HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00080247From: Munger, Bridget [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=C54[IF65OCEA499G8A5ABA689C2O4F61'BCPWUNGER] Sent: 7/13/I0I711:I8:10PM To: Vaughn Hagerty [vmuXhn.hagerty@Xmai|zom] CC: Kritzer, Jamie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PD[n/cn=Kedpients/cn=cee93o49dO1445a]b54Ibb]I7dcdc840-jbkritzer];K8unger,8ridget [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PD[n/cn=Kedpients/cn=c54e1f65Ocea49968a5aba689cZO4f6I-bcmunger] Subject: RE: FW: Vaughn Hagerty -- Questions regarding Chemours' NPIDES permit renewal process From: Vaughn Hagerty [maiho:vau8hn.hagerty@gmaiicom] Sent: Wednesday, July l2,2O17Z:4IPK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie <jam ie.kritzer@ ncdenr.gov>; Munger, Bridget <bridget.munger@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Fxvd: FVV:Vau8hn Hagerty —Questions regardin8Chemours' NPDE8 permit renewal process Jamie, Bridget: I'm doing a story on the NPDES permitting process with a deadline of noon Friday. I'm forwarding what Marla sent me last week, because I want to make sure nothing has changed and to clarify a few things: l)Onfees, based nnMora.manswer to7land ynurvrnhmitc: resout-ces/water-resourceS-Dertnits/wastewater-bt-anch/tIDdes-wastewater/fees#Definitions Fees can I assume that Chemours will pay the $3,44Oannual fee? Any other charge specifically related to the permit? Yes, Chenl0ur3must pay 8Aannual fee 0f$3'44O.There are UOother charges specifically related *Jthe p8rn{L 9)After the public notice publication, there's a]O-d»vcomment period. During that time anyone can request o public hearing, but itiaup to the DWR director todecide whether ahearing is scheduled. Is that all correct? Yes, that is correct. 3)Tcchnicully, Chcmoura'NPD4BSpernit expired in October, but it(and others insimilar situations) are allowed to continue under the most recently issued permit because the state has ubacklog ofapplications for review. Correct? Existing permits O3ovbe administratively continued until a permit renewal is approved. provided @ renewal application is submitted 8tleast six months prior h}permit expiration. Cher0OurSdid submit their renewal Gt least six months prior to expiration. 4)lm everything else inMuro.aresponses still correct and current? Yes, Marla's answers below are correct. ---------- Forwarded message ----- From: Sink, Marla Date: Ph, Jul 7 2017 ot4:50 PM Subject: FW: Vaughn Hagerty —Que0tionm regarding Chen)ouru'NP[NBSpermit renewal process /o: Vaughn Hagerty Cc: ]on/c" i i Please find the answers in red to your questions below. Maria Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 919 707 9033 office Marla.sink&ncdenr.gov 512 North Salisbury Street 1611 Mail Service Center From: Vaughn Hagerty [mailto:vaughn.hagerty@gmaii.com] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 1:59 PM To: Sink, Maria <Maria.Sink@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Questions regarding Chemours' NPDES permit renewal process Hi, Marla. First, I'm still interested in talking with folks at DEQ about the same things I'd hoped to discuss from last week. Let me know if and/or when that can happen. DEQ-CFW-00080248 Second, I'm working on a story about the NPDES renewal process and have some questions. Can you help me get answers to these? I'm hoping to write a story to run Monday, so it'd be great if I can get these by the end of tomorrow. Is that do -able? Has Chemours submitted any changes to or has DEQ requested any changes to the renewal application received on May 3, 2016, for the Fayetteville Works site? If so, can you please provide a copy of those changes? Cheniours has not submitted changes to its renewal application as of today, Friday, July 71h 2. In early June, DEQ said this application would be reviewed by DEQ staff within two months. Is that still correct? Can you estimate when this review would begin? The review of this application will not be completed until DEQ has finished with its investigation. 3. Our understanding is that review of this application was expedited after the StarNews began asking questions in late May/early June. Is that correct? If so, when might it have been slated for consideration under normal circumstances? The draft permit renewal was slated for issuance in August but will not be completed until the DEQ investigation is finished. Because it was slated for an August date, the permit writer had the file on her desk and was already reviewing the material when the StarNews story was published. 4. At a June 28 forum, Sheila Holman, assistant secretary for environment, said that Chemours'permit would not be renewed until DEQ completes its investigation regarding the discharge of GenX and the other substances. Is that correct? If so, how long is that investigation expected to take? What will that investigation be examining? That is COTTeCt. The permit will not be renewed until we complete our investigation. We don't have a timeline I as to how long the investigation will take. The investigation includes GenX and the other substances found in the sample analysis. Marla indicated in a recent email that "DEQ is working with EPA's Toxic Substance Control Act staff to gain access to information submitted to the EPA that will help the state evaluate all manufacturing processes and potential chemicals that need to be included in the NPDES pen -nit renewal before the upcoming site visit." Does DEQ plan to specifically include a requirement for monitoring of GenX and the "novel" substances mentioned in Sun, et al., in the newest permit? If so, what would that entail? If not, why? We are evaluating the information from our investigation to make decisions on the draft permit. DEQ-CFW-00080249 6. How does 7lFl)plan b`handle Chemours'request that itbe relieved ofresponsibility for monitoring discharges of PFOA? We are evaluating the information frorn our investigation to aid in making that decision, 7) How much will Chen/ours pay for this renewed permit, once the renewal process is complete? There is no fee for permit renewals, permittees pay an annual fee, 8) Where, specifically, will the public notice of the renewed permit be published? The public notice is in a newspaper in the area where the facility is located, in this case it will be published in the Fayetteville newspaper. It can also be published in other newspapers if the Division determines it is appropriate. Vaughn Hagerty