HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00064543DuPont Automotive P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 aUPONT DuPont Automotive r DUPONT - FAYETTEVILLE WORKS RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR NPDES PERMIT - NC0003573 `DEC 05 ENV, Mp,�&Ac�r-:mr T VAYETTEVILLE REG- q F-iCp- NOVEMBER 29, 1995 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ® Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev 5/93 DEQ-CFW 00064543 1 z r 1 1 Il I 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER STANDARD FORM C - MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL SECTION 1. APPLICATION AND FACILITY DESCRIPTION Unless otherwise specified on this form all Items are to be completed. it an item is not applicable Indicate 'PIA'. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS APPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET AS INDICATED, REFER TO BOOKLET BEFORE FILLING OUT THESE ITEMS. 1. Legal Name of Applicant (see instructions) 2 Mailing Address of Applicant (see Instructions) Number& Street City State Zip Code 3. Applicant's Authorized Agent (see Instructions) Name and Title Number & Street Ci ty State Zip Code Telephone 4. Previous Application If a previous application for a permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System has been made, give the date of application. Niel •cL1 X. Please Print or Type E. I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO., INC. FAYETTEVILLE WORKS P. 0. DRAWER Z FAYETTEVILLE NC 29102 Michael E. Johnson Environmental Coordinator / P _ t) Drawpr 7. Fayetteville NC 28302 910 678-1155 Area Number Code 90 11 28 YR MO DAY I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Michael E. Ma rry 102e Plant Manager Printeg Name a son Signi Title 102f 9S If Z% Signature of Applican r uthoriz!d nt YR MO DAY Date Application Signed North Carolina General Statue 1 -21 SA (b)(2) provides that Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed sic months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine or not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) 1 DEQ-CFW 00064544 11 0 Id 5 Facility (see instructions) Give the name, ownership, and physical location of the plant or other operating facility where discharge(s) presently occurs) or will occur. Name Ownership (Public, Private or both Public and Private) Check block if a Federal facility and give GSA Inventory Control Number Location: Number & Street City County State 6. Nature of Business State the nature of the business conducted at the plant or operating facility. 7, Facility Intake Water (see instructions) Indicate water intake volume per day by sources. Estimate average volume per day in thousand gallons per day. Municipal or private water system Surface water Groundwater Other' Total Item 7 ' If there is intake water from 'other', Specify th@ Source. 8. Facility Water Use Estimate average volume per day in thousand galbns per day for the following types of water usage at the facility. (See instructions) Noncontact cooling water Baler feed water Process water (including contact cooling water) Sanitary water other Total Item 8 If there are discharges to 'other', specify If there is 'Sanitary' water use, give the number of people served. ir. 105b 105C 105d 105e 105f 105g 105h 106a rT•R 107a 107b 107c 107d 107e 107f r., E. I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO., INC. FAYETTEVILLE WORKS ❑ PUB 15PRv C3 6PP FED State Highway 87 South Duart Bladen North Carolina Plastic Sheeting, Film, and R sing- Industrial Organic Chemical Manufacturing AGENCY USE 0 0 thousand gallons per day 15,100 thousand gallons per day 6 thousand gallons per day thousand gallons per day 15,106 thousand gallons per day 13,483 thousand gallons per day 7 3 0 thousand gallons per day 8 3 7 thousand gallons per day 6 thousand gallons per day 50 thousand gallons per day 15 ,10 6 thousand gallons per day River Water Treatment Backwash & Sediment 738 people served DEQ-CFW 00064545 i rliLl i �-fii I 9. All Facility Discharges and other Losses. Number Specify the and Discharge (See instructions)Volume number of discharge points and the volume of water discharged or lost from the facility according b the categones below. Estimate average volume per day in ' thousand gallons per day Number of Total Volume Discharged, Discharge Points Million Gallons Per Day ' Surface Water 109a1 Sanitary wastewater transport systen 109b1 1 109a2 1092 0.006 ( inc . in 109 a2 ) Stone water transport system 109cl _ 2 109c2 0.052 (inc. in 109a2 ) ' Combined sanitary and storm water 109d1 109d2 transport system Surface impoundment with no 109e1 109e2 effluent ' Underground percolation 109f1 10912 Well injection 109g1 109g2 Waste acceptance firm 109h1 109h2 Evaporation 1090 1 109Q 0.293 Consumption 109j 1 109j2 Other 109kt 109k2 ' Facility dischargers and volume Total Item 9 10911 10912 15.168 'If there are discharges to'other', 109m1 specify. ' 10. Permits, Licenses and Applications discharges from this facility instructions) List all existing, pending or denied permits, licenses and applications related to (see Issuing For Type of Date Date Date Expiration Agency Agency Permit or Filed Issued Denied Date ' Use License ID Number YR/MO/DA YR/MO/DA YR/MO/DA YR/MO/DA a ,;;_- c e 1. NC— NCDEHNR N 11. Maps and Drawings Attach all required maps and drawings to the back of this application. (see instructions) 12. Additional Information L P 11 DEQ-CFW 00064546 1 F STANDARD FORM C - MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL SECTION II. BASIC DISCHARGE DESCRIPTION Complete this section for each discharge Indicated in Section which the waste water does not go through a treatment works also discharges to surface waters from this facility. SEPARAT ORIGINATE IN THE SAME FACILITY. All values for an exists discharge, values should reflect best engineering estimates. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS) BEFORE FILLING OUT THESE ITEMS. 1. Discharge Serial No. and Name a Discharge Serial No. 201a (see instructions) b. Discharge Name 201b Give the name of discharge, if any (see instructions) c. Previous Discharge Serial No 201c If a previous permit application was made for this dis- charge (Item 4, Section 1) provide previous discharge serial number. 2 Discharge Operating Dates a Discharge Began Date 202a If the discharge described below is in operation, give the date (within best estimate) the discharge began b. Discharge to Begin Date 202b If the discharge has never occurred but is planned for some future date, give the date the discharge will begin. c. Discharge to End Date If the 202c discharge is scheduled to be discontinued within the next 5 years, give the date (within best estimate) the discharge will end. 3. Engineering Report Available Check if an engineering report is available to reviewing agency upon request (see instructions) 203 4. Discharge Location Name the political boundaries within which the point of discharge is located: State County ' (if applicable) City or Town 5. Discharge Point Description (see instructions) ' Discharge into (check one) Stream (includes ditches, arroyos, and other watercourses Lake Ocean Municipal Sanitary Wastewater ' Transport System Municipal Combined Sanitary and Storm Transport System I, Items 9,nthat Is to surface waters. This Includes discharges to municipal sewerage systems In ftr to gdisDischargescharged DESCRIPTIONS OF EACH DISCHARGE RE REQUIREDIEVEN IF SEVERAL DI CHA GrES� rg discharge should be representative of this twelve previous months of operation. 9 this is a proposed OPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET AS INDICATED. REFER TO BOOKLET 001 Treated Process Wastewater and P_ror-ass Stormwater 001 71 02 N/A YR MO N/A YR MO A2LCy Use North Carolina toad B1 aden 204e Duart 204f 205a I jgSTR ❑LKE ❑ OCE ❑ MTS ❑ MCS DEQ-CFW 00064547 1 Munici Storm Water Transport P� Po System ' Well (injection) Other If'other' is checked, specify type 205b 6. Discharge Point - Lat/Long. ' Give the precise location of the pant of discharge to the nearest second. Latitude 206a Longitude 2D6b 7. Discharge Receiving Water Name Name the waterway at the point of 207a discharge. (see instructions) ' If the discharge is through an outfall that extends beyond the shoreline or is below the mean low 207b water line, complete item 8, o Aa se ' Mzrr I May Suo 207c Fo, A,,.^cv U!e 8. Offshore Discharge a. Discharge Distance from Shore 208a ' b. Discharge Depth Below Water 208b 9 Discharge Type and Occurrence a Type of Discharge Check ' whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent 209a (See instructions) b. Discharge Occurrence Days per Week. Enter the average number of days per week 209b ' (during periods of discharge) this discharge occurs. c. Discharge Occurrence- Months M If this discharge normally oper- ates (either intermittently or continuously) on less than a yea around basis (excluding shut- downs for routine maintenance), check the months during the yea r when the discharge is operating ` (see instructions) ' Complete Items 10 and 11 9'intermittent' is checked in Item 9.a. Otherwise, proceed to Item 12. 10. Intermittent Discharge Quantity State the average volume per dis- 210 charge occurrence in thousands of ' gallons 11. Intermittent Discharge Duration and Frequency a Intermittent Discharge Duration ' Per Day State the average 211a number of hours per day the discharge is operating b. Intermittent Discharge Frequency State the average 211b number of discharge occurrence per day during days when discharging 12. Maximum Flow Period Give the time period in which the maximum 212 flow of this discharge occurs DISCHARI ff RIAL NUMBER ❑ STS V ❑ WEL ❑ OTH N34 DEG. 50 MIN. 00 SEC W78 DEG. 50 MIN. 00 SEC Unnamed stream to Cape Fear River (discharges as part of outfall 002) N/A feet N/A feet ® (con) Continuous ❑ (int) Intermittent 7 jays per week ❑ JAN ❑ FEB ❑ MAR ❑ APR ❑ MAY ❑ JUN ❑ JUL ❑ AUG ❑ SEP ❑ OCT ❑ NOV ❑ DEC *Continuous discharge N/A thousandgallons per day N / A hours per day N/A discharge occurrences per day From N/A to N/A month month 0 DEQ-CFW 00064548 �1e _C[e1�►[yL�l't� 13. Activity Description Give a narrative description of activity producing this discharge (see instructions) 14. 21, 21 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 213a Manufacturing, of Polyvinyl BLtyral_ (PVB) Resin and Sheeting Manufacturing of Polyvinyl Bury al (PVB) Resin (SIC Code 2821) and sheeting (SIC Code 3081). Activity Causing Discharge For each SIC Code which describes the activity causing this discharge, supply the type and maximum amount of either the raw material consumed (Item 14a) or the product produced (Item 14b) in the units specified in Table I of the Instruction Booklet. For SIC Codes not listed in Table I, use raw material or production units normally used for measuring production (see instructions) a Raw Materials Maximum Unit Shared Discharges crr- r+.,.- MMMA en,nint/nav rSee Table 1) (Serial Number) a ----- 4 2821 But raldeh a L-1 002 2821 KT119Kio'tyl -002 b. Products DEQ-CFW 00064549 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 13. Activity Description Give a 213a Manufacture of Hexafluoropropylene narrative description of activity Epoxide (HFPO) from the oxidation producing this discharge (see of hexaf luoropropylene (HFP) instructions) 14. Activittyy Causing Discharge For each SIC Code which descn'bes the activity causing this discharge, supply the type and maximum amount of either the raw material consumed (Item 14a) or the product produced (Item 14b) in the units specified in Table I of the Instruction Booklet.. For SIC Codes not fisted in Table I, use raw material or production units normalty used for measuring production (see instructions) a Raw Materials b. Products DEQ-CFW 00064550 13. Activity Description Give a narrative description of activity producing this cscharge (see instructions) DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 213a Manufacture of uerfluoronated intermediates (SIC Code 2869). uerfluoronated resins (SIC Code 2821). and rig fl,oronated laminated film (STC: Code 1083) 14. Activity Causing Discharge For each SIC Code which describes the activity causing this discharge, supply the type and maximum amount of either the raw material consumed (Item 14a) or the product produced (Item 14b) in the units specified in Table I of the Instruction Booklet. For SIC Codes not listed in Table 1, use raw material or production units normally used for measuring production (see instructions) a Raw Materials Maxdmum Unit Shared Discharges Cl(. (I via Nama amnuntMov (Saa Tabla 1) (Serial Number) 21� 3 a 11) ) 4 2869 HFPO P-1 002 2869 Intermediat s P-1 002 2821 Resin L-1 002 b. Products DEQ-CFW 00064551 I I I I IT DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 15 Waste Abatement ' a Waste Abatement Practices 215a Narrative: See Below Describe the waste abatement ' practices used on this dis- charge with a brief narrative (see instructions) b. Waste Abatement Codes 215b (1) ESEPAR (2)ESEGRE .3)T,0 A ,S ' Using the codes listed in Table (4)OMONIT (5)CNEUTR (6)EMERGE II of the Instruction Booklet, (7)PEQUAL (8)BAERAT (9)CHUTRI describe the waste abatement (1OPAERAT ji1) BACTIV (12) PSKIMC ' processes for this discharge in (13) PFLOAT (14) STHICK (15) SPRESS the order in which they occur (16) SOTHER (1) 07) SOTHER (2) (18) if possible. (19) (20) (21) ' (22) (23) (24) (25) ' SOTHER(1) — SLUDGE DRYING SOTHER (2) — SLUDGE LANDFILLING ' NARRATIVE: Wastewater collected from area sumps are sent to a 750,000 gal Equalization Basin (biological activity with aeration). A 175,000 ' gal Emergency Retention Tank is available for temporary storage of unsuitable wastewaters. Waters enter a 250,000 gal Pre —digester Tank (biological activity with aeration), followed by a 1,700,000 gal Aeration ' Tank where the main biodegradation occurs.. The treated water then goes to two clarifiers (120,000 and 168,000 gal) in parallel. The clarified ' treated effluent is discharged through Outfall 001. The wasted sludge is sent to a Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) unit and ' then a Rotary Filter for thickening. The thickened sludge is dewatered in a Screw Press, and then dried in steam heated dryers. The dried ' sludge is transported off —site to a commercial landfill. DEQ-CFW 00064552 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Es 111111101 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 16. Wastewater Characteristics Check the box beside each constituent which is present in the effluent (discharge water). This determination is to based on actual analysis or best estimate.(see instructions) arameter Wresent Parameter Present 216 216 C;oior peer 00080 X 01042 Ammonia I ron 00610 X 01045 rganic nitrogen 00605 X 01051 Nitrate agnesium 00620 X 00927 itnte Manganese 00615 01055 Phosphorus Mercury 00665 X 71900 -mllate olybdenum 00945 X 01062 5uitloe Nickel 00745 01067 buffite beienlum 00740 01147 bromide oliver 71870 01077 Chloride otassium 00940 X 00937 X ani wm X 00720 00929 won a nallium 00951 X 01059 Aluminum itanwm 01105 X 01152 Aritmony i in 01097 X 01102 Arsenic zinc 01002 01092 X ryllium lgicides, 01012 74051 num Crilorinated organic compounds' 01007 74052 Boron Pesticides' 01022 74053 Cadmium and grease 01027 00550 X aicwm Phenois 00916: 32730 5uriactants 01037 36260 X Chromium Mlonde 01034 50050 ecai colitorm bacteria cavity 74055 X 7a�0 be ' Specify substances, compounds and/or elements in Item 26. Pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, and mdenticides) must be reported in terms of the acceptable common names specified in Acceptable Common Names and Chemical names for the In mdent SMWnent on PesUcide Labels, 2nd Edition, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20250, June 1972, as required by Subsection 162.7(bof the Regulations for the Enfownent of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act DEQ-CFW 00064553 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 17. Description of Intake and Discharge For each of the parameters listed below, enter in the appropriate box the value or code letter answer called for (see instructions) In addi bon, enter the parameter name and code and all required values for any of the following parametersif they are checked in Item 16: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, zinc, phenols, oil and grease, and chlorine (residual). Influent uen Untreated In -Flan ai y Minimum Maximum Frequency Numbero Sample Parameter and Code Intake Treated Average Value Value of Analysis Analyses Type Water Intake Observed or Observed or 217 (Daily Water Expected Expected average) (Daily During During average) Discharge Discharge Activity Activity (1) (2) (3 4) (5) (6 (7) 8 Flow' MGD 10.049 50050 N/A N/A 0.85 1.79 CONT. 1278 N/A P Units 004M N/A N/A 6.3 8.3 3/7 546 G emperature twnnterl �C N/A N/A 23.7 18 1 33 3/7 546 G emperature (summer) C 74025 N/A N/A 129.4 20 36 3/7 1 546 G hoc emaa xygen Demand (BOO 5-Day) mgA 00310 N/A N/A 5.3 BDL 120 1 3/7 546 C emicai uxygen Demand (COD) mgA oo3ao N/A N/A 45 45 45 N/A 1 C Totalspen (nonfilterable) Solids mgA 117.6 005M N/A N/A 1 BDL 440 3/7 546 1 C Specific on Fiance micromhos/cm at 252C 00095 N/A N/A 4600 4600 N/A 1 C a e Maur (residue) mIA LT LT LT 00545 N/A N/A 0.1 0.1 0.1 N/A 1 C Other discharges sharing intake flow (serial numbers) (see instructions) DEQ-CFW 00064554 17 /r,-r,4l DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 - Parameter and Code 217 Innuilint hilluent ntmatecl Intake Water (Daily average) (1) in-mant Treated Intake Water (Daily average) 2) uailyin-man Average g/L (3) 1(4 minimum Value Observed or Expected During Discharge Activity aximum Value Observed or Expected During Discharge Activity 5 Frequency of Analysis (8 Number of Analyses 7 Type 8) See 17. 18. Plant Controls Check if the following plant oontrols are available for this discharge 218 Alternate power source for major pumping facility APS Alarm or emergency pmcedure for power or equipment failure ALM Complete Item 19 if discharge is frOrr cooling andior steam water generation and water treatment additives are used 19. Water Treatment Additives If the discharge is treated with arty, conditioner, inhibitor, or algicide, answer the following: a. Name of Material(s) 219a b. Name and address of 219b manufacturer c, Quantity (pounds added per 219c million gallons of water treated) DEQ-CFW 00064555 ' FOR AGENCY USE 17 Wnnt'dl 11 1 L 0 E DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 Effluent Daily Average (all values are mg/L) Mimimum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Organic Nitrogen 00605 20.45 1.7 62.4 1/30 41 C Phosphorus 00665 3.02 0.2 8.1 1/30 41 C Oil& Grease 00550 6.89 <1 41 4/YR 18 G Color 00080 25 units 25 units 25 units NA I C Ammonia 00610 0.1 0.1 0.1 NA 1 C Nitrate 00620 35 35 35 NA 1 C Nitrite 00615 0.10 0.10 0.10 NA 1 C Sulfate 00945 1500 1500 1500 NA 1 C Chloride 00940 59 59 59 NA 1 C Aluminum 01105 740 740 740 NA 1 C Fecal Coliform Bacteria 74055 2100 col/dl 2100 col/dl 2100 col/dl NA 1 G Surfactants 38260 0.446 0.446 0.446 NA I C Total Iron 01045 0.423 0.423 0.423 NA 1 C Fluoride 00951 180 180 180 NA 1 C L DEQ-CFW 00064556 ' FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER p I'. C r I 001 17 (rnnt'dl Effluent Daily Average (all values are ug/L) Mimimum Value Observed During Discharge -Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sample Type Acrolein 34210 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 1/YR 5 G Acrylonitrile 34215 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 1/YR 6 G Benzene 34030 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Bromoform 32104 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Carbon Tetrachloride 32102 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Chlorobenzene 34301 LT 6 LT 6 LT 6 1/YR 5 G Chlorodibromomethane 32105 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Chloroethane 34311 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 G 2-Chloroethlvin 1 ether 34576 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 l/YR 5 G Chloroform 32106 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Dichlorobromomethane 32101 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 5 G 1,1-Dichloroethane 34496 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G 1,2-Dichloroetime 34531 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 l/YR 6 G 1,1-Dichloroethlene 34501 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G 1,2-Dichloropropane 34541 LT 6 LT 6 LT 6 1/YR 5 G 1,3-Dichloropropylene 34699 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Ethlbenzene 34371 LT 8 LT 8 LT 8 1/YR 6 G Methyl Bromide 34413 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1 /YR 5 G Methyl Chloride 34418 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 G Methylene Chloride 34423 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 34516 LT 7 LT 7 LT 7 1/YR 5 G Tetrachloroethlene 34475 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Toluene 34010 LT 6 LT 6 LT 6 1/YR 6 G 1,2-trans-dichloroeth lene 34546 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 5 G 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 34506 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 34511 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 1/YR 6 G Trichloroethlene 39180 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 G Vinyl Chloride 39175 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 G DEQ-CFW 00064557 FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 001 17 (Cont'd) I L 0 L U L Effluent Daily Average (all values are ug/L) Mimimum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type 2-Chloro henol 34586 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 2,4-Dichloro henol 34601 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 2,4-Dimeth 1 henol 34606 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 4 6-Dinitro-o-cresol 34657 LT 50 LT50 LT 50 I/YR 6 C 2,4-Dinitro henol 34616 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 I/YR 6 C 2-Nitrophenol 34591 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 4-Nitrophenol 34646 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 I/YR 6 C p-chloro-m-cresol 34452 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Pentachloro henol 39032 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 I/YR 5 C Phenol 34694 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 34621 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Acena hthene 34205 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C Acena hth lene 34200 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C Anthracene 34220 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C Benzidine 39120 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 I/YR 5 C Benz a thracene 34526 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C Benz a ene 34247 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 3,4-benzofluoranthene 34230 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C Benz lene 34521 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Benz fluoranthene 34242 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C Bi 2-chloroetho ethane 34278 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Bi 2-chloroeth 1 ther 34273 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Bi 2-chloroi 1 er 34283 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Bis 27eth the 1 hthalate 39100 16.3 LT 10 81 1/YR 6 C 4-Bromo hen 1 phenyl ether 34636 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C Butylbenzyl phthalate 34292 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C 2-Chlorona hthalene 34581 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 YYR 5 C 4-Chloro hen 1 phenyl ether 34641 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 5 C F DEQ-CFW 00064558 ' FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 001 17 (rnnt'dl F F Effluent Daily Average values (all v are ualu Mimimum Value Observed Daring Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Chrysene 34320 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Dibenz ah thracene 34556 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 I/YR 6 C 1,2-dichlorobenzene 34536 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C 1 3-dichlorobenzene 34566 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C 1,4-dichlorobenzene 34571 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 l/YR 6 C 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine 34631 LT 20 LT 20 LT 20 1/YR 6 C Diethyl phthalate 34336 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Dimeth 1 phthalate 34341 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Di-n-butyl phthalate 39110 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C 2,4-dinitrotoluene 34611 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C 2,6-dinitrotoluene 34626 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Di-n-octyl phthalate 34596 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 5 C 1,2-di hen ih drazine 34346 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Fluroranthene 34376 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Fluorene 34381 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Hexachlorobenzene 39700 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Hexachlorobutadiene 34391 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 l/YR 5 C Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 34386 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Hexachloroethane 34396 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Inden 1,2,3-cd ene 34403 IT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Iso horone 34408 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 5 C Na thalene 34696 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Nitrobenzene 34447 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C N-nitrosodimeth lamine 34438 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine 34428 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 5 C N-nitrosodi hen lamine 34433 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 5 C Phenanthrene 34461 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C Pvrene 34469 1 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 34551 1 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 1/YR 6 C DEQ-CFW 00064559 ' FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 001 17 (('nnt'ch n 1 i E Effluent Daily Average (all values are ug/L) Mimimum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Aldrin 39330 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C Al ha-BHC 39337 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA I C Beta-BHC 39338 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C Gamma-BHC 39340 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C Delta-BHC 34259 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C Chlordane 39350 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 NA 1 C 4,4'-DDT 39300 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C 4,4'-DDE 39320 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C 4,4'-DDD 39310 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C Dieldrin 39380 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C Al ha-Endosulfan 34361 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C Beta-Endosulfan 34356 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C Endosulfan Sulfate 34351 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C Endrin 39390 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C Endrin Aldehyde 34366 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 NA 1 C Heptachlor 39410 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C Heptachlor Epoxide 39420 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 LT 0.050 NA 1 C PCB-1242 39496 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 NA 1 C PCB-1254 39504 LT 1.0 LT 1.0 LT 1.0 NA 1 C PCB-1221 39488 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 NA 1 C PCB-1232 39492 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 NA 1 C PCB-1248 39500 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 NA 1 C PCB-1260 39508 LT 1.0 LT 1.0 LT 1.0 NA 1 C PCB-1016 34671 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 LT 0.50 NA 1 C Toxa hene 39400 LT 5.0 LT 5.0 LT 5.0 NA 1 C DEQ-CFW 00064560 FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 001 17 Wont'dl 11 0 11 Effluent Daily Average values (all v are ualu Mimimum Value Observed Ong Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Antimony, Total 01097 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 NA 1 C Arsenic, Total 01002 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Beryllium, Total 01012 LT 25 LT 25 LT 25 NA 1 C Cadmium, Total 01027 LT 2 LT 2 LT 2 NA 1 C Chromium, Total 01034 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C Copper, Total 01042 4.03 4.03 4.03 NA 1 C Lead, Total 01051 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Mercury, Total 71900 LT 0.200 LT 0.200 LT 0.200 NA 1 C Nickel, Total 01067 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA i C Selenium, Total 01147 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C Silver, Total 01077 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C Thallium, Total 01059 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Zinc, Total 01092 64.1 64.1 64.1 NA 1 C C snide, Total 00720 LT 0.010 LT 0.010 LT 0.010 NA 1 G Phenols, Total 32730 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 NA 1 G 1l DEQ-CFW 00064561 L 11 E d. Chemical composition of these 219d additives (see instructions) Complete Items 20-25 if there is a thermal discharge (e.g., associated with a steam and/or power generation plant, steel mill, petroleum refinery, or any other manufacturing process) and the total discharge flow is 10 million gallons per day or more. (see instructions) 20. Thermal Discharge Source- Check 220 the appropriate item(s) indicating the source of the discharge (see instructions) Boiler Blowdown Boiler Chemical Cleaning Ash Pond Overflow Boiler Water Treatment - Evaporator Slowdown Oil and Coal Fired Plants -Effluent from Air Pollution Control Devices Condense Cooling Water Cooling Tower Blowdown Manufacturing Process Other 21. Discharge/Receiving Water Temperature Difference Give the maximum temperature difference between the discharge and receiving waters for summer and winter operating conditions (see instructions) Summer 221a Winter 221b 22. Discharge Temperature, Rate of Change Per Hour 222 Give the maximum possible rate of temperature change per hourof discharge under operating conditions (see instructions) 23. Water Temperature, Percentile Repo rt(F requency of Occurrence) In the table below, enter the temperature which is exceeded 10% of the year, 5°b of the year, 1% of the year and not at all (maximum yearly temperature). (see instructions) Frequency of occurrence a. Intake Water Temperature 223a (subject to natural changes b. Discharge Water Temperature 223b 24. Water Intake Velocity 224 (see instructions) 25. Retention Time Give the length of 225 time, in minutes, from start of water temperature rise to discharge of cooling water. (see instructions) DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 BLBD BCCL APOF EPBD ❑ OCFP [f COND CTBD MFPR OTHR °F./hour 1 /o /o ire Maximum OF OF OF OF 'F OF OF OF feet/sec. minutes DEQ-CFW 00064562 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 Additional Information DEQ-CFW 00064563 I STANDARD FORM C - MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL SECTION 11. BASIC DISCHARGE DESCRIPTION Complete this section for each discharge Indicated which the waste water does not go through a treatn also discharges to surface waters from this facility. ORIGINATE IN THE SAME FACILITY. All values t discharge, values should reflect best engineering ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTE BEFORE FILLING OUT THESE ITEMS. 1. Discharge Serial No. and Name a Discharge Serial No. (see instructions) b. Discharge Name Give the name of discharge, if any (see instructions) c. Previous Discharge Serial No If a previous permit application was made for this dis- charge (Item 4, Section 1) provide previous discharge serial number. 2 Discharge Operating Dates a Discharge Began Date If the discharge described below is in operation, give the date (within best estimate) the discharge began b. Discharge to Begin Date If the discharge has never occurred but Is planned for some future date, give the date the discharge will begin. c. Discharge to End Date If the discharge is scheduled to be discontinued within the next 5 years, give the date (within best estimate) the discharge will end. 3. Engineering Report Available Check if an engineering report is available to reviewing agency upon request (see instructions) 4. Discharge Location Name the political boundaries within which the point of discharge is located: State County ' (if applicable) City or Town Discharge Point Ocscription (see instructions) Discharge into (check one) Stream (Includes ditches, arroyos, and other watercourses Lake Ocean Municipal Sanitary Wastewater Transport System Municipal Combined Sanitary and Storm Transport System In Section ent works SEPARAT )r an existl estimates. D ITEMS 201a I 201b 201c =1 20Pb 2t72c 203 I, Items 9, that Is to surface waters. This Includes discharges to municipal sewerage systems In Nior to being discharged to surface waters. Discharges to wells must be described wl." there are E DESCRIPTIONS OF EACH DISCHARGE ARE REQUIRED EVEN IF SEVERAL DISCHARGES ig discharge should be representative of do twelve previous months of operation. If this Is a proposed 1PPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET AS INDICATED. REFER TO BOOKLET 002 Final Facility Effbient DiG hargP 002 71 02 N/A YR MO N/A YR MO Aq2Lcy Use North Carolina 204d B1 aden _ 204e Duart 204f 2o5a I ® STR LKE OCE rl MTS MCS DEQ-CFW 00064564 DISCHARGE BTIAL NUMBER ' Municipal Storm Water Transport STS System Well (injection) WEL ' Other ❑ OTH If'othee is checked, specify type 205b Discharge Point - Lat/L.ong. Give the precise location of the point of discharge to the nearest second. Latitude 206a 134 DEG. _MIN. _SEC i-o^9it 2D6b W78 DEG. 50 MIN. 00 SEC ' 7. Discharge Receiving Water Name Name the waterway at the point of 207a Un—named stream to Cape Fear River discharge. (see instructions) ' It the discharge is through an outfall that extends beyond the shoreline or is below the mean low 207b water line, complete item 8, or Aoe^_ '-;Ile 'I Na0, 1 V-7 t Suo 207c For Aoe^cv Use ' 8. Offshore Discharge a. Discharge Distance from Shore 208a N/A feet b. Discharge Depth Below Water 208b N/A feet ' 9 Discharge Type and Occurrence a Type of Discharge Check whether the discharge is 209a a(oon) Continuous continuous or intermittent (int) Intermittent ' (See instructions) b. Discharge Occurrence Days per Week. Enter the average number of days per week 209b 7 days per week ' (during periods of discharge) this discharge occurs. c. Discharge Occurrence- Months 209c aJAN 35 FEB 1B MAR If this discharge normally oper- JaAPR JR MAY ig J U N ates (either intermittently or JJJUL IER AUG ]B SEP continuously) on less than a yea JaOCT JR NOV ]a DEC around basis (excluding shut- downs for routine maintenance), check the months during the ye when the discharge is operating (see instructions) Complete Items 10 and 11 if'internittent' is checked in Item 9.a. Otherwise, proceed to ' Item 12. 10. Intermittent Discharge Quantity State the average volume per dis- 210 thousand gallons per day charge occurrence in thousands of ' gallons 11. Intermittent Discharge Duration and Frequency ' a Intermittent Discharge Duration Per Day State the average 211a hours per day numberof hours perday the discharge is operating b. Intermittent Discharge Frequency State the average 211b discharge occurrences per day ' number of discharge occurrence per day during days when discharging 12. Maximum Flow Period Give the time period in which the maximum 212 From N/A to N/A ' flow of this discharge occurs month month 1 DEQ-CFW 00064565 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 13. Activity Description Give a 213a 1— Perfluorinated sheeting process — neutralized narrative description of activity nitric acid producing this discharge (see 2— Boiler blowdown and condensate instructions) 3— Cooling Tower blowdown 4— Stormwater 5— Non —contact cooling water (filtered water and raw river water- 14. Activity Causing Discharge For each SIC Code which describes the activity causing this discharge, supply the type and maximum amount of either the raw material consumed (Item 14a) or the product produced (Item 14b) in the units specified in Table I of the Instruction Booklet. For SIC Codes not listed in Table I, use raw material or production units normally used for measuring production (see instructions) a Raw Materials Maximum Unit Shared Discharges erg r+.,,4. tUame Omni,nt/nav (Sea Table Il (Serial Number) 21, #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 a 1) ) 4 Nitric Acid 0-001 Nn-np 4939 Water 0.133 MGD 001 4939 Water 0.08 XQD -None_ N/A Water 2.647 MGD 001 2821,2869 Water 3081, 3083 b. Products DEQ-CFW 00064566 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 13. Activity Description Give a 213a 6— Treated wastewater effluent narrative description of activity from Facility's Wastewater Treatment producing fis discharge (see Plant (Outfall 001) instructions) 14. Activity Causing Discharge For each SIC Code which describes the activity causing this discharge, supply the type and maximum amount of either ft raw material consumed (Item 14a) or the product produced (Item 14b) in the units specified in Table I of the Instruction Scoldet.. For SIC Codes not fisted in Table I, use raw material or production units normally used for measuring production (see instructions) a Raw Materials Maximum Unit Shared Discharges cir rr^vin Noma AmnunMw (See Table 1) (Serial Number) 214 21 a 11} ) 4 #6 N/A Outfall 001 1.79 MGD 001 b. Products DEQ-CFW 00064567 15 Waste Abatement a Waste Abatement Practices Describe the waste abatement practices used on this dis- charge with a brief narrative (see instructions) b. Waste Abatement Codes Using the codes listed in Table II of the Instruction Booklet, describe the waste abatement processes for this discharge in the order in which they occur if possible. DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 215a Narrative: Dilute nitric acid is neutralized with potassium hydroxide 215b (1) CNEUTR (2) (3) (41 (5) (6) (7) (6) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 0 (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) DEQ-CFW 00064568 111111111 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 16. Wastewater Characteristics Check the box beside each constituent which is present in the effluent (discharge water). This determination is to based on actual analysis or best estimate. (see instructions) arameter Present fdarameter Present 216 216 �oior pper 00060 X 01042 Ammonia iron 00610 X 01045 X org00605icnr en Lew X 01051 Nitrate 00620 X magnesium 00927 itnte Manganese 00615 01055 Phosphorus mercury 00665 X 71900 Sulfate -Molybdenum 00945 X 01062 icke 00745 01067 5ultite belenium 00740 01147 eromi a anver 71670 01077 Qhlonde Potassium 00940 X 00937 X an,de aocwm 00720 00929 muon e i nallium 00951 X 01059 Aluminum faanium 01105 X 01152 Antimony i in 01097 X 01102 Arsenic n092 X 0100002 01 rylliurn 1gicis 01012 74M1 _X 'ranum rnonnate organic compounds' 01007 74052 Boron Pesticides' 01022 74063 L;aCJMium Qii and grease 01027 00550 X aicwm Phenois 00916 . 32730 Surfactants X 01037 38260 Chromde rum n= X 01034 5 ecai oo i orm bacteria HaOlOaCUVIty 74055 X 74050 be Specify substances, compounds and/or elements in Item 26. Pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, and rodentirades) must be reported in terms of the acceptable common names specified in Acceptable Common Names and Chemical names for the ingrafent Statemenf on Pesbade Labels, 2nd Edition, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20250, June 1972, as required by Subsection 162.7(b of the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act DEQ-CFW 00064569 �at:tr_[na.[yn�7� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 17. Description of Intake and Discharge For each of the parameters listed below, enter in the appropriate box the value or code letter answer called for (see instructions) In addition, enter the parameter name and code and all required values for any of the following parameters it they ere checked in Item 1e: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, zinc, phenols, oil and grease, and chlorine (residual). n ueIn uent Untreated n-ai y inimum aximum requenry um r o p e Parameter and Code Intake TrAverage Value Value of Analysis Analyses Type Water In Observed or Observed or 217 (Daily W Expected Expected average) (D During During av Discharge Discharge Activity Activity 1 2) (3) J4 (5) (6 (7) 1 (8 How. MGD 50050 15.10 3.10 15.10 12.96 21.91 CONT 1278 N/A P Units 00400 6.7 N/A 6.0 8.8 3/7 546 G Temperature (wnnter) .0 74026 10.8 N/A 17.6 8 26 7/7 1278 G emperature (summer) cc 74025 22.9 N/A 126.9 15 36 7/7 1278 G biochemcial Oxygen Demand (BOD 5-Day) mg/l 00310 ILT 2.0 IT 2-C 6.6 LT 1 70 4/YR 14 C —CFemica xygen Demand (COD) mgA 00W 109 LT 25 55.4 LT 5 392 4/YR 14 C Totalspen (nonfilterable) Solids mgA ILT 005W 27 LT 6 6 LT 6 LT 6 N/A 1 C Speafic Conductance micromhos/cm at 25'C 00095 109 1140 540 540 N/A 1 C Settleable a r (residue) mIA 00W LT 0.1 LT 0.1 T 0. LT 0.1 LT 0.1 N/A 1 C ' Other discharges sharing intake flow (serial numbers) (see instructions) DEQ-CFW 00064570 Is• crr_taSt ins A j11111111 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 17 (Conrd) Parameter and Code 217 Innuent Emuent n Intake Water (Daily average) (1) in -Plant Treated Intake Water (Daily average) 2) ai y Average 1(3) Minimum Value Observed or Expected During Discharge Activity 14 aximum Value Observed or Expected During Discharge Activity 5 requency of Analysis 8 Number of Analyses 7 Sample Type 8) See attached Daize for Item 18. Plant Controls Check if the following plant controls are available for this discharge 218 Alternate power source for major pumping facility x❑ APS Alarm or emergency procedure for power or equipment failure ® ALM Complete Item 19 if discharge is frorr cooling and/or steam water generation and water treatment addiWes are used 19. Water Treatment Additives If the discharge is treated with any conditioner, inhibitor, or algicide, answer the following: a Name ofMaterial(s) 219a *Note: Outfall 002 discharge is not treated with any chemicals. However. the BCH Energy Proiect's Boiler and Cooling Tower waters contain b. Name and address of 219b treatment additives. which are discharged through manufacturer Out f all 002. See attached page for Item 19. c, Quantity (pounds added per 219c million gallons of water treated) DEQ-CFW 00064571 ' FOR AGENCY USE ' DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 002 17 (Cnnt'dl 1 r C C p 11 L L C Effluent Daily Average (all values are mg/L) Mimimum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed Ding Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Fluoride 00951 6.85 0.02 86 1/7 178 C Color 00080 100 units 100 units 100 units NA 1 C Ammonia 00610 0.1 0.1 0.1 NA 1 C Nitrate 00620 2.3 2.3 2.3 NA 1 C Nitrite 00615 0.04 0.04 0.04 NA 1 C Sulfate 00945 130 130 130 NA 1 C Chloride 00940 14 14 14 NA 1 C Aluminum 01105 1950 1950 1950 NA 1 C Fecal Colifonm Bacteria 74055 690 col/dl 690 col/dl 690 col/dl NA 1 C Surfactants 38260 0.252 0.252 0.252 NA 1 C Organic Nitrogen 00605 0.8 0.8 0.8 NA 1 C Total Phosphorus 00665 0.17 0.17 0.17 NA 1 C Total Iron 01045 1.44 1.44 1.44 NA 1 C Total Sodium 00929 44.8 44.8 44.8 NA 1 C Total Potassium 00937 82.5 82.5 82.5 NA 1 C Oil & Grease 00550 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C DEQ-CFW 00064572 FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 002 17 ((`nnt'dl L I I L Effluent Daily Average values (all v are ualu Minimum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Acrolein 34210 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Acrylonitrile 34215 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Benzene 34030 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Bromoform 32104 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Carbon Tetrachloride 32102 IT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA I G Chlorobenzene 34301 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Chlorodibromomethane 32105 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Chloroethane 34311 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 G 2-Chloroeth lvin 1 ether 34576 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 G Chloroform 32106 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Dichlorobromomethane 32101 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,1-Dichloroethane 34496 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,2-Dichloroedme 34531 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,1-Dichloroeth lene 34501 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,2-Dichloropropane 34541 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,3-Dichloropropylene 34699 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Eth lbenzene 34371 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Methyl Bromide 34413 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 G Methyl Chloride 34418 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 G Methylene Chloride 34423 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 34516 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Tetrachloroeth lene 34475 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Toluene 34010 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,2-trans-dichloroeth lene 34546 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 34506 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 34511 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Trichloroeth lene 39180 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 G Vinyl Chloride 39175 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 G 1 DEQ-CFW 00064573 ' FOR AGENCY USE 1 I ! I L r k U n C DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 17 (rnnt,d) Effluent Daily Average (all values are ug/L) Mimimum Value Observed DuringDuring Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type 2-Chloro henol 34586 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 2,4-Dichlorohenol 34601 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 2,4-Dimeth 1 henol 34606 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 34657 LT 50 LT50 LT 50 NA 1 C 2,4-Dinitrophenol 34616 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 NA 1 C 2-Nitrophenol 34591 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 4-Nitrophenol 34646 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 NA 1 C p-chloro-m-cresol 34452 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Pentachloro henol 39032 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 NA 1 C Phenol 34694 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 2,4,6-Trichl henol 34621 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Acena hthene 34205 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Acena hth lene 34200 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Anduacene 34220 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Benzidine 39120 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 NA 1 C Benz a thracene 34526 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Benz a ene 34247 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 3,4-benzofluoranthene 34230 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Benz lene 34521 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Benz fluoranthene 34242 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Bi 2-chloroetho ethane 34278 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Bi 2-chloroeth 1 ther 34273 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Bis(2-chloroisopropylXther 34283 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Bis 2-eth the 1 hthalate 39100 LT 10 LT 10 LT 81 NA 1 C 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 34636 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Butylbenzyl plithalate 34292 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 2-Chlorona hthalene 34581 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C -T 4-Chlorohen 1 phenyl ether 34641 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C DEQ-CFW 00064574 ' FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 002 17. (Cont'd) E -1 C LI Effluent Daily Average values (all v are ualu Mimimum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Chrysene 34320 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Dibenz a,h thracene 34556 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 1,2-dichlorobenzene 34536 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C 1,3-dichlombenzene 34566 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C 1,44chlorobenzene 34571 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine 34631 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Diethyl phthalate 34336 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Dimeth 1 plithalate 34341 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Di-n-butyl phthalate 39110 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 2,44initrotoluene 34611 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 2,6-dinitrotoluene 34626 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Di-n-octyl phthalate 34596 23 23 23 NA 1 C 1,2-di hen lh drazine 34346 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NAJ 1 C Fluroranthene 34376 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Fluorene 34381 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Hexachlombenzene 39700 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Hexachlorobutadiene 34391 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Hexachlorocyplopentadiene 34386 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Hexachloroethane 34396 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Inden 1,2,3-cd ene 34403 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Iso horone 34408 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Na thalene 34696 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Nitrobenzene 34447 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C N-nitrosodimeth lamine 34438 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C N-nitrosodi-n- o lamine 34428 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C N-nitrosodi hen lamine 34433 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Phenanthrene 34461 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Pyrene 34469 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 34551 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C 1 DEQ-CFW 00064575 ' FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER ' 002 I 11 Effluent Daily Average (all values are Mimftn= Value Observed During Discharge Activity Maximum Value Observed During Discharge Activity Frequency of Analysis Number of Analyses Sanple Type Antimony, Total 01097 LT 50 LT 50 LT 50 NA 1 C Arsenic, Total 01002 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Beryllium, Total 01012 LT 25 LT 25 LT 25 NA 1 C Cadmium Total 01027 LT 2 LT 2 LT 2 NA 1 C Chromium, Total 01034 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C Copper, Total 01042 6.83 6.83 6.83 NA 1 C Lead, Total 01051 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Mercury, Total 71900 LT 0.200 LT 0.200 LT 0.200 NA 1 C Nickel, Total 01067 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Selenium, Total 01147 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C Silver, Total 01077 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 NA 1 C Thallium, Total 01059 LT 10 LT 10 LT 10 NA 1 C Zinc, Total 01092 18.8 18.8 18.8 NA 1 C Cyanide, Total 00720 LT 0.010 LT 0.010 LT 0.010 NA 1 C Phenols, Total 32730 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 NA 1 C F DEQ-CFW 00064576 FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 ' 19. Water Treatment Additives. If the discharge is treated with any conditioner, inhibitor, or algicide, answer the following: I C 219b Name and address 291 c Quantity (pounds added per 291 d Chemical 219a Name of Material of manufacturer million gallon of water treated) composition Betz Industrial Corp Bio-Trol 88P Landmark Plaza 5 lb/day at the BCH Facility See attached 4303-8 Oleander Dr. (0.33 lb/million gal at Outfall 002) DEM Form 101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Betz Industrial Corp Cor-Trol 778P Landmark Plaza 0.069 lb/day at the BCH Facility See attached 4303-8 Oleander Dr. (0.0046 lb/million gal at Outfall 002) DEM Form 101 Wilmington, NC 29403 Betz Industrial Corp Balanced Polymer 54400 Landmark Plaza 0.154 lb/day at the BCH Facility See attached 4303-8 Oleander Dr. (0.010 lb/million gal at Outfall 002) DEM Form 101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Betz Industrial Corp Opti-Meer Landmark Plaza 0.038 lb/day at the BCH Facility See attached 4303-8 Oleander Dr. (0.0025 lb/million gal at Outfall 002) DEM Form 101 Wilmington, NC 28403 Betz Industrial Corp Continuum 29000 Landmark Plaza 3.60 lb/day at the BCH Facility See attached 4303-8 Oleander Dr. (0.238 lb/million gal at Outfall 002) DEM Form 101 Wilmington, NC 29403 Note: The above additives are used solely in the BCH Energy Project Facility located at the Dupont Fayetteville Works and which ultimately discharges through the DuPont Outfall 002. DEQ-CFW 00064577 L' I I I d Chemical composition of these I 219d additions ves (see instructi) Complete Items 20-25 if there is a thermal discharge (e.g., associatedwith a steam and/or power generation plant, steel mill, petroleum refinery, or any other manufacturing process) and the total discharge flow is 10 million gallons per day or more. (see instructions) 20. Thermal Discharge Source_ Check . 220 the appropriate item(s) indicating the source of the discharge (see instructions) Boiler Slowdown Boiler Chemical Cleaning Ash Pond Overflow Boiler Water Treatment - Evaporator Slowdown Oil and Coal Fired Plants -Effluent from Air Pollution Control Devices Condense Cooling Water Cooling Tower Slowdown Manufacturing Process Other 21. Discharge,'Receiving Water Temperature Difference Give the maximum temperature difference between the discharge and receiving waters for summer and winter operating conditions (see instructions) Summer 221a Winter 221b 22. Discharge Temperature , Rate of Change Per Hour 222 Give the maximum possible rate of temperature change per hour of discharge under operating conditions (see instructions) 23. Water Temperature, Peroentile Report(Frequency of Occurrence) In the table below, enter the temperature which is exceeded 10% of the year, 5% of the year, 1 % of the year and not at all (maximum yearly temperature). (see instructions) Frequency of occurrence a. Intake Water Temperature 223a (subject to natural changes b. Discharge Water Temperature 223b 24. Water Intake Velocity 224 (see instructions) 25. Retention Time Give the length of 225 time, in minutes, from start of water temperature rise to discharge of cooling water. (see instructions) DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 See attached D.E.M. Form 101 for compositions. ® BLBD p BCCL APOF EPBD OCFP k7 COND ® CTBD ® MFPR OTHR 10.8 of 23.4 OF 0.5 0FJhour 1 /o /0 1 /e maximum 84.6 OF 85.5OF 87.2 OF 88.8°F 87.8 OF 91.4°F 95 OF I 96.80F 1.6 feettsec. _35 minutes DEQ-CFW 00064578 111UM DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 Additional I nfomiabon Item n ormabon 16 Biocide used in the BCH Energy Pro'ect's Cooling Tower is BETZ Bio-Trol 88P. For all the treatment chemicals used in the facility, a D.E.M. Form 101 is attach DEQ-CFW 00064579 ' Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC nnn-573 ' BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 ' The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name DuPont Comuanv - Favettevil le_ Wnrka NPDES # NC 0003573 County Baden ' Receiving Stream Cape Fear River 7010 791 (cfS) (Ail above information suppled by the Division of Environmental Management) ' What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? ' A.D.D. = 12.2 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered ' above. IWC = (A.D.D.) X 100 _ (12.2) X 100 = 2.3 % (7Q10)(0.646) - (791 )(0.646) + (A.D.D.) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? 3E 2- Cor- T l '77,?P Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: �-`r� % rr % % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole ' product used per day. D.R.= grams/day D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 DEQ-CFW 00064580 ' Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 ' Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per ' blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume- 0.16 million gallons ' What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addtfon? If unknown, enter WA. 6-9 ' What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.-O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half ' fife (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. - Unknown Days The decay rate is equal to H�L X 0.69 = 0 =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. ' D.F. = A( D.D.) + (D.K.) _ (12.2 ) + ( 0 ) 76 (Volume) ( 0.16 ) F C I In. C 11 11 Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: (31.4 ) _ �� pia 7 rr,g/I (D.R.) Dischg Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) _ ( 76 ) ( 0.16 ) (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Discho. Conc.) x (IWC010) _ (0. D007 ) x ( 2.3 ) = Q QODD �� myI too too Receiving Stream Concentration Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Q L _Organism 7wo.Aow 7s-�OK7- /� l�i�Ll Yh//end �'(��Nhotd Gt.ONNi� Qgh�t,. Test Duration '-A;- t C50 (MA D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 2 DEQ-CFW 00064581 s Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Enter the LC50: 6.3 J "� •If the haff life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 = MgA B the half life (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = O, 04e;3 mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the kalCufations immediately above and place in this blank: 0 Ag _2 mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: 0 0000 mg/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated Irritation, then this biodde is unacceptable for use. 1q1:: rL e �• '7 oKKSOiL Person in Responsible Charge 5 -- 9s' We D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 DEQ-CFW 00064582 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BETZ LABORATORIES, INC. 4636 SOMERTON ROAD, TREVOSE, PA 19053 PRODUCT: COR-TROL 778-P August 19, 1994 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Rainbow Trout 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: 6.3 mg/L No Effect Level: 3.7 Fathead Minnow 96 Hour Static Renewal Bioassay LC50: 8•:2 mg/L No Effect Level: 3.1 Daphnia magna 48 Hour Static Renewal Bioassay LC50: 8.7 mg/L No Effect Level: 4.9 BIODEGRADATION COD (mg/gm): 47 Calculated TOC (mg/gm): 16 Calculated BOD-5 (mg/gm): 27 Calculated BOD-28 (mg/gm): 27 Calculated Closed Bottle Test $ Degradation in 28 days: 83 Calculated Zahn-Wellens Test % Degradation in 28 days: 65 Calculated MAMLIAN TOXICOLOGY Oral LD50 RAT: >5,000 MG/KG • Note - ESTIMATED VALUE Dermal LD50 RABBIT: >5,000 MG/KG Note - ESTIMATED VALUE DEQ-CFW 00064583 ' Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC nnn357,A BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 ' The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. 1. Facility Name DuPont Company - Fayettevilla Works ' NPDES # NC 0003573 County Bl aden ' Receiving Stream Cave Fear River _ 7010 7g1 (cfS) (Ail above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) ' What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handing systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 12.2 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered ' above. IWC = (A.D.D.) X 100 _ (12.2) X 100 = 2.3 ryo (7Q10)(0.646) — (791 )(0.646) + (A.D.D.) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I &7-9 &0-7,v-,/ 29P Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: // /L P• l ' b►oofe -; -�vo 5 S � a�wst+�r�`iy�nTb�K r*�S+_% ' _% ' % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole ' product used per day. D.R.= L.GIo grams/day D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 DEQ-CFW 00064584 • Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 ' Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per ' blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.16 million gallons ' What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter NIA. 6-9 What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? 0 unknown, assume no decay (D.K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half ' life (Half Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ' H.L. = Unknown Days The decay rate is equal to H1L X 0.69 = 0 =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. ' D.F. = AS- .D.D.)- + (D.K.) _ (12.2 ) + ( 0 ) 76 (Volume) ( 0.16 ) I in. C Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: 22 . D� (� ) omg/I Dtschg Cont. ' (D.R.) (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) ' ( 76 ) ( 0.16 ) (3 78 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Discho. Conc.) x (IWCOM _ (10. 049 1) x ( 2.3 ) _ �j, G?�/ mg/l 100 Receiving Stream Concentration Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ru-wk.... -%yrwf D4DK641'R- A11094Nst. Test DuJJration %- /y 9 - AA TO -Ae LC50 (M-A O. YI D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 2 DEQ-CFW 00064585 ' Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Enter the LC50: O• 4,5-- ' •ff the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Umitation = 0.05 x LC50 1mgA If the half Ife (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Umitation = 0.01 x LC50 0. 004��mg/l ' Choose the appropriate regulated Imitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: O. GAS mg/titer ' From Part 11 enter the receiving stream concentration: O. GY>/ l mg/liter IV. Analysis. ' If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated Imitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. ........ I ' we Person in Responsible Charge D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 DEQ-CFW 00064586 'I E L BETZ LABORATORIES, INC. 4636 SOMERTON ROAD, TREVOSE, PA 19053 PRODUCT: BIO-TROL 88P AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Rainbow Trout 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: .87 mg/L Fathead Minnow 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: 2..19 mg/L Daphnia magna 48 Hour Static Acute Bioassay. LC50: .45 mg/L Sheepshead Minnow 96 Hour Static Acute Bioassay LC50: 19.5 mg/L BIODEGRADATION NO DATA AVAILABLE NUOMLIAN TOXICOLOGY August 19, 1994 Oral LD50 RAT: 578 MG/KG Note - 600 MG/KG PER ALT. SOURCE; DEHALOGENATED BYPRODUCT RAT ORAL LD50: >4,000 MG/KG Dermal LD50 RABBIT: >2,000 MG/KG . Note - ALTERNATE SOURCE CONCURS Inhalation LC50 RAT: 1.88 MG/L/4HR Note - X3.2 MG/L/4HR AT 100 PPM (NO DEATHS) PER ALTERNATE SOURCE Skin Irritation Score RABBIT: 6.1 Note - 6.98 PER ALTERNATE SOURCE.- REVERSIBLE; DEHALOGENATED BYPRODUCT SCORE: 0.8 Eye Irritation Score RABBIT: 103 Note - 14 DAY-IRREVERSIBLE-MAX.AT DAY 3; DEHALOGENATED BYPRODUCT SCORE: 12.8-REVERSIBLE 90 Day Feed Study RAT: NO DATA ' Note - DEHALOGENATED BYPRODUCT 90-DAY ORAL LD50: >2,000- DEQ-CFW 00064587 ' Facility Name: DuPont Comoanv - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC nonis7'i ' BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 ' The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name DuPont Company,- Fayetteville Works ' NPDES # NC 0003573 - County Baden Receiving Stream Cave Fear River 7010 Zg 1 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) ' What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? ' A.D.D. = 12.2 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered ' above. IWC = (A.D.D.) X 100 _ (12 2) X 100 = 2.3 % (7Q10)(0.646) - (791 )(0.646) + (A.D.D.) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Please fist the active ingredients and percent composition: e'`o 1 ; 1 - What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole ' product used per day. D.R.= lo% 7 grams/day E D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 DEQ-CFW 00064588 I Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 ' Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per ' blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume- 0.16 million gallons ' What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. 6-9 tWhat is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half ' We (Hag Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ' H.L. = Unknown Days ' The decay rate is equal to HiL X 0.69 = 0 =Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. ' = A_(D.D.)( ) - + D.K. (12.2 ) + 0 ) 76 D.F. (Volume) ( 0.16 ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: Dischg Conc. _ (D.R.) = ( fig• 7 ) = O. 00/ mg/l ' (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) ( 76 ) ( 0.16 ) (3 78 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. ' (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Discha. Conc.) x (IWC0%6 _ (O.00�S) x ( 2.3 ) = a. 00A:::>3s mgA ' 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration ' Ill. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ' Organism Test Duration LC50 (ram) �ADftKiQ l�CQ�thQ �O �!r > z& e 1 - -���� Nl,•,,kew 9 �� - > �o�oa D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 2 DEQ-CFW 00064589 Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: Enter the LC50: > ZDDD •8 the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 1m9A N the halt life (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. Regulated Umitation = 0.01 x LC50 = i 2 mgA Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: i ZG mg/liter From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: O, 0000.3-5 mg/liter IV. Analysis. It the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated Imitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. gie-44, e l z =---. l.Y'o A-t- Person in Responsible Charge Date D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 DEQ-CFW 00064590 C 1 BETZ 4636 SOMERTON�RO D, TREVOSE, PA 19053 PRODUCT: BALANCED POLYMER 54401 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY August 19, 1994 Daphnia magna 48 Hour Static Screen PH of test solutions were adjusted to a level of 6-9. 0$ Mortality: 2000 mg/L Fathead Minnow 96 Hour Static Screen with 48-Hour Renewal PH of.test solutions were adjusted to a level of 6-9. 0% Mortality: 2000 mQ/L BIODEGRADATION COD (mg/gm): 93 Calculated TOC (mg/gm): 28 Calculated BOD-5-(mg/gm): 0 Calculated BOD-28 (mg/gm): 0 Calculated Closed Bottle Test $ Degradation in 28 days: Zahn-Wellens Test $ Degradation in 28 days: MAMMALIAN TOXICOLOGY Oral LD50 RAT: >5,000 MG/KG Note - ESTIMATED VALUE Dermal LD50 RABBIT: >5,000 MG/FCG • Note - ESTIMATED VALUE 2 Calculated 0 Calculated 11 DEQ-CFW 00064591 Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works_ NPDES M NC 000-1523 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered irno the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name DuPont Comvanv - Fayette illp Works NPDES # NC, 0003573 County Baden Receiving Stream Cave Fear River 7010 791 (cfs) (All above information suppled by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = 12.2 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC - (A.D.D.) X 100 _ (12.2 ) X 100 = 2.3 96 (7Q10)(0.646) - (791 )(0.646) + (A.D.D.) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? 96 711- OPT-1 - A1641Y Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: °/ ° What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole product used rper day. D.R.= 7 grams/day D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 DEQ-CFW 00064592 • Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 ' Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per ' blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume= 0.16 million gallons What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. 6-9 What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the halt ' life (Hal Life is the time required for the initial product to degrade to halt of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. = Unknown Days ' The decay rate is equal to 1 HL. X 0.69 = 0 =Decay Rate (D.K.) . Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. ' D.F. = A( D.D.) + ) ( D.K. _ (12.2 ) + ( 0 ) = 76 (Volume) ( 0.16 ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: ' Dischg Conc. _ (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) _ ( 76 ) ( 0.16 ) (3 7 8 5 ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. ' (Receiving Stream Concentration) Mischa. Conc.) x (IWC%) (0. ) x ( 2-1 ) = 0, Moo mg/I ' 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration ' in. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ' Orgarlism Test Duration LC50 (MGM D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 2 DEQ-CFW 00064593 1 Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES M NC 0003573 1 , Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: 1 Enter the LC50: y� •ff the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. 1 Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 MgA ff the half ife (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. 1 Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 = > 0, 5 mgA 1 Choose the appropriate regulated imitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: > d• s —mg/liter 1 1 From Part ii enter the receiving stream concentration: a OXW'_mg/liter 1 IV. Analysis. 1 If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated imitation, then this taWde is unacceptable for use. 1 1 Date Person in Responsible Charge 1 1 D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 DEQ-CFW 00064594 p BETZ LABORATORIES, INC. 4636 SOMERTON ROAD, TREVOSE, PA 19053 PRODUCT: OPTI-MEEN SERIES PROPOSED AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY Daphnia magna 48 Hour Static Screen 0% Mortality: 50 mg/L Rainbow Trout 48 Hour Static Screen 100$ Mortality: 500 mg/L 0% Mortality: 100 BIODEGRADATION COD (Mg/gm): 733 Calculated TOC (mg/gm): 287 Calculated BOD-5 (mg/gm): 2 Calculated BOD-28 (mg/gm): 187 Calculated Closed Bottle Test % Degradation in 28 days: Zahn-Wellens Test $ Degradation in 28 days: MAMMALIAN TOXICOLOGY Oral LD50 RAT: 675 MG/KG - Note - ESTIMATED VALUE Dermal LD50 RABBIT: 890 MG/KG Note - ESTIMATED VALUE August 19, 1994 37 Calculated 47 Calculated - Eye•Irritation Score RABBIT: CORROSIVE Note - 154 CYCLOHEXyLAMINE SCORE: CONSTANT IRRITATION, NO 101. +/-RINSING,B Skin Irritation Score RABBIT:•6.3 IBLE Note - EPA CATEGORY I: CORROSIVE; 60 MINUTES BUT NOT 3 MINUTEST HM181 CORROSIVE IN DEQ-CFW 00064595 Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0001573 BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET-FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I. Facility Name DuPont Company - Fayettevill - Workc NPDES # NC 0003573 — County Bladen Receiving Stream Cayce Fear River 7010 791 (CfS) (All above information suppled by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handing systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. - 12. 2 (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC (A.D.D.) X 100 _ (12.2 ) X 100 = 2.3 % (7Q10)(0.646) - (791 )(0.646) + (A.D.D.) This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. Ii. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? $,CTsZ CoAt i(A aorc Z%O Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: n o/ ° If What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole product used per day. D.R.= 16-33 grams/day D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 1 DEQ-CFW 00064596 •Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES M NC 0003573 ' Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per ' biowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.) Volume- 0.16 million gallons ' What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? if unknown, enter WA. 6-9 1 What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.=O) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 pH standard unit within handling system. Enter the half ' life (Half Lffe is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ' H.L. = Unknown Days The decay rate is equal to 1 X 0.69 = 0 =Decay Rate (D.K.) ' H.L. Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. A( D.D.) _ (12.2 ) + 0 76 D.F. _ (Volume) + (D.K.) ( 0.16 ) ( ) _. I C� 1 I E Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: Dischg Conc. _ 7 (D.R.) _ ( IG33 ) = O.03.5 mg/I (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) ( 76 ) ( 0.16 ) (3 8 5) L Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) Mischa. Conc.) x (IWC%) = (O.d35 ) x ( 2.3 ) _ G QD08/ mg/I 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration Calculate regulated Imitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/1). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. ,�/ / Orgarism Test Durdon /yo a44 PX/373 1_e Yftr'S Di�aa��ta'� . / �/iKtd iat d�i�utff�i�S 'W IV, 2?'e7 D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 2 DEQ-CFW 00064597 Facility Name: DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works NPDES #: NC 0003573 1 , Choose the lowest LC50 fisted above: ' Enter the LC50:_ -If the hall life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. 1 Regulated Limitation = 0.05 x LC50 mg/l If the half life (H.L.) is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculation. ' Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC50 > MgA 1 Choose the appropriate regulated Imitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank: 0• D/ mg/fiter 1 ' From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: d. "8 mg/liter 1 IV. Analysis. ' 0 the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated Imitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. 1 ' Sigro" Date Person in Responsible Charge 1 1 1 i D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) 3 1 DEQ-CFW 00064598 IBETZ LABORATORIES, INC. 4636 SOMERTON ROAD, TREVOSE, PA 19053 ' PRODUCT: CONTINUUM 29000 SERIES PROPOSED i AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY I NO DATA AVAILABLE IBIODEGRADATION COD (mg/gm): 212 Calculated TOC (mg/gm): 81 Calculated BOD-5 (mg/gm): 3 Calculated BOD-28 (mg/gm): 13 Calculated Closed Bottle Test 4 Degradation in 28 days: 0 Calculated ' Zahn-Wellens Test $ Degradation in 28 days: 6 Calculated tMAMMALIAN TOXICOLOGY Oral LD50 RAT: 4,800 MG/KG ' ! Note - ESTIMATED VALUE !; Dermal LD50 RABBIT: >5,000 MG/KG Note - ESTIMATED VALUE August 19, 1994 DEQ-CFW 00064599 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0003573 ADDENDUM TO D.E.M. FORM 101 Estimation of total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES discharge point: Basis: Discharge from BCH Energy Project enters the DuPont non -contact wastewater conveyance ditch and flows to Outfall 002. Conveyance Ditch Volume = 5 ft x 2 ft x 2200 ft = 22,000 ft3 = 165,000 gallons DEQ-CFW 00064600 ' STANDARD FORM C - MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL SECTION ill. WASTE ABATEMENT REQUIREMENTS & IMPLEMENTATION (CONSTRUCTION) SCHEDULE ' This section requires information on any uncompleted implementation schedule which may have been imposed for construction of waste treatment facilities. Such requirements and implementation schedules may have been established by local, State, or Federal agencies or by court action, In addition to feting the following items, a copy of an official implementation schedule should be attached to this application. IF YOU ARE SUBJECT TO SEVERAL DIFFERENT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES, EITHER BECAUSE OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF AUTHORITY IMPOSING DIFFERENT SCHEDULES (ITEM 1a) AND/OR STAGED CONSTRUCTION OF SEPARATE OPERATIONAL UNITS (ITEM 1c), SUBMIT A SEPARATE SECTION Ill FOR EACH ONE. FOR AUhNUY US Sdhed. No,_ Improvements a Discharge Serial Numbers 300 N/A ' Affected List the discharge serial numbers, assigned in Section II, that are covered by this implementation schedule ' b. Authorittyy Imposing Require- 301a ment Check the appropriate item indicating the authority for the implementation schedule If the identical implementation ' schedule has been ordered by more than one authority, check the appropriate items. (see instructions) Locally developed plan 301b ❑ LOC ' Arsawide Plan ❑ ARE Basin Plan ❑ BAS State approved implementation ❑ SQS ' schedule Federal approved water quality ❑ WQS standards implementation plan Federal enforcement procedure ❑ ENF ' or action State court order ❑ CRT Federal court order ❑ FED c. Facility Requirement Specify the 3-character code of those 3-character listed below that best describes (general) in general terms the require- ment of the implementation 301c ' schedule and the applicable sb(- character abatement oodes(s) . from Table II of the instruction booklet If more than one 301d 6-character schedule applies to the facility specific) because of a staged constructio see Table II) ' schedule, state the stage of con- struction being described here with the appropriate general ' action code. Submit a separate Section III for each stage of construction planned. ' New Facility NEW Modification (no increase in capacity or treatment) MOD Increase in Capacity INC Increase in Treatment Level INT ' Both Increase in Treatment Level and Capacity ICT Process Change PRO Elimination of Discharge EU 1 DEQ-CFW 00064601 Implementation Schedule and 3. Actual Completion Dates Provide dates imposed by schedule and any actual dates of completion for implementation steps listed below. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. (see instructions) Implementation Steps 2. Schedule (yr/Mo/Day) 3. Actual Completion (Yr/Mo/Day) a Preliminary plan complete 302a _lam 303a —1 b. Final plan submission 302b 303b c. Final plan complete 302c 303c d Financing complete & contract 302d 300d _l_! awarded e. Site acquired 302e _/_! 303e f. Begin construction 302f 303f g. End construction 302g —1 303g —lam h. Begin discharge 302h _(� 303h —/-1 i. Operational level attained 302 / I 303i 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEQ-CFW 00064602 N. C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ' NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION APPLICATION NUMBER ' DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER C r L E REFER TO DIRECTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO COMPLETE THIS FORM Parameter (Code) (501) UntreatedIn-Flan Intake Water (Daily average) Treated Intake Water (Daily avers of y Average Minimum Value maximum Value requency of Analysis Number of Analyses SaMP16 Type REMARKS: I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this report and that to go hest of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. a*,e r-ofm me of i are ot AuLhonzedn m a re DEQ-CFW 00064603 0 0 C 1 I 11 r I Direct ons - For each parameter listed, complete the information requested in each column in the units specified according to the instructions given below. Column 1- Enter the daily average value of the intake water at the point it enters the facility. If intake water if from more than one source, and enters the facility at separate entry points, the value given in column 1 should be weighted proportional to the quantity of flow contributed from each source. If water is treated before use, completion of this column is not required (see instructions for column 2). Values of intake are not required for mining activities. Column 2 - If all or part of intake water is treated before use, provide values for total intake here instead on in Column 1, Also describe briefly in item 26'additional information,' the type of treatment performed on intake water (e.g., rapid sand fiftration, coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, etc.) and the percent of intake water contributing to this discharge that has been treated. Column 3 - Supply daily average value for the days when discharge is actually operating or is expected to be operating (a new discharge). Daily average values are to be computed by weighing the daily value in proportion to the daily flow. If a discharge occurs irregularly, the value supplied in the column marked 'Daily Average' should represent an average for the average for the days the discharge actually occurs. Average values are not to be supplied for pH, specific conductance, and bacteriological parameters (e.g., ooliforn bacteria). Columns 4 and 5 - Supply minimum and maximum value observed (or expected for new discharge) over any one day when the discharge is operating. Column 6 - Specify the average frequency of analysis for each parameter as number analyses per number of days (e.g., '3(7' is equivalent to three analyses performed every 7 days). If continuous, enter'C.ONT.' When analyses are conducted on more than one individual grab sample collected during the same day, the analysis frequency should reflect one analysis whose value is the average of the individual grab sample measurements. Average frequency should be based on an operating month. Column 7-Specify the number of analyses performed at the average frequency specified in column 6, up to 365. Column a - Specify sam le type as follows: G For grab sample (individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes). uC • For composite sample # is to be replaced by the average number of hours over which the composite sample was collected. Composite samples are combinations of individual samples obtained at intervals over a time period, either the volume of each individual sample is directly proportional to discharge flow rates or the sampling interval (for constant volume samples) is inversely proportional to the flow rates over the time period used to produce the composite. NA If 'CONT' was entered in column 6. Analytical methods - Appendix A contains all parameters with their reporting levels, test descriptions, and references. The parameter values can be determined either by use of the standard analytical methods as described in table A or by methods previously approved by the EPA Regional Administrator or Director of a federally approved State program (or their authorized representative) who has jurisdiction over the State in which the discharge occurs. If the test used is not one shown in table A, the test procedure should be referenced in 'Remarks' or on a separate sheet. If values are determined to be less than the detectable limits (as determined by referenced standard analytical techniques and/or instrument manufacturers literature), specify 'LT(Value of detectable limit)' in the appropriate space. For example, if the detectable limit is .005 mg/I and quantities of less than this are determined, specify 'LT.005.' Do not enter descriptors such as 'NIL,' 'TRACE,' 'NEG,' etc. for this purpose. If it is your reasoned Judgment that one or more of the required parameters is not present in the initial untreated or treated process water and/or the discharge, enter an 'A' (meaning 'absent ') in the appropriate space. In order for values reported to be representative, it is recommended that they be based on from at least five to seven analyses of composite samples(if applicable). Each of the composite samples should be obtained by oompositing frequent samples in proportion to flow over an operating day. Samples should be taken during period of maximum production, if possible. If samples are taken at periods of less than maximum production, state in 'Remarks" the percent of maximum production that was obtained during the sampling period DEQ-CFW 00064604 i i i i it it i i i i_ i'---i---•i i i i i i i UNITED STATES DUART QUADRANGLE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA `sNORTH CAROLINA ow DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUR z DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4`1a GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SFA SARff PAULS 15' QUADRANGIE N RALEIGH, N. C. 7 6 ° 30" A MI GRAYS CREFK 6 Mi. 5253 IV NE , - 695 E 697 5 TO INTERSTATE.95' 699 (CEDAR CREEK) „ta � 1 ,,� � '�'' � 67 � .1 1119 / m : , I ' D i it ', '•rn / ° BM 144 U " �2 � n �1 • J airvid ® zs A vsa ° ,.mac 211 7. 3860"• N " : eke U - ,lr 3659 - •-- -.._ . I;� r II ,Cem eK vo -_.\,-_,- ,e( 1 0. n -� i- •', 1 ii I 'rI 1, r� I� )t.'I. ;,,I,' 1' � - 'l/ al e di X ISO cam U \ ( I %Tajnks p IN Tanks 4i nd Waste 3857 lee Huske Dam No 3Derfiel 50' BM 149 \I 111 illy SITE " BOUNDARY1p5 q�) oo oo 5 J • \ \ _ % i / e 1 roo r 1j I , I l' , '; / ros Hal' ) M 145 � � , � + o 17114 1 '1 1,. o Radio ? ` Boat `1 re 1 amp Cho 64 p(�\ :�i I `` /-�\ r� �Jo •� ram` I V—J-� cam 135 -__` \ ` ' ° • 9M� 70) Duwd 1 ' (. TIde' O 3652 - - II ' ark � 47' 30•' ° 1 \♦ r' 1'., �\\ �� / J . `� im.1 I 1 .,1 BMl38 ----- - no m D 70 1 I u r N DEQ-CFW 00064606 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AVERAGE BOYS IN THGISNUS OF GALLONS PER DAY. SOME FLOWS ARE ESTIMATED TO GIVE INTAKE AND DISMARGE TOTALS. SCHEMATIC WATER FLOW E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. FAYETTEVILLE WORKS PAGE 1 OF 2 STORM WATER a U O DEQ-CFW 00064607 1 1 1 1 1 ' SCHEMATIC WATER FLOW PROCESS USES t E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. FAYETTEVILLE WORKS PAGE 2 OF 2 TO 810-TFEATMENT �. N 97 1 DEQ-CFW 00064608 IDUPONT - FAYETTEVILLE WORKS NCD0003573 Sludge Management Plan The DuPont - Fayetteville Works operates a Class 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant which is comprised of a single -stage activated sludge biological system. Excess sludge is removed from the system by diverting part of the Recycled Activated Sludge (at approximately 0.6% solids) from the clarifiers to a Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) unit for initial thickening. The sludge from the DAF (at approximately 3% solids) is transferred to a Mix Tank where polymer agents are added to enhance the dewatering process. The semi -thickened sludge is transferred from the Mix Tank to a Rotary Filter for final thickening, whereby the sludge is thickened to 6% solids. The thickened sludge is then transferred to a Screw Press where it is dewatered to a concentration of 9-20% solids. Following the Screw Press, the sludge is dried in steam heated dryers to a concentration of 40-55% solids. On the average, the weekly quantity of generated dried sludge is 13,000 lb. The dried, non -hazardous sludge is transported off -site to a commercial Subtitle D landfill. This sludge is currently being disposed of at the Sampson County Landfill near Roseboro, NC. DEQ-CFW 00064609