HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00081003From: insider@ncinsider.com [insider@ncinsider.com]
Sent: 7/25/2017 4:00:47 AM
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: Insider for July 25, 2017
* Today,_-, lnside�- (PDF)
"What caught my eye when reading the budget was that it was a downtown revitalization grant
for an area that I didn't believe had ever been incorporated."
News Summary
Legislative Redistricting
Plaintiffs who successfully challenged the state's legislative districts are asking a federal panel to
require lawmakers to draw new maps by August 11, and to hold new elections in March, before
the next regularly scheduled legislative session.
Meanwhile, the plaintiffs say state lawmakers lost their authority to pass bills or override vetoes
after 3une 30, when the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that the state's voting districts are
unconstitutional went into effect. Those arguments are part of the plaintiff's latest filing in the
Covington v N.C. case, scheduled for a hearing Thursday in the U.S. Middle District in Greensboro.
The three -judge panel that declared the maps unconstitutional and ordered lawmakers to draw
new ones in 2016 will now hear arguments about how quickly the process should happen.
Foxconn Technology• i is still considering North Carolinapossible location for
manufacturing facility, Secretary rny Copeland said in . TV interview• • f
last Thursday. Copeland, who's been leading the state's economic development efforts since
told program had talks with the company.
reports- mentioned a numberof - running forthe Wall Street
3ournal reporting Monday that Wisconsin is the leading candidate. Reports say the company plans
to employ around 000 p-•r
"It is being considered," C#i- r said. "Does• e know whatgoing on
project? : • They been - and we have dealt with them."
Asked personally been rcompany,Copeland said "yes." The Associated
recentlyPress -i• -• that seven states are in the running for the Foxconnproject, but its list • f
not include North Carolina. The AP story says the company will "announce plans to develop
operations in at - 'e statesby •
Copeland discussed North Carolina'sprograms during the interview• •
-critical ofa Senate • 'Iproposedthis year that would redirect
incentives from urban counties to encourage companies to move to poorer counties. Copeland
pointed out . 0 to 70 percent of -w jobs in the state are located in the Triangle and Charlotte
DEQ-CFW 00081004
was not involved in drafting this portion of the budget. House Democratic Leader Darren 3ackson
was critical of • designated for n .
aheadDollar defended the money, adding that the state probably should have informed the communities
of - picked to receive funds.r•n't know of • rs
have some • of project or of projects that they could use somefunding • said.
"I'm sure • - counties will work with those communities and be able to put those funds towards
the appropriate purposes."
The earmarks sidestep traditional downtown funding programs r I Carolina's
Solution Fund, a competitive grant with rigorous planning and accountability processes, including a
requirement • _s come up with . two -to -one funding match. This year, the
legislature budgeted 1/ 0 • the grants,f last year none
• - of the reasons why the Main Street program • successful is that youto show you
commitment,have • have a plan, that there is infrastructure and support in • . . •
Beth Gargan, assistant secretary of • • for - state -r. - of
Commerce.+ • • THE NEWS : is
Courtof •r- •f- 3ohn A, • ••d who was appointed to fill a court
announced Monday that he plans to run for a full term in 2018. Gov. Roy Cooper appointed
Arrowood to the seat after 3udge Doug McCullough, a Republican who was expected to retire at
the end of decided to retire early and give Cooper the power to appoint replacement.
McCullough said he resigned early so his departure • • begin the process of f the
court• to 12 judges,part of a newproposed by -• - Republicans.
Arrowood, a Charlotte Democrat, had previously served on the court from 2007 to 2008. "As a
candidate • • I of Appeals ••- ' make this promise: f I will work. • and will
render- fairly • impartially without•, s any party or • the Arrowood said
in a news release • f.INSIDER,
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DEQ-CFW 00081007
majority, so those lines will be drawn pretty much based on what the Republican leadership, who
is the majority party, wants, and they probably already have them ready," Fa rmer- Butterfield
Smith -Ingram 'f for i f.legislativedistrictsbased on groupings of i are
already -f by •major 1 fsimilar economicand
41 minute drive forto get •Northampton• •the easternmost point
in my district geographically," she said. "That is a huge geographic area that takes a lot of
finances to be able •serve and represent."
While the new districts could erode Republicans' partisan advantage, Smith -Ingram acknowledged
that dispersing black voters and double -bunking Democrats also could reduce the number of
African -American -lawmakers.r be able •elect of •ur choice,but they
won'to rsaid.
Former Gov. 3im Hunt, who attendedthe Sunday• . -fNorth
Carolina'slegislative redistricting process "th- most crucial1 going on America •f
"If we get theseconstitutional districts, f•id ones, fairones,going 1 toseeour
legislators•f. -chairmanshipsandthe Housedon't have a
chance for now," Hunt said. "These would be great leaders right here, and I know it. I look
• . f tocalling you ., . ."(CoreyFriedman,O,
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DEQ-CFW 00081008
A new investment in the roadway light fixtures on North Carolina's major interstates and highways
will greatly improve • irists' nighttime visibility, according to the North. • . Department i'
Transportation. The $30.8 million contract awarded by the NCDOT will allow for the upgrades of
• - than 10,600 roadway light_ • - than 350 locations• plan
includes interstates such as 1-95, 1-40, 1-77 and 1-85, as well as 1-440, 1-540 and the Triangle
Expressway in the Raleigh -Durham ' andCharlotte,Triad, and
i, •, around Asheville.
Several non -interstate highways•. • the state will also see lighting improvements.
• • calls forf• .• 1 more than 12,000building lights,III • those at rest stops
I visitor centers around the state, in addition • weigh stationsand county
Officials assert that the new, longer -lasting LED lightsmoney,
resulting in more • million in reduced electrical and maintenance costsover 15 years.
The project I's the installation of • and control system that support
of the lights and save and measure energy usage and lower costs. Construction work is scheduled
to start in September of 2017, with the initial locations still being determined. The light and
equipment installation should wrap up in November 2018.(WRAL NEWS, 7/24/17).
DEQ-CFW 00081011
Management Trust Fund, the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, the federal Land and Water Trust
Fund and other sources.
In addition to Black River, the bill includesthe development of other state •.Bob's
Pocket i -County;. Robeson C•Salmon
Creek State Natural Area in Bertie County,• American occupation
containing prehistoric and historic archaeological sites.(Chris Berendt, THE SAMPSON
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DEQ-CFW 00081012
N.C. Government Meetings and Hearings
FmIld r!m
•'Code Officials Qualification Board holds public hearing on proposed
changes, 1st Floor Hearing Room, Room 131 (Albemarle Building), 325 N. Salisbury St.,
p.m. I The Board Development C• -- of •rth Carolina Partnership for Children
meets, 1100 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh. Contact: Yvonne Huntley, 919-821-9573.
Raleigh.9 a.m. I The Wildlife Resource Commission committees meet, Commission Room, 5th Floor,
1751 Varsity Dr.,
9 a.m. I The NC Wildlife Resources Commission meets, WRC Centennial Campus, 1751
Varsity Dr., Raleigh.
12 p.m. I The N.C. State Board of Elections hold public hearing on proposed rule changes,
State Board of Elections Office, 441 N. Harrington St., Raleigh.
12 li The UNC Board of • - •rs' Committee on • .I • .l Planning, Policies,and
Programs, Board Room of the Center for School Leadership Development, 140 Friday
Center Dr., Chapel Hill. Contact: 3osh Ellis, 919-962-4629.
Golden LEAF• •. • board meets,:l. • I .ct: 3enny Tinklepaugh,::
10:30 a.m. I The Criminal 3ustice Education and Training Standards Commission holds public
on proposed rule changes,aCollege-PublicTraining Center, 321 Chapanoke Road, Raleigh.
Review Commissionmeets,Administrative Hearings
Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh.
DEQ-CFW 00081013
•' ..m. I Environmental Management• in meets, Ground Floor
Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh.
9 a.m. I Environmental Management Commission meets, Ground Floor Hearing Room,
Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh.
Standard • - • License Eligibility•. • to the N.C. Division
of Marine Fisheries meets, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries' Wilmington District Office, 127
North Cardinal Dr. Extension,Wilmington.
m. r
• TBD I The Golden LEAF Foundation's board meets, TBD. Contact: Jenny Tinklepaugh, 888-
• TBD I The NC Wildlife Resources Commission meets, WRC Centennial Campus, 1751 Varsity
Dr., Raleigh.
• a.m. I Environmental nt Commission meets,• • Floor
Archdale Building, i Raleigh.
• a.m. I Environmental nt Commission meets,• • Floor
Archdale Building, i Raleigh.
• UA 0•' sE
10 a.m. I The N.C. Rules Review Commission meets, Administrative Hearings office, Rules
Review Commission Room, 1711 New Hope Church Road, Raleigh.
•. r
• TBD I The Golden LEAF Foundation's board meets, TBD. Contact: 3enny Tinklepaugh, 888-
68 I r 0 I
• TBD I The NC Wildlife Resources Commission meets, 1751 Varsity Dr., Raleigh.
,- r-
DEQ-CFW 00081014
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♦ ..m. I Environmental Managementi •n meets, Ground Floor
Archdale Building, i Raleigh.
Archdale9 a.m. I Environmental Management Commission meets, Ground Floor Hearing Room,
d 1 512 N. SalisburyRaleigh.
6 p.m. I The N.C. Division of Water Resources hold public meeting on Atlantic Coast Pipeli
Water Quality Certification, • • ef' Cumberland Hall
Auditorium at 2201 Hull Rd., Fayetteville. i
Certification,6 p.m. I The N.C. Division of Water Resources hold public meeting on Atlantic Coast Pipeli
Water Quality •:'munity College Brown Auditorium1
Carriage Road, Rocky Mount. i
p.m. I The state Departmenton Air Quality holdspublic • concerning incorporatioix
of 2015 Ozone Ambient Standard and Reacloption, 2145 Suttle Ave., Charlotte.
11' C6Ti7.hymmkW91
• Staff Conference
• Staff Conference
• Staff Conference
DEQ-CFW 00081015
* Staff Conference
* Staff Conference
12 p.m. I The Board of Governors' Committee on Educational Planning, Policies, and
Programs, Board Room of the Center for School Leadership Development, 140 Friday
Center Dr., Chapel Hill.
1 IF
2:30 p.m. I Gov. Roy Cooper to sign Senate Bill 55 into law, Lakeforest Elementary
School, 3300 Briarcliff Dr, Greenville.
D I The NC Bankers• • • 81st Annual NC Schoolof . f William & Id'2
• .y Center, UNC-Chapel Hill. The conferenceconcludes • , a •
No time given I U.S. Small Business Administration deadline for businesses, private nonprofit
organizations, • e f renters in North. • • submit disaster loan
applications • damages causef by i on
a a
No Time Given I The 77th Annual. I f .l Folk Festivalopens in Downtown Greensboro for
its third year in the state. Contact: Kaitlin Smith, 336-373-7523, ext 246.
TBD I The NC Bankers Association hold Young Bankers Conference,• PlazaAsheville
Hilton10 a.m. I The Carolinas Air Pollution Control Association hold Technical Workshop and Forum,
Beach oBeach f Dr., Myrtle Beach.
CharlotteTBD I The NC Bankers Association hold Women in Banking Conference, Renaissanc4
f f srk, 5501 Carnegie Blvd.,Charlotte.
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DEQ-CFW 00081017