HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00061933A�� NCDENR FAX TRANSMISSION DENR FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-5043 VOICE: 910-433-3300 Fax: 910-486-0707 C�Q Lls - l/�G �? ✓rG� To: 14S - Date: Fax #: q i o - ?'7 o - Pages (including cover): 3 From: /i?ar/c l��u•,r Subject: Or.�ooh s NPD S I°Gr % L ,'M %� /�4 J 4 s COMMENTS: /°%s e �c►l1 ,'� yov hum{ a^y qt es1;o►i5 �10-Y33- 33;.7 DEQ-CFW 00061933 Permit NC0003573 /.to (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through the expiration date, the Permittee is authorized discharge from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: - Notes: 1 Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F @ 3.3% February, May, August, November; see condition A. (6) of this permit. The compliance monitoring point for chronic toxicity shall be downstream of the confluence of outfall 001 and 002. _. THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS. A. (7) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting through the expiration date, the Perth to discharge from Outfall 002 (boiler blowdown, once -through cooling water, treated way, outfall 001, Naflon low -biodegradable process wastewaters from outfall 006, and APFO low-b process wastewater from outfall 007). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Perm specified below: EFMAJENT I.IMI'TSAT C?1'k1�� M£)1� TM, NG UIiZ>�MENT� PRI�ANIETGI� '. Morithl Aaily Measurement Saimlegle Aver e' Maximum Fre ueri+v a Location! Flow (MGD) Continuous Recording Effluent Effluent, Temperature, °C See Note 2 Dai1y3 Grab Upstream, Downstream BOD5, 20° C Quarterly Composite Effluent COD Quarterly Composite Effluent Effluent, Fluoride`+ 7917lbs/day Weekly Grab Upstream, Downstream` Dissolved Oxygen Weekly Grab Upstream, Downstream Total Phosphorus Monthly Composite Effluent Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Monthly Composite Effluent Conductivity Monthly Grab Upstream, Downstream PH Between 6.0 and 9.0 Standard Units 3/Week Grab Effluent Notes: 1 Upstream shall be at the Permittee's river pump station; downstream shall be at the boat ramp approximately 4500 feet downstream at Prospect Hall Landing. 2 The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not to cause an increase in the temperature of the receiving stream of more than 2.80C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 320C. 3 Daily shall be defined as every day except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Instream temperature sampling shall be conducted weekly. 4 The samples. for fluoride shall be taken downstream of the 001 discharge, unless or until, all neutralized Nafion area streams are discharged entirely into the cooling water outfall, 002. Instream fluoride monitoring shall be conducted monthly and shall coincide with effluent monitoring. THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS. DEQ-CFW 00061935 MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT FILE NUMBER DATE TO DOCUMENT PAGES START TIME END TIME SENT PAGES STATUS FILE NUMBER 251 To: &I-!S - TIME NOV-13-2006 10:55AM TEL NUMBER NAME 251 NOV-13 10:53AM 19102705548 003 NOV-13 10:53AM NOV-13 10:55AM 003 OK *** SUCCESSFUL TX NOT ICE *** !V C �► EIV R FAX TRANSMISSION DENR FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-5043 VOICE: 910-433-3300 Fax: 910-486-0707 Fax*: r1 / O - 7-70 - 5 S -/,5? From: /r%a-le subject: Date: If -/.? - o f- Pages (including cover): 3 COMMENTS: /��c s c co!/ yo.i hw.�� a..y j ric5l� e• �s DEQ-CFW 00061936