HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00046917Kuraray American does not have a NPDES wastewater permit from NC. The company name and Permit
No. NC0003573 on the EPA website apply to Chemours. NC is working with US EPA to get this corrected.
Kuraray and DuPont are tenants at the Chemours facility and Chemours receives, treats, and discharges
all wastewaters from the facility.
Chemours samples legacy PFOA upstream of its water intake and a review of data from 5-4-2016 thru 4-
12-2017 shows 74% of the PFOA discharged from Chemours' Outfall 002 originates from upstream
sources (legacy PFOA). Chemours believes the small additional loading of PFOA in their effluent results
from how the molecular structure of the PFOA is effected by Chemours wastewaters. This will be
evaluated as the part of the permit renewal process. A review of the Chemours' effluent data from 5-4-
2016 thru 4-12-2017 shows the average discharge of PFOA from Chemours' Outfall 002 is 0.014 ug/L or
14 ng/L. This value is well below the US EPA established lifetime health advisory level of 70 ng/L for the
sum of PFOA and PFOS. Low legacy PFAS are consistent with the findings of the US EPA UCMR3 data
collected in this part of the Cape Fear. Chemours' discharge makes up less than 3.3°% of the total Cape
Fear River flow during summer low -flow conditions.
DEQ-CFW 00046917