Sent: 7/13/I0I710:II:35PM
To: {ambne,Gary [3AKY.CAK88R[@chemourszom]
Subject: RE: Contact Information for Gary Cambre
Attachments: New Chemoursdischarge release O7I3I7.docx
We sent the attached news release this afternoon. It notes the additional wastewater discharge.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
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From: [ambre,Gary [maiho:GARY.CAM8RE@chemouo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 11,Z0l71O:1ZAK4
To: Kritzer, Jamie ^jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: RE: Contact Information for Gary Cambre
Thanks Jamie.
Gary Cambre
Senior Communications Manager
+1302- 734508u
The ChemmursCompany
1007Marke St
VV||minQton, DE1A8A9
From: Kritzer, Jamie
To: [ambne,Gary
Subject: RE: Contact Information for Gary Cambre
Thanks, Gary. I'll reach out this a.m.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C.Department ofEnvironmental Quality
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From: [ambe,Gary
Sent: Tuesday, July 11,Z0D9:O6AN
To: Kritzer, Jamie
Subject: Contact Information for Gary Cambre
Hey Jamie ... I left you a voicemail to see if we could discuss (timing only) concerning upcoming news releases about the
water sampling results. I just wanted to send you my contact information again ... which is listed below.
Gary Cambre
Senior Communications Manager
+1302' 734508o
The ChemmursCompany
1007Markn St.
Wilmington, DE1A8A8
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