Sent: 7/13/I0I79:48:I1PW1
To: Gareth McGrath Wilmington Star News [gareth.mcgrath@stornewson|inezom];Wagner, Adam
Subject: FYI
Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Jamie Kritzer
Date: July 13,2O17 Phone: 919-7O7-86O2;919'213'593S
RAJLEIGX0—Officials with the N.C. Department ofEnvironmental Quality onWednesday confirmed additional sources
ofthe chemical (]onXa1the Chomnur industrial complex have been stopped to prevent the unregulated compound from
discharging to the Cape Fear River.
The state deployed an inspection team totheFayetteville Works facility inresponse to areport from Chomourodbo1 nxcunL
water testing conducted bythe company showed the presence of0enX at the pbnt`mpoint ofdischarge tothe Cape Fear
The Chemours facility onJune 21 changed its process Vzreroute wastewatercontaining GenXVztankers for removal and
offsite incineration. DE0inspectors were deployed this week after Chcmour indicated that data the company had
collected was higher than what it would have expected after the June 21 wastewater diversion had begun.
"As uresult ofthe investigation, we confirmed during our inspection that the company halted the affected
industrial activities a1the plant and stopped the additional wastewater di ," saidMbchue|Rezou'moonetaryofdho
N.C. Department ofEnvironmental Quality.
The additional discharge was fion�euvur�areas o1the nbo�. of�ckdohave told the o�o�that du
process areas where the eo��originated will remain inactive until the wastewater from the areas is collected for removal
and offs1te incineration.
As part of itsongoing investigation, DEQ will continue to collect water quality samples until late July near the Chemours
facility and downstream, and will use data from testing to inform its decisions moving forward.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N�Department ofEnvironmental Quality
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