HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00042467NCDENR Dexter R `4@tt,1,,ews, Director Division of Waste Management June 25, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager DuPont Fluoroproducts - Fayetteville Works 22 828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville, NC 28306-7332 '�Jic,�ae! F Easley, ";overrior ,NNIiarq , G. Ross j,,. Sece`ary IN Re: NOTI for Phase I Supplemental RCRA Facility Investigation Repo (5/27/04) DuPont Fluoroproducts - Fayetteville Works EPA ID # NCD 047 368 642 Dear Mr. Johnson: The North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section (HWS) has reviewed the document titled Phase I Supplemental RCRA Facility Investigation Report. The report does not constitute an adequate RF1 report. Comments developed to offer guidance and aid with revisions to the report are attached to this letter. DuPont -Fayetteville should submit responses to the Hazardous Waste Section's comments and/or revisions to the referenced document within ninety (90) days of the receipt of this letter. The 14WS will need three copies of the responses to comments and document revisions. If your office has questions concerning this correspondence, please call me at (919) 733-2178 extension 236. Sincerely, Larry Stanley Hydrogeologist NC Hazardous Waste Section cc: Jon Johnston, EPA Region 4 Bobby Nelms Larry Stanley cv/ 4W Bud McCarty Bob Glas#& Karim Pathan /44P Larry Stanley/4�py 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh: North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone 919-733-4996 \ FAX 919-715-36051 Internet http Ywaste notric org A!) E(41Jal Affltma'JVEL, At inn Emp:.oyif P'lill-d on Dua� Fvp^,,se Rp(;y(,,I(-,,d Paptrr C:%mel\lgs�noti-fay-supp?hasel-report. doc DEQ-CFW-00042467 "Vat I Fayetteville, North Carolina EPA ID # NCD 047 368 642 Hazardous Waste Section's Comments on Phase I Supplemental RCRA Facility Investigation Repo (5/27/01 Executive Surninary SWMU 6 I dlit M VI 0 0, U I C WI IUC I ILL TL =41 W i-SUVIerau-to LS cc tek RUnic 12�bl: 'I, =I-, C standards. The Hazardous Waste Section believes all exceedances of applicable groundwater standards identified at locations doAmgradient of SWMU 6 should be mentioned in the executive summary. The executive summary seems to limit discussion to releases potentially originating at the common sump area of SWMU 6. Section 2.3 Plant Site Operations 2) Area IV (Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate Area) is not shown on Figure 3. The other three areas, however, are labeled on this figure. DuPont -Fayetteville should show the part of the plant where ammonium perfluorooctanoate (C-8) has been manufactured or used. Section 2.5.5 Ammonium Perfluorooctonate..(C-8) SaInDling 3) DuPont -Fayetteville should indicate the date when ammonium perfluorooctanoate (C-8) was introduced at the plant --either first manufactured or first used.. 61Rr M-101MIMSIAM 4) The RFI report states that eight shallow piezometers were installed as part of the Phase I supplemental RFL Figure 3 also seems to show eight piezometers. However, the piezometer designations (i.e., PZ-1 1 through PZ-20) cited in the text of Section 3. 1.1 indicate ten piezometers were installed. DuPont should resolve this apparent discrepancy. Section 4.4.1 Analicaj Results -Groundwater Samples DEQ-CFW-00042468 rZ methylene chloride is exceeded in NAF-03 and not NAF-02. Constituent exceedances in groundwater are depicted on Figure 6 and not, as stated in the text, on Figure 7. DuPont - Fayetteville should revise the text ♦I Section 4.4.1 to show this information. Section 4.4.1 Anal3lical Results -Surface Water Sam I A 6) Surface water sample locations and analytical results are depicted on Figure 7 and not, as indicated in the text, on Figure 8. The analytical results for the surface water samples are in Table 5. Rce wtits of constituett conce-ttration aroiallot shown o-t Table 5. 7) DuPont -Fayetteville should consult with the Water Quality Section to confirm that the reported concentrations of chloride and fluoride do not exceed their respective Subehapter 2B surface water quality standards. If the sampled stream is a Class C surface water body, the 2B surface water standards for chloride and fluoride are exceeded. Section 4.4.2 Fire Training Area-AnalZical Results 8) The analytical results for the groundwater samples collected at the fire training area are summarized in Table 6 instead of Table 5 and displayed on Figure 8 rather than Figure 9. DuPont -Fayetteville should make the appropriate revisions to the text of the RFI report. • In addition to the analytical methods mentioned in this section, TPH-DRO analysis by Methojo 8015 (Modified) was also performed • the groundwater samples. This analysis and •f qhould be listed in the text along with the others. 10) Analytical results for groundwater samples collected at the former fire training area report a detection limit of 250 ug[L for TPH-DRO. The samples were not diluted. On the other hand, equipment ► analyzed for the same constituent ► the same method • a detection limit of 26 ug/L. DuPont -Fayetteville should explain the apparent disparity in the two detection limits. 11) The water table surface in the area of the former fire training area exhibits very little relief. When the data collected for the Phase I RFI report and the more recent supplemental Phase I RF1 report are compared, the interpreted groundwater flow direction can vary significantly. The HWS suggests that DuPont -Fayetteville discuss the apparent variability of the groundwater flow direction and the implications for further investigations posed by this variability. Section 12) In some parts of the mapped area, the contour lines shown on Figure 13 (Top of Clay Contour Map) do not honor the data points. For example, data points C-3, C-4, D-4, and F-3 are • the wrong • • contour lines. Assuming the data are correct, such "undulations" in the surface • the clay unit could mean that the unit is faulted • that there are stratigraphic variations 2 DEQ-CFW-00042469 1k in the unit. DuPont -Fayetteville should discuss the validity of the data points mentioned above and, if the data are considered "real," their significance. Section Contaminant Distribution-SWMU6 (Common Sumv) 13) The distribution of different constituents and variations in their concentrations implies there may be more than one release originating at SWMU 6. DuPont -Fayetteville should discuss the possibility of point sources other than the common sump at SWMU 6. As you are aware, SWMU 6 includes all of the process sewer system in the Nafion area. Section 6.2 Recommendations and Path Forward 14) The monitoring wells in the area of SWMIU 6 have been sampled twice. White the analytical results showed similar constituents, the concentrations reported for these constituents varied significantly. The HWS recommends DuPont -Fayetteville continue to sample these wells until baseline concentrations can be established with some degree of confidence. The wells should be sampled on a quarterly basis for at least a year. 15) The HWS recommends that DuPont -Fayetteville submit a work plan for future characterization tasks. Without a work plan the facility will be proceeding with the RFI on 7 "voluntary" basis. Depending upon the scope of work proposed in the work plan, DuPont - Fayetteville may be able to reference the elements mentioned in Section 6.2 (i.e., Data Management Plan, Project Management Plan, Erl rd ffal "M 16) The HWS requests that DuPont -Fayetteville review the facility's SWMUs with the Section. (The RFA was conducted over ten years ago.) Similar efforts to review and prioritize units at other DuPont facilities have been fruitful. The review could be submitted in writing or, as suggested by DuPont, done during a meeting at the facility. 17) The HWS recommends that DuPont -Fayetteville conduct an EI evaluation as part of their proposed formal risk evaluation. In the Handbook of Groundwater Protection and Cleanup Policies for RCRA Corrective Action, EPA has explained in detail the context in which environmental indicator evaluations are appropriate. As indicated in the EPA handbook, the HWS believes El evaluations should be performed at all TSDs, and not just the GPRA facilities. C:4nel11gs\dupont-fay-supp-phasel-report.do,- DEQ-CFW-00042470