HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_0006205003 JUN 14 '01 09:48AM OR 12, OF���"t NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NO 27699-1617 Fax: 919-733.2496 Phone: 919-733-7015 TELECOPY TO: C7 L ` FAX NUMBER: 301 PHONE: # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET. -- COMMENTS: P.1/3 DL KA - 7.?- DEQ-CFW 00062050 JUN 14''01 09:49AM P.2/3 Stint 8y: MCIG; 919 834 8268; Jun-14-01 11:28AM; Page 112 FILE No.031 08114 '01 06:31 ID:EA-DIW-RkEIGH FAX: 0 7 PAGE 2 14�- SIP, . a -he tug j 150FXYGMV116SIfe"IMNI Fbla;o, NC "OOT i Fex !9')4) IPA 2707 DuPQnt External Affairs Contact: Leroy muir (910) 3714545 i DuPont to Sell Seleated U. S. Polyester Rusincases to A,lp*y S. A. de C. V. Sale In.olade6 ManufacturingAssete in North Calrolltaa Wilmington. N.C.. ,Tune 14—Wont has agreed to sell its Cape ear site operations bere and the DuPont U. S. PET conutker resins busims with operations at t ie Cedar Creek slit in Fayetteville, N.C., to Mexican pevochemical gmgp Alpek S.A. de CY; 1IM Cape Fear site operations include tho terephthalic (TPA) acid business and ttte polyester staple fiber fhcilities, currently a joint-venturc operation. The companies have signed a definitive agreement and t.rflsfer of ownersiup is expccmd to occur by the end of July, The sale is subject to revlew and Opproval by govemment agcnoia5 in the U.S. and Mexico. Tc= and conditions of the sate wcr� not. disclosed. Regarding the polyester staple fiber joint venture formed In 1 between Alpek end DuPont, both companies agreed that DuPont will exit the business no I4ter tbw mid-2002. This joint venture company ourrently owns facilities at the Cape Fear and Cooper• River, S.C. sifts - The businesses acquired by Alpek will became part of a new eo peny. DAK Anwricu, headquartered in Charlotte, N.C. 4v8rfi11, the aequlsitiofi Will involve 4 total of Approximately 700 employees working at Cape Fear, Cedar Creek and Cooper River, weH as at offimg in Charlotte, N.C., and Wilmington, Del- About 350 employees currently.sapp n the smpto joim venture and TPA operations at Cape Fear. A majority of these empI are expected to recelve offers of employment from Alpek. "We are excited about this opportunity because the acquisition to our sr mmV In key segments of the polyester industry and builds on years of suc 4wsfW 1p with Duibnt," Said Hector Cmnbcrm, President of DAK Arnericas. "This is the next step in an ongoing effott by ,DuPont to reshap its investment in polyester," sa;d Leroy Butler, Cape Fear Site Managet. "DuPont has bs tt proud to be apse of this community for more than thirry years, but It is time now to fivdition to new owners wko can continue to grow the business in the years ahead." said Butter. "Alpek � a world -class producer that has peftered with a variety of DuPont businesses for more than two decades and polyester is a core business for th=." he added. E i. da Punt do Nomura 4ndC.ei"y w1u Aw•MIN DEQ-CFW 00062051 --- —" JUN 14 ' 01 09 : 48AM Otlll Dy. MV1Vj FILE No-031 06/14 '01 06:31 a 1 W Q'W 04UO, I D : EA-DLPDdT-MALE I CFI .2- .l Ull' 14-U 1 1 FPX:828 07 I i i P.3/3 rage cic PAE 3 DuPont is a saenee company, delivering science -based solutis that make a diffenwe in peopl4's lives in food and nutrition; health a=; apparel; home and cor Amcion; electroxii0M. wo transportation. Founded in 1802, the company operates in 70 countric i and has 93ra00 employees. Hcadguarwed in Momerrey, AIMk is one ofthe largest indep�mdem pabtoemicala concerns in Latin America. It is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Alfs S. . do C.Y. which bu s6l M of $4.5 billion in pettochen-rams and synthetio fibers, steal, food, rr otive Compovaents, Md tclocommunications. Founded in 1974, Alfa has 36,000 employees as is listed old the Mc dcan stock exchange urtdcr the symbol "ALFAA_" Fornrard->~&Ajno stat.menis; Tots news tetessa oontoins fvrwarci-IO&N based on manapelnenCtl wimem expoetadone. astlntStOe and projodione. AN alefaments that addr m 01 proj0l i1llOtd 1fi8 future. Including aletenleMB about the company's stretepy fbr growth, pmduv d rr" "M W poWN1 expected cxpendturss and financial Mob are forwarddvoking slaftwoeets. Some o the firware400tdrr0 atebmanls nmy be identified try words 1ke'r qw=,' "anavipatds "plarrsv tirttend6,' " 0*016." and s1mMa� mWraasiom. These SlaiCmerRa are rm BualaMell of luture p Mrnlanoe and invol a nwber of Itl m, uncwtalntlee and at;eumptions. Many faelom, Induding those dleowned more WIG re in tlft rrMMM and In Dupont'& flings with the Securities and Excharo Commitslon, perticulmly pe 1pleet Waal report on Form 10-K wd quader1r report on Form I", as well as dlwrs, co1110 cMse results to dit material from Ihoss stated. These factors Induh@. but wo not e'mn"ted lit changes in the laws, reO lWns. policies And mb corw Mork, MckWito IMlalton. Interact and foreign arrancy gxcwge fates, of exintfieS In wW"A the oCmD doss butpnsin, oompatlt w preauras; suceAssful Inactur oreOw of strual a %a"Ne, Including meftuaW irrp plans, aiulsltkWK dl S15110 VO and elNanc ll: out of raw materials, resaereh and doydWineM of new omduds, indUdtnd epuletmy approval and market swe"anoe, and seasonality dt &alp of agricultural products. DEQ-CFW 00062052