HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00063592�v/001 0 DEQ-CFW 00063592 NPDES PERMIT NO. e C e00 FACILITY NAME j OPF'RATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CH GE CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGIN��,,Arid ONE COPY to:"� , ATTN: CENTRALF.ILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 JAN RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 MF+5 A* JAN18 19tf EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.C0 MONTH YEA J CLASS_5 COUNTY /��✓ GRADES PHONE(C,>/()-) /-2 / c cI (2) PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES X p , 60-jJ1 (SIGNATURE OF OPERA OR RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE .r; OOOJQ 004 j �$0060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 Cc -G W Y > _� Q U �g aE OF y � E■ .;; c� a' O 4 y v� U l figw' ( U�� '[r5 a E~a v OFFICE ►- W: xv Ao W z p� � dz W W 'aAa FZA Hv�19 vOi 4 d .axe Q�y Wv� wp 6 U� W Z �W aC7 �� A •" W Ed.O O z m ax H° a ENTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE NAME AND UNITS BELOW EFF INF C aE. Q HRS HRS Y/N MGD °C UNITS UG/L MG/I, A4&t- #/I00ML MG/L MG/L MG/L yrlr � 2 4 �ed ' 5 PAI s a iTr,+l >�`7 6 0, do � / (� �`7C Vic. � • +� [ t 8 i J -) G �i 9 00 Q q 10 ogw i'2 9 / 11 12 Q SCO, y 13 0900 � �'1,2 17.3 2 2 ` 14 ObeO q14 a(� eel- .3 150 00 R: rr? 77 17 ta3 r7t'i y i''.<y? Il 18 }G'e k'� j") I,q, 3 ' 19 e}?iv ay 20 (l ;� q 21 060o 23 24 aOC d- / ¢.> 25' : y 1 % fir' 26 N 7;5` 27 ({?L'G} ;1q j Lr 28 29 `0 i` , 30 0&0 31 Zti' u2-4 X AVERAGE MAXIMUM !f + 'I fK-3 rI 7+:5- 6) , e MINIMUM /3 1� -3 1V' y S i' ` • r) Comp, (C)I Grab (G) Ls�' Monthly Limit 4' /'%5 D, o-A(� - DEM Form MR-1 � 1:'/93) I DEQ-CFW 00063593 :w Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant ; x All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements El' Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect Wequipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. 1%0 See ,4-##-c-Ae,1 le-6�— � /�. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 67 Pe (Please p ' ) Sig. ature of Permittee** ate Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium Nitrogen - 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 .Hexavalent Chromium 01034 Chromium 00665 Total Phosphorous 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 00927 Total. Magnesium 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Coliform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 Formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 8.1551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the, reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). ** If signed by otherthanthe_permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the.state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506<(b) (2) (D)• It DEQ-CFW 00063594 NPDES PERMIT NO. C V 00 3 57 72 FACILITY NAME L) k po"t OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (I 14e-a CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, DEHNR 11 P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 I 95 EFFLUENT i S DISCHARGE NO. 67e -;2 MONTH L eC ZAbKo- YEAR 1-ff- CLASS 3 COUNTY 2C) bn-0,t'- - GRADER PHONE( 9/QJ, > 'A, —(2) PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES— A A I A - , x 4 t--- M'­ ( Tr-N AT OR I S 'URE !�Pffl HA 'IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. - 96- DATE 50050 00010 00400 150060 00310100610 00530 31616 003001 OOW 006651,901Sl I I I ENTER PARAMETER CODE FLOW m a rA ABOVE NAME AND UNITS --� U V7 EFF r-1 '4 W z V 'N' A z O BELOW w Ir. 61 w p 54 04 �u 12. w zo 0 z 04 2 .00 >a � 0 A 0 E-4 .4 co 0 a 0,.E 3, >1 0 FFx o E C) 4 0 z 1 HRS I HRS Y/Ni MGD I *C UNITS 1 UG/L 1 MG/L 1 MG/L 1 MG/L 1 #/IOOML 1 MG/L MG/L 1 MG/L IF 11 IQ 4 1 Y 1 /4, 9 / 1.22 m'' FROM mmnmgmmm 71"ImImmForm molpmW m1mmurArm,173 MIN 1111MICIFAMME-1 Merl m, mmm DEM Form MR- I (12/93) DEQ-CFW-00063595 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken_ in respecCto equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather -and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment -for knowing violations." Permittee Address 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter of Phone Number PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01034 Chromium 00665 Total Phosphorous 00720 Cyanide 00745 Total Sulfide 00927 Total Magnesium 00929 Total Sodium 00940 Total Chloride 01037 Total Cobalt 01042 Copper 01045 Iron 01051 Lead Date 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc -01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 331616 Fecal Coliform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow Permit Exp. Date 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 .Formaldehyde 71900 ,Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083,,extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the. reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility; and document visitationof facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authoritymust be on -file with, the stateper15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063596 DuPont Automotive P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 Y r aUPONT DuPont Automotive January 11, 1995 A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. Director - NCDEHNR Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: NPDES Permit No. N00003573 Dear Mr. Howard, The Outfall 001 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) on December 6, 1994, was measured as 3270 lb/day versus the NPDES Permit Daily Maximum limit of 950 lb/day. This apparent noncompliance was due to an analytical error. The original analysis for that date by our commercial laboratory indicated 440 mg/L TSS in the Outfall 001 effluent. Our own internal TSS analysis of that sample showed only 6 mg/L TSS. Our commercial laboratory re -analyzed the retained sample, which resulted in no detectable (0 mg/L) TSS. While our commercial laboratory has agreed that the initial result had to have been in error, the re -analysis of the sample exceeded the seven-day maximum hold time for TSS. Therefore, we unfortunately must use the original result. To prevent recurrence of this noncompliance, we are changing to a commercial laboratory which promises to be more responsive in identifying and correcting obviously questionable analytical results. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at (910) 678-1155. Michael E. Johnson Environmental Coordinator cc: Ms. Kitty Kramer, DEHNR-Fayetteville E. I, du Pont de Nemours and Company ® Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev. M DEQ-CFW 00063597 t oUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 January 12, 1995 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for December, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Mike Johnson at 9910-678-1155. RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW M. E. Johnson - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063598 GK3DEX87/DR. f DAY 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT STYPE QSTATUS LIMIT DATE C'OMPLIANCE- MONITORING - SIR REP PER MIT--NC0003573 �JP E - - 0 0 1 i�ROf--912 LOC --- E FACILITY--DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATION--FAYET•.TEVILLE REGION/CJiJNTY- 06 8LADEN 00010 00400 50050 Q/MGD// 1.11150/' i . 7 9x0 . 8 9� ,9� 1.0v0, .a9j- . 9 8j�0 , 9 a:1r, 1.03. .9� .9 9 (L � 1.0 2.-4C�' 097 o lg�, 1.9�'3"0 . 9 tvi 0 i 0�.9 .84� . 9 37 0, .a . 8 �0 .9 1. 0 .98 1.7sY30 .9894 1.7930 .8130 M;, D ?? I/I NNNI N 2.0000 931201 TEMP Phi . fl� 7. 4-0 2 ff 0� 7.4 2 6�J0 7.40 Z�. 00 2 23.66 2 7.00 21. DEG.0 GR I/I N N+N NN 931201 7. 5' 7.4� 7„ 00 7.4�v�0� 7: zt l v 7 .- O 7.3�0 7. 500 7,3ii SU 3R I/i MAINI 931201 01A Q/95 PAGE 1 00310 00530 TGP3B 00556 00600 BOO RES/TSS CER17DPF OIL-GRSE TOTAL N Zb� 55:0 16;rO 32705.0 5.900 20 58y0�' / .00 7 44�fl 16-w 8 32.f33 74.00 lb. 0 LBS/JAY CP I/I IIANN 931201 21'eT. O 19 .0 , 35.O 3-64. 0 327-0 '.0 364.2 3270.0 3 0 LBS/'JAY PASS/FAI C P I/F ?? I/I FFNNN NNNNN 931201 931201 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.fl0 G/L GR I/I NNNNN 931201 5.9 5.900 5.9 00 5.� 5.900 5.900 My/L CP I/I NNNNN 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063599 GKBDEX87/iR GAY O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3C 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT STYPE OSTATUS LIMIT DATE COMPLIANCE MONITORING — DMR REPORT PERMIT--NC0003573 PIPE--001 DMR (YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E PACiLITY--DUP3NT—FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATION--F-AYETTEVILLE RE.ION/COUNTY--06 BLADEN O1/19/95 PAGE 2 00665 32102 32103 34200 34205 34215 34220 34230 PHOS—TOT CARSNTET 12DICL=T ACENAPHT ACENAPHT ACRYLO?\II ANTHRACE BENZ3FLU 2.800 2.80' 0 208 00 2.8000 2.8030 2e8OOO MG/L LBS/DAY CP I/I ?? F/I NNNNN LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LSS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063600 GK9DEX87/DR 01/19/95 COMPLIANCE MONITORI`JG - DMR REPORT PAGE 3 PERMIT--NCO003573 PIPE--001 DMR {YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E FACILITY--DUPi1NT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 ' LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 3LADEN 34242 34247 34301 34311 34320 34336 34341 34371 DAY BENZO(K) RENZO( A) CHLOROBE CHLJROET CHRYSENE DIFTHYLP DIMETHYL ETHYLBEN 01 G2 03 04 05 06 07 OE 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM! MINIMUM UNIT LBS/DAY L9S/JAY L8S/DAY LBS/3AY LEIS/DAY LDS/DAY LSS/DAY LESS/DAY STYPE ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?"' F/I ?? F/I QSTATUS NNNNN LIMIT DATE 931201 031201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063601 GK0DEX87/0R DAY 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPLIANCE MONITORING - DMR REPORT PERMIT--NCO0O3573 PIPE--001 DMR (YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E FACILITY--DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS-2 LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 3LADEN 01/19/95 PAGE 4 34376 34381 34396 34418 .34423 34447 34461 34469 FLUORANT FLU3RENE HEXACHLO METHYLCH METHYLEN NITROBEN PHENA'NTH PYR.ENE UNIT LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LES/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY STYPE ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I QSTATUS LIMIT DATE 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063602 GK'3DEX87/DR DAY 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 COMPLIANCE MONITORING - DMR REPORT PERMIT--NCO003573 PIPE--001 DMR (YR/MD)--94/12 LOC --- E FACILITY--DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATIOd--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 BLADFN 01/19/95 PAGE 5 34475 34496 34501 34506 34511 34526 34536 34541 TETRACHL 11DIC4LO 11DICHLO 1.11TRICH 112TRICH BENZO(A) 12DICHLO 12DICHLO REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT LBS/DAY STYPE ??_F/I QSTATUS LIMIT DATE 931201 LBS/DA.Y LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063603 GK3DEX°7/uR 01/19/95 CJMPLIANCE MONITORING - DMR REPORT 'PAGE 6 PERMIT--NC0003573 PIPE--001 DMR (YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E FACILITY--DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATION--FAYETTE'VILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 9LADEN 34546 34551 34566 34571 34591 34601 34606 34611 DAY 12DICHLO 124TRICH 13DICHLO 14DIC4LO 2NITROPH 24DICHLO 24DIMETH 240INITR 01 02 03 04 05 Ora 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT LbS/DAY STYPE ?? F/I QSTATUS LIMIT GATE 931201 LBS/JAY L3S/DAY LBS/CAY LES/DAY LAS/CAY LBS/DAY LOS/JAY ?? F/I ?? F,/I ?? F/� ?? F/I ?? FCI ?? F/I - ?? F/I 931201 931201 9312101 931201 9.31201 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063604 GKPDEX'87/DR. 01/19/95 COMPLIANCE MONITORING - DMR REPORT PAGE 7 P'ERMIT--NC0003573 PIPE--001 OM R (YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E FAC.ILITY--OUPONT-FAY=TTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGIOWCOUNTY--06 3LADEN 34616 34626 34646 34657 34696 39100 39110 39175 JAY 24DI -ITR 26DINITR 4NITR0PH 46DINITR NAPTHALE 82E PHTN DNB PHTH VINYLCHL 01 02 03. 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT LBS/DAY L3S/DAY STYPE ?? F/I ?? F/I QS TATUS LIMIT DATE 931201 931201 LBS/DAY L3S/tDAY L3S/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/DAY LBS/tDAY ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I ?? F/I 931201 931?01 931201 931201 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063605 GKBDEX37/DR 01/19/95 COMPLIANCE MONIT`JRING - DMR REPORT PAGE 8 PERMIT--NCO0O3573 PIP;--001 DMR (YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E FACILITY--DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATION--FAYETTEVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 BLADEN 39700 39702 DAY KB NEXCL.9D 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REPORTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM COMPUTED AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT LSS/DAY LBS/DAY STYPE ?? F/I ?? F/I QSTATUS LIMIT DATE 931201 931201 DEQ-CFW 00063606 GKBDEt37/DR CJMPLIANCE MONITORING - DMR REPORT PERMIT--NC0003573 PIPE--002 MR (YR/MO)--94/12 LOC---E FACILITY--DUPONT-FAYETTEVILLE CLASS--2 LOCATION--FAYETTFVILLE REGION/COUNTY--06 BLADE"S 50050 0 00400 00310 00340 00951 DAY G}/MOD EMP PH 303 COD FLUORIDE 01 16.15 22. 7ado- 0202 16.122. 7. 03 16. 0 22. 7. 04 16.1,0� 2;.� 7: FO- 05 16.1 00 2 50- 06 14.615 0 , 22. 7.Et7,�?/ 1344.0t1� 07 14 0 8 14 o'�CT 0� 2 3. W� , / 09 14. 23. 7. 10 14. 6�5 0� 2 3 . / � 7. 11 14.e,_300u 23:z 7. 12 14 . E►�5�0 0 L 2 . ba-' 7. Ef9'�� 13 14 . _ -1-0-6 2 2. a-3-'' 7 . E7. �_t,C-f0 - 12 3 5 . 14 14. 3kjr 2 2 .� 7. i��o15 14.�t 16 14 . � 2 2 . /eA�I� 7. 17 14 .; 0� 2 2, 18 14.8'i 0 2 2 ..OII 7.3.R 19 14. � 2 0 .,1 7. 20 14.�00 21� 7.�� 1482.0w 21 13.8600 21.� 7.@�7// 22 13.8600 21..20� 7.b/ 23 13.8600 21.-80/ 7 57'D� 24 13.3600 21.-0 / 7.�t50, 3.8600 21..A� 7:;E 0 26 3.860 ��- 7.Fo 3.8 Ofl 20.t' 7.2196.0028 3 600 20.097. 29 13*8600 20.@� 7. 30 13.8600 20. / -7 31 13.8600 20. t 7.5� REPORTED AVERAGE 14. 0 21.r0',� /� 1564.O6� MAXIMUM 16.1_0 23.43� 8.._0�/' 219b.J�JO� MINIMUM 13o8 0 20.� 7.500 1235.0A COMPUTED AVERAGE 1496529 21.51 1564.250 MAXIMUM 16.1500 23.00 8.800 2196.000� MINIMUM 13.8600 20. 7.50 1235.000 UNIT MGo DEG.0 SU MG/L MG/L LBS/DAY STYPE ?? I/I GR I/I GR. I/I ?? I/I ?? I/I CP I/I 0STATUS NNNNN NNNNN 4NINI NNNNN NNNNN NINNN LIMIT DATE 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 931201 O1/19/95 PAGE 1 DEQ-CFW 00063607 IJo �O\j d`2 Co vv-w-A-e-Ls 4 --- V`A c)f- I=>� � �o All DEQ-CFW 00063608 • 4 p EFFLUENT ,�F QAN 0 ISi9951 NPDES PERMIT NO. 3 DISCHARGE NO. ®© MONTH YEAR 1� FACILITY NAME CLASS-_ COUNTY �3 OPERATOR IN RESEA1 C GRADE& PHONE a t ` CERTIFIED LABORtA) (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF OVERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) A- y DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS �c P.O. BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE.,, RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) "° C n '1) A "-J /- D N �B,4c-K DEQ-CFW 00063609 t Facilify Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Q Compliant ED- Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions tieing taken in respect to,equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. �e2 64/�l�d 4tsfTelf 6�ea�luc�l-ra !-todt e6hao%4li�o "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those q uY Pe p g y persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibilityof fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." yy Permittee (Please pri" type) Sigfiature of P 'ttee** Date Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 00076 Turbidity 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 00082 Color (ADMI) 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium Nitrogen 00095 Conductivity 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 01034 Chromium 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 00530 Total Suspended 00927 Total Magnesium Residue 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Coliforrn 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow 50060 Total' Residual' Chorine 71880 Formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733=5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility'spermit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and documentvisitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5)`(B). * * If signed by other than the permitted, delegation of signatory authority must -be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2)'(D)• DEQ-CFW 00063610 j) LJAN b 61995, NPDES PERMIT NO. N C 000 35 -7; FACILITY NAME[/L On;pi ' OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE 1 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES ") CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 50050 0001 FLOW W * E U H y y a EFF ❑ EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO. 00--� MONTHAZQdPg, P YE�°'R2j- CLASS .3 COUNTY %3 fir , GRADES PHONEaL,0 l 78 (2) P SRE ON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES D� (SIGNATURE OF OPENATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 3 U d0ynfl ENTER PARAMETER CODE a z A A z ABOVE NBELOW D UNITS Z W C0 WW p20 � �o s WZ aO W gO O �o -� am �z H�aWG WOc3 q0 Ez 0 ®.g ., mm�'mm f f � � r m®�mlm R.: -1 nmmim 1 1 i wm®mm = I �� ®m�mw " -'"_�k' F la y�0�, "�� rIml- m®" MEM-MOm57 1 71 UG/L I MG/I, I MG/L I MG/L DEMForm MR- 1 (12/93) + C0 menu �- 6,J 13 FIGK DEQ-CFW 00063611 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements_ ED- Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. ' 14 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Pe ttee (Please p ' ) Signature of Pe `ttee* * Date Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 00600 Total Nitrogen 0-1002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 01034 Chromium 31616 Fecal Coliform 00665 Total Phosphorous 32730 Total Phenolics 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34.235 Benzene 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 34481 Toluene 00927 Total Magnesium 38260 MBAS 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 395-16 PCBs 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 50050 Flow 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 Formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733 5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with_thestate per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063612 DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 DuPont Automotive Products December 23, 1994 A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. Director - NCDEHNR Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: NPDES Permit No. NC0003573 Dear Mr. Howard, During the week of November 21, 1994, both BOD-5 and TSS for Outfall 001 were tested once versus 3/week as required by the referenced NPDES permit. During that same week, the Outfall 002 weekly Fluoride analysis was not performed. This noncompliant monitoring was due to our contract laboratory closing Thursday and Friday of that week for Thanksgiving. Our sample collection days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We were not aware of the laboratory's holiday schedule until it was too late to submit the Wednesday and Thursday samples. To prevent recurrence of these noncompliances, we have worked closely with our laboratory to ensure that three daily samples are analyzed during the weeks affected by Christmas and New Year's. We are also considering changing to a laboratory whose work schedule does not interfere with our analytical requirements. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Michadl E. Johnson Environmental Coordinator cc: Kitty Kramer, DEHNR-Fayetteville E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063613 oUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Fayetteville, NC 28302 December 22, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for November, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219. RJG:ekw Attachments cc: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW M. E. Johnson - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063614 let EFFLUENT C rtirC Q 1 i99 NPDES PERMIT NO C 0003 3 DISCHARGE NO. 601 MONTH OG A,- YE /f ` FACILITY NAME CLASS 3 COUNTY / I-eW OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHANGE (O,RC) o�w GRADE_ PHONE( CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1), ALC L (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED F-] PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Qt:�-A-#'`� . F Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF OPERATQA IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGf.;: _ ATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O. BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 ITEM Form MR-1 (12/93) * "-Pj-,4"JT A w� D o cjo rJ DEQ-CFW 00063615 a lu" Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permitrequiremenfs Compliant All monitoringdata and sampling frequencies do NOT meet p g eq permit requirements' Noncompliant° If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken 'in respect to equipment; operation; maintenance, ete., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or sup- ervision'in accordance- ` with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant` penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date PARAMETER CODES. 00010 Temperature '. , j00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 00076 Turbidity , 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 00080 Colo% (Pt -Co) 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 00082 Color (ADMI) 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium Nitrogen 00095 Conductivity 00630 N_ itrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 01034 Chromium 00310 BODS 00665 Total Phosphorous 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 00530 Total Suspended 00927 Total Magnesium Residue 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Coliform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 Formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension `581`or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). * * If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063616 / EFFLUENT [� 0 NPDES PERMIT NO./ /C000 5 2s DISCHARGE NO. 4574V-12- MONTH" FACILITY NAME OW CLASS 3 COUNTY OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ORC) GRADE 3 PHONEC9�� G%8%/F CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) _ (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES-- Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: c ATTN: CENTRAL FILES x DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF�OOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O. BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) -*'? L jq'q S h'*T 'bQ "O /J DEQ-CFW 00063617 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) ti All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to jequipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am'aware that are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing vioikions " Pe " tee (Please print or type) Signat of Permit * Cl ja�te Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Bate 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 00600 Total Nitrogen ` 01002 Total' Arsenic 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01034 Chromium 00665 Total Phosphorous 00720 Cyanide 00745 Total Sulfide 00927 Total Magnesium 00929 Total Sodium 00940 Total Chloride 01037 Total Cobalt 01042 Copper 01045 Iron 01051 Lead 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Coliform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS' 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 Formaldehyde 71900` Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-50831 extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the stateper 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063618 aUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 November 22, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for October, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219. RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW M. E. Johnson - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ® Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063619 EFFLUENT �Q� NPDES PERMIT NO C OOO9S73 DISCHARGE NO. OO/ MONTH 'i��f 7 FACILITY NAME ^"- CLASSY COUNTY^/ OPERATOR IN RESPON IBLE CHARGE (O Cy GRADE 3 PHONE62/a -%Z/mil' CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) LI ` (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED 47 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLESy Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES ��" �✓®�/��� DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF 009RATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O. BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063620 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements EEr Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." fief/Sr EL G'` � Permittee Please pri r /o Eignaiiire of Pern&tee* Date Permittee Address Phone Number PermitBxp. Date 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc Chlorine 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium .01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01034 Chromium 00665 Total Phosphorous 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 00927 Total Magnesium 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733 5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of -facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5).(B). ** If signed -by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with -the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D). DEQ-CFW 00063621 NPDES PERMIT FACILITY NAME^/�cY� OPARATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)� CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.00-2 MONTHS �� YEAR 1f 7 — CLASS COUNTY ����.✓ GRADE 3 PHONES'/.9 J (2) PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES .TURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063622 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoringdata and sampling frequencies do NOT meet p gpermit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respecLA6c quipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified .personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." nle7 _ Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01034 Chromium 00665 Total Phosphorous 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 00927 Total Magnesium 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 01067 Nickel 01077 Silver 01092 Zinc 01105 Aluminum 01147 Total Selenium 31616 Fecal Coliform 32730 Total Phenolics 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 M BAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71-880 Formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) {B). ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with -the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063623 oUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 October 14, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for September, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219. RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW M. E. Johnson - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063624 NPDES PERMIT NO. k-, U U 5 FACILITY NAME I ti � tl .\) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CH, CLRTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) i CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.n. Box 29535 �P AMB Sf P 1919%, EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.- 0 0 1 MONTH -�- YE4kR. 67 g L CLASS 3 COUNTY A;-d .GE (ORC) GRADE 3 PHONE PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES (SIGNATURE OF OP ATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063625 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect% equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. R2:2.9tioc q Fvat Ar �u s� 3 /ter �r�/ l.�.OS i,�iAt�ii er�-TL y.vr To C� a�+•G �G.�i o.� of 1�' Lf N�.erT,•v 6�' �f�G s SB' �r� �a"el�f,0 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualifiedpersonnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " Mr'e -/at L li�' • //` YAA)?WY Permittee (Please print o'M�Z" /Y� Signature of Pe 'ttee**C�3atl Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00076 Turbidity 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc Chlorine 00082 Color (ADMI) 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00095 Conductivity 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 01034 Chromium 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34235 Benzene 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 34481 Toluene 00530 Total Suspended 00927 Total Magnesium 38260 MBAS Residue 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 39516 PCBs 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733=5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). * * If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063626 NPDES PERMIT NO. C 000 3 5 f73 FACILITY NAME V (A d-) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1)/41 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 FLOW Z * EFF ❑ OF O A� EFFLUENT I�AM`B su 1 9 q- DISCHARGE NO. ©O a MONTH / � 1al- YEAR `9 �?V CLASS 3 COUNTY GRADE `S PHONEj�g 6 7P- l ZL 9 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES (SIGNATURE OF OPE ATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 00310 00610 ENTER PARAMETER CODI Z. z OVE ND UNITS BELOW zU C w0cac < E*0D Eoavi FH,�M W ys 5 'OF OFFxOo aAB 09u z a 1 MG/L I MG/L 0 /S- D 7. 918 30 MME r #, 30 7a ....f.....;.T i 4 a 3 -149 AVERAGE % Z MINIMUM 4C}tGTr{G1 Monthly Limit / 2 I fo Z DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063627 Facility Status; (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect6 equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of -fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." "t♦� fC"/f, F, e- E /v/ ydeP/y Permittee (Please pri e) gna ure of Permittee* / Date Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00076 Turbidity 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc Chlorine 00082 Color (ADMI) 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00095 Conductivity 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 01034 Chromium 31616 ;Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34235 Benzene 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 34481 Toluene 00530 Total Suspended 00927 Total Magnesium 38260 MBAS Residue 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 39516 PCBs 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Total Chloride 01051 _Lead 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension 591 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliforin is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facilityand document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (13). ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 213.0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063628 08/12/94 16:09 FAX 704 391 4507 HERITAGE ENVIRO CM 008 HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. ��� 4132 Pompano Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Phone:704/392-6276 FAX: 704/391-4507 August 11, 1994 Bruce Youtsey Dupont Polymers Rt. 87 South Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 Dear Mr. Youtsey, Heritage Laboratories, Inc., regrets to inform you that the BM sample# B127984 (08-04-94 9:OOAM) was inadvertently shipped to our Indianapolis facility and subsequently missed the holding time. The sample results will be forth coning with the holding time comment. Please except our apology for the inconvenience this has caused. Sincerely, Pen Biggers Heritage Enviromental Labs DEQ-CFW 00063629 . aUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Fayetteville, NC 28302 September 14, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for August, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Bruce Youtsey at 910-678-1155. BWY/RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW B. W. Youtsey - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063630 car EFFLUENT bus 2 21994 �4- �g �+� NPDES PERMIT NO. G OOD3� 73 DISCHARGE NO.MONTH --J (4 AR / 9-1 FACILITY NAMEit OPFRATOR IN RESPONSIBLE C CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (I) — CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY t ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR ZQ P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 CLASS, COUNTY .-/Vd--e-� )RC):?71, �, &ZQ4 GRADE-3 PHONEZ9'!0) (— S —/Z 1 —v (2) PERSON(S)COLLECTING SAMPLES 12� J; (SIGNATURE OF OP ATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE ' p BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 005301 31616 00300 00600 00665 d FLOW ENTER PARAMETER CODE • a ABOVE NAME AND UNITS W W W W z W p BELOW w ►�.`� o� v� INF ❑ E"E Da AV O0 M -< aCw7 -<0 c0 y fir? 4p ° w a QO O° O 0>4FO E+rah awa a �>1 E 4 rA fir O g co� OF O �F aw �z Uc5 q0 z a O q� 1bs HRS HRS Y/N MGD °C UNITS UG/L -MI6f6 MG/L #/100ML MG/L MG/L MG/L %�7 y ®' 1/ I MME EMIMMIFAM � — um. e I. -Ma UMMIN AVERAGE j+ MINIMUM I. a+'l / I o?O 17. Limit 0 r DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063631 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements - Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on convective actions being taken in respect to eeipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee (Please prin r type) Signature of Permittee** , Date Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exp. Date 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01002 Zinc Chlorine 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 01034 Chromium 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00665 Total Phosphorous 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34235 Benzene 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 34481 Toluene 00927 Total Magnesium 38260 MBAS 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 39516 PCBs 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to bereported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B): ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D)• DEQ-CFW 00063632 C�� A�UG 1 91994 NPDES PERMIT NO. ® ✓ `l3 FACILITY NAME 0 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE i CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO. c002 MONTH —Z-Cd V YEAR I114, CLASS 3 COUNTY / •� ch B �3, �iLiu GRADE 3 PHONE /O 6 %�-� 1 4 1 (2) PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES x /p®z--e'� �t etl�01 / 'e (SIGNATURE OF OPEPATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 003001 00600 00665 / W y FLOW ENTER PARAMETER CODE • e W ABOVE NAME AND UNITS U E: w y EFF ❑ ►a w r� z 1`y�d BELOW �Ww wz z w tvF z.04 �Hz= �Hpo owwU EE. U z zG 1-� HRS HRS Y/N MGD °C 1 UNITS UG/L MG/L MG/L 1 MG/L 1 #/100ML MG/L MG/L MG/L A S ,3 (b DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063633 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, ilia information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 'ttee (Please ritype) 11/ 4-112 elmlf it Signature of Permit * * a Permittee Address Phone Number Permit Exn PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00076 Turbidity 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc Chlorine 00082 Color (ADMI) 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00095 Conductivity 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 01034 Chromium 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34235 Benzene 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 34481 Toluene 00530 Total Suspended 00927 Total Magnesium 38260 MBAS Residue 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 39516 PCBs 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at(919) 733-5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). NN ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D). DEQ-CFW 00063634 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Service Location Received Project Lab ID HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 07-JUL-94 B127413 COMMERCIAL LABORATORY OPERATIONS complete Po Number 4132 POMPANO ST. 15-JUL-94 LFN-173201 CHARLOTTE, NC 28216 Printed Sampled (704)393-1853 15-JUL-94 06-JUL-94 09:00 Report To BRUCE YOUTSEY DUPONT POLYMERS ROUTE 87 SOUTH P.O. DRAWER Z FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28302 Bill To ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DUPONT COMPANY P.O. BOX 4917 BEAUMONT, TX 77704 Sample Description DESCRIPTION: EFFLUENT SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB - OCPSF - ANNUALLY - JULY NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC0003573 SAMPLING LOCATION: OUTFALL 001 Parameter Result ACRYLONITRILE BDL ......................:::::.:.::::::.::::::::::::::.::.-:::::::::::::::::::::...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.;::;..;::........;::;::;;::.:.r. ::::.::::::.:.:::::::::.::::::::::::.::::::...... :.......: :.$.EN -ENE:::.:::::::::::::::::.-:::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::...,... ;BDL ....::.: ......::: ::::::::::: ....,............. CARBON TETRACHLORIDE BDL ;:�.�::....... _::.�::::::::::::::::: a r��:.::::::::::::::::: :.......:::::::. ......... ....... ...,... BDL :::CHLOROETHANE.......................................... ::.HLOROFORM :::::::::::.:::::::.:.::::::::.::::::.:::::::.::..::: 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE BDL 1.;:: 2_:.:I:GHLO 0...:THAN {'`;'''':.:;.:.:"':":(,........................................:' .............................................................................. ...........:::.:.......... ..1..,.1_-D.ICHLOROETHENE..................................................................................................BDL .....:2 :D : ;O:RO PROPANE ..... ; : as : ;s> >::: ;:; :::; ICHL :....................................:::.... ::::>:> : ; ::::;;::; ; B . 1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE BDL ::: : H D L;:: : :; : >:::::::::........................ 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Limit Units ......................70...... u9/..�...:. .............:'.....:'':U 5 ug/L ..............:::::...........: ...... .,..,.................................. .............. ..._. 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE BDL : T I:CFI.LO :NTH N.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::::.:: OL::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.:::::............... VINYL CHLORIDE BDL H 0R06 NZENE : ::::::;:.....::; 1:,:2:-DI.C:HLOROB:ENZENE�:�s:�;O-.DIC E ) ::BDL.... 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE (M-DICHLOROBENZENE) BDL .:}.4.:;DIt' Ha;ORO$:CNZLN.....(.R...DCHL........._..............).....................................D................................................... ................:...:::.,................................::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::. SURR ;::: COVERY::::::::`::::;:::::::::::::::::>::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::;;:::;;:;::::::::::::: OGAT:E.. RE -------------------------------- D::GH:L OR..Q.THAN::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;;::;:::;;::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::................................................................... TOLUENE-D8 95 :................:............. .:::..::::.::::::::.::::..::::.-:::.:-:.-:::......::::::::.:.:...:-::::. 4-BR.OMOFLUOR.OB:ENZENE:: ;:; :: :> ...... : :> _:::::.................................::::.::.::::.:.::::: : 5 ug/L 5...... u9/ ... >:ii L J/ 5 uq/L Page 1 (continued on next page) DEQ-CFW 00063635 . . . I IHERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Lab Sample ID: B127413 - - --.. .p.�� i-.��..�. --*--"--,."--.,-,---,--'.--,,.,,'....,..�,.'..�:..,.."....-'..*..i-'.*..... .. 1 .:: -.�:�. -..I...:-.;". .-...X . �..,..-1...-..-.-...-;.-.-...........-....--..:--..--.1'--..'.'.1....-.;..i..'.:...;.: .. a 1;. - ....*....-.,.: ....... ......; -........''''*'... ii........�....��.��i!iii!����..:.-- .:: -.I--*..--., -1ii,� iiit) Ai-#CI .��.M...,,;:...-.-...�-...-.,""`,..SEMI VOLT; i01k- "-!!-. .............. . ..........::........" *,.,.,.--..'...--.-'.....1..--........`.,.:.....-.�..�: ::�......."....—".1...................'....- ..---'..�.....- ..-..*....,".',.-'.--, A-:X..'1...1"-.-`.1..-'.-...,..'.: .;.'-.1.:.'.1..;.-,*1*...—.'1........ii����i��i���ii��-; : *',''.-.., :w- ....., .-..�..:� ........'., -.*.-.':.....: ....I...,........... .,,I............ :........ 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If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Bruce Youtsey at 910-678-1155. BWY/RJG:ekw Attachments cc: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW B: W. Youtsey - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5193 DEQ-CFW 00063638 NPDES PERMIT NO. G 000 36 -1 FACILITY NAME OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE Cf 4RGl CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) Her-1 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED C Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 FFLUENT AVM � JUL 26 lO�E HARGE NO. �EJ MONTH �� �► G YEAR 1 �' `� CLASS_ COUNTY / .�-Ames✓ _ bw f C e is GRADES PHONgMa) G 76 - 42-14 b (2) PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063639 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet1permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the . information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee Address 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter Permittee (Pleas . `t or ljtc�)qq- Si attire of Permttee** Date Phone Number PARAMETER CODES Permit Exp. 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc Chlorine 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01034 Chromium 00665 Total Phosphorous 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 00927 Total Magnesium 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 32730 Total Phenolics 8 551 Xylene 34235 Benzene 34481 Toluene 38260 MBAS 39516 PCBs 50050 Flow Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. * ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5) (B). * * If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D). DEQ-CFW 00063640 AM -'41JL 2.61 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. / "_r 0O_D �S -2 3 DISCHARGE NO. 49ov� MONTH � u tlt' YEAR 9 Lk FACILITY NAMEGpod--- CLASS .�9 COUNTY 15j--Wzj ta,J OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) GRADE PHONEfG? ! [3) G 7 B- 1 Z 1 9 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) t? r i `j"►4c, e L r4 (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES K, S. 6 Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES X j W ouoXJ�-C. DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS P.O. BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 FLOW E i U r. a W p4 EFF ❑ INF 8� H o w C OF O G U A� 00400 1500601003101 00610 00530 � Ao �W zp� awW �z� a �O wz >w7 .1 aW 140 x' Ion, �O on O �H F w p98W8 _ U�+� w, 9 0>, E. 0 0w E. <xW �z Vc„E7 Ap z vOia UNITS I UG/L I MG/L 0 mvA .2 AVERAGE MINIMUM 1 / 41 .S%, I / y 16 Monthly Limit C ENTER PARAMETER CODI ABOVE NAME AND UNITS BELOW F� Q a DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) DEQ-CFW 00063641 Facility Status: (Please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements EEI Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit requirements Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on convective actions being taken in respect 1p equipment, operation, maintenance, etc., and a time table for improvements to be made. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true; accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 7/227-V/z4C NG Permittee Address 00010 Temperature 00076 Turbidity 00080 Color (Pt -Co) 00082 Color (ADMI) 00095 Conductivity 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00310 BOD5 00340 COD 00400 pH 00530 Total Suspended Residue 00545 Settleable Matter Permittee (Please print r type) ' igna ure o e ittee" Jate Phone Number PARAMETER CODES 00556 Oil & Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc 00625 Total Kjeldhal 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum Nitrogen 00630 Nitrates/Nitrites 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 01034 Chromium 31616 Fecal Coliform 00665 Total Phosphorous 32730 Total Phenolics 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34235 Benzene 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 34481 Toluene 00927 Total Magnesium 38260 MBAS 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Iron 39516 PCBs 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead 50050 Flow Permit Exp. 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 71880 Formaldehyde 71900 Mercury 81551 Xylene Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at (919) 733-5083, extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reporting facility's permit for reporting data. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A .0202 (b) (5)'(B) ** If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506 (b) (2) (D). DEQ-CFW 00063642 r t - oUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 July 21, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for June, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Bruce Youtsey at 910-678-1155. BWY/RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW B. W. Youtsey - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063643 DuPont Automotive P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 oUPONT DuPont Automotive July 19, 1994 Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: BOD Reporting DuPont -Fayetteville, NPDES #NC0003573 During the month of June 1994, DuPont-Fayetteville's NPDES analysis laboratory, Heritage Laboratories, Inc., experienced two BOD analysis problems. The first one occurred June 7, 1994 (composite date 6/6/94) where there was no BOD result due to laboratory error. The second omission occurred June 23, 1994 (composite date 6/22/94) due to an inadvertent omission in the analysis run. Attached is a letter from the laboratory for each of the days. If you have any questions, please contact me at (910) 678-1155 or Pen Biggers, Project Coordinator, Heritage Environmental Services, Inc. Sincerely, �sey'Bruce You attachments (2) cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ® Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev. 5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063644 07/19/94 14:27 FAX 704 391 4507 INERITAGE ENVIRO IM 002 HERITAGE TREATMQIFT BMW�• 4132 Pompano Road CharloRe, NC 28216 Phone:704/392-6276 FAX: 704/391-4607 July 7, 1994 Bruce Youtsey Dupont Polymers Route 87 South Fayetteville, NC 28302 Dear Mr. Youtsey: Heritage Laboratories, Inc., regrets to inform you that there are no BOD results for your sample B127210 (6/23/94 9:00A). The sample was inadvertently omitted in the anklysis run. When the error was caught, the sample was outside of the holding time for that test. Corrective action has been taken to ensure this does not happen again. Please accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience this may have caused. We thank you for your business and look forward to serving your analytical needs. Sincerely, Pen Biggers Project Coordinator Heritage Environmental Services, Inc. ,i 100% Rar„- —Paper DEQ-CFW 00063645 HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 4132 Pompano Road Charlotte, NC 28216 Phone:704/392-6276 FAX: 704/391-4507 June 22, 1994 Bruce Youtsey DuPont Polymers Route 87 South P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 Dear Mr. Youtsey: Sample # B126728 (Effluent from 6/7/94) had no results for BOD due to laboratory error. Please accept our apology for any inconvenience. Sincerely, Heritage Environmental Services, Inc. TIM Pen Biggers Lab Specialist DEQ-CFW 00063646 . . � • .► I I � • w d • 1 x `4 i • •: • / {;�S1UAI ®®�lr.,-T�Wam®KAM: TWsMMMCINEWIMAETtf©I.MTAM J 1;mm Mff ®NN�����®����� ►1�l�l mmon l _-_-__-_--_-___ emoommm®__ _--0_-___m 10 l e P 'En ; t ®-o m ETVIIA® •••... r 0 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements Q� ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation donot meet permit monitoring requirements a ' F ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) I certify that this R ort is accurate and complete to st f m nowledge: Signa ure f Per i tee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 0ln02 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup D0076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 H#xavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 SODS 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flo 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead NliO Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Tine Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063648 _ . EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: IV6 0003s3 �DISCHARGE NO: Do12 MONTH: AMA '2' -EAR: L4 FACILITY NAME: �k V00d CLASS:.3COUNTY: 13fv/q-dPA1 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): G�' GRADE: -� CERTIFIED LABORATORY: d- C-6 -- ' PERSON (S) COLLECTIN SAMPLES: CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail original and one copy to: I CERTIFT MAT THIS REPORT ATT: Central Files Division of Environmental Management IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO N C Department of NRCO PO Box 27617 THE BEST OF MT NNOWlED6E. be Q Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X l t 'UC _f Si nature of o orator in sponsible charge 011so 01010 10402 00545 50060 00310 00340 00610 1 8 500 00530 31616 300 IS LQ = Q ENTER PARAMETER NAME AND UNIT CODE ABOVE BELOW o ~ F Lw W 8 INF Er p CN y O 6 W� �W OZ 00Ln CD O CD EEYE �Z d O O a W W = W S W Z 0 0 O >E ~ O W �W 0 wQ y K V OC i�t1 d N d'Ci m N C7 eZ Cc t 0: W 5.0 Fa CS \\ RS BCD UNIT ML/L MG/L MG/ MG! MG/L MG/ L MG/L 1 M t 2 4 6 /`t, 61 t '7 '% i /54 G / 77-7 , 16 OYI� /5 %�rYd Z 11 % 20 rl / 22 7` % 24 0* Ayl ' < . 26 2a %6 '0�3 30 D9w /S��,s`3 1 7• pu .:'lj4, 53 1 q.�6 Aver e 1 Iq Max. 15—, v0 I Min. Com .(C)/ Gmb(G) G G C C. >✓ Monthly Limit �qp� DEM Fonn MR-1 (11/E4 DEQ-CFW 00063649 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements EEr ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do.got meet permit monitoring requirements r ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) certify that this Report is accurate and co to t ' f knowledge: Signature of P tt PARAMETER CODES The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. floe during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BODS 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromic 01147 Total Selenium50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Colifozm, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iran 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 3i730 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferroeyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids146, DEQ-CFW 00063650 oUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P.O. Drawer Fayetteville, NC 28302 June 20, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for April, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Bruce Youtsey at 910-678-1155. BWY/RJG:ekw Attachments cc: M. E. R. J. J. E. D. G. B. W. D. G. File: Gell - ENGR, Charlotte Geddie - FW Hagle - FW Cain - FW Youtsey - FW Sorensen - FW F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ®Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063651 r • • I I 1 OEM= l l �ummm l KuKm�ll , I �713r, WTV�/- HAWNM(Cm Ai MAD J Elms.. ©�■ � iiii��iii�iiiii Ems v EWE mom■ ' i �i�iii��iii��i�l���`�i�i�_ mi■�'�iiii��iii�i ®iii i i ®iO�iiii��iii�iiiii [own Em". ; im ®msmmmi��ii®dim®©i Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation drot meet permit monitoring requirements = ►1 ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) I certify that this Report is accurate i�an omplete to the best o my knowledge: l �rr_ ,0 -lant Manager Signature of Permittee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min, flow during oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 RODS 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pa 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 33i30 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063653 . _ . . - i 4 EFFLUENT AMBAh,07 19MI , NPDES PERMIT NO:IC o0-03S73 DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: ,%L YEAR: IM? FACILITY NAME: Dt4gw 4" CLASS: 3 COUNTY: Z?419dA-� OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : 20 &-'� I GRADE: 3 CERTIFIED LABORATORY: I-cj -j' C-G'r- PERSON (s) COLLECTING AMPLES : CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED r Mail original and one copy to: I CERTNV TNAT TNIS REPORT ATT: Central Files Division of Envirprnental Management 1S ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO N C pO Bo7 oiNRCD TRE REST OF MT KNOWLEDGE. Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X Si nature of operator in sponsible charge 51150 01116 10401 00545 50060 00310 10340 00610 100500 00530 1 31616 00300 wo WFLOW F r ENTER PARAMETER NAME AND UNITS CODE ABOVE BELOW w ppp = MIN C Z L" Ck"Z Q r. y Q 96 lH W t� O `�''w Z GW.7 '� GC � Z t o w R C p p� W W ►- w Z a W t H >F L" m w O p m cv O w � t a z O W �- CC ,� ca+c9 c o NR MGD UNIT M /L MC/L K/L MG! MG/L MG/ MC/ !1 IN`L 77 : , 45 6,41 4 s 33 (o ro• 6 / 4, 23 /la 6.4 1 6 ,� 3 6 •S / 10 8 /6. / . 12 g ,' J 3 14 16 %t7. 18 pad IS. 1 , 21 1 4 � 22 / / 7 6,6 24► % •%� DPW UL 26 / .q2 7,3 a ! 28 I 2 j 7, 4 3o Vida !�, j 7, t 3Y Average Max. Min. Com .(C)i Gmb(G) G G t✓ Monthly limit 500 DEM Form MR-1 (11/E4 DEQ-CFW 00063654 :` Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation.donot meet permit monitoring requirements ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) 1 certify that this Report is accurate a mplete to tho best ofamy knowledge: �� O� ich_ael_E. _MM y, Plant Mana&er Signature of Permittee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00063 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during Oxyg— Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 31130 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063655 . oUPONT DuPont Automotive Products DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Fayetteville, NC 28302 May 23, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for April, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Bruce Youtsey at 910-678-1155. RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW B. W. Youtsey - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063656 •• •- •• •- :• II wm MFBM®��.JII7 i1 ®[✓m Mr, nZFAF Lff) Man i �i■ � � � iiii��iii�iiiii . M -.arIMMUMMIEFIAMMINIMMOMMISM MOM, Imo; � "Ito�ii/��ii�il�iiiii EWE ©om[iiii��iii� 11�1�1,3 man�.� m' /, �;/�l�r'�ii �� iii -' ���Z►1��1l�1�� s i mom■ � iiii��iii�iiiii can WOMMISMIME Di■ : iiii��iii�iiiii mi■ � � iiii��iii�iiiii ' iC�ii��i�C3�i[�C�[•�i DEM Form MR-1 411/84 DEQ-CFW 00063657 u Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly,Vftges and / or other limitation donot meet permit monitoring requirements 0 �.° •`' ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) SEE Co vc-' 9 Lc ► rE 2-----------------_------- 1 certify that this Re ort is accurate and.cp o -f m nowledge: Signature of Per ee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Crease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max, flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 33130 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063658 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO : �JC QA99573 DISCHARGE NO: OD a MONTH: i¢ YEAR: FACILITY •NAME : D y i2&-�`- CLASS: 1 COUNTY: l'¢� OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : �� �•" `� �- G'e-�d GRADE: 3 CERTIFIED LABORATORY: i2a.. 12 4- PERSON (S) COLLECTIN SAMPLES: G CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail original and one copy to: ATT: Central Files I MKTR' THAT TNIS REPORT Ck Division of Environmental Management IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO / v N C Department of NRCD PO Eioz 27687 THE REST OF MI KNOWLEDGE .VO n (� rid Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 X (l�Q� Si nature of oVerator in ros onsibie charge $1160 01010 10401 10545 50060 00310 00340 1 00610 0 500 00 30 316t6 3 0 W FLOW ENTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE o F Q cQ NAME AND UNITS BELOW Q y I N F W 6 W C ca W Y w 5 t W W W_ i_ C6 � 6 z Lf7 I" C, I, W 2RA9 aw . W W S a W S >E W'Wt. O O O '� i� 0 W W O e y Ytr �- ea rn ae e� m e.r ca a z f— m Lr c, o O PARS MGD IT I ML/L MG/L I MG/L MG! MG%L MGi MC/ /100111. M L : i / 6•S 4 : 6 s o � ! G • � 73 1s 1-3 A /Y .� L `. 12 5r ASM_AM=■[Arr[firM SIEMENS�� 5�� i OUSNIMM • �ffmmm=-_® ®Wn®rm--_- msm==�= _lm__-_ Q BEM Fonn MR-1 (11/E4 DEQ-CFW 00063659 6 i Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements EEI� ( Compliant) All monthly avrages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements = Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) certify that this Report is accu ate and complete to th t f m nowledge: `- Signat re of Per i ee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver • 39516: •� PCSS. ' 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 399.41. Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max, flow„wring 24-hr. ptiiod 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Nexavalent 01105 Total Alum*§* '�0048' + Min. flov'during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 SOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selpdium '--'50050' Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine• ; 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube, 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coli£oim •71900,: Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 3F'f30 Total Pheaglics 81318•_ Ferrocyanid;s 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652, Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063660 tq Z-7564 REY.." s F a�PONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 April 11, 1994 Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Chronic Toxicity Final Report DuPont -Fayetteville, NPDES #NC0003573 Attached please find DuPont-Fayettevilles Effluent Toxicity report for pipe #002. This analysis was started in February 1994 in compliance with our NPDES permit. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, the analysis was aborted twice by the analyzing laboratory, Burlington Research. Attached please find communication describing each occurrence. . DuPont -Fayetteville hopes the Environmental Science Branch will consider our excellent compliance history and accept our chronic toxicity report. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce Youtsey cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville Better Things for Better Living DEQ-CFW 00063661 Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date: 03/30/94 Facility: DUPONT NPDES#: NC0003573 Pipe#: 002County: BLADEN Laboratory Performing Tqst: BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. T ' / _ / , n _ A 7J r Comments: * organism accidentally rS�gnature of 00dralor in Responsiblq Charge I lost. Environmental Sciences Branch Mail original to: Div. of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Bioassay Mork Order: 94-03-483-01 Control Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Test Results Calculated t = 0.272 # Young Produced 25 13 2323 012 25 28292115 j.,Chronic rtality Avg.Reprod. 0.00 Control 21.18 Control Adult Wive Mead L L L L* L L L L L L L 0•00 Treatment 2 20•42 Treatment 2 Effluent x: 3.3% Treatment 2 Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x control PASS FAIL # Young Produced 22 IL 19 27 2312512 19 12 25 18 30 23 organisms producing 3rd brood Fxl ❑ Adult Wive Mead L L L IL IL L L L L L L 827. Check One 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample PH Control 8.06 7.47 7.59 7.53 M Treatment 2 7.61 7.47 7.47 7.60 s s s t e t e t a a n a n a n r d r d r d t t t 1st sample let sample 2nd sample D.O. Control 7.4 7.7 Treatment 2 6.85 7.9 7.9 7.9 8.0 7.9 LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as x, combining replicates) x x x r. x x r. x Ir. r. x x x r. r. x r. x x x Complete This For Either Test Test Start Date: 03/23/94 Collection (Start) Date Sample 1: 03/21/94 Sample 2: 03/24/94 Sample Type/Duration 2nd 1st P/F Grab Comp. Duration D I S S Sample 1 X 24 hrs L A A U M M Sample 2 X 24 hrs T P P Hardness(mg/l) 42`_.......... __�.... Spec. Cond.(pmhos) 158 189 399 Chlorine(mg/l) n/a n/a Sample temp. at receipt(°C) ..,...,... 1.3 2.5 Note: Please Concentration Complete This Section Also Mortality start/end start/end LC50 = x Method of Determination 95% Confidence Limits Moving Average _ Probit _ % -- x Spearman Kerber _ Other _ Organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Copied from DEM form AT-1 (3/87) rev. 8/91 Control High Co. — PH D.O. DEQ-CFW 00063662 Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing [Ell Reporting & Data Handling Services BUR E A R ON =RESEARCH H 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER: DUPONT WORK ORDER #: 94-03-483-01 FACILITY: Highway 87 South REPORT TO: Mr. Bruce Youtsey COLLECTED: 03/22/94 RECEIVED: 03/23/94 SAMPLE: March TOX. Monitoring REPORTED: 03/31/94 002 Comp. 3/21-22/94 PARAMETER METHOD STARTED ANALYZED RESULT Ceriodaphnia Mini -chronic NCDEM 9/89 03/23/94 03/30/94 Pass DEQ-CFW 00063663 Z-5" REV. Met aUPONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.0 28302 March 21, 1994 Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 RE: Chronic Toxicity Reporting . DuPont -Fayetteville, NPDES #NC0003573 Attached, please find a Burlington Research letter dated March 18, 1994 explaining failure of DuPont -Fayetteville to report toxicity compliance data to NCDEM for February 1994. The test was terminated due to the failure of 60% of the control organisms to produce a third brood. 'We are committed to making every effort to complete our compliance monitoring, and will complete a retest March 25, 1994. if you have any questions please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce Youtsey enclosure cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville DEQ-CFW 00063664 r r 0 BURLINGTON RESEARCH March 18, 1994 Mr. Bruce Youtsey Dupont - Fayetteville P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 Re: February 1994 Toxicity Testing Dear Mr. Youtsey: Aquatic Bioassay Testing Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services This is a letter of explanation regarding the failure of Dupont Fayetteville to report toxicity compliance data to NCDEM for February 1994. A test (BRI # 94-03-204-01) initiated 3/9/94 with.a composite sample collected from 3/7 through 3/8/94. The test was renewed once with the first sample and. once with.. a second composite collected from 3/ 10/94 to 3/ 11/94.. The test was terminated 3/ 16/94. It was invalid due to the failure of 60% of the control organisms to produce a third brood. Dupont Fayetteville has been scheduled for a retest the week of March 21, 1994. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused Dupont during this period. We are committed to making every effort to facilitate your compliance monitoring. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Linda C. Ehrlich, Ph.D. - Ext. 289 Manager, TIE and Special Services 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215 • Tel. (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584.5564 Ext. 202 DEQ-CFW 00063665 J Z•544 REV.10189 (OP ONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.0 28302 March 8, 1994 Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 RE: Chronic Toxicity Reporting DuPont, Fayetteville Works, NPDES #NC0003573 Attached, please find a letter from Burlington Research Lab referencing a missed chronic toxicity sample holding time and a sample receipt confirmation. This missed holding time will constitute a failure to achieve test requirements for February as cited in our NPDES Permit. We recognize it is the responsibility of the permittee to submit reports timely, not the contract laboratory. Unfortunately, we had built a false trust with this laboratory expecting them to perform as a service company. Procedures are being set in place to follow-up on all toxicity samples to avoid such an issue in the future. A re -sampling period has begun and will be completed by the end of the week. Fayetteville Works hopes the Environmental Sciences Branch will consider our excellent compliance history and accept our chronic toxicity report. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce7Yutsey cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville DEQ-CFW 00063666 r t BURLINGTON RESEARCH March 8, 1994 Mr. Bruce Youtsey Dupont - Fayetteville P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 Re: February 1994 Toxicity Testing Dear Mr. Youtsey: Aquatic Bioassay Testing Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services This is a letter of explanation regarding the failure of Dupont Fayetteville to report toxicity compliance data to NCDEM for February 1994. A test was initiated 3/2/94 with a composite sample collected from 2/28 through 3/l/94. The test was not renewed because the second sample was out of hold time by the second renewal date of 3/7/94. The second composite was collected from 0900 3/2/94 to 0900 3/3/94 and was received by BRI on 3/4/94 at 1455. r When the test was scheduled, verbal instructions were given that first and second samples were to be taken, i.e. composite sampling begun, on Monday and Thursday, respectively. We apologize for any ambiguity regarding those instructions. However, specific written sampling instructions are included with the paperwork sent with every sample cooler. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused Dupont during this period. We are committed to making every effort to facilitate your compliance monitoring. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Linda C. Ehrlich, Ph.D. - Ext. 289 Manager, TIE and Special Services 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215 • Tel. (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 DEQ-CFW 00063667 .a �4 V Aquatic Bioassay Testing • ilquatic�foxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing [Ell Reporting & Data Handling Services BURLINGTON 615 Huffman Mil Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 • (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 ,RESEARCH SAMPLE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION CUSTOMER: DUPONT FACILITY: Highway 87 South REPORT TO: Xr. Bruce Youtsey This is to confirm that on 03/02/94 BRI received the sample(s) listed below which have been assigned Work Order # 94-03-053. Please review these samples and the tests that have been scheduled for them. If there are any changes that need.to be made, please call us immediately. SAMPLE: March Tox. Monitoring COLLECTED:. 03/01/94 Effluent Comp. 2/28-3/1/94 Ceriodaphnia Mini -chronic DEQ-CFW 00063668 Z-.44 REV. IWf , - a�lPONT • POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 April 29, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Development P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Attention: Central Files Attached is DuPont -Fayetteville Discharge Monitoring Report for March 1994. DuPont -Fayetteville NPDES permit #NC0003573 requires effluent discharge 001 be analyzed for total phosphorus monthly, citing no discharge limitations. Facility Status on March 1994 Discharge Monitoring Report 001 has been checked noncompliant due to the effluent sample not being analyzed for total phosphorus. The operator in charge failed to list total phosphorus on the chain -of -custody, resulting in the laboratory not analyzing the sample for total phosphorus. A chain -of -custody second review checks and balance, corrective action has been implemented to assure all required parameters will be analyzed for in the future. If you have any questions, please contact me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce Youts �Y41 Environmental Coordinator cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville Better Things for Better Living DEQ-CFW 00063669 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: YEAR: FACILITY NAME: '�"' �� ° i CLASS: COUNTY:% - OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : ,i` _ �•� ��%r'f� GRADE: = CERTIFIED LABORATORY ��-- :CK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail original and one copy to: ATT: Central Files Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRCD PO Box 276E7 Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 PERSON (S) COLLECTIN SAMPLES: 1 CERTIFY TNAT TNIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE REST Of MY KNOWLEDGE. X-d Sianature 4 (r WOMMKIrm i13=mftmi VIM ffi�plml UBE E, :." : MUMM■ ■■■■■Pm ■ =■■■■ coo ail■■��■■■■��■■■�■■■■■ ��■dam■■■■■■�■®■�■ ■■■■■ M■■�■■■■��■■■�■■■■■ [TOMT, mom== �■■Fu�■■ ,, ®■■■ ■��®■■�I11-' COMEMM ■■� =Mffm, �=MML■ ®®®®■■ �■■mom■�®®■ ®0■■0�■■[3�■OQ0■ w DEM Fonn MR-1 111/e4 DEQ-CFW 00063670 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ©� 5 ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements Q ( Noncompliant) -JA r If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) �E G E'TTCK fob ChWA,--c- %o,r i cr-- certify.`that this Report is accurate. and oo'mplete to the best of my knowledge: Signature 6f Perrm�Etee PARAMETER CODES • 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease +,00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCSS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen ,'" '01002 Total Arsenic t " 01087 Total Vanadium '.'39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen` * 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047' ft".'flow during ?• s 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Nexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50044 lain. flow during oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr, period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50610" :Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt ' 31504 Total Collfdrm Tate; 'Residual `T Chlorine 00400 pB 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Colifoim, 71880 'Formaldehyde M . Tube" 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 38'130 Total Phenolics 8131§ .' Farrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 856�2- Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063671 S- 3 - g�f DEQ-CFW 00063672 •a EFFLUENT �� NPDES PERMIT NO :ALyo0 7� DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: �=' YEAR •- J FACILITY NAME: �����-�� CL SS:COUNTY: OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : �� GRADE: CERTIFIED LABORATORY: PERSON (S) COLL - C M SAMPLES: CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED I CERTIFY TNAT THIS REPORT '-- Mail original and one copy to:1 s Central Files Division of Environmental Management IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO MU APR 0 6 - APR 20 1994 N C Department of NRCD THE BEST OF MY NNOWLED6E. PO Box 27687 16Le �%� ENV. MANAGEMENT Raleigh, North Carolina 47611 )( �� Signature of oaerator in resodifil a b�+o ` ' . ' 1rtIC P IIIIIIIII('I moll mmmm Son IMMINIMMMO MMINIM11000 EMN UNIN mom■ % ��������������� MIMI 4 ULM t-orm MK-1 111;t DEQ-CFW 00063673 a 14 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) n. All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ©/ ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions s being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. .�-Lb ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) certify that this Re--pKt is accur to and m $_ o th , m nowledge: Signature of Per t e . PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBs` 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max, flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual 1 Chlorine. 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper ! 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 3V30 Total Phenolics 81318 Farrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. r DEQ-CFW 00063674 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: r-00©2?513 DISCHARGE NO: 602L MONTH: YEAR: FACILITY NAME: a,� CLASS: 3 COUNTY: Aa1 - OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): GRADE:3 CERTIFIED LABORATORY: �-- PERSON (S) COLLEC NG SAMPLES % - CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGEDr Mail original and one copy to: I CERTIFY MAT MIS REPORT ATT: Central Files Division Environmental Management IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO MEP APR ® 6 1994 of N C Department of NRCD P O Box 7617 THE REST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. — (� ( �� Rabigh. North Carolina 27611 )( - Si nature of eratar in Yes spans harge 51150 01010 /0401 00545 50060 00310 40340 00610 00500 00530 31616 0030 PARAMETER NAME AND UNITS CODE ABOVE BELOW o W f a _`` J W W g CD INF 6 e W tY tc Cp O 0 Y Z1 W W G. y d �wOe� f.. Ln O 0 0 min CO R C W W C7 .T. tS W co W 't. tY Ci O O eta eV O Ci 10! =' R Z O W t� 0•. pW went W O e W V*(.'i h O am �MITE nym us r. IME �I' ��dE • (�:.77 a �9���i[[�s,, 130 . 4 ED Max. Min. ire®I•vIl���®®_1■��i���� My Limit I Fonn MR-1 111/84 DEQ-CFW 00063675 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements ( Noncompliant) " -�If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) certify that this Re rt is accurate and dddccomplete to the be of my owledge: Signature of Per ee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature. 1 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Mpx. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min, flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060' Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 32130 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063676 DuPont Automotive Products P. 0. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 { aUPONT DuPont Automotive Products March 31, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for February, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 910-678-1219 or Bruce Youtsey at 910-678-1155. RJG:ekw Attachments CC: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW B. W. Youtsey - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ® Printed on Recycled Paper FF-9522 Rev.5/93 DEQ-CFW 00063677 Z440 REV.10/89 oUPONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 March 30, 1994 ATT: Central Files Division of Environmental Management NC Department of NRCD P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Upon receiving the February 1994 DMR laboratory analysis (3/14/94), DuPont -Fayetteville, NPDES #NC0003573, ORC informed me we had experienced abnormally high fluoride levels 15th and the 22nd. Immediately, Fayetteville Environmental staff and DuPont Nafion@ personnel began investigating the nature of the issue. Attached is a letter dated, March 19, 1994 addressed to Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville, explaining the sequence of the investigation. DuPont, Nafion@ process personnel responsible for fluoride contributions to our wastewater stream, have reviewed their process records material balance, and question the fluoride levels reported by Law & Co. laboratory (2/15,22/94). We have received the first round of investigative split fluoride sample analysis, from the laboratories involved. All analysis reveal Fayetteville is well within our fluoride NPDES permit level, however, we discovered some analysis discrepancies between laboratories at the lower end. Given our material balance documentation, we believe we were not exceeding our NPDES permit fluoride level February 15th and the 22nd, 1994. Rather, it was either a laboratory error or a poor mixing problem in our wastewater discharge stream. We are staying in close contact with Kitty Kramer, NCDEHR, Fayetteville, and are continuing to obtain split samples to address these issues. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce Youtsey Environmental Coordinator attachments (2) cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville Better Things for Better Living DEQ-CFW 00063678 Z 54R • REV. 10/09 (M POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 March 19, 1994 Kitty Kramer NCDEHNR-DEM Suite 714 Wachovia Building Fayetteville, NC 28301 RE: NPDES #NC0003573 Fluoride Issue Dear Kitty; rye Thank you for the guidance you provided during our meetings 3/15/94 and 3/18/94. As we discussed, DuPont -Fayetteville recorded abnormally high fluoride levels during sampling periods 2/15/94 and 2/22/94. Immediately following notification of the levels (3/14/94), site personnel began investigating the nature of the issue. Investigations such as, review of process records and interviews of personnel who would have knowledge of process upsets, which could have contributed to high fluoride levels, and open communications with the analysis laboratory Law & Co., Wilmington N.C., are but a few things we are looking into. From the outset, we have taken water samples at strategic locations across the site daily. The first round of samples were split three ways. Split samples were sent to Law & Co., Heritage Lab, and DuPont Research and Development Laboratory to ensure Law & Co. analysis are accurate. Since that date, samples have been sent to Law & Co. for analysis. We are using the premium rate to ensure quick turn around for these fluoride analysis. The first round of sample analysis should be available later this week. Historically, we have had low fluoride levels. The process area responsible for fluoride contributions have questioned the possibilities of poor mixing, between the wastewater treatment discharge, and the sampling station located in our total plant water discharge stream. Poor mixing could indicate high fluoride levels due to calculating the entire plant steam when infact, our fluoride levels are low. Incorporated in our strategic sampling locations, this mixing question is addressed. As analysis data becomes available I will contact you. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce Youtsey Better Things for Better Living DEQ-CFW 00063679 l A , Z-544 REV 10/89 0 aUPONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 March 8, 1994 Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 RE: Chronic Toxicity Reporting DuPont, Fayetteville Works, NPDES #NC0003573 ke ,Ak,3 J Attached, please find a letter from Burlington Research Lab referencing a missed chronic toxicity sample holding time and a sample receipt confirmation. This missed holding time will constitute a failure to achieve test requirements for February as cited in our NPDES Permit. We recognize it is the responsibility of the permittee to submit reports • timely, not the contract laboratory. Unfortunately, we had built a false trust with this laboratory expecting them to perform as a service company. Procedures are being set in place to follow-up on all toxicity samples to avoid such an issue in the future. 40 A re -sampling period has begun and will be completed by the end of the week. Fayetteville Works hopes the Environmental Sciences Branch will consider our excellent compliance history and accept our chronic toxicity report. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce ty cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville f DEQ-CFW 00063680 n is ill BURLINGTON RESEARCH March 8, 1994 Mr. Bruce Youtsey Dupont - Fayetteville P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 Re: February 1994 Toxicity Testing Dear Mr. Youtsey: Aquatic Bioassay Testing Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services This is a letter of explanation regarding the failure of Dupont Fayetteville to report toxicity compliance data to NCDEM for February 1994. A test was initiated 3/2/94 with a composite sample collected from 2/28 through 3/1/94. The test was not renewed because the second sample was out of hold time by the second renewal date of 3/7/94. The second composite was collected from 0900 3/2/94 to 0900 3/3/94 and was received by BRI on 3/4/94 at 1455. When the test was scheduled, verbal instructions were given that first and second samples were to be taken, i.e. composite sampling begun, on Monday and Thursday, respectively. We apologize for any ambiguity regarding those instructions. However, specific written sampling instructions are included with the paperwork sent with every sample cooler. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused Dupont during this period. We are committed to making every effort to facilitate your compliance monitoring. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, B�URLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. ",44- Linda C. Ehrlich, Ph.D. - Ext. 289 Manager, TIE and Special Services 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215 • Tel. (910) 584.5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 DEQ-CFW 00063681 4 R Aquatic Bioassay Testing • Aquatic"roxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments • NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services RESEARCH S E G ON RESEARCH H 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215-5122 * (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 SAMPLE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION CUSTOMER: DUPONT FACILITY: Highway 87 South REPORT TO: Mr. Bruce Youtsey This is to confirm that on 03/02/94 BRI received the sample(s) listed below which have been assigned Work Order # 94-03-053. Please review these samples and the tests that have been scheduled for them. If there are any changes that need to be made, please call us immediately. SAMPLE: March Tox. Monitoring COLLECTED: 03/01/94 Effluent Comp. 2/28-3/1/94 Ceriodaphnia Mini -chronic Is DEQ-CFW 00063682 Z-544 REV 16 9 aUPONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 Marc+i 21, 1994 Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 RE: Chronic Toxicity Reporting DuPont -Fayetteville, NPDES #NC0003573 c i ;- Attached, please find a Burlington Research letter dated March 18, 1994 explaining failure of DuPont -Fayetteville to report toxicity compliance data to NCDEM for February 1994. The test was terminated due to the failure of 60% of the control organisms to produce a third brood. We are committed to making every effort to complete our compliance monitoring, and will complete a retest March 25, 1994. If you have any questions please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, a Bruce Youtsey enclosure cc: Kitty Kramer, NCDEHNR, Fayetteville Better Things for Better Livinst DEQ-CFW 00063683 a I R Ell. BURLINGTON RESEARCH March 18, 1994 Mr. Bruce Youtsey Dupont - Fayetteville P.O. Drawer Z Fayetteville, NC 28302 Re: February 1994 Toxicity Testing Dear Mr. Youtsey: Aquatic Bioassay Testing Aquatic Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Chemical Product Environmental Assessments NPDES Testing Reporting & Data Handling Services This is a letter of explanation regarding the failure of Dupont Fayetteville to report toxicity compliance data to NCDEM for February 1994. A test (BRI # 94-03-204-01) initiated 3/9/94 with a composite sample collected from 3/7 through 3/8/94. The test was renewed once with the first ' sample and once with a second composite collected from 3/10/94 to 3/11/94. The test was terminated 3/16/94. It was invalid due to the failure of 60% of the control organisms to produce a third brood. Dupont Fayetteville has been scheduled for a retest the week of March 21, 1994. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused Dupont during this period. We are committed to making every effort to facilitate your compliance monitoring. Please call if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC. Linda C. Ehrlich, Ph.D. - Ext. 289 Manager, TIE and Special Services 615 Huffman Mill Road • Burlington, NC 27215 • Tel. (910) 584-5564 • Fax (910) 584-5564 Ext. 202 DEQ-CFW 00063684 Monthly Limit- )EM Form MR-1 (11/84 DEQ-CFW 00063685 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements Q °i�• ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) .: I certify that this Report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: Signature of Permittee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen O1002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50%7 Max, flow during 24-hr, period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880. Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01043 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead UliO Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 -Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063686 A. Vt_ . EFFLUENT. 25,: NPDES PERMIT NO: AZQCQ DISCHARGE NO: 00 -1 MONTH: YEAR: t95 FACILITY NAME: ��rs�on� CLASS: COUNTY: OPER4TOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): GRADE: 3 Ic CERTIFIED LABORATORY PERSON (s) COLLECTING SAMPLE % CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail original.and one copy to: I CERTWY TWAT MIS REPORT ATT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRCO P O Box 27617 THE BEST Of MT KNOWLEDGE.A06Ago-,!A%l� Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 �( Si nature of operator in sponsibl4 51150 01010 10401 00545 50060 00310 00340 00610 0 500 00530 3 616 00300 Ez NA W INF 8= N Z W . W i W W d _ L Z t� a _Z Z O co CDO W C W �1 1,0` Q W OO EOV 1 v G y a tae r�l a0 N O Ci a Z t— ?. Or++ �Ht Y. O C�+C� cm Y[L 'AMXdEp'L7I4� V n .i rN3 Eda:J a■qM12, ME M12 30MEMME" A, a F 03MIMMM "Ara m"I'M.WIM".A 22 PO /- , 7 2, 1219.2 26 zt 3�Sv 21 i0 30 Aver a Max. Min. Comp.(C)/ Grab(G) Monthly Limit 17-4 )EM Form MR-1 111/84 DEQ-CFW 00063687 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements �� # ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation donot meet permit monitoring requirements Q • �y ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) I certify that this Report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: Signature of Permittee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max, flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min.!flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr, period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 p8 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube. 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 3i130 Total Phenolics 81318' Farrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063688 r Y I • DEQ-CFW 00063689 Z-544 REV.10/89 aUPONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer 7- Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 February 28, 1994 Mr. Bob Sledge NCDEHNR P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 RE: January DMR correction Dear Mr. Sledge; February 21, 1994 DuPont, Fayetteville Works submitted it's monthly DMR. Unfortunately, the Signature of Permittee was not signed and the units of BOD and TSR were not changed from mg/l to lbs/day. Attached please find a corrected January 1994 DMR. The corrections are in red. Fayetteville Works apologizes for the mistakes and are implementing a procedure checklist to avoid such reoccurrences. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 678-1155. Sincerely, Bruce Youtsey attachment MAR 4 1994 ENV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVILLE RED. OFFICE Better Things for Better Living DEQ-CFW 00063690 Z-544 REV10/89 aUPONT POLYMER PRODUCTS P.O. Drawer Z_ Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 February 21, 1994 Division of Environmental Management N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources and Comm. Devel. P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Attention: Central Files FAYETTEVILLE MONITORING RESULTS Attached is E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Fayetteville Works report for January, 1994. If you have any questions, contact Robert Geddie at 919-678-1219. RJG:db Attachments cc: M. E. Gell - ENGR, Charlotte R. J. Geddie - FW J. E. Hagle - FW D. G. Cain - FW B. W. Youtsey - FW D. G. Sorensen - FW File: F-1-3-4 - FW roe r+vc�,�,/ .o � � ii+- icE p DEQ-CFW 00063691 MENDED - EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO:AIC400-Z73 DISCHARGE NO: 4,0l MONTH: b o y YEAR: Zg FACILITY NAMECLASS: -Z—COUNTY: .�.�c�P�✓ - OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): < < �� p���-�- GRADE: �— CERTIFIED LABORATORY: 3 PERSON (S) C LLEC NG SAMPLES: ► - �� CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED Mail original and one copy to: l 011tT THAT THIS REPORT ATT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRCD THE REST OF MT KNOWLEDGE. PO Box 27687 Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 Si nature of o rotor in res onsible charge 54150 01010 10401 00545 50060 00310 1 00340 00610 0 500 00530 31616 00 00 ENTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE o f w NAME AND UNITS BELOW W U IN O �' � QCN W W 6Z \ ZGW.7 J �� W =W dy �� CIA, Lnw a� O ! C W W S W S W S O O O >E O �++ Oud W 3, ° y i! e w pZ ►-w a H>E aw mN w ez �•-m ryac �..•C� o0 NR NCO UNIT ML/L MC/L A L— MC! MG, I MG/ L /1 BIG; 2ica �7 6 :,a s ;a d 3 4,b�0 ?� a ,z. �6. ill 3 r�lj-1 11 4• $ / 7..3 SD Iz1 u �n f l9/9 3 12 DSov fa;t 1-50 u ff 4.v . . 14 87�/ 15 7? 16 1 815 7, 23 fi 11 a� -rl R b 0 ".. f 1 0 � 0 ` Q 20 2E '7 7 22 , 000 24 rnQ 356 iu , 26 2! , 30 /a .11 !6 , 003 2 7,1 V. oil Average (e $1 /, 1•Z Max. b-i �.z �✓`� ,.2 I Z (e Z 'f l Min. . (Pr%,2 / 9,,2 I l � l � `f ! • Z Corn .(C)/Grob(G) C C C C_(►- Monthly limit /q A4 DEM Form MR-1 (I lt84 DEQ-CFW 00063692 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements a ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) I certify that this Report is accurate and co lete tot es of my k owledge: Signature o er i -- L_a�_D_ PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Crease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 PCBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 30047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Hexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during ozygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BOD5 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 pH 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde MPN, Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Mercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 38930 Total Phenolics 81318 Farrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 MBAS 85652 -Time Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. DEQ-CFW 00063693 1 .r EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: AIL QCQ3$13 DISCHARGE NO: 00 MONTH: YEAR: 1_5 FACILITY NAME' CLASSi 3 COUNTY: GPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) :1�� ���� GRADE: 3 CERTIFIED LABORATORY: d` cak=4 : G e� DCQCf11►1 tal AI 1 rTtNlr SAMPLES: CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON SON (S) 6 LLEC T ING Yr.M LES _ � — Mail original and one copy to: I CERTIFY TNAT TNIS REPORT ATT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO Division of Environrnental Management N C Department of NRCD THE BEST Of MY KNOWLEDGE. P O Box 27667 Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X Si nature of o rator in sponsible charge p N 1� W y CD Ri 51150 01010 110401 00545 50060 00310 10340 00610 0 500 100630 31616 00 w W w yf.W7 �W.. CWi G '� N f>C 6=i LPl v m N O G�i CDC 1 Z "�W O H H CWiC W W �`� J Y I C W ENTER PARAMETER NAME AND UNITS CODE ABOVE BELOW I N F p OTC NRS MCD UNIT I ML/L MCA MG/L MG! MG/L MGi NG/ /1001111 MCJL 1. 6 ray LI) 1 _ 1A0�0 1 !I .. �c 11 /c2. 6 1 1D&,13 13ly c .:& 14 ` b s U z - 16 1 it E 5-z .�Wo 2e Off / , 2- 22 24 S An IV 26 Yl /?, 92 ` 21 30 33 /3 i ;L 6. s Average 12.3 7 1 aW)o Max. 13. Z 172 Min. .117, yl; Com .(C)/Grob(G) C� Monthly limit DEM Form MR-1 111!84 DEQ-CFW 00063694 1 Facility Status: ( Please check one of the following) a All monthly averages and / or other limitation do meet permit monitoring requirements C ( Compliant) All monthly averages and / or other limitation do not meet permit monitoring requirements = ( Noncompliant) If the facility is noncompliant, please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance, etc. and a time table for improvements to be made. ( Attach additional sheets if necessary) 1 certify that this Report is accurate a04 com lete to est of my nowledge: _G Signature of P i ee PARAMETER CODES 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil and Grease 00950 Dissolved Fluoride 01077 Silver 39516 ?CBS 00065 Stream Stage 00600 Total Nitrogen O1n02 Total Arsenic 01087 Total Vanadium 39941 Roundup 00076 Turbidity 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01027 Cadmium 01092 Zinc 50047 Max. flow during 24-hr. period 00300 Dissolved 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01032 Nexavalent 01105 Total Aluminum 50048 Min. flow during Oxygen Nitrogen Chromium 24-hr. period 00310 BODS 00665 Total Phosphorous 01034 Chromium 01147 Total Selenium 50050 Flow 00340 COD 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 31504 Total Coliform 50060 Total Residual Chlorine 00400 p8 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 31614 Fecal Coliform, 71880 Formaldehyde M . Tube 00500 Total Solids 00927 Total Magnesium 01045 Total Iron 31616 Fecal Coliform 71900 Nercury 00530 TSS 00929 Total Sodium 01051 Lead 3i30 Total Phenolics 81318 Ferrocyanides 00545 Settleable 00940 Total Chloride 01067 Nickel 38260 KBAS 85652 Tine Solids The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a geometric MEAN. If using alternate units for reporting data, please designate. }I DEQ-CFW 00063695