Sent: 7/26/I0I75:55:I0PW1
To: Smith, Emily ].[5mbhImi|y@epa.gmv]
CC: Maguire, Megan [Maguine.K8egan@Pepa.Xov]; |inco|n]arry`@epa.gov Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXe
Administrative Group (FYD|8OHF23SPDO)/cn=Recipients/cn=cee9]c49dO1445a3b54Ibb327dcdcQ4O-jbkrhzer]
Subject: RE: Advance ofNCDEOipress release?
Attachments: 6enXrelease DRAFT O727%OI7V.3.docx
Hi Emily,
| spoke earlier with Larry Lincoln and kmnnod he did not receive the draft | omoiled to you both yesterday. |'m guessing
you did not r000km K either, but the press ro|oeoo has changed substantially since then. |\m attached u copy to this email
for your review. Please let meknow ifyou have any questions.
Thank you,
Bridget Munger
Public Information Officer
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
919-807-6363 office
919-207-7786 mobile
1812Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
From: Smith,Emi|y].[maiho:Smkh.Emi|y@epa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, July 26 20172:50PK4
To: Munger, Bridget «brid0et.mun0er@nodenr.gov>
Cc: Maguire, Megan <Ma8uire. Megan@epa.8ov>;Kritzer, Jamie /jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.8ov>
Subject: Advance ofNCDEC\press release?
Importance: High
Onour Gen Xteleconference yesterday with EPA and N[DEQ, it was mentioned that N[DE{lwould beissuing apress
release today with Gen X analysis results. Linda Culpepper mentioned that you would be able to share an advance copy
of the press release with EPA. Will you still be able to provide us an advance copy?
Even if you're still drafting the press release and all the final data isn't in it, it would still be helpful for us to have a sense
ofthe communications regarding this.
I understand that our lab will be sharing our results with NCDEQ, most likely later this afternoon.
Thanks much!
Emily ]. Smith
Communications Director
EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory
lU9TVV.Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC, J7711