. ,. x� Y.. . Measurement Sam le .. t .ii t"2 t"� i€}s'.j't3'"`t .t-:[x'Tt 7,��s _ C' . �-,.� �'f- -y ! '' '�requericy Parameters4, ,igwsa�4� w,4;F xvS[i2v a =t �m g^s q 9 :t` t 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plank N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH NBA N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Aluminum, Total (as AI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NBA Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chem. oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily N/A * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level ..... _. ...,.,.-: ..:.. ,.. _. .. ..-: �< ... _..�. .-.,�r'vr: ..m .4-:-z°� _.c.:;a4c:a rr-.,. ,.� ... ... ,. _. .....; -s:•r ��1: ..::;° -- -- --- __ r WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MSIJINQIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 017 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: jkC.k cy`�F Y•x F.{i:�SKwti;9't'Y+4 �c :^' 'rY -„" - 4i: i N.: ' �Qttanti her Untts Measurement Sample v .,.=.^�j r, �� .z— 1 r � �f z 3' .>"„�ri �t r"` '� ..3•. .5`S>.. .t � z �•'3 §, ? , � �«.:._ ..'�` +.,: • cJ ar_, me. a , s , e ,Ue a T e k? �, aM:; x� i. ,:a:r• n t �.. s r CLUnitsty E . ,Fr. gCY�G> Yp sFJ •'}ati" 7 w-t' x $;<• `S'"<.w .. _..,•...�'t'i ,..+�sa , .i.x ,a y, (-c. .. x ir.... z :*'n er? 4$�.. ..;- .i ..'�. ,� �- �..+:. i.; r 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Fiow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only NIA mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NBA Rpt Only N/A mg/1 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 01045 (MLA) RF-C Reported Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/1 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily N/A * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level o Name=of. Pnnci at, Executivefflcer4` 1 �' Underfpenalto I a" ac t a d aq atfe ' eats +ere,prepred Date;Coli' ieted.b nder my �t a ar)Fdi.0 st(t a a f$ .st m tied nedrta assure that `w Y t 1 n uai fled perso net�tro er t n r# Mon su�,.b�tted� B*asedton� �tgnatt;re ®f��'nncl alfEzecuttve officer ®r '` `� ,i yrftiquiry�oflfipe. e a�� etal`t t rsos dgecti{p.,Y .? r-. .,c3 ,-a •-c :3� r.s _{+.. y�: ,�anS.,V f r :3- a :.n v... gyp. Fa; x ` }Altlhonzed A ent Fp �`, s o 5 esptinslbie<for ache t t fo . a a : f atitJ sub tttw--&. '.to=the:.best of in 9 Title of Officer y x f E , x rg ,> 9 Y: < i nowled e a d belie ra e. n t>? e3e�,k k 0 9 �. , dm a a there are sl ntflCaht O - .r .. rt 1°..t f+ ®.n. y-•.L, , o enaltles for subtnitttrlg fatse.I flu.. a to - dirigxjti par'stbittty of fine and r mprtsonmeniFfor knowing at� O r cn WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: 06,qHIMGjQM_WOgKSj E I DUPONT DE --F.MQURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: - WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 018 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00400 (ML-1) RF-C pH Year Round 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Aluminum, Total (as Al) Year Round 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Chloride (as CI) Year Round 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Iron, Total (As Fe) Year Round 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Chem. Oxygen Demand Year Round * CFI = 09 A- RK Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported NIA Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Lim Lbs/Day n .' �.' I -- , ram; Ow "W, NIA NIA Rpt Only Max. Daily N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only Inst. Min. Inst, Max. N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily NIA N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily NM111/6 NMI; NM-Ellifflor,7141111 . 0 �1/6 months mo t S ,1/6 months I is MM M � � � � WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIR8INIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: ' CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OFFACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VVV0001 279 OUTLET NO.: 019 VVA8TELOADFOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only NIA mg/l 1/6 months -6rab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max, Daily pH N/A N/A Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NIA Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily GEL = Comeliance Evaluation WRD 2A­82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (W ASHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS CO& _ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: V%fV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 020 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: w. 11 -.0 N t q� % 4 rMN R_;1 11 MR EL , W1.1 Bq pency, 4-R, 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits IN/A Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NIA Rpt Only NIA mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only NIA S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NIA Rpt Only NIA mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day I N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily I i Max. Daily 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily I jMax. Daily N/A * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level WRD 2A-82 STATE •` WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT ----------------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------- - --- - FACILITY NAME: (WASHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: ' WV0001279 • NO.: 021 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant NIA NIA Year Round Permit Limits 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids . N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH N/A N/A Year Round Permit Limits 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Aluminum, Total (as Ali N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as CI) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Iron, Total (As Fe) NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 0 0 Rpt Only Apt Only Inst. Min. ------------ Inst. Max. �" M N/A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (W6,gHINQIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMQUgS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 022 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00400 (ML-1) RF-C pH Year Round 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Aluminum, Total (as Al) Year Round 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Chloride (as Cl) Year Round 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Iron, Total (As Fe) Year Round -- - -------------- RF-C Chem. Oxygen Demand Year Round V. �VMMt""" Reported NIA NIA Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported NIA Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level �=IWMN:1/6months MOM ----------------------------- 1/6 months !Rpt Only 1/6 months M in. M 1 w A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINGTON)NQEKq) E I DUPONT DE NEMQUgS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 023 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00400 (ML-11) RF-C pH Year Round 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Aluminum, Total (as Al) Year Round 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Chloride (as Cl) Year Round 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Iron, Total (As Fe) Year Round 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Chem. Oxygen Demand Year Round R _ffl 0 01 N Owl 7. Reported N/A NIA Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level 1 /-6- mionths Rpt Only MIL 1/6 months Inst. Max. ------------- ---------- ------------- 1/6 months --- - -- ----- Mli- 1,1/6 months A'M ------------------------------- ------------------------- 1/6 months ------------ N/A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: MSHINGTON WORKS) E I DUEQNJ DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: ------ WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00400 (ML-1) RF-C pH Year Round 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Aluminum, Total (as Al) Year Round 00940 (ML-11) RF-C Chloride (as Cl) Year Round 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Iron, Total (As Fe) Year Round - ---------- 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Chem. Oxygen Demand Year Round i 9 01 I 0M. VNIA 11, 0,10411,11 MIX7.1, 1 f V0 -, -K, 7 rgo fq jq Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily * GEL = Compliance Evaluation Level I Rpt Only Max. Daily Rpt Only �., pt Only x. Daily MMO Rpt OnlyMax.Daily: Only MmRpt Max.Daily -'mI- Final Limitations Year Round 011001/6 months wM■ ffffl.W. R ��. NMI NMI NMI! 1/6 months 1 /6 mowths- 1/6 months M11 WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINQIQN YYQBKS) E I QUE!QNI DE NEMQUR,9 & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 025 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Flow,in Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00400 (ML-1) RF-C pH Year Round 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Aluminum, Total (as Al) Year Round 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Chloride (as Cl) Year Round 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Iron, Total (As Fe) Year Round 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Chem. Oxygen Demand Year Round 1 91 '41 Reported NIA N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily Reported N/A Rpt Only Permit Limits Max. Daily I; as WN,1_ N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily N/A NIA Rpt Only Max. Daily Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only Inst. Min. Inst. Max. N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily NIA N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily N/A NIA Rpt Only Max. Daily N/A N/A Rpt Only Max. Daily OWN" lml�m� lml�m� 101-100M.0 01101M �m M N/A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations # NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: _(WASHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE HEMOM Bi QQ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 026 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: vi..+i Y. i t >".. i .n.:.. .' :c :r-� h r {: ftuantt „'� .. :.p v:.. 0 o .. x ._.. .ONE_.. G R'3� P W i'4 'iti� { 4.2 : S'r51%ri 1 t t`� � -1-700 r;Uruts ; .. _ 4 _ ram+ i4":4 4F QQ 4 �,aSUlrerrtent5 .: irSampl0'F:: z. sY ?,. �Pr Aa'framete� r dLN. yay� $ f :1^ \�' /� `Ck: l�.{.IEL nit� ..i r-� J 4 ..:..,5� �1,, Ti 3 �F .ii�.i ;¢'�' ...:t z� A.;� 4.:. .:X'. _.'f`c:: _-'{ .v '4 'L.'.... f l 4'4k6}f$"YGL1F -',-t.;. {!. }-••T { 50050 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Flow,in Conduit or thou plant N/A N/A N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 116 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-C Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 01105 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 01045 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-C Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily N/A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: fflAqHINQjQN)NQgK8) E I DUPONT DE NFMQUE,9 & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VVV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 027 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (MIL-11) RF-C Flowin Conduit or thru plant �YearRound --------------------------- 00530 (ML-11) RF-C !,Total Suspended Solids 'Rpt Only Year Round - ------------------------ i '!Max. Daily . ......... 00400 i ipH i Year Round 01105 (ML-11) RF-C !,Aluminum, Total (as Al) Year Round 00940 (ML-1) RF-C Chloride (as CI) !Rpt Only Year Round -------------------- '!Max. Daily 010 45 (ML-1) RF-C Iron, Total (As Fe) I!Rpt Only Year Round ---------------- 'Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF_c :Chem. Oxygen Demand ,Year Round *CEL= 10 =7 ®RION Man Y. Only Inst. Min. ----------------- �Rpt Only M �Max.Daily ,1/6 months ------------------------ --------- .L- M 1/6 months MM N/A WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINQIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMQUgS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 028 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: I . W1 Z AM­0. w • 9, 7rcM4 ;�P-anar gM e Onjej 4. 1 � MII E I T, 1 'V 50050 (ML-1) RF-D Reported Flowjn Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA mgd 1/year Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-D Reported Total Suspended Solids NIA Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/year Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily 00400 (ML-1) RF-D Reported pH N/A NIA 6 N/A 9 N/A S.U. 1/year Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 0068.0 (ML-1) RF-D Reported Total Organic Carbon N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA mg/l 1/year Grab Permit Lim Year Round its Max. Daily Max. Daily 81017 (ML-1) RF-D Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/I 1/year Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily NIA N/A N/A * CEL = Cornoliance Evaluation Level WRD 2A-82 STATE 0FWEST 0RGIWIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OFFACILITY: VVASH|WQTOWWood C CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 029 VVA8TELOAOFOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: Ugh I Ei Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only N/A mgd 1/6 months Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Total Suspended Solids N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only NIA mg/I 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. 6aily pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. Aluminum, Total (as Al) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Chloride (as Cl) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Iron, Total (As Fe) N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA NIA Rpt Only N/A mg/l 116 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand N/A Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A NIA Rpt Only NIA mg/l 1/6 months Grab Year Round Permit Limits Max. Daily Max. Daily NIA °CEL=ComoUonceEvaluation Level WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: M65HINQjQN WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 102 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: ,,F. �7 z :f? R rf• ���`� f'h '�"`+.�i�-�L ,��°.`�w1ms.10 �, :;� x z(r4 3w � ..,.. tz x e zsv ° �� i =iNO:.��ti... {'^ .i� , ..K..�_ .t .:i• t hr... „<• Tr;�.. _ 50050 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A NIA N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA mgd 1 /month Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00310 (ML-1) RF-A Reported BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgtl 1 /month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/l 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00400 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 81017 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chem. oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/1 1 /month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 51065 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Ammonium Pereuorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/1 1/week Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A N/A 0 m. p n I o. 0 0 1 0 rn WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME:, WASHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMQUE,9 & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 50050 (ML-1) RF-A Flowin Conduit or thru plant Year Round 00310 (ML-11) RF-A BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 Year Round 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Total Suspended Solids Year Round 00610 (ML-11) RF-A Ammonia Nitrogen Year Round 74055 (ML-1) RF-A Coliform, Fecal Year Round 00400 (ML-1) RF-A pH Year Round 34423 (ML-1) RF-A Methylene Chloride Year Round 82581 (ML-11) RF-A pH, No. of Excursions >60 min. Year Round m A qgjw� m g g INN Reported NIA N/A Permit Limits Reported 431 1115 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 715 2178 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported 0.66 1.46 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0 Permit Limits Max. Daily * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level o rn XOCU iv#410% n C) C) C) C) 0) (.n Maz Lbs/Day 00Sloevi N/A Rpt Only 3.2 Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A 200 400 Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Rpt Only NIA Rpt Only Inst. Min. Inst. Max. NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A NIA N/A N/A = w. m M. ". WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: JMSHINGjQbj WORKS ) E I pUpOL4T QF UEMQUIRS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 82582 (ML-1) RF-A pH Excursions Total Time Year Round 39175 (ML-1) RF-G Viny4 Chloride Year Round 39180 (ML-1) RF-A Trichloroethylene Year Round 39700 (ML-1) RF-G Hexachlorobenzene Year Round 34030 (ML-1) RF-G Benzene Year Round 34571 (ML-1) RF-G 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Year Round 34586 (ML-1) RF-G 2-Chlorophenol Year Round 34591 (ML-1) RF-G 2-Nitrophenol Year Round * CEL = Comollance Ei 10, SEMEMEMME 7M Reported N/A N/A Permit Limits Reported 1.7 4.39 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.34 0.88 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.25 0.46 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.61 2.23 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.25 0.46 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.51 1.61 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Reported 0.67 1.13 Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily ROM REM OR! WIN 'Lmwv.A�@w NIA N/A 446 Monthly Total N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A 00 N/A �Em �um �om '| 'VVRD3A-82 STATE OFWEST VYRG|NU\ Final Limitations / NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round ' DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT �. FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: ` LOCATION OFFACILITY: |W8TONVVood CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: � PERMIT NO.: WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: MV NO 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.64 1.83 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 1.85 2,4-Dinitratoluene 4.67 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 1.16 24 hr 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2.01 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA nce/5 years Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily r Composite 4.18 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 10.5 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 4-Nitrophenol 1.18 2.03 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 1.28 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 4.54 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite Pyrene 0.41 1.1 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34475 (ML-1) RF-G Reported —fOnce/5 years I Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily °"= -~---"---- =-^-"--'--' 10, WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT ------------------ - --------- FACILITY NAME: MASHINGTON MRK,5) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: - WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VVV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: -DLimitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORINGREPORT FACILITY NAME: -(WASHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMQURq & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: ' 1 1 1 ,. OUTLET l 1 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMINGANALYSIS: 34336 (ML-1) RF-G Diethyl Phthalate Year Round 34341 (ML-1) RF-G Dimethyl Phthalate Year Round 34376 (ML-1) RF-G Fluoranthene Year Round 34381 (ML-1) RF-G Fluorene Year Round 34396 (ML-1) RF-G Hexachloroethane Year Round 34418 (ML-1) RF-A Methyl Chloride Year Round 34447 (ML-1) RF-G Nitrobenzene Year Round 34461 (ML-1) RF-G Phenanthrene Year Round __• 1.5 - • a •� iit R^" "Y - '- `I �. 0.77 Max. Daily .41 1.11 �''v g. Monthly Max. Daily 0.36 i .97 'Permit Limits • D. ily 0.34 --Avg. Monthly �. 1.41 Permit Limits Avg. Monthlyi ;lMaxI .......... + Avg. . D. ily 10.36 1, Avg. Monthly CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level _" ;. p Maine of i?nnclpaf,Exec606 Ciffit to Tltle'of Officer }` _4 o t.l 0 14 o rn co Only Rpt Only MoMRpt -Avg.Monthly Max.Daily • '1 . --� - . s . a - A :Max. Daily Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily nce/5 year Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Rpt Only Rpt Only !!Once/5 year Avg. Monthly ;Max. Daily • --� '. . `. Only ` Monthly IlllDaily rll----l-------f--- -- - - - _ Avg. Monthly WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (WASHINQIQN WORKS) F. I QUEQNJ 12E NEMQUES & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: R Q� -11,010 f OWN fiifi� 1MV, 4 9 4 e asureffidWg -Sam no w ;msgo R", TzOElEw It -,v NO R 34200 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Acenaphthylene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ug/l Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34205 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Acenaphthene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugn Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34215 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Acrylonitrife 1.57 3.96 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34220 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Anthracene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ug/I Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34242 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Benzo (K) Fluoranthene 0.36 0.97 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugn Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34247 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Benzo (A) Pyrene 0.38 1 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugn e/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 34301 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chlorobenzene 0.25 0.46 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34506 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1,1,-Tdchloroethane 0.34 0.88 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily I I I I WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: WASHItAGIQN WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOQR'q & CQ CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 'R --Y4- WN U V11 XRVAPRMS,--,� Mr. fiit�� X p. '14 A-51N "n 00-1 A N A; ift fRMMR%w WNW XUROW Hv� is FOnce/5 34511 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane 0.34 0.88 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34541 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichloropropane 2.51 3.77 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34606 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.29 0.59 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year.Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 39110 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Di-n-butyl Phthalate 0.44 0.93 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 32103 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,2-Dichloroethane 1.11 3.46 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/I Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34694 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Phenol, Single Compound 0.25 0.43 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 79531 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 3,4 Benzofluoranthene 0.38 1 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ugA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 85811 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Chloroethane 1.7 4.39 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA Once/5 years Grab Year Round IPermit Limits , Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly IMax. Daily I WRD 2A-82 STATE OFWEST VIRGIWIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: VVH8 CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: VVV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 VVAGTELOADFOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: VM Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Total Organic Carbon Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day YearRound Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly IMax. Daily ~ VIM NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only Monthly Max. Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Monthly Geo. Max. Dail N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A Ript Only Rpt Only IMax. Monthly Daily 011000106 NEI ME OWN MENEM NEI ME OWN MENEM 0 - nc - e - / - 5 years A M 0 0 WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME: (W6SHINGTON WORKS) E I DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 105 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: "pi Rarameter2. Alaw 7. U "M 01 v 0 gtggg, 4- N&. if _t_ -'s 7Q. 51044 (ML-1) RF-G Reported 1,3 Dichloropropylene 0.47 0.72 Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ug/l Once/5 years Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 34391 (ML-1) RF-G Reported Hexachlorabutadiene 0.33 0.8 Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A UgA Once/5 years 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 51065 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only NIA ug/I 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A N/A N/A N/A ------------------------- ------- -------- - ------ * CEL = Compliance Evaluation Level WRD 2A-82 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Final Limitations I IC NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Year Round DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FACILITTRAITIE: MASHINGTON WORKa3 E I DUPONT DE ImME6111 LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 205 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: iVteasurement 'Sample X RIRW_ '­CEL*"f' Uh ii E&_ U P 50050 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only measured Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A N/A N/A NIA mgd 1/month Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Reported 35 70 Grab Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A mgA 1/month Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00400 (ML-11) RF-A Reported N/A Rpt Only Grab pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/month Year Round Permit Limits linst. Min. Inst. Max. 34423 (ML-11) RF-A Reported Grab Methylene Chloride Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A 36 170 NIA ugA 1/month Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Dail 01055 (ML-1) RF-A Reported 2 4 Grab Manganese, Total Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A N/A mgA 1/month Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00940 (ML-11) RF-A Reported Rpt Only Rpt Only Chloride (as Cl) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA N/A mgA 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 01045 (L-11) RF-A Reported Grab Iron, Total (As Fe) Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA 3.5 7 N/A mg/l 1/month Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily N/A *CEL= STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA III I 1 9 1 Z4 19 Lei Nq - 0 - Final Limitations Year Round FACILITY NAME: MASHINGTON WORKS) E I QUEQUI DE NEMOURS & CO CERTIFIED LABORATORY NAME: LOCATION OF FACILITY: -WASHINGTON; Wood County CERTIFIED LABORATORY ADDRESS: PERMIT NO.: _WV0001279 OUTLET NO.: 305 WASTELOAD FOR THE MONTH OF: INDIVIDUAL PERFORMING ANALYSIS: 6, ahtiomnsaftlew r;Uh"it'S,r,' V� 4 A -ain EO' IN/A 50050 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Flow,in Conduit or thru plant N/A NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A m9d 1/month Estimated Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily 00310 (ML-1) RF-A Reported BOD, 5-Day 20 Deg.0 Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day N/A Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mg/1 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00530 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Total Suspended Solids Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 00400 (ML-1) RF-A Reported pH N/A N/A Rpt Only N/A Rpt Only N/A S.U. 1/month Grab Year Round Permit Limits Inst. Min. Inst. Max. 81017 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Chem. Oxygen Demand Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A mgA 1/month 24 hr Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Composite 51065 (ML-1) RF-A Reported Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Rpt Only Rpt Only Lbs/Day NIA Rpt Only Rpt Only N/A ugA 1/week Grab Year Round Permit Limits Avg. Monthly Max. Daily Avg I . Monthly Max. Daily I- - N/A -------------------- t ------------------------ I NIA * CEL = ComDliance Evaluation Level 10, 1. Duty to Comply a) The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit Permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the CWA and State Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit modification, revocation and reissuance, suspension or revocation; or for denial of a permit renewal application. b) The permittee shall comply with all effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the CWA for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions, even if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. 2. Duty to Reapply If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after the expiration date of this permit, the permittee must apply for a new permit at least 180 days prior to expiration of the permit 3. Duty to Mitigate The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this permit, which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment 4. Permit Actions This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, suspended, or revoked for cause. The filing of a request by the permittee for permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or revocation, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance, does not stay any permit condition. 5. Property Rights This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort or any exclusive privilege. 6. Signatory Requirements All applications, reports, or information submitted to the Director shall be signed and certified as required in Title 47, Series 10, Section 4.6 of the West Virginia Legislative Rules. 7. Transfers This permit is not transferrable to any person except after notice to the Director. The Director may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name of the permittee and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary. 8. Duty to Provide Information The permittee shall furnish to the Director, within a reasonable specified time, any information which the Director may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, suspending, or revoking this permit, or to determine compliance with this permit The permittee shall also furnish to the Director, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit 9. Other Information Where the permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or information. 10. Inspection and Entry The permittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to: a) Enter upon the permittee's premises in which an effluent source or activity is located, or where records must be kept under the conditions of this permit; b) Have access to and copy at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit; C) Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and d) Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the State Act any substances or parameters at any location. 11. Permit Modification This permit may be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part during its term in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 22-11-12 of the Code of West Virginia. 12. Water Quality Subject to 47 WV CSR 10.3.4.a, the effluent or effluents covered by this permit are to be of such quality so as not to cause violation of applicable water quality standards adopted by the Environmental Quality Board. 13. Outlet Markers A permanent marker at the establishment shall be posted in accordance with Title 47, Series 11, Section 9 of the West Virginia Legislative Rules. 14. Liabilities a) Any person who violates a permit condition implementing sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the Clean Water Act is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 per day of such violation. Any person who willfully or negligently violates permit conditions implementing sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308 or 405 of the Clean Water Act is subject to a fine of not less than $2,500 nor more than $25,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment for not more than I year, or both. b) Any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or by both. C) Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit; including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or by both. d) Nothing in I.14 a), b), and c) shall be construed to limit or prohibit any other authority the Director may have under the State Water Pollution Control Act, Chapter 22, Article 11. DEQ-CFW-00047076 Proper Operation and Maintenance The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls, and appropriate quality assurance procedures. Unless otherwise required by Federal or State law, this provision requires the operation of back-up auxiliary facilities or similar systems which are installed by the permittee only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit For domestic waste treatment facilities, waste treatment operators as classified by the WV Bureau of Public Health Laws, W. Va. Code Chapter 16-1, will be required except that in circumstances where the domestic waste treatment facility is receiving any type of industrial waste, the Director may require a more highly skilled operator. 2. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of the permit. !a= - 4. Upset a) Definitions (1) "Bypass" means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility; and (2) "Severe property damage" means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. b) Bypass not exceeding limitations. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provision of II.3.c) and H.Id) of this permit C) (1) If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice, if possible at least ten (10) days before the date of the bypass; (2) If the permittee does not know in advance of the need for bypass, notice shall be submitted as required in TV.2.b) of this permit d) Prohibition of bypass (1) Bypass is permitted only under the following conditions, and the Director may take enforcement action against a permittee for a bypass, unless; (A) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; (B) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgement to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; and (C) The permittee submitted notices as required under 111c) of this permit (2) The Director may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the Director determines that it will meet the three conditions listed in 113.d.(I) of this permit a) Definition. "Upset" means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology -based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. b) Effect of an upset An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology -based permit effluent limitation if the requirements of HA.c) are met No determination made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is final administrative action subject to judicial review. C) Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: (1) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; (2) The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; (3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in IV.2.b) of this permit. (4) The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under 1.3. of this permit. d) Burden of proof In any enforcement proceeding the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. 5. Removed Substances Where removed substances are not otherwise covered by the terms and conditions of this permit or other existing permit by the Director, any solids, sludges, filter backwash or other pollutants (removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters) and which are intended for disposal within the State, shall be disposed of only in a manner and at a site subject to the approval by the Director. If such substances are intended for disposal outside the State or for reuse, i.e., as a material used for making another product, which in turn has another use, the permittee shall notify the Director in writing of the proposed disposal or use of such substances, the identity of the prospective disposer or users, and the intended place of disposal or use, as appropriate. DEQ-CFW-00047077 1. Representative Sampling Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity. 2. Reporting a) Permittee shall submit, according to the enclosed format, a Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) indicating in terms of concentration, and/or quantities, the values of the constituents listed in Part A analytically determined to be in the plant effluent(s). DMR submissions shall be made in accordance with the terms contained in Section C of this permit b) Enter reported average and maximum values under "Quantity" and "Concentration" in the units specified for each parameter, as appropriate. C) Specify the number of analyzed samples that exceed the allowable permit conditions in the columns labeled "N.E." (i.e., number exceeding). d) Specify frequency of analysis for each parameter as number of analyses/specified period (e.g.,3/month is equivalent to 3 analyses performed every calendar month). If continuous, enter "Cons". The frequency listed on format is the minimum required. 3. Test Procedures Samples shall be taken, preserved and analyzed in accordance with the latest edition of 40 CFR Part 136, unless other test procedures have been specified elsewhere in this permit Recording of Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the permit the permittee shall record the following information. a) The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurement; b) The date(s) analyses were performed; 0 The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurement; d) The individual(s) who performed the analyses; if a commercial laboratory is used, the name and address of the laboratory; C) The analytical techniques or methods used, and f) The results of such analyses. Information not required by the DMR form is not to be submitted to this agency, but is to be retained as required in 111.6. 5. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant at any monitoring point specified in this permit more frequently than required by this permit, using approved test procedures or others as specified in this permit the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Discharge Monitoring Report Form. Such increased frequency shall also be indicated. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in the permit 6. Records Retention The pennittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for the permit for a period of at least three (3) years from the date of the sample, measurement report or application. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time. 7. Definitions a) "Daily discharge" means the discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or within any specified period that reasonably represents the calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants with limitations expressed in units of mass, the daily discharge is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of measurement the daily discharge is calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant over the day. b) "Average monthly discharge limitation" means the highest allowable average of daily discharges over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar month divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that month. C) "Maximum daily discharge limitation" means the highest allowable daily discharge. d) "Composite Sample" is a combination of individual samples obtained at regular intervals over a time period. Either the volume of each individual sample is proportional to discharge flow rates or the sampling interval (for constant volume samples) is proportional to the flow rates over the time period used to produce the composite. The maximum time period between individual samples shall be two hours. C) "Grab Sample" is an individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes. f) "is" = immersion stabilization - a calibrated device is immersed in the effluent strewn until the reading is stabilized. 9) The "daily average temperature" means the arithmetic average of temperature measurements made on an hourly basis, or the mean value plot of the record of a continuous automated temperature recording instrument, either during a calendar month, or during the operating month if flows are of shorter duration. h) The "daily maximum temperature" means the highest arithmetic average of the temperatures observed for any two (2) consecutive hours during a 24 hour day, or during the operating day if flows are of shorter duration. i) The "monthly average fecal coliform" bacteria is the geometric average of all samples collected during the month. j) "Measured Flow" means any method of liquid volume measurement the accuracy of which has been previously demonstrated in engineering practice, or which a relationship to absolute volume has been obtained. k) "Estimate" means to be based on a technical evaluation of the sources contributing to the discharge including, but not limited to pump capabilities, water meters and batch discharge volumes. 1) 'Non -contact cooling water" means the water that is contained in a leak -free system, i.e., no contact with any gas, liquid, or solid other than the container for transport; the water shall have no net poundage addition of any pollutant over intake water levels, exclusive of approved anti- fouling agents. DEQ-CFW-00047078 rViffe-yFf ��1< 1. Reporting Spills and Accidental Discharges Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities or penalties established pursuant to Title 47, Series 11, Section 2 of the West Virginia Legislative Rules promulgated pursuant to Chapter 22, Article 11. Attached is a copy of the West Virginia Spill Alert System for use in complying with Tide 47, Series 11, Section 2 of the Legislative rules as they pertain to the reporting of spills and accidental discharges. Immediate Reporting a) The permittee shall report any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment immediately after becoming aware of the circumstances by using the Agency's designated spill alert telephone number. A written submission shall be provided within five (5) days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. b) The following shall also be reported immediately: (1) Any unanticipated bypass which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit; (2) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in the permit; and (3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants listed by the Director in the permit to be reported immediately. This list shall include any toxic pollutant or hazardous substance, or any pollutant specifically identified as the method to control a toxic pollutant or hazardous substance. C) The Director may waive the written report on a case -by -case basis if the oral report has been received in accordance with the above. d) Compliance with the requirements of IV.2 of this section, shall not relieve a person of compliance with Title 47, Series 11, Section 2. ReportingRequirements a) Planned changes. The permittee shall give notice to the Director of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility which may affect the nature or quantity of the discharge. Notice is required when: (1) The alteration or addition to a permitted facility may meet one of the criteria for determining whether a facility is a new source in Section 13.7.b of Series 10, Title 47; or (2) The alteration or addition could significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of pollutants discharged. This notification applies to pollutants which are subject neither to effluent limitations in the permit nor to notification requirements under IV.2 of this section. Anticipated noncompliance. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Director of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit requirements. In addition to the above reporting requirements, all existing manufacturing, commercial, and silvicultural discharges must notify the Director in writing as soon as they know or have reason to believe: (1) That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in the discharge, on a routine or frequent basis, or any toxic pollutant which is not limited in the permit if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following "notification levels": (A) One hundred micrograms per liter (100 ug/1); (B) Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 ug/1) for acrolein and acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per liter (500 ug/1) for 2,4-dinitro phenol; and for 2-methyl 4,6-dinitrophenol; and one milligram per liter (I mg/l) for antimony; (C) Five (5) times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application in accordance with Section 4.4.b.9 of Series 10, Tide 47. (D) The level established by the Director in accordance with Section 6.3.g of Series 10, Title 47; (2) That any activity has occurred or will occur which would result in any discharge (on a non -routine or infrequent basis) of a toxic which is not limited in the permit if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following "notification levels": (A) Five hundred micrograms per liter (500 ug/1); (B) One milligram per liter (I mg1l) for antimony; (C) Ten (10) times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application in accordance with Section 4.4.b.7 of Series 10, Title 47; (D) The level established by the Director in accordance with Section 6.3.g of Series 10, Title 47. (3) That they have begun or expect to begin to use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or by-product of any toxic pollutant which was not reported in the permit application under Section 4.4.b.9 of Series 10, Title 47 and which will result in the discharge on a routine or frequent basis of that toxic pollutant at levels which exceed five times the detection limit for that pollutant under approved analytical procedure. (4) That they have begun or expect to begin to use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or by-product of any toxic pollutant which was not reported in the permit application under Section 4.4.b.9 of Series 10, Title 47 and which will result in the discharge on a non -routine or infrequent basis of that toxic pollutant at levels which exceed ten times the detection limit for that pollutant under approved analytical procedure. Other Noncompliance The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under the above paragraphs at the time monitoring reports are submitted. The reports shall contain the information listed in rV.2.a). Should other applicable noncompliance reporting be required, these terms and conditions will be found in Section C of this permit. DEQ-CFW-00047079 Division of Water and Waste Management 414 Summers Street, Second Floor Charleston, West Virginia 25301 Phone (304) 558-4086 0 Fax (304) 558-5903 West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Bob Wise Stephanie R. Timmermeyer Governor Cabinet Secretary The 1999 regular session of the West Virginia legislature revised the Water Pollution Control A Chapter 22, Article 11, Section 10 of the Code of West Virginia relating to fees associated with permits. Ilut'on ated w it Contro h perm A s. This section of the Code requires all holders of a State water pollution control permit or a national pollutant discharge elimination system permit to be assessed an annual permit fee, based upon rules promulgated by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection. The Secretary has promulgated a final rule in accordance with the code revision to this effect and these rules were effective Ma7 j I to t y A 2000. The rules establish an annual permit -fee based upon the relative potential to degrade the • f kI&, A.it of discharge. However.• the annual permit fee is based upon the number of customers served by the facility. You may contact the Secretary of State's Office, State Capitol Building, Charleston, WV 25305, to obtain a copy of the rules. The reference is Title 47, Legislative Rules, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources, Series 26 Water Pollution Control Permit Fee Schedules. I Based upon the volume of discharge for which your facility is currently permitted, the number Of customers served by your facility or for the category you fall within, pursuant to Section 7 of Title 47, Series 26, your annual permit fee is $5000.00. This fee is due no later than the anniversary date of permi issuance in each year of the term of the permit or in the case of coverage under a general permit, the fee i due no later than the anniversary date of your coverage under the general permit. You will be invoiced &i submit the annual fee within ninetyJ90) d of the due date will render your permit void upon the date you are mailed a certified written notice to that eY.e c t. West Virginia Department "Promoting a healthy environmental' Mip of Environmental Protection 4- DEQ-CFW-00047080 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SPILL ALERT SYSTEM Title 47, Series 11, Section 2 of the West Virginia Legislative Rules, Environmental Protection, Water Resources - Waste Management, Effective July 1, 1994. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPORTING: Each and every person who may cause or be responsible for any spill or accidental discharge of pollutants into the waters of the State shall give immediate notification to the Division of Water and Waste Managemenfs Emergency Notification Number, 1-800-642-3074. Such notification shall set forth insofar as possible and as soon thereafter as practical the time and place of such spill or discharge, type or types and quantity or quantities of the material or materials therein, action or actions taken to stop such spill or discharge and to minimize the polluting effect thereof, the measure or measures taken or to be taken in order to prevent a recurrence of any such spill or discharge and such additional information as may be requested by the Division of Water and Waste Management. -Xis zk�t Fy,2rlies ti�qills u, Ae wzte?s*f v%e fAzte resOtia& ti-m zccifeat-v t+ c4,muij c?---2�ers )r.y Xi&Xw2y, r7il ?M- water. It shall be the responsibility of each industrial establishment or other entity discharging directly to a stream. to have available the following information pertaining to those substances that are employed or handled in its operation in sufficiently large amounts as to constitute a haza d in case of an accidental spill or discharge into a public stream: (1) Potential toxicity in water to man, animals and aquatic life; (2) Details on analytical procedures for the quantitative estimation of such substances in water and (3) Suggestions on safeguards or other precautionary measures to nullify the toxic effects of a substance once it has gotten into a stream. Failure to fiunish such information as required by Section 14, Article 11, Chapter 22, Code of West Virginia may be punishable under Section 24, Article 11, Chapter 22, and/or Section 22, Article 11, Chapter 22, Code of West Virginia. . When the Director determines it necessary for the effective containment and abatement of spills and accidental discharges, the Director may require the person or persons responsible for such spill or discharge to monitor affected waters in a manner prescribed by the Director until the possibility of any adverse effect on the waters of the State no longer exists. I I - I W I I I A I T -, -31-11RRVU -1 M W1=1 ,I)THERS: In cases involving river and highway accidents where the responsible party may or may not be available to report the incident, law officers, U. S. Coast Guard, Lock Masters and other interested person(s) should make the report. INFORMATION NEEDED: - Source of spill or discharge - Location of incident - Time of dent - Material spilled or discharged - Amount spilled or discharged - Personnel at the scene - Actions initiated - Shipper/Manufacturer identification - Railcar/Truck identification number - Container type DEQ-CFW-00047081 r i •r � e r r � i r rr` i:• �r rrr ri r r -anirleveU Dy to tiler r� r i .r• r by r, APPEAL on the form prescribed by Board for this purpose, the Board, in accordance with the provisions of 1r; 21, Article 11, Chapter 22of ie Codeof r< days after the date of r of rr permit. DEQ-CFW 00047082