HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00065656• 0 Page 1 of 2 FUGITIVE EMISSION LEAK RATES FOR PROCESS EQUIPMENT Fugitive emission studies have been done on a number of DuPont facilities and the measurements were considerable lower than emission factors recommended by the EPA for SOCMI chemical processes. These screening and bagging data have been used to establish "typical" emission factors from DuPont facilities. The data separated into three categories of emission levels for "as found" emissions form plants who were not involved in WAR programs. As a result of this effort, three sets of DuPont factors were developed: "superior", "excellent", and "good." The superior factors are typical of processes that contain extremely hazardous materials, i.e. phosgene (COC 12), chlorine (C 12), and. hydrogen fluoride (HF). A set of example questions to help guide DuPont sites as to when to use the different categories was also developed and is discussed in the next section. The three categories represent the range found at DuPont facilities, but still are much lower than EPA SOCMI factors. EMMISION FACTORS (Ib/hr/component) COMPONENT SERVICE SUPERIOR EXCELLENT GOOD EPA SOCMIa Pump Seals Light Liquid xxxxx 0.00115 0.0075 0.0439 Pump Seals Heavy Liquid xxxxx 0.00115 0.0075 0.0190 Valves Gas xxxxx 0.00039 0.00549 0.0132 Valves Light Liquid xxxxx 0.00036 0.00352 0.0889 Valves Heavy Liquid xxxxx 0.00036 0.00352 0.00051 Pressure Relief Seals Gas/Vapor xxxxx 0.00012 0.00013 0.229 Open Ended Lines All xxxxx 0.001 0.0215 0.00375 Flanges All xxxxx 0.00018 0.00031 0.00403 Sampling Connections All xxxxx 0.00018 0.00031 0.0331 Compressor Seals Gas/Vapor N/A N/A N/A 0.503 Overall Emission Factor 1/10,000 1/20 1/3 1/1 Note a: Protocol for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates, Table 2-1 (EPA-453/R-95-017) Heavy liquid means a liquid with a true vapor pressure of less than 0.3 kPa (0.04 psia) at a temperature of 294.3 °K (70 °F); or which has 0.1 Reid Vapor Pressure; or which when distilled requires a temperature of 421.95 °K (300 °F); or greater to recover 10 percent of the liquid as determined by ASTM method D86-82. Light liquid means a liquid that is not a heavy liquid. DEQ-CFW 00065656 • 0 Page 2 of 2 Which factors should I use? The factors suggested above represent DuPont "experience" and more accurately reflect OVERALL fugitive emissions from DuPont facilities, i.e. the DuPont culture. The comparisons were made with a limited database and the factors suggested here reflect a comparison of overall or aggregate emission levels to those predicted by EPA SOCMI factors. It should be pointed out that individual DuPont factors did vary from specific source service factors suggested by EPA, i.e. light or heavy liquid service. For the "Superior" category, the individual factors are extremely small numbers, and therefore, it is suggested to calculate the emission estimate with EPA SOCMI factors, and then divide the total by the 10,000 factor. Since there is considerable variability in ANY individual component leak rate due to type, age, size, service, etc., it is also suggested to check overall predicted emissions from the "Excellent" and "Good" categories in the same way, i.e. use EPA factors and then divide by 20 or 3, respectively. In order to determine which factors to use, a series of questions were developed to index a facility into one of the three categories. These are general guidance, and not definitive in the sense of black or white. Additionally, use of the DuPont Factors may be challenged by State Environmental Agencies since they do vary from EPA prescribed factors. However, past validation efforts gave overall estimates within 10-20% of those based on DuPont factors. Superior factors should only be used by facilities that use extremely hazardous materials, i.e. phosgene, chlorine or HF. The maintenance culture of these operations is to detect and repair leaks immediately due to the inherent toxicity of the chemicals. Most other processes/facilities will be either excellent or good. The "Excellent" factors listed above should be used only after HONESTLY answering the list of questions attached, and at least 4 or 5 answers are "Yes." Otherwise use "Good". QUESTIONS FOR DETERMINING UNIT -SPECIFIC FACTOR CATEGORY 1. Are techniques available and used to routinely locate specific leaks? Examples include SOz bombs, ammonia solution, special detectors (such as those for HCN or phosgene), chemical badges, and sniff testers. Yes, MSA hand held leak detectors are used 2. Do you perform leak checks in this process area at least once per day? Yes, the facility has continuous monitoring of vinyl fluoride Are specific procedures used on each start-up to minimized fugitive emissions? Examples include hydrostatic tests, special leak tests, etc. Yes, start-up checklist and leak check procedures 4. Do you have a documented checklist startup procedure that helps locate leaks? Yes, repaired equipment is leak checked using hand held VF detectors following its startup Do you have a formal procedure that requires leaks be repaired in a timely manner, including use of overtime if necessary? Yes, the facility's leak check procedures require that leaks be immediately repaired upon their discovery DEQ-CFW 00065657