HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00061707Final Report C8 Assessment of Toxicity Team (CATT) Report Addendum Aquatic Life Advisory Concentration for C8 JeWl6e J. rura Project Manager l ,t "� Caitlin Cusack Project Scientist October, 2002 Prepared For: TERA 1757 Chase Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45223 Prepared By: Menzie-Cura & Associates, Inc. 1 Courthouse Lane, Suite 2 Chelmsford, MA 01824 L� M g WAidle Project Reviewer DEQ-CFW 00061707 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1 2.0 REVIEW OF TOXICITY DATA....................................................................................1 3.0 CALCULATION OF AN ADVISORY ACUTE VALUE.............................................1 3.1 CALCULATION OF AN ADVISORY ACUTE -CHRONIC RATIO .............................................. 3 3.2 ADVISORY CONCENTRATION........................................................................................... 4 4.0 UNCERTAINTY...............................................................................................................4 5.0 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................5 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Acute Toxicity of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate to Aquatic Organisms Table 2 Chronic Toxicity of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate to Aquatic Organisms LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Derivation of an Aquatic Life Advisory Concentration for Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A USEPA Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria and Advisory Concentrations Appendix B Uncertainty Factors Appendix C References for Tables t DEQ-CFW 00061708 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report provides an aquatic life advisory concentration for ammonium perfluorooctanoate (C8) based on available toxicity data from a literature search supplied by TERA. The method followed USEPA's 1985, Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection ofAquatic Organisms and Their Uses and USEPA's 1986, Guidelines for Deriving Ambient Aquatic Life Advisory Concentrations. Currently, there is no water quality criterion, advisory concentration, or general standard for C8 that ensures the protection of aquatic organisms and their uses. The lack of required toxicity data does not allow the calculation of an ambient water quality criterion. Advisory concentrations "can be based on fewer data than can water quality criteria for aquatic life because advisory concentrations are not intended to have as much regulatory impact as ambient water quality criteria" (USEPA, 1986). Advisory concentrations are conservative estimates of potential effects levels below which "there is probably no cause for concern about effects on aquatic organisms and their uses" (USEPA, 1986). 2.0 REVIEW OF TOXICITY DATA After reviewing the literature and toxicity data provided by USEPA, we summarized acute and chronic toxicity studies of C8 (Table 1). These data include acute toxicity of C8 to: • Daphnia magna (a water flea); • Dunaliella Salina (a freshwater algae); • Lepomis macrochirus, (bluegill sunfish); • Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout); • Photobacterium phoshoreum (a marine bacteria); • Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow); • Selenestrum capricornutum (a freshwater green algae); • Snails; and, • microbes. Chronic toxicity values are available for Daphnia magna and Pimephales promelas (Table 2). Our review indicated that many of these studies met rejection criteria (shown on page one of Appendix A) or had invalid results. Table 1 indicates which studies met the rejection criteria and the reason for rejection. Results of the rejected studies were not included in the final calculation of the advisory concentration. 3.0 CALCULATION OF AN ADVISORY ACUTE VALUE The acceptable data (from among those studies that did not meet rejection criteria) do not include all taxa required to calculate an ambient water quality criteria. (Required taxa are listed on page one of Appendix A). Therefore, we followed the USEPA 1986 protocol, Guidelines for Deriving Ambient Aquatic Life Advisory Concentrations, which draws upon the procedures in Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria, for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms DEQ-CFW 00061709 and Their Uses (USEPA, 1985). The methodology followed to derive the advisory concentration is shaded pink in Figure 1. The estimate of an advisory concentration requires data from acceptable acute tests with at least three animal species. The recommended taxa are: one fish species in the class Osteichthyes; one invertebrate species in the class Crustacea; and one invertebrate species in the phylum Mollusca or a different family of the Arthropoda. The available literature does not offer an invertebrate species in the phylum Mollusca or a species from a different family among the Arthropoda. Therefore, we used test results that: • did not meet the rejection criteria (as explained in Table 1); and, • were from the required taxa, although we did not have species from all the recommended taxa (these studies are highlighted in Table 1). These results were from tests on three species in the class Osteichthyes and one in the class Crustacea: • Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill sunfish); • Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout); • Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow); and, • Daphnia magna (water flea). Appropriate effect level values were selected from acute tests according to the criteria listed on page 2 of Appendix A. Species Mean Acute Values (SMAVs) were calculated as: Where: SMAV = {n; * n(i-l)... n(;+,)J'/" n = acceptable acute value from a specific study; x = number of studies available. The specific SMAVs for the selected species are: Daphnia magna (based on 48 hr EC50 and LC50 values) SMAV = (360*266*632*221)"= 340.0740 mg/L Lepomis macrochirus (based on 96 hr LC50 values) SMAV = (569*634*420)"3 = 533.1101 mg/L 2 DEQ-CFW 00061710 Oncorhynchus mykiss (based on 96 hr LC50 value) SMAV = 800 mg/L Pimephales promelas (based on 96 hr LC50 values) SMAV = (301 *741 *440*766*843)" = 575.9420 mg/L Because there is only one SMAV available for each genus, SMAV = GMAV. An Advisory Acute Value (AAV) was calculated by dividing the lowest GMAV (340.0740) by the appropriate uncertainty factor of 10, which is directly proportional to the number of available GMAVs. The table of uncertainty factors is in Appendix B. AAV = 34.0074 3.1 Calculation of an Advisory Acute -Chronic Ratio There are acceptable chronic values available for Daphnia magna and Pimephales promelas, (Table 2). Appropriate effect level values were selected from chronic tests according to the criteria listed on page 3 of Appendix A. The acute -chronic ratios (ACRs) are: Daphnia magna — 48 hr EC50 = 266 ;z� 7 21-day EC50 (young reproductive impairment) 38 Daphnia magna — 48 hr EC50 = 266 ;:z� 7 21-day EC50 (adult mortality) 40 (species mean ACR for Daphnia magna � 7) Pimephales promelas - 96 hr LC50 = 766 � 8 48 hr post -fertilization to 30 days post -hatch 100 (hatchability of egg; survival and growth of fry) The method requires at least 3 ACRs from at least 3 species of aquatic animals from three different families to calculate an Advisory Acute -Chronic Ratio (AACR). The literature offers only 3 ACRs from two different species. Therefore we assumed an AACR of 25 to calculate the advisory concentration, based on Kenaga (1982). This study of the relationship between the ACR and the type of chemical, type of species, etc, found that 93% of the 30 industrial chemicals investigated had an ACR </= 25. Therefore, Kenaga (1982) determined that "the use of ACRs of 25 or less appears to be a good tool for predicting the chronic toxicity from the acute toxicity for organic industrial chemicals." In addition, Kenaga (1982) found that there was no large variance in ACR values between species. He calculated an average ACR for daphnia (11), sheepshead minnow (15), coho salmon (5), and fathead minnow (13) exposed to 30 industrial organic chemicals. In most cases, the ACR for daphnia and fathead minnows was very similar for a given chemical. The similarity of our ACR values for daphnia and fathead minnows, 7 and 8 respectively, are consistent with Kenaga's finding. Therefore, the use of an AACR of 25 appears 3 DEQ-CFW 00061711 to be consistent with other studies performed on organic chemicals and is a conservative estimate of the chronic toxicity of C8 to aquatic organisms. 3.2 Advisory Concentration The advisory concentration is calculated as the Advisory Acute Value/ Advisory Acute -Chronic Ratio. Advisory Concentration = 34.0074/25 = 1.3603 mg/L, USEPA (1986) requires that the advisory concentration be reported using the following language: If the measured or estimated ambient concentration of ammonium perfluorooctanoate exceeds 1.36 mg1L in fresh or salt water, one or more of the following options must be completed as quickly as possible: 1) obtain additional data concerning the concentration of ammonium perfluorooctanoate in the effluent and/or ambient water; 2) obtain additional laboratory and/or field data on the effect of ammonium perfluorooctanoate on aquatic organisms and their uses so that a new aquatic life advisory or a water quality criterion can be derived; 3) conduct acute and/or chronic toxicity tests on the effluent; 4) reduce the concentration. After a reasonable period of time, unless a consideration of all available data concerning the ambient concentration and the effects of ammonium perfluorooctanoate on aquatic life demonstrate that the ambient concentration is low enough, it must be reduced. 4.0 UNCERTAINTY Due to the lack of a sufficient amount of data, we were unable to calculate ambient water quality criteria for C8. It is important to recognize that the calculated advisory concentration of 1.36 mg/L of C8 should not be used as a regulatory standard and is based on a measurable degree of uncertainty. The data set was limited in the amount of acceptable acute and chronic results and the number of species represented. In fact, we had to modify the procedure for calculating the advisory concentration to include acute tests from only one invertebrate species, instead of two. Further studies on the toxic effects of C8 to different species from different families required by USEPA (1985) could eventually lead to the development of ambient water quality criteria for C8. M DEQ-CFW 00061712 5.0 REFERENCES Kenaga, E.E. 1982. Predictability of chronic toxicity from acute tests of chemicals in fish and aquatic invertebrates. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vol. 1:pp.347-358. USEPA, 1985, Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and Their Uses. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Regulations and Standards Criteria and Standards Division, Washington, D.C. and Office of Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth, MN. USEPA, 1986. Guidelines for Deriving Ambient Aquatic Life Advisory Concentrations. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Regulations and Standards Criteria Division, Washington, D.C. and Office of Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth, MN. NTIS 82212-86-100. DEQ-CFW 00061713 TABLES DEQ-CFW 00061714 Table 1 Acute Toxicity of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate to Aquatic Organisms West Virginia Ecological Toxicity Study Test Species Ex osure Route Effect Endpoint Exposure Duration Effect Level Compound Effect Concentration Nominal Test Concentrations Reasons for Rejection of Results Reference Daphnia magna In water 48 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 126 (86-183) mg/L to 01 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 mg/L (5182); 0, 10, 100, 500, 1000 Results rejected because of inconsistency: 48 hr EC50 from May, 1982 = >1000 mg/L; 48 hr 22 >1000 mg/L (6/82) EC50 from June, 1982 = 126 mg/L. Daphnia magna In water 48 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 360 (219-621) mg/L(6) 0, 430, 730, 1200, 2000, 3330 m /Lts) 35 Daphnia magna In water 48 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 266 (231-307) mg/L 0, 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 250, 23 400,630 m /L Results not included because the 48 hr EC50 value from the same study is used in the Daphnia magna In water 24 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 416 (366-472) mg/L 0, 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 250, advisory concentration calculation. According 23 400, 630 mg/L to USEPA (1985), 48 hrs is a more appropriate acute exposure duration for daphnia than 24 hrs. Daphnia magna In water 48 hr static, acute LC50 FC-143 632 570-699 m /L 7.5, 10, 18, 32, 56 m /L 4 Results rejected because there is no reference Daphnia magna In water 48 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 720 mg/L made to the study from which the results were 36 obtained. Therefore, it is impossible to confirm the validity of the test methods & results. Daphnia magna In water 48 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-126 221 (186-261) mg/L 0, 100, 180, 320, 560, 1000 27 m /L 50% growth Results rejected because there is no reference (DuPont Co. Diatoms In water reduction; safe FC-143 2400 mg/L; 720 mg/L made to the study from which the results were Unpublished level (7 days) obtained. Therefore, it is impossible to confirm data) in Ref the validity of the test methods & results. 3 Results rejected because there is no reference (DuPont Co. Dunalie/la salina in vitro C-8 The algae did not die, but made to the study from which the results were Unpublished also did not grow. obtained. Therefore, it is impossible to confirm data) in Ref the validity of the test methods & results. 3 Results rejected because there is no reference (DuPont Co. Lepomis macrochirus In water 48 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 1550 mg/L made to the study from which the results were Unpublished obtained. Therefore, it is impossible to confirm data) in Ref the validity of the test methods & results. 3 Lepomis macrochirus In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 569 (500-636) mg/L 0, 420, 560, 750, 1000, 1350 4 4,16 m /L Lepomis macrochirus In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 H-19704 634 (567-725) mg/L 0, 262, 328, 410, 512, 640, 800, 7 1000 m /L Lepomis macrochirus In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 >420 mg/L 0, 135, 180, 240, 320, 420 mg/L 15 Oncorhynchus mykiss In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-118 800 (665-986) mg/L(s) 0, 625, 1250, 2500, 5000, 10000 6 m /L Photobacterium phosporeum is a single -celled Photobacterium organism. According to USEPA (1985) studies phoshoreum In water % light loss 30 min (static, acute) EC50 FC-1015-X 1950 (1760-2160) mg/L 0, 416, 832, 1665, 3330 mg/L using single -celled organisms should not be 31 used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. Photobacterium phosporeum is a single -celled Photobacterium organism. According to USEPA (1985) studies phoshoreum In water % light loss 30 min (static, acute) EC50 FC-118 3150 (2910-3420) mg/L 0, 625, 1250, 2500, 5000 mg/L using single -celled organisms should not be 30 used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. Page 1 of 3 Table 1 Acute Toxicity of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate to Aquatic Organisms West Virginia Ecological Toxicity Study Test Species Exposure Route Effect Endpoint Exposure Duration Effect Level Compound Effect Concentration Nominal Test Concentrations Reasons for Rejection of Results Referencelbl Photobacterium phosporeum is a single -celled Photobacterium phoshoreum In water % light loss 30 min (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 730 (630-850) mg/L 0, 125, 250, 500, 1000 mg/L organism. According to USEPA (1985) studies using single -celled organisms should not be 29 used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. Photobacterium phosporeum is a single -celled Photobacterium phoshoreum In water % light loss 30 min (static, acute) EC50 FC-126 870 (810-930) mg/L 0, 420, 560, 750, 1000 mg/L organism. According to USEPA (1985) studies using single -celled organisms should not be 26 used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-126 301 (244-370) mg/L 0, 100, 180, 320, 560, 1000 mg/L 28 Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50; NOEC FC-1015 741 (630-999) mg/L; 0, 530, 830, 1330, 2100, 3330 mg/L 33 Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-26 440 mg/L 0, 50,125, 250, 375, 500 mg/L 14 The source refereces a 3M report dated Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 740 mg/L 3/27/96. This report is unavailable therefore, the results are rejected because it is not 36 possible to confirm the validity of the test method and results. Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 766 (743-789) mg/L 0, 560, 650, 750, 870, 1000 mg/L 19 Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FX-1001 843 (811-878) mg/L 0, 690, 750, 810, 870, 930 mg/L 24 Pimephales promelas In water 96 hr (static, acute) LC50 FC-143 70 mg/L 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 mg/L These results are rejected because the LC50 was extrapolated from an insufficient number 13 of data points. Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum capricornutum In water Algal growth response 96 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-1015 1980 (1710-2360) mg/L (cell count); >3330 mg/L 021030 , ,430,830,1670, 33 advisor Y concentration because, according to USEPA (1986), most aquatic plant species are 34 (growth rate) m30 protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum In water Algal growth 96 hr (static, acute) NOEC FC-1015 210 mg/L (cell count); 430 0, 210, 430, 830, 1670, 3330 advisory concentration because, according to capncornutum response mg/L (growth rate) mg/L USEPA (1986), most aquatic plant species are 34 protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum In water Algal growth 96 hr (static, acute) LOEC FC-1015 430 mg/L (cell count); 830 0, 210, 430, 830, 1670, 3330 advisory concentration because, according to capncornutum response mg/L (growth rate) mg/L USEPA (1986), most aquatic plant species are 34 protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum capricornutum In water Algal growth 9 g response 96 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 49 (28-75) mg/L (cell count); 149 (57-340) mg/L 0, 100, 180, 320, 560, 1000, advisory concentration because, according to USEPA 1986 most aquatic plant species are ( ) q p 21 cell dry weight 1800 mg/L , protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum capricornufum In water Algal growth 9 9 response 168 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 30 (21-40) mg/L (cell count); 70 (34-118) mg/L 01100, 180, 320, 560, 1000, advisory concentration because, according to USEPA (1986). most aquatic plant species are ( ) q p p 21 (cell dry weight) 1800 mg/L protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum capricornutum In water Algal growth 9 9 response 240 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 27 (8-50) mg/L (cell count); 49 (15-96) mg/L (cell dry 0, 100, 180, 320, 560, 1000, advisory concentration because, according to USEPA 1986 most aquatic plant s ecies are ( ) q p p 21 weight) 1800 mg/L , protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Page 2 of 3 Table 1 Acute Toxicity of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate to Aquatic Organisms West Virginia Ecological Toxicity Study Test S ecies Ex osure Route Effect End oint Ex osure Duration Effect Level Compound Effect Concentration Nominal Test Concentrations Reasons for Rejection of Results Reference Plant data are not used in the calculation of an Selenestrum caprcomutum In water Algal growth g g response 336 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-143 43 (14-81) mglL (cell count); 73 (25-147) mg/L 0, 100, 180, 320, 560, 1000, advisory concentration because, according to USEPA (1986), most aquatic plant species are 21 (cell dry weight) 1800 mg/L protected if aquatic animal species are protected. Results rejected because there is no reference (DuPont Co. Snails in water 48 hr LC50 FC-143 820 mg/L made to the study from which the results were Unpublished obtained. Therefore, it is impossible to confirm data) in Ref the validity of the test methods & results. 3 These results are not comparable to results from other tests because the exposure mediurr Microbes Activated sludge Respiration p Inhibition 3 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-126 >1000 mg/L (38% inhibition of respiration 2 blanks, 100, 180, 320, 560, differs. In addition, the other components of activated sludge are unknown. In addition, 25 rate) 1000 mg/L microbes are single -celled gle-celled organisms which should not be used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. These results are not comparable to results from other tests because the exposure mediurr Microbes Activated sludge Respiration p Inhibition 3 hr (static, acute) EC50 FC-1015-X >3320 mg/L 2 blanks, 420, 840, 1660, 3320 differs. In addition, the other components of activated sludge are unknown. In addition, 32 mgtL microbes are single -celled organisms which should not be used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. These results are not comparable to results from other tests because the exposure mediurr Microbes Activated sludge Respiration Inhibition 7 min (acute) Inhibitory effect FC-143 No acute inhibitory effect. 0, 1000 mg/L differs. In addition, the other components of activated sludge are unknown. In addition, 20 microbes are single -celled organisms which should not be used to calculate an ambient water quality criteria or advisory concentration. EC50 - Median Effective Concentration. This is the concentration of the test substance that causes 50% effect on specific characteristics of the test organism (ex. Immobilization of 50% of Daphnia, reduction in algal cell growth by 50% as compared to controls) after specified exposure period. IC50 - Mean Inhibitory Concentration. This is the concentration of the test substance that inhibits biological processes of the test organism by 50% (ex. Light production, respiration) after the specified exposure period. LC50 - Median Lethal Concentration. This is the concentration of the test substance that kills 50% of the test organisms after a specified exposure period. LOEL - Lowest Observed Effect Level. NOEC - No Observed Effect Level. NOEL - No Observed Effect Level. Daphnia magna -Water flea. Dunaliella sa/ina - A freshwater algae. Lepomis macrochirus - Bluegill sunfish. Oncorhynohus mykiss -Rainbow trout. Pimephales promelas - Fathead minnow. Selenestrum capricornutum - A freshwater green algae. Ammonium perfluorooctanoate is the common name for octanoic acid, pentadecafluoro-, ammonium salt. All compounds listed in this column are synonyms for this chemical. a> - Values in parentheses represent the 95% confidence interval for the given effect level. s - Test concentrations refer to the concentrations of the original test substance, not the corrected concentrations for the assumed % purity of ammonium perfluorooctanoate ° - The test substance is FC-1015, a substance of uncertain purity. According to the 3M reviewer, the test substance is most likely composed of a 30% straight carbon chain version of FC-143 in 80% water. Therefore the 48 hr EC50, 1200 mg/L, of FC-1015 was corrected for the assumed purity of 30% ammonium perfluorooctanoate (FC-143). s - The test substance is H-24216, a 20% solution of FC-118. The 96 hr LC50 for H-24215 of 4001 (3327-4932) mg/L was corrected for the assumed purity of 20% ammonium perfluroroctanoate (FC-118). The list of references can be found in Appendix C. Highlighted values indicate that the results were used to calculate an advisory concentration for ammonium perfluorooctanoate. Page 3 of 3 Table 2 Chronic Toxicity of Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate to Aquatic Organisms West Virginia Ecological Toxicity Study Test Species Exposure Route Effect Endpoint Exposure Duration Effect Level Compound Effect Concentration Nominal Test Concentrations Observations Reasons for Rejection of Results Reference All surviving 1 st generation Daphnids appeared normal at Results not used because there were Daphnia 14 & 21 days with 14-day EC50 = >60 test termination. Survival in 36 8 not enough chronic studies to develo magna g In water Adult mortality renewal every 2 days EC50 FC-143 mg/L; 21-day EC50 = 4 0, 5, 8, 13, 22, 36, 60 mg/L 60 mg/L treatments was the appropriate number of ACRs to 23 semi -static chronic ( ) (31-52) mg/L (ai statistically significant p <!= calculate an advisory concentration. co 0.05) from negative control Instead an assumed AACR of 25 was rou . used. Daphnids in control produced neonates on day 7. Results not used because there were Daphnia Young 14 & 21 days with 14-day EC50 = 33 (26- Reproduction is statistically not enough chronic studies to develo In water reproduction renewal every 2 days EC50 FC-143 45) mg/L; 21-day EC50 0, 5, 8, 13, 22, 36, 60 mg/L significant (ie. p </= 0.05) from the appropriate number of ACRs to 23 magna impairment (semi -static chronic) = 38 (35-42) mg/L(3) control (D unnett's) at 13, 22, 36 calculate an advisory concentration. & 60 mg/L test soln. after 14 Instead an assumed AACR of 25 was days & in 36 & 60 mg/L test soln. used. at 21 days. No adverse Hatchability of effect (no 3M reviewer notes a lack of Results not used because there were In water egg; Survival & growth of fry 48 hr post -fertilization observed reductions in FC-143 100 mg/L 0, 6.2, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 mgJL information on purity & analysis of test substance concentrations not enough chronic studies to develo the appropriate numbers o dev to 17 promeales promelas (early life -cycle to 30 days post -hatch hatchability, °! and preserved fry or frozen fry calculate an advisory concentration. test) survival & samples. Instead an assumed AACR of 25 was sed. used. no Results not used because there wer Histological - "significant, Any changes observed were not enough chronic studies to develo Pime hales p promelas In water tissue change 9 (early life -cycle 48 hr post -fertilization to 30 days -hatch demonstrable FC-143 100 mg/L 0, 6.2, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 mg/L judged to be minimal and the appropriate number of ACRs to 18 post "tissue consistent with any routine calculate an advisory concentration. test ) change changes seen in healthy fish. Instead an assumed AACR of 25 was used. EC50 - Median Effective Concentration. This is the concentration of the test substance that causes 50% effect on specific characteristics of the test organism (ex. Immobilization of 50% of Daphnia, reduction in algal cell growth by 501/6 as compared to controls) after specified exposure period. IC50 - Mean Inhibitory Concentration. This is the concentration of the test substance that inhibits biological processes of the test organism by 50% (ex. Light production, respiration) after the specified exposure period. LC50 - Median Lethal Concentration. This is the concentration of the test substance that kills 50% of the test organisms after a specified exposure period. NOEC - No Observed Effect Level. Daphnia magna - Water flea. Pimephales promelas - Fathead minnow. `'I - Ammonium erfluorooctanoate is the common name for octanoic acid, p pentaderafluoro ,ammonium salt. All compounds listed in this column are synonyms for this chemical. `�1- Values in parentheses represent the 95% confidence interval for the given effect level. Results derived using the Moving Average Angle Method. "I - The list of references can be found in Appendix C Page 1 of 1