HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00065425t + 0 • Kuraray Fayetteville, NC Brine -cooled Condenser (ID No. BCD -A) NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION REPORT FUNCTIONAL LOCATION: BA Storage Tank EQUIP DESC.: External Brine Condener EQUIP #200-14-4/22088161 ACUREN S.C. NO.: 451064 P.O. NO.: INSPECTION DATE: 3126114 Inspection Performed By ACUREN 3201 Wellington Ct. Suite 111 Raleigh, NC 27615 Tel. (919) 875-8240 r YETTEV;iLEREGIC;vk:, DEQ-CFW 00065425 t ACUREN • Suite Wellington Cl. —t- V�—AA AC U R E N Raleigh, NC 27615 0 VISUAL EXAMINATION REPORT sc# 451064 CUSTOMERICONTACT Kuraray LOCATION/ADDRESS Fayetteville, NC UNIT/SYSTEM FLAKE P.O. EQUIPMENT NUMBER & BA Storage Tank - External Brine Condener (200-14-4/22088161) ITEM DESCRIPTION 1.0 REFERENCES: API-510 INSPECTOR: Greg Fluharty API 510 # 32898 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION: INTERNAL INSPECTION: 3.0 INSULATION: IS THE VESSEL INSULATED? WHAT TYPE OF INSULATION? FOAM GLASS OTHER: YES ASBESTOS CONDITION OF INSULATION: N/A 4.0 COATING: IS THE VESSEL COATED? IF YES, WHAT TYPE OF COATING? YESI EXTERNAL INSPECTION:�� NO�X DATE: 3/26/14 N/A KAYLOO FIBERGLASS PAINTEPDXYC� OTHER: Carbon Steel Flat Heads Are Coated TAR N/A CONDITION OF COATING: The coating is exhibiting spot failure leading to external surface corrosion, no pitting was noted. The heads should be cleaned, prepped and recoated to mitigate corrosion. DEQ-CFW 00065426 •ACUREN • VISUAL EXAMINATION REPORT Pt'- 3201 S t Wellington Ct. AC U R E N Raleigh, NC 27615 sc# 451064 CUSTOMER/CONTACT Kuraray LOCATION/ADDRESS Fayetteville, NC UNIT/SYSTEM FLAKE P.O. EQUIPMENT NUMBER & BA Storage Tank - External Brine Condener (200-14-4122088161) ITEM DESCRIPTION 5.0 SHELL PLATE & HEADS: GENERAL CONDITION OF SHELL PLATE: The stainless steel shell plate has a thick coating of ice over all surfaces. The areas that were exposed to take thickness readings showed no signs of corrosion or deterioration. EXTERNAL SURFACES: As noted above INTERNAL SURFACES: NIA External inspection only. IS PRODUCT LEVEL EVIDENT? YES NO� N/A� IF YES, WHAT IS THE DISTANCE FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE VESSEL? FT. IN. GENERAL CONDITION OF SHELL PLATE IN THIS AREA IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: N/A 6.0 WELDS: GENERAL CONDITION OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL AND LONGITUDINAL WELD SEAMS: The visible weld seams on the heads showed no signs of deterioration. The welds have a full profile with no visible defects noted. DEQ-CFW 00065427 • • ACUREN VISUAL EXAMINATION REPORT 3201 Wellington Ct. AC U R E N Raleigh, NC 27615 sc# 451064 CUSTOMER/CONTACT Kuraray LOCATION/ADDRESS Fayetteville, NC UNIT/SYSTEM FLAKE P.O. EQUIPMENT NUMBER & BA Storage Tank - External Brine Condener (200-14-4/22088161) ITEM DESCRIPTION 7.0 NOZZLE PENETRATIONS: GENERAL CONDITION OF NOZZLE PENETRATIONS (REFERENCE NOZZLE NUMBER & SIZE): The nozzle penetration welds appear to be full with an appropriate profle. No visible defects were noted during the inspection. 8.0 EXTERNAL ATTACHMENTS: DOES THE VESSEL HAVE EXTERNAL ATTACHMENT(S)? YES NO N/A IF YES, WHAT IS THE GENERAL CONDITION OF THE EXTERNAL ATTACHMENT(S)? The external attachment points for the support lugs were in good condition with only surface corrosion noted. The attachment welds to the shell appear to be full and have an appropriate profile. No visible defects were noted during the inspection. 9.0 INTERNAL ATTACHMENTS: DOES THE VESSEL HAVE INTERNAL ATTACHMENT(S)? YES NO O N/A IF YES, WHAT IS THE GENERAL CONDITION OF THE INTERNAL ATTACHMENT(S)? N/A - External Inspection Orly 10.0 INSPECTION OMISSION: LIST AREAS OF THE WRITTEN SCOPE OF WORK WHICH WERE NOT PERFORMED AND REASONS. DEQ-CFW 00065428 /// • ACUREN VISUAL EXAMINATION REPORT Suite Wellington Ct. AC U R E N Raleigh, NC 27615 sc# 451064 CUSTOMERICONTACT Kuraray LOCATION/ADDRESS Fayetteville, NC UNIT/SYSTEM FLAKE P.O. EQUIPMENT NUMBER & BA Storage Tank - External Brine Condener (200-14-4122088161) ITEM DESCRIPTION 11.0 NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION METHODS: WERE NDE METHODS OTHER THAN VISUAL UTILIZED? YES NO IF YES, LIST REASONS AND LOCATION(S) WHERE OTHER NDE METHODS WERE PERFORMED? UT thickness readings were taken at 8" below the top head on the shell and 2" in from the outer edge of the top .and bottom heads 12.0 FOUNDATION / SUPPORT STRUCTURE CONDITION: LIST THE GENERAL CONDITION OF THE FOUNDATION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES FOR THIS VESSEL. The vessel is supported by two carbon steel lugs bolted to ange iron legs that are supported by the roof platform structure. The supports and structure have minor surface corrosion noted due to coating failure. 13.0 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS / OBSERVATIONS: There was no manufacturers data plate. on the vessel. A new data plate should be installed and a rubbing of the plate placed in the vessel records. The vessel construction Drawing W-292 was used to provide data for heads and shell nominals. Manufacturer is American Heat Reclaiming Corp. Capacity 7.5 gal Customer's Representative Greg Fluharty API 510 # 32898 Name, Signature, and Level of ACUREN Examiner Assistant DEQ-CFW 00065429 3201 Wellington, CT• • Suite 111 Date: 3/26/14 Raleigh, NC 27615 AC U R E N Tel: (919) 875-8240 Page 1 of 1 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION REPORT Customer: Kuraray Location/Address: Fayetteville, NC SC #: 451064 Unit/System: PO #: 0 FLAKE Item Description: BA Storage Tank - External Brine Condener(200-144/22088161) Material: Size: Quantity: Thickness: Surface Condition: CIS & S/S 18.6" D x 28" H i 1 I Varies Smooth Procedure: Acceptance Standard: Item Temperature: UT-2A Rev. 2 1 Per Client Stage Of ❑ INITIAL FINAL Comment: Surface Preparation: Manufacture: ❑ IN PROCESS ❑ REPAIR Maintenance Inspectior wire brush 0 LONGITUDINAL ❑ OTHER Type Of Exam: Couplant: ❑ SHEAR WAVE Thickness Ultragel Instrument MFG-Model-SIN: Transducer: Olympus ❑ SINGLE Frequency: 5 MHz Size: .375" 38 DL + Wedge Angle: N/A Meas. Angle: 00 100068909 t❑ DUAL MFG, S/N: Olympus/722113 Delay: N/A Calibration Block: Type: Material: MFG.: Serial Number: 0 FLAT El CURVED Step .01" to 0.5" C/S & S/S 3E C-11-2511 S-14-328 Comments: Include: Accept/Reject SKETCH/PHOTO Ultrasonic thickness readings were taken on the above noted condenser. See the attached spreadsheet for readings. Sensitivity Calibration Times: Initial: 9:30 Level Interm: Final: 10:00 Consumables: Couplant/Gal. Tube: ❑ High Temp Wire Wheel: Date: Customer Contact: Per Diem: Report #: Unit #: No. on Job: 3/26/2015 Ron Hillburn ❑ Yes[] Nol f--- 1 Travel if Applicable: Airlines ❑ Hours: Total Hours: Miles Total: Vehicle ❑ Worked to AM and to PM Hours: Gregory Fluharty Lvl IIA Signature of Customer's Representative certifies time and material correct Name, Signature, and Level of Acuren Inspection Examiner Assistant DEQ-CFW 00065430 3201 Wellington CP ULTRANNIC EXAMINATION REPORT Suite I I I Page 1 of 2 Raleigh, NC 27615 qC U R E N Tel:(919) 875-8240 SC#451064 CUSTOMER/CONTACT Kuraray LOCATION/ADDRESS Fayetteville, NC UNIT/SYSTEM FLAKE P.O. EQUIPMENT NUMBER & BA Storage Tank - External Brine Condener (200-14-4/22088161) ITEM DESCRIPTION SHELL ELEV. TOP TO BOT. North 0° East 90° South 180, West 270' 8" .128" .131" .127" .126" Top Head 1.258" 1.253" 1.259" 1.249" Bottom Head 1.251" 1.248" 1.261" 1.253" Customers Representative Gregory Fluharty Lvl IIA Name, Signature, and Level of ACUREN Examiner Assistant DEQ-CFW 00065431 Inspection: External UT Thickness Data Inspectors: Fluharty Current Insp. Date: March 26, 2015 Previous Insp Date: February 12, 1970 Date Built: February 12, 1970 Years in Service: 45 Years between Insp: 45 0.000 = Tmin or Lower 0.000 = Nominal Thickness or above International Paper UT Thickness Data Report Equipment# 200-12-4 Flake- BA Storage Tank Brine Condenser NOTES: No previous inspection data v provided. The nominal thickness was tal from the construction drawing. The T-min v calculated for the shell based on information on the construction drawing. " CIS head was assumed to have a built corrosion allowance of 0.625". Designation Shell Location 8" Circumferential Test Point Tmin 0.094 T-Flag 1 0.094 Nominal Thickness 0.125 revious Low UT per Row 0.125 Current Low UT per Row 0.126 Current Average UT per Row 0.12B RCA 0.032 STCR -0.00002 LTCR -0.00002 Worst CR (LT/ST) -0.00002 RL -1440.0 0° 0.128 90° 0.131 180' 0.127 270° 0.126 Top Head 2" 1.258 1.253 1.259 1.249 1.188 1 1.188 1.250 1.188 1.249 1.255 0.061 -0.00136 0.00002 0.00002 2745.0 Bottom Head 2" 1.251 1.248 1.261 1.253 1.188 1.188 1.250 1 1.188 1.248 1.253 0.060 -0.00133 0.00004 0.00004 1350.0 r� I 0